t hrbjtnia Away from Homo. Chr'stnias fall of glad cheer Has come like a bright crown To cap the fall Old Year. The whole world is so glad, On this bright Christmas day, But my heart is quite sad, And my home far away. For the home folks so dear Will all gather today, With thir hearts full of cheer, And their voiees so gay. While I muse all alone By still study fire: Will a long loved tone For the absent enquire? While they gather tonight. Where the clear flames leap high In the warm ( heerfiii light, Will their hearts draw DM nigh, Ere it's scepter's laid down. Aye, the answer I know, I learned it by heart, In the glad long ago, "Distance, hearts cannot part." Southern Pine. Superior Courts of North Caro Mm. JUDGES. The Growth of Christianity. U. S. Army Chaplain. If we sum up the encouragements to hope, found on the success of Christian work, the figures are as fol lows: Ttiree cflnturlelf after Christ there were 5,000,000 Christians. Eight centuries after Christ there were 30,000,000 Christians. Ten centuries after Christ there were 50,000,000 Christians. Fiften centuries after Christ there were ICO.QCO.OOO Christians. Eighteen centuries after Christ there were 174,000,000 Christians. Now there are 450,000,f0 Chris tians. The followers of the three religions, Confucianism, Buddhitu and Taoism, all combined.areless iu numbers than the Christians alone. Including the latest division of Af rica among the Euiopean powers, about four fifths of the land of the world is under Christian control. Name. District. Residence. Geo H Brown, 1 Beaufort, Henry R Brvan, a NewBerne, H G Connor, 8 Wilson, Spier Whitaker, 4 Wake, R W Winston, Granville, E T Boykin, 8ampson, J D M elver, 7 Carthage, R F Armfleld, 8 Iredell, Jesso F Graves, 9 8urry, John G Bynum, 10 Morganton, W A Hoke, 11 Lincolnton, J H Meminoa. Vi Buncombe. Railroad Schedule. Ricbi.ond i Danville R R Co'i W hat Makes Cotton Sell Low. The large crop of "cotton for two succeeding years has certainly had some effect in producing low prices for cotton, but this is not the only cause why cotton is cheaper than it has been in forty three years. Hard times affect the price of cotton. We have too many nen out of employ ment, and timeB are too hard for men fo buy what they need of cotton goods. Cotton is used more by poor meu than by the rich. The rich wear very little coiton goods wool, silk and linen entering principally in the goods worn by them. Cotton supplies the wants of the poor man. If he is unable to purchase it, even when it is cheaper than usual, it makes the price of cotton still cheaper, and this has much to do with the present price of cotton. Let the farmers of Georgia and the south resolve to make enough on their farms on wh'ch to live at home and make cotton their surplus crop, and they will not suffer as much by Overproduction or low price. Atlanta VjUUBHlUUUll. LY: alefgV barker Report. iwTrrvT.vaiT.O A 7m RHTATT.. Corrected wbbkly by W. O. & A. B. SfRONACH. fayetteville and Wilmington streets. J 215 !7 a.KATS C. R. sides, 6f 8i Bulk shoulders, 7 10 Bacon " 8 llc breakfast 12 13 ' Hams sugar cured 12i 15c N. C. & Va., m 16c Bacon N. C, hog round, 10 11c LARD-Pure, 8 10c Compound otc ft Flour Best per bbl 6.oo $7.0u Family, " 5.75 6.50 Good, " 5.25 5.50 Ooffbk Rio Green 18 25c SUGAR Granulated, &, 6c yellow extra O 4 6c MOLASSBls Cuba 22i 50c New( deans. m 60c Svrnn . 25 50 Mg k t. npir bushel 85 1.00 Corn per bushel 90 1,00 i ) ata ner bushel. 471 60c , i on i.in BRAH per pound, H lie Ship Stuff per pound, li He put.v ner sack. 1.50 1:75 COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUTTBR Chickens Spring, Hens, Potatoes Sweet, SOLICITORS. Name. District. Residence. John H Blount, 1 Perquim's, G H White, (col) t Halifax, J E Woodard, Wilson, E W Pou, Jr., 4 Johnston, Isaac R StrayWn, 5 Durham, O H Allen, 6 Duplin, Frank McNeill, 7 Richm nd B F Long, 8 Iredell, Thomas Settle, 9 Rock'ham W C Newland, 10 Caldwell, Frank L Osborn, 11 Meck'b'g, Geo A Jones, 12 Macon. