Personal raenttou. Mr. D C. 8 j m, of Baltimore, com. mercial trave'er and a former Ral eigh boy, to In the citj . Oar friend, Mr. Frank Strouachhas eonqnered the grippe and is oat again Mr. J. e. Brown, cashier of the Oit liens National Bank, is oat again af ter a severe attack of the grippe attorney General Davidson return ed to the city from Washington, D 0., yesterday. We are glad to learn that Mr. Al bert Hardie, who was recently in jured, is rapidly improving. Mrs. Anna Busbee, mother of Grand Sire 0 M. Basbee, is very sick with the grippe. Oards are oat for the marriage of B. 0. Beckwith Esq., Secretary of the Democratic State Executive Commit tee to Miss Iola Bledsoe Gates, at Edenton Street M. E. Church, Feb. ad. at 4: iO O clock, p Con ) t. '92. ) m. Meeting. Junius Danibl Camp of Con FKDBRATB VETERANS Ralek'h, Jan. 81 The members of this association are herety requested to meet at the office of Jones srowell at 7:su o'clocR p M., on Friday, January 82d, 1392, to take ac'ion on the death of the late Gen Robert Ransom, the President of the State Association. The resident officers of the State Association are respectfully invited to meet with us. By order B. F. Park, President. J. C. BlRDSONG, Secretary. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. U NDBR the terms of a mortgage execu ted bv R. P. Howell to Eliza Donaldson, Trustee, repisteved in Wake county in book 100, page 169 Register's office, I will on Feb ruary 29th. 1892, at 12 m., at the court house door in Raleigh, expose to public sale a tract of land in Swift Creek township, adjoining the lands of T. A. Bowen, W. J. Lrowder, W. G. Unchurch and Jas o. West, contain ilk 1011 acres, fully described in the said mortgage. Terms cash ELIZA DONALDSON, Trustee. F. H. BUSBEE, Attorney, jan 21st tds. Metropolitan iHail THREE NIGHTS, COMMENCING JANUARY 818T. MATINEE SATURDAY. PEARL MELVILLE AND THE BALDWIN MELLVILLE CO.- Ileigb Market Report. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Corrected weekly by W. C. & A. B S IRON AC H. rayetteville and Wilmington streets. 815 81? Meats C. R. sides, 6 Bulk shoulders, l Bacon 8 " breakfast 12 Hams sugar cured 18 " N. O. & Va., Hi Baon N. C, hog round, Lard Pure, Compound Flour Best per bbl Family, M Good, " OorrEB Rio Green Suoar Granulated, Ye' low extra C Molasses Cuba New ( deans, Syrup , Meal per bushel Corn per bushel Oats per bushel, Hay per han wt Bras per pound, Ship Stuff per pound, Salt per sack, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter 17 Efrgs, 15 Chickens Spring, 15 Hens, 80 Potatoes 8weet, 85 Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of a deed in trust ex ecuted to me by C. DeBoy and others dated the 6th day of December, 1889 and re corded m book 110, page 273 I will on Sat urday, the 13th day of February, 1892, at 12 o'clock, m, at the court house door, in Ral eigh, N C , sell at public auction, the two tracts of land therein described, one contain ing 136 acres, more or less, and the other 10 acres, nore or less, the said tracts being con tingious and lying about two and a half miles west of the city of Raleigh. Terms of the tale are cash, but satisfactory arrangement can De made tor deterred pay ments on part oi tne purchase money. it. T. tiKAY, Trustee. 