1 "' ' ' ' ' ., She 4 ntmn tor. VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1892. NO. 69 NEWS ROTES ABOUT THE C1TV. Superior Court. The following cases were disposed of today : What Our Feporters 8. e and 8teU VB Jame8 Qoode j and ( Hear Worth Giving ! Our gui'ty ; judgment not pronounced. Readers News in Brief. The i i le walks on some of the streets are in a terrible condition. The Vernon Jarbeau Company are booked for the 29th Inst., in this city. It is said that the demand for ferti lizer tags continues quite brisk. Snow all gone we hope to stay awhile. Oh, for a street car ride this slushy weather. The Dlav tonisht is equal to a "breezy time." J. About one thousand dollars 'has been nledeed for th proposed Y. M. 0. Association in Raleigh, so we learn. The department of Agriculture proposes to expend $9, COO for the Chi cago World's Fair. Can't there be a boom gotten up with reference to our centennial this year. The preparation for a grand May festival this year is met ting with much encouragement. Sneak thieves are playing their trade in several sections of the city. Be on the watch. Don't fail to see ' A Social Session" at Metropolitan Hall tonight. It will be rare fnn. Mr. L H. King, of Oranvi le, has been appointed night watchman at the capitol. The regular meeting of the stock holders of the N. C. Wagon company will be held on Tuesday next, the 19th inst Dr. Black reports th health of the inmates of the Oxford Orphan Asy ium as quite good There are near 910 orphans in the institution. We regret to learn that nearly all the inmates of the soldiers home are sick, mostly with the grippe They are having the best of attendance. Sheriff Page settled the taxes of Wake county with the State Treasurer today, amounting to $80, 270 75. The grand orchestra of the "Social Session" is one of the best that has ever been seen in Raleigh. Let all who can, hear it. If yon need shoes to protect yon from the grip this weather, goto Norris' Dry Goods Store. Read their advertisement in this issue. Our city physicians' are acting with most commendable liberality in their attendance on the inmates of the Soldier's Home for which they receive ho pay. The meetings of the Wake County Alliance will take place at Auburn tomorrow and next day. On Friday a public address will be delivered by Hon. G. . W. Sanderlin and A. B. Jones, Esq. A large attendance is expected. The Raleigh National Bank and the Citizens Bank directors have re elected all their old officials. This is highly complimentarj ; they are all splendid officers. The streetcar 'hang up" is causing not only- much inconvenience, but considerable unfavorable comment. Would it not be well for the officials to make some announcement to the public of an assuring character. All sorts of rumors are in circulation. We' sincerely hope that matters may soon be properly arranged and all doubts dispelled. The crossing at the intersection of East Martin and Blount streets where Moore square is entered, is in a shock lug condition. It is utterly imposs ible to cross without getting mired over the shoe tops. Surely this ought to be remedied. A few pieces of stone is all that is necessary. We hope the fct reet Commissioner will see to it. State vs. Squire Hockaday and Jane Wilson, f. and a., on trial. Meeting ol' Stockholders. A meeting of stockholders of the Raleigh Cotton Mills took place to day at noon at the mayor's office. The following gentlemen were chosen directors: C. E. Johnson, W. O. Dp- church, C. O. Latta, W C. Strona h, Jos. Ferrall, A. A. Thompson, J. R. Chamberlain and Julius Lewis. Csraleigh Cotton Mills. The following are the officers elec ted for the present year: W. G. Up church, President; J. J. Thomas, Vice President; F. O. Moring, Secre tary and Treasurer; W. H. Pace, Attorney. The directors are W. G. TJpchurch, F. O. Moring, A. 8. Mer- rimon, J. R. Chamberlain, W. Line han, A. Home, E. C. Smith, J. J Thomas, W. H. Pace, F. B Dancy. Synopsis of the Weather for the 24 Hours Ending 8 P. M. Yesterday. The storm which has been linger- ing in the Gulf has entered the coun try at Mobile, Ala., accompanied by heavy rains on the South and heavy snow on the northwest side. The storm will move northeast to New England rapidly during today and tomorrow. The cold wave in the west being unable to move east has advanced Southward, west of the Mississippi to Galveston. In this vicinity on Wednesday warmer weather with rain may be expected, followed probably by cold wave on Thursday. Mayor's Court. The case against Jack Jones for en gaging in an affray at Lee's stable on east