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Fall Term Judge Brown. SECOND. Fall Term Judge Bryan. THIRD. Fa Term Judge Connor. FOURTH. Fall Term Judge Whitaker. Wake Jan 5th, tFeb 28, March 28th, t April 21st, July 9th, Aug 27th, Sept 28th, tOct 26tn. Wayne Jan 19th, March 10th, Ap'l 13th, Sept. 14th, Oct 19th. Harnett Feb 2d, Aug 10th, Nov Sftt.h. Johnston Feb 9th Aug 17th, Nov 10th. For criminal cases. fFor civil cases alone. FIFTH. Fall Term Judge Winston. SIXTH. Fall Term Judge Boykin. SKVBNTH. Fall Term Judge Mclver. EIGHTH. Fall Term Judge Armfleld j NINTH. Fall Term- Judge Graves. TENTH. Fall Teim Judge By num. ELBVBNTK, Fall Term Judge Hoke. TWELFTH. Fall Term Judge Merrimon. Sale of Real Estate. By ivirtue of a mortgage from P. F. Thoma j atifo tn P m . Wilson, registered in OLIll (U1U . 1.1.1 w -fc . i o . . . i ... ..mi T) 1, rfl mi .-.f Waba DOOK IH, page oua, ivegiaoei o umv-o ui " " county, 1 will on Monday, January 4, 1892, at the court house door in Kaleih, at 12 in., expose to pubnc sate a tract ui janu m Wal ton's Creek township, Wake county, on the Kaleigh and Oxford road, adjoining the land of Jolin Norwood and others, containing about 73 i ores, described in a deed of May 12 1881, from J W Harris to P F Thomason. terms casii. T bv F H BUSB1SJS, Attorney. nov271wtds v CheaiD Homes. I offer desirable building lots in the northwestern part of the city as rep resented on Shaffer's map, lying on the extension of Jones, Jjane, ana North streets. In order to enable pur chasers to improve their property, by expending their available means in building and making their homes comforta ble. 1 will lease these lots at a rent equal to the interest on their value, and give the pur chasers twenty years to pay for the property. To mechanics ana young mm earning monthly wages, this o; .r enables them to secure a home at mo .rate prices and long credits, and pay f them as their earnings allow. A man can lease a lot of one-quarter of an acre, for say $24 a year, the lease hav ing the transferable character of a fee-simple title, and redeemable at the pleasure of the holder, by payment in full or by install ments ot not less than One-hf th of tne cost of thfi lot, and can nse all the means at com- nandto build his home and make himself l nfortable. He thus secures a home free from any debt that can trouble him, by the payment of 124 a year. Apply to WM. J. BAJNDEKS Ileal Estate Agt. dec 19 lm 426, Saunders St. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorSa, Condensed Schedule In effect November 15th, 1891. Northbound. Dally. No 9 1 i LvKirh non l, 3 00pin 8 'u Huxkeville, 5 10pm 5 Han Keysville. 5 53pm 6 51au Ar Danville. 8 10pm 8 05au Ar Greensuoro, 10 80pm 10 12an Lv Goldsboro, 12 16pm tl 5pa Ar Raleigh. 1 65pm 5 45pn Le Raleigh, 6 40 8 05aiL Le Durham, 7 44 5 07anu Ar Greensboro, 10 15 9 40am Lv Salem, t8 40 8 50 Greensboro, 10 40pm 10 20 Ar Salisburv, 12 82am 11 57au Ar States ville, 1 52 I 09pm Ar Ashe ville, 6 55am 5 69 Ar Hot Springs, 8 56 7 44 Lv Salisbury, 12 40 12 0 5pm Ar Charlotte, 2 00 1 EOow Spartanburg, 5 00 4 7 Greenville, G 10 84 Atlanta, 12 2; am 11 45a.7V' Lv Charlotte. 2 10 a m 1 OQpk Ar Columb' 6 07 5 FH Aup'i.Fte, 9 30u 'lopo, Nori.r.b'mn' iatiy. No 10 No U Lv Augusta, 7 00 pm 2 00,n. Columbia, 10 50 5 05pm Ar Charlotte, 3 05 am 9 00 Lv Atlanta, 8 5C pm 10 10aui Ar Charlotte, 6 H am 8 50 prt Lv Charlotte, 7 0' am 9 30pm Salisbury, 8 27 1.1 00 Lv Hot Spring- 6 22 pm 12 89pm Abbeville, 2 4C pm 4 95 Statesville, 7 07 pm 9 17 Ar Salisbury, 8 00am 10 12pm Lv Salisbury, 8 37 11 '8 Ar Greensboro, 10 20 12 42 Salem, 1140am t2 20am Lv Greensboro 10 30 1 CO am Ar Durham, 12 33am 5 07 an Raleigh. 