8 10 llc 18 15c 16, 10 11c MM 8 10c 4 pv 6c e r 5 $6.00 JI.W W 5.75 6.50 5.85 5.50 K 18 25c I 5 6c A LLb 22 50c Mm 22 60c KMJ 25 60 w ij 85 1.00 MM 00 1,00 KM I 47 60c Z L 90 r" H uc mmm 1 Uc mmm O 1.50 1:75 p 85c 0) 35c mam r - JJ o M -J mmmm i.i m S 0 & I s eaea if) CO HOW WILL THIS STRIKE YOD ? c 5- a o &9 Thursday "Son of Monte Cristo." P.wlmr "Wall's TPaTCrn M oaaori iror " A- 1 1UG.JT IT Vil 0 AWv mvuuuuf,i.i. Matinee, "Uncle Daniel," Saturday "Lynn wood." PRICES, 15 25 and 35 Cents. R eserve Seats without extra charge. BLAKE'S LIVERY And Exchange Stables, NO. 207, EAST MARTIN STREET. o-t-t-t-t-o Keep on hand a nice line of CARRIAGES, PHEATON8, BUGGIES and DRIVING HORSES, SINGLE and ..DOUBLE TEAMS, GOOD SADDLERS for LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. STRICT ATTENTION TO ALL CALLS BY TELEPHONE, Reliable and polite drivers. Special arrangements made when more than one carriage is wanted. THE FINEST LOT OP HORSES AND MULES IN THE CITY Telephone No. 9). ON SALE, jan 15 lm. BOARDEKS WASTED. rpWO gentlemen can be furnished with A board and lodging at No. 102. Saunders street dec. 21-tf LOST: A note executed by Carson O'Neal and Mary O'Neal to R B Richardson for 1700, dated April 4, 1888. and secured by mort gage. The finder will be rewarded by deliv ering the same to W H Richardson, at Wen dill, Wake county, N. C. de29 30d FACTS FOR THE NEW 72" IK .A. Et ii ISA faux i nat yen can sell your prop erty quicker and with less trouble through our agency man omerwie. IT IS A FACT That you can get a good ten ant for your empty house in a shorter time and thereby save more dollars by placing it with us than you can possibly ao in anyvotner way. IT 18 A FACT Thoroughly proven that you will get me rent on your property more promptly and regularly by putting the col lections in our charge than by any other means. We will save you muoh more than tne expense will be. IT IS ANOTHER FACT That admits of no contradiction that you can rent a house to suit you in muh less time by applying to us than by running around hunting for yourseir. IT IS A FACT That we have given as much satisfaction to all who have entrusted bus iness to us as any new enterprise ever gave wj auy community. IT IS A FACT That you can prove the above to be true or not by giving us a trial. We are here to serve you. Call on us, or drop us a postal ano we win can on you. J. M. BROUGHTON. & CO., Real Estate Agency. Offices, 1 and 3 Martin St. dec. 21-tf. . Jemington $tandard r,YPE- "RITERS. More Remington's are used in Raleigh than all other makes combined. For catalogues or information, apply to uic uuucrtuKueu. W M E ASD ALE, J B CULPEPER, Raleigh, N 0- jltf Richmond, Va Cheat) Homes. I offer desirable buildir i .fsin th northwestern part of the city as t pv resented on Shaffer's uipp lying . n the extension of Joins. Lane. North streets. Jn order to enable pur chasers to improve their r"-t rtv. bv expending their avnil"h'e u.eabs in building and making their hoiurs com!' orta ble. 1 will lea? these lots mi h pent equl to the interest on their value, and give the pur chasers twenty years to pay for the property. xo mecnamcs and y. ung mm earning monthly wages, this o'r eru hies them to e-jure a home at mo1 ..rate prices and long credits, and pay fr them a- their earnings allow. A mail cau lease a lot of nnt .nn.irti-r of an acre, for say $24 a yeai, the lease hav ing me transieraDie cnaiacter of a l et-simple holder, by p yment in full or by install ments oi not less than one-fifth of t! e coat of tht lot, and can use ail the means at com- nand to build bis home and ma e himself i "Tilortable. He thus secures n home free from any debt that can trouble him, by the payment of 24 a year. Apply to wm. j. BAUNDJfiKS Real Estate Agt. dec 19 1m 426, Saunders St. tt E u E it e (f) o o 03 53 Pt3 