Martin street. There were a n"mber of witnesses, all of them tes tified that Jones shoved a man named Howell, knocking him down without any serious provocation. Jones was hoed a penny and coBt. Case against Will Clark and others for an affray in the city lot. It was in evidence that a knife was drawn by Clark. The rase was sent on to court. Personal mention. Mr. Albert Johnson, who has re cently been very sick, is rapidly con valescing. Rev. E. Pope, former pastor of Brooklyn church, is in the city. Rev. J. P. Barrett, of Norfolk, Va., formerly of Raleigh, is in the city. Mr. E D. Vernon, manager of the Vernon Jarbeau Company, is here. Mr. W. 1. DuPree, of Rocky Mount is stopping at the residence of Dr. W. I. Royster. Bishop Lyman is convalescing fast from an attack of the grippe. Mr. W. X. Coley, of the Mocksville Times is at the Yarboro. Mr. B C. Beckwith, is sick with the grippe. We regret to hear that Hon. A. H. A. Williams is very sick in Washing ton city, with the grippe, which threatens to develop into pneumonia. "Social Session." The " Social Session" company are travelers. That attraction is now playing its 59th consecutive week, and during that time has appeared in every State and Territory in the Union, in addition to the principal cities of the British provinces, and has covered a distance of over 40,000 miles. When one considers that the company numbers nineteen people, the aggregate cost of travel at an average of two cents per mile, would exceed $15,000, it would be cheaper to walk. Grand Lodge of Masons. The 105th annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina assembled at their hall in this city last night at 7 .80 o'clock. The attendance is quite large. The annual address was de livered by Grand Master, H. A. Gudger, of Asheville. Secretary Bain made his annua) report. He stated that there are 280 lodges with about 8,503 affiliated members in the State of which 130 lodges, are now r pre sented Committees were appointed. At 9:30 o'clock an oyster supper was given by the Raleigh lodges, served by Mr. J. R. Barkley. A collection of $100 was taken up for the orphan fund. Finest Florida Oranges of the season just received at A Dughi's. Remnants and Clippings of Carpets. Usually during January we take from the carpet department, all the remnants and clipping that have ac cumulated during the season pre vious, and mark them much below value. Our this year's lot, is now ready, and they may be seen upon our first floor. In this lot are all kinds of short lengths, some of from nearly every piece of carpet th'tt has been in stock during last season. Our patrons will do well to 'examine this odd lot, as there are many useful pieces that can be bought very cheap. W. H. & R. S. Tucker Sr. Co. Oyster Supper and Doll's lie ceptlon. The ladies of the Good Shepherd Church will give another of their pleasant oyster suppers at the Rec tory, on Thursday, January 14th, from 5 to 10 o'clock. All who wish to enjoy a good supper at a nominal price will do well to attend. Those who kindly patronized the supper in December will remember the pleasant occasion as well as the abundant and appetizing menu. There will also be held at the Rec tory, in the afternoon of the same day, a "Doll's Reception," to which all the little girls of the city are in vited to bring their dolls. At 5 o'clock two prizes will be awarded, one for the prettiest doll and one for the ugliest A Near Escape. As the west bound train on the N orth Carolina railroad, which left here at 6.9 o'clock last evening reach ed a point between Raleigh and Meth od, about two miles from this city, a pistol shot was fired at the train, the bullet coming n ar striking Mr Chas. T. Williams, of the Chronicle who was on his way to Asheville. A large stone was also thrown into the train which struck a passenger in the breast but did no serious injury. The miscreants if captured, should be dealt with to the fullest severity of the law. Capital Hose Company. The f illo win- officers hae been elected for the ensuing year: Walter Woollcott, Foreman; L. H. Mahler, Assistant Foreman; James Dobbin, Hose Director; A M. McPheeters, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. - All ;arpets at Cost. Do yon know we are now selling our entire stock of carpets at" New York cost; over oue hundred kinds to select from. Reason. (Bought too much on account of the Great Inter State Southern Exposition.) D. T. Swindell's. There is a big f reshet in the Cape Fear now and as a consequence Um ber is coming into market more free ly. Nearly a dozen rafts were tied up at the wharves today. - Wilming ton Review. A large number of prominent Ma sons are here, to attend the meeting of the .Grand Lodge whioh com mences in this city tonight. 