1 25pm 7 ?0 Lv Raleigh ! 30 8 46 ,n Ar Goldsboro, 3 L0 12 28 prr LvGreensborc, K 30n, 12 tyyu Ar Danville 12 10pm a 35 am Keysville, 2 52pic 5 02 an Burkeville. 3 27 5 43 Richm oud. 5 b0 7 40 BXTWKKN WEST POIT AM RICHMOND. t7 50am Lv WeBt Foint,Lv t8 5t'am 9 lo am Ar Richmond Ar.lu 40 pit 8 10 pm Lv Richmond Lv 4 40 5 00pm Ar West 1'oint Ar 6 00pm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL EIGH via Keysville, "9 50 amLv Raleigh Ar 10 46 pm tDaily except Sunday. U ty Daily, except Moc v? Sol Haas, JasLTtt,o Tiafflc Man'g'r. n' - ' r W. A. Turk, A G. P. A.,r Charlotte, N 0 KiMlioad Nrhfdule, Jtr. ThPLv.nirg Visitor Ai nnttr ov.nt 1 in Wilmington V?'-ion tftfln I MB I HninlMi ("!rii1i nui . ' ' TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 2.No S3 No 27 No 41 181. Dally. F't m'l d'y, ex Daily. Bund'y LeWeldon, 18 SCpm 6 48pm 6 20am Ar Rocky Mt, 140pm 724am Ar Tarboro, 2 18pm Le Tarboro, 12 68pm 6 00pm Ar Wilson, 2 18pm 7 UOj m 7 i3am Le Wilson, t2 80pm Ar Selma, 8 80pm Ar Fay tville 5 30pm Le G'dsboro, 8 15pm 7 42pm 8 40ttm Le Warsaw, 4 14pm 9 34am Le Magnolia, 4 v7pm 8 40pm u 4nm Ar WJVton. 600pm .V.p:n 1 1 20am TRAINS GOING NOBTH No 14 No 78, No 40, dail y. d'y, ex daily Sund'y. Lv Wl'gton, 12 35am 915am 4 25pm Lv Magnolia, 10 67am ? 10pm L-j Wueaw, 1111am 'J 25pm Ar G'dsboro, 2 55am 12 05am 7 30pm L-Fay V.-. lie, 9 10am IrSouna, JlC?cm Ar Wilson, Lv Wilejn, AxRockvMt, 180pm 8 53pm Ar Tarboro, 6 30am2 18pm Lv Tarboro, i2 68pm Ar Weldou, 5 05am 2 55pm 10 00pm Daily except Sunday. John P Divine, General Superintendent. J R Kbnlt, 6apT ?-ans. T M SiUtRSOH. inral Pass Agt 12 10pm 3'5am 12 58pm 8 23pm iialeiKh and Augusta A-1 BB To takt effect 9 a m, Sunday, Oct 25, 1391. Trains mov- Trains mov ing South. ing North. No 41, No 88, Pass and Mail. Pa?s and Mail. Daily ex Sun. Daily ex Sun Leave. Arrive. 4 00 p iii Raleigh, 11 20 am 4 19 " Cary, 11 01 am 4 31 " Apex, 10 49 am 5 05 11 Moncure, 10 16 am 5 28 " Sanford, 9 52 am 5 54 " Cameron, 9 26 am 6 21" Southern Pines, 8 58 am 7 20 " Hamlet, 8 00 am 8 18 " Gibson, Lv 7 00 am Cape Fear fc Yadkin Valley Railroad Company. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In effect Dec. 1st. 1891. northbound I D'y ex S'y I D'y ex S'v No 4 Northbound Trains. Thro Prt and Pass 23, j Daily exct - onnuay. p m Lv 5 10 5 35 : 5 55am 7 06am 8 00pm 8 46pm 9 39pm 11 30pm Southbound Trains. Thro Prt and Pass 22, -Stations- Daily exct Sunday. 17i 25c 15 20c 15 25c 80 85c 96 60 12 55 p m 142 pm 811 pm 10 05 a m 10 35 am 12 55 p m S'y D'y x S'y "o8 No 2 Le Wilmington, 10 40 a m Ar Payetteviile, 8 04 pm Le Payetteviile, 3 IP p m Le Sanford, 4 42 p m Ar Greensuoro, 7 10 p m Le Greensboro, 7 20 p m Le Walnut Cove, 8 49 p m Ar Mt Airy, 10 45 p m Le Bennettsville. Le Maxton, Ar FaytTfcfcoville, No 16 daily except Sunday. Le Ramseur 1 25 a ax Ar Greensboro, Le Greensboro, Ar Madison southbound ! D'y ex Nol Le Mt Airy, 6 55 a m Le Walnut Cove, 8 45 Ar Greensboro, 10 10 a w Le Greensboro, 10 80 a m Le Sanford, 12 45 p m Ar Payetteviile, 2C6pm Le Fayetteville, 3 15pm Ar Wilmington, 6 40 p v Le Fayetteville, 2 11 p m Le Maxton, 3 31 p m Ar Benuettsvine, 4 22 p m . No 15 daily except Sunday , Le Madison, 80 p no Ar Greecsbc to. 4 85 p n Le Greensboro, 5 10pm Ar Ramseur, 8 25 n No. 11. Lv Mt Airy 2 10 p m Lv Walnut Cove 6 00 p m Ar Greensboro 8 45 p m W '& KYLE, Genera! Fa?.eenger AgM&. J W Pntv, Gen Supfc. Ar Raleigh Cary Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron South ern,Pines Ar Hamlet Lv P M 6 45 6 16 5 65 4 25 8 6P 2 58 2 10 12 30 PITTSBORO R R. Leave