5h EH P3 O O Eh X SALE cut in delivered to -AT - 216 Favetteville St. A7"OA"Ti Dry Klie wood Vt V7-LJ"-any length, delii any part of the city. ITTlrTT7'T of any dimensions J U ItJL JJXLJlL funrnished on short notice. Also shmgles, laths, &c FOOD-, My Special Horse and Cow Food is gaining auite a reputation wherever used. It will pay you iu give ii a trial. rP V 1 Always L.J.a iXiVy." hand at lowest prices Wheat. Corn. Oats. Rve both for seed and feed. Also Bran. (Torn Meal, Pea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choice limotny way, Wheat and Rice Straw. ALSO FERTILIZERS-- ated fertilizers. Pute Bone Meal. Land piHS. ter, Acid Phosphate Shell Lime in any quan lines. TTTT'PiQ Choice Grass and Clo pJUri'i0""ver Seeds of every kind, uuiii iur neiq ana iarm. L- WYATT. Wbere (tie buyer gets the Prot Is the Place TO BUY. In addition to our rtock ' cloth ing we wish to call attention to our GENTS' FURNISH W 600DS GMMSTIN( OK SHIRTtJ, larrdriedar nvUtn. dried, CUFFS, COLL RS, DRAWERS'. UNDER-SHIRTS HOSIER!', Black and colored ' DKF P C; H I K, FP tIK, COTTON. and the 1 ase ball handkerchief 8ns penderp, jri 1'io'W; . I v. WAI1T o-- 1-4 OFF ON ALL WINTER GOODS. NOTICE, By virtue of the mni-tmure dd the undersigned by Richard Judd and wife, Sallie Juda, on the 20th day of January, 18-12, and legistered in the Register's ofte of Wake county, in book No 70, on page 261, 1 Bhall sell tQ...the highest bidder, for cash, at my office in Holly Springs, Wake county, N 0, on the 1st day of February 182, the land described in said mortoncn dd. Tim nt sale, 12 o'clock m. G R ALPORT. jal 30d Mortgagee. J 26 PER OEHT DISCOUNT FOR TRE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. 1-1 OFF ON ALL OVERCOATS. 1 4 OFF ON ALL MENS 8DIT8. 1.4 OFF ON ALL BOY'S SUITS. 1-4 OFF ON ALL CHILDREN'S suits 14 OFF N ALL UNDERWEAR. 1-4 OFF ON ALL LOVES. 1 4 OFF ON ALL JERSEY COATS. 1-t OFF on all NEWLIGEE SHIKTS. 1 4 OFF ON ALL HEAVY CAPS. 1-4 OFF ON ALL TROUSERS. We take Inventory of stook on Feb ruary 15. For the next SO days we sweep stock by the unmerciful cat of 25 per cent, on all winter wearables. We are not guing to sit down and weep over the much unseasonable weather we've had, but get up and go to work with our coats off. May the loss be what it may, we can af ford it, for we've done good business in the past year and do not intend carrying over any goods. I WILL YOU HAYE A CO AT? Looking throug our stock we gathered 67 Coats where there was no pants nor vests to match prices will be no object $4.98 for yonr choice. There isn't a coat in this lot that is worth less t an ,f 6.50, and some are worth $7, $8, 9, to $13. Sacks and Cutaway Frocks and a few Prince Alberts, all for yonrlshoioe at $4.98 For this week only. 28 "ROY'S CO ATS ForBy'm 12 to 18 years in size, the pri VA P vvACIlJLiO were $2.50, 13 and 13 50, that makes no difl cute, jjiiug juui buu uuu ui mm ior f j vo. uuiy tnis week MOTHERS es differ Don't forget if your boys need Flannel Waists that we reduced the price on them to one fourth less than oritrinallv sortment is complete. W e have all sizes from 4 to 14 years and all the newest fabrics. 25 per cent, is the discount. Out of tOWCl AtlitAtniiWi Mil urn il 4 rtam selves of these great reductions. Send money order for what von need and if our selection or price is not satisfactory we will return you yonr money All transactions during the sale must be strictly cash. We must adhere to this rule on account of the extremely low prices we quote. Dec. 9 S. & D. BERW ANGER. F:R0M TrHiLS DrAY I WrtLL o OFFER 80MB , SPECIAL BARGAINS IN- o Worsteds. Calicoes And Gingham. 