8PECIAL NOTICES. Something Altogether, New. The price at which you can buy a suit of nice clothing now at Swin dell's is altogether new. Low will not express it. - At Swindell s, j Stock Mint be Sold. We have about 40 boys suits in short pants, sizes running from 6 to 12 years, which we are offering very cheap for cash. Suits worth from $3 50 to $5 and $7 we are Belling from $3 to 3 and $4 Also about 35 boys' and youth's suits, coats and vest, with long pants, sizes running from 10 to IS years, which we will sell at half price. We have about 100 men's suits sizes running regular from 34 to 44, prices to suit you In addition to this we have a line of men's extra pants which we will sell very cheap. Also a stock consisting of gents fur nishing goods of all kinds we will sell very cheap for the next SC days, as the stock must be sold. Yours tru'y? H. V. Waitt, ji6 Gt 305 Fayetteville street, Opposite Post Office. J. P. Dahlborn, the sign painter, can be called on or addressed at his office, 109 Fayetteville st. He guar an tees the finest sign work in the State. de 31 For Sale. The lease of two lots on the Saun ders' property, corner Boylan and Tucter streets. Termseasy. Apply to Wm. J. Saunders, Real Estate & Gen. Agt dec 18 lOt 426, Saunders St. Ice Fish Oysters. Ice in any quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No 223, S. Wil mingt on Street, Fresh Norf ilk Oys ters received daily. Orders filled promptly. T. E. Sorrell. jeS tf. Hardware, Ac. NO MAN can be hpopy w:th his face all scraped sue sore iiom SHAVING No man can shave well with a sor ry razor, The moral is to call and buy A GOOD RAZOR We offer razors that are good; we have just received a large stock. Our name is stamped on the razor, and e?ery one is i WARRANTED. AZOR8 very Tight weight. AZOItS lmdium weight, AZOR8 heavy weight. t"Our razor with name RALEIGH etched on it, is finest can be manufactured. THOMAS B. BRI66S SONS. RALEIGH, N. C. 1891. 1892. Millinery Fall ad Winter. IHL 1 J X : lit . j j. ue latest lovelies ana D68t Styles ! in HATS AN n BONNETS now readv rr OR THE TRADE Pony Raffle. On Friday night at McRae's Drug Store you may get a fine saddle pony for one dollar. Take a chance. Jok Oaurell. Special Sale For Monday. Next Monday we ill sell several hundred dozen ladies' and misses' hose at 1C cents a pair. Most of these are seamless and are worth 25 and 35 cents a pair. Sale begins Monday morning At Swindell's, j Hair Gooc, Stamped Linens, Em ! broidery ma.eriuls, Wools, .Zephyrs and Yarns of all kinds. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. IMiilEEEME, ap9tf 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. January for "Wraps This month will be a good one in f which to buy wraps. One reason is, that there will yet be considerable time in which to use it, another rea son, that we do not wish to carry a single garment over until next season, consequently W6 will save you so much on the price of a wrap that you will consider yourself fortunate in being ab'e to buy a garment of this kind. Think of buying a stylish long garment, well made and of the best material at 50 cents on the dollar. This we will do for you right now. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & 0 . NORMS' Dry Goods Store A special invitation is given to every man in and out of the city to call and see our line of gents shoes at Why they are equil in quality, style and fit to any $5.00 shoe in this or any other market every pair war. ranted Jgf We will save you money on shoes. ..Jgfl Norris' Dry Goods Stork. Dry Goods, .Notions, &c. W.H.rR S.TUCRERICO. MIDWINTER. WRAPSTO SELL. spWF HAVE A M0STSUCCESS- f ul wrap season. nobablv the moat satisfactory on we have ever experienced, , and now with Jahuary thoughts of cold weather we wish to remind our patrons that, they can buy first class garments at prices much BELOW VALUE! TO THOSE WHO REQUIRE nrnrtriino? in tVo nrair nf 'miana tit a advise them to buy this month buy while there is still time to use them and to save, i- some instances, as much as half in the price. Long Garments. We still have a l'mited number of the lot of long garments af just HALF PRICE. Now one word about children's school Cloaks. If there is a parent in this citv who has not yet bought all the CHILDREN'S WRAPS they need for this winter, then see what we can Ho for them. A very gool gar ment for a very little price. H. 4 K I TanHr i Co, 123 and 125 Payet'ville street.