Pittsboro, Arrive Moncure, Leave Moncure Arrive Pittsboro, CAKTU AGE P. R, Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron, Arrive Carthage, Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron, Arrive Carthage, 9 10 a m 9 55 510pm e 55 8 00am 8 45 9 45 10 30 4 00pm 4 45 p m 5 50 6 35 WM SMITH, Supt, it ALU WHS 9A8T0M R R. To take effect Sunday, Oct 2Sth, 1891 Trains moving North No 38, No 34, Stations. Mail train. Pas & Mail, When Baby wes sick, we (are her Cutorla. When she wm a Child, she cried for Cactoria, When she became Mias, she dung to Oaatorla, "hen ilw had Chlldre" aha fare them Oaetocla. 7 OREOLK AND&AROLINA R.R ) stations. 11 25 am 5 00 n in 12 05 5 39 12 26 6 01 12 44 6 19 1 00 6 36 8 07" 7 45 p m 2 45 8 30 a m Trs.ir moving South. No 41, No 45, Stations. Mail train. Past &Mail. Le Raleigb. Wake, Franklin ton, Kittrell, Henderson. jLittleton, Ar Weldon, Le Weldon, Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, Franklinon, Wake, Ar Raleigh. 12 15 p m 12 52 2 28 8 39 8 56 817 8 65 p m 600am 6 48 753 811 8 5:9 8 50 9 30am CONDENSED SCHEDULE. South Bound Train. No. 101. A. M. Dated Augusi 9th, 1891. STATIONS. L9 50 1015 10 27 11 02 1120 1137 1152 12 31 12 53 1 20 P. M L've Pinner's Point Arrive North Bound Train. No. 100 P. M. 5 25 L've L've Lp L've L've L've L've L've Ar Drivers, Suffolk Gates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've Louisburg Ra'iroad. Trains moving North. No 88, Pass, No 8, Mail & Express. Le Franklint'n, 3 00 pm 8 35am I Ar Louisburg, 8 5 p m 9 10 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 9, Stations. Mai) & Express. Le LouisbTire, 11 8r am 5 Opm Ar Franlint'n, 18 05 p m 5 35pm Wm SMITH. Supt ATLANTIC dcHS. C. BR, Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, U 2 01 4 47 A II 3 54 i Going east. 3 36 INO&1 Lve 3 80 4 20 4 54 6 4? p OJ 3 21 Ar 2 39 F vn 2 17 i 17 4 49 150 '. M. 618 9 86 Scledule Pass trains Stations Goldsboro La Grange Kinston New Berne Morehead City Dally. Going west No 5C IS P' 'M.I SH KD EVFRY EVENING RXCBPT smAY, AT PER ANNUM, OH Twenty-Five Cents per Month. Ar 1138 10 46 10 0 8 87 a m Lve 10 48 10 14 944 No 101 makes connection at Rocky Mount with W & V Train No 23 for all points South, and No 78 train for all points North. G M Sbrpbl, J K Kknly, T MGEMBMo5r,Gen'l PaisengerAgt! I ChHdllH CrOrJPitcht?Castef! BY BROWN & WILLIAMS, Ralbigh. N. O. The Book Trust Knocked Out. A Cabd to the rxiBiJO. 1UC liw Ul lire fe"v Jr3 TTV j. annica, $8 per volume for the Enghsh edi- tinn ar,A H n viilnnw ttVT t)lP SpTl llllPT find uuu, auu w inu i v the Stoddardt editions in the cheapest bind ing nas Deen a dht w hs popuioi use. Our new reprint of this work is furnished at $1.50 per volume, the greatest bargain ever known in the book trade. We have sold over half a million volumes in six months; proof that the public appreciate so great a bargain. This reprint is not an abridgment, but a re production of the entire twenty-five volumes of the great Edinburg ninth edition, page for page, with new and later articles on import ant American topics, and new maps, later and better than in any other edition. In all repects it compares favorably with the high priced editions, and in point of maps and du rability of binding it is superior to them. Heretofore we have sold only for cash. We now announce that we will deliver the set complete on small easy payments, Special Ofphb. In order that you may see the bargain we offer, and examine its merits, we will fnrnish Volume 1 by express for 60 eta, a fraction of actual cost; add 40 eta postage if wanted by mail. Circulars and nmple page will be sentfrea on application K. S. Tiialk & Co., je29 fr Pub'hers. Chicago,

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