1st. I will offer a first class 10c Worsted at 71 c per yard. 2d. 1,5 0 yards of Standard Prints, such brands ps Simpson & Sons, &c., all are strictly of calicoTi this totW 8 yard' Positively not a 3rd A few pieces of St indard 10 cent Gingham for 7i cents. Come early and get vow choice of these bargains as the pretty ones are as cheap as the ugly ones SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. SHOES. Come and see my shoes before you buy, and you will be well paid for your visit. Wees from W to $5 in men s shots. 1 am making some soecial Drieea in I-adiii nhiWrn' ri Misses Shoes until Feb. 1. Jan 11 I FOR Three DAYS n O N L T C. H. ANDERSON, No 5, E Bar, Next door to targe W.B ett street. Mann & Co. LIMITED NUMBER OF CHILDREN'S TEN CENT GERMAN Horn Horns and a bar of SOUTHERN FAMILY or MAGNOLIA SOA P fnr Hi The horn itself sells in every toy store for the price named, Apply to J R Ferrall & Co, W B Mann & Co, D T Johnson, R j Powell W B Bell, Mrs Jos Watbon, Graus man & Rosenthall, L D Womble, 0 H JohnsoQ,Wayi.e Allcott, R. M Utzman, Alvin Betts, C 0 Ball & Co. WR News.m, W H X Caudle, W D Bell, B F Faison, REMEMBER THAT 25 WRAPPERS entitle you to receive free of cost two bars of soap, and that the persons presenting at our office on March 1st. the largest number of wrappers, bought at retail, will receive 3, 6 and $10 in gold. Southern Soap Manfg Co Raleigh, N 0, Dec 1st, 1891 lm Administrator's Notice. Persons hav claims aeain.t ihn mtum nf oujomon .race wm present tnem to the un dersigned on or before the 1st day of Janu- of their recovery. W. H. PACK. de29 6w Admr of S Pace. SALE, By virtue of the nrovisinns of a certain deed of mortgage, executed by John Bur gess, dated lanuary 2nth, 18a0, and register ed in me .Registers om- e of Wake book No 113, page 405, 1 will, on Monday,ti e 8th d y of February, 1892, at 12 o'clock m,at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, offer for sale the following tract of land sit uate in Cedar Fork township, Wake county, adjoining the lands of M Medlin, Betsey Hill, William Morris, Edward Pag and oth ers containing 116 a ores, and being the tract upo:. which John Burgess died, terms of sale, cash. Time of sale, February 8th, 1892. Place of sale, court house Raleigh. ja8 tds Assignee of Mortgagee, SANTA CLAUS oooooooo ooo o IN ALL H Id GLORY, o o oooooooooo AFTER MAKING SEVERAL TBIPS he has at last dumped nis cargo out at COLE'S JEWELRY STORE, where can be found the ffnest selection of Qold and Silver watches, diamonds, gold Rings, Gold Pens, Gold Spectacles, Marble,jBronze.and Walnut Case Clocks, and many other things specially suited for CHKISTMAS FKitSENTS at decidedly the lowest prices that 1 have ever been able to offer such goods. Ton cannot afford to miss going to Cole's for Christmas goods this year, If yon do, yon will lose some splendid bargains. J. W. COLE, do 91 2 wk s. 2NOTIG31). HAVING this day qualified as the Execu tor of the late ibaac V, Hutchins, this is to give notice to creditors to present thei r claims to me tor payment on or bet ore the 22nd day of December 1892, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovnrv. ah ir. sons indebted to the estate will nleaae nav without further demand. CriAB. W. BEVEK8, Executor of Isaac W. Hutchins, dec 21-6W m 4 LOST. Tuesday, January 6th. a red pocket book containing three checks 7 60 each and abou $36 in money. Finder will be rewarded by returning it to ilia Ki..a.i nf t ha .Ti