PLEASURES OF MEMOBT. What blessed thing is memory I How it brings up the pleasures of she past, and hide its unpleasantnesses ! Too recall your childhood days, do you not, and wish they would return? You remember the pleasant associa tions, while the unpleasant ones are forgotten. Perhaps to your mind comes the face of some friend. It was once a pale, sad face. It showed marks of pain, lines of care It si-m-ed to be looking into the hereafter, the unknown future. And then voj recalled how it brightened, how it re covered its rosy hue, how it became a picture of happiness aud joy. Do you remember these things ? Many people do, and gladly tell how the health returned, bow happiness came back, bow the world seemed bright They tell how they were once weak, nevertheless, perhaps in pain, cer tainly unhappy. They tell of sleep less nights, restless, days, untouched food, unstrung nerves. And then they tell how they became happy, healthy and strong once more. You have heard it often in th past, have you not? You have heaid people describe how they were cured aud kept in health V You certain'y can remember what it is that has so help ed people in America. If not, listen to what Mrs. Annie Jenness Miller, who is known universally as the great dresB reformer, says : " Six years ago, when suffering from mental care and overwork, I received the roost pronounced benefit from the use of that great u edicine, Warner's Safe Cure." Ah, now you remember. Now you recall how many people you have heard ssy this same thing. Now you recollect how much you have heard of this great cure. Now you are ready to admit that memory is usu ally pleasing, that the highest pleas ure comes from perfect health, and that this great remedy has done more to produce and prolong health than any other discovery ever known in the entire history of the whole world Jan. lth, 1893. tf. HE IS HI8 OWN STEPFATHER. Mrs. Delia Robinson began an ac tion for divorce at Port Gratiot, &' ich , yesterday against her husband, George, who is only twenty three years old. Young Robinson inherited $300,000 a short time ago, and has since been leading a fast life, equan dering his money rapidly. He was formerly very poor, and was brought up by Mrs. Robinson, who was then a widow namnd Carlisle. Mrs. Robin eon, who is fifty four years old, legally adopted Robinson ten years ago, and when Robinson married her two years ago he became his own step father. Robinson inherits his money from an uncle, of whom he had never heard. HIS BONES BREAK LIKE GL18S. Lancaster, Pa., January 23. With bones as brittle as glass, eight years old Samuel Martsell, who lives near Petersburg, this county, has broken his legs seven times since he was two and one half years oldthe last time yesterday, while moving about in his room NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Rent Q ROOM with store attached, corner of JilUUHJffi Jilount and Smithheld' streets good water and garden, stable, &c; excellent st ana lor business. 8 ROOM near corner Halifax and John- H0TJ8E son streets; water in house. 116 66 CT ROOM 219 S Swain st, near Harerett st; .HOUSE city water; good garden. $10 I ROOM on Oakdale st; will be vacated tHOUSE-February 1st. 7 50 Two first class stores on Fayetteville st. Ralrigh M.irket Report. WHOLKSALK AND RBTAIL. Corrected wseklt by W. C. A. B SfRONACH. rayetteville and Wilmington streets. 815 817 Mk ats O. R. side, 6 8 Bulk shoulders, 7 10 Bacon M 8 Hie " breakfast 12 18 Hams sugar cured l?l 15e " N. C.&Va.,m lcf Bacon N. C, hog round, 10 11c Lapp Pure, 8 10c Compound Ho ft FLOUR Best per bbl 6(K) f7.(0 Family, 44 6 75 6.60 Good, 44 6 25 6.60 OorrBK Rio Green "i 25c SOSAR Granulated, 5 6Jc Yellow extra C 4 5c Molasses Cuba i R0c New( dear.K v.'i 60c Syrup , M SO Mjcal per bushel s" 100 Corh per bushel 00 1.00 Oats per bushel, 47 60c Hat per huD wt, 00 1.10 Brah per pound, H lie Ship Stuff per pound, U He Salt uer sack. 1.50 1:75 COUNTRY PRODUCE. BtTTTKR M 25c Eggs, 15 20c Chickens Spring, 15 S5c Hens. H0 85c Potatoes Sweet. 85 60c Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of a deed in trust ex ecuted to me by C. DeBoy and others, dated the 6th rlav of December, 188! and re corded in book l'O. page 273 I will on Sat urday, the 13th day of February, 1892, at 12 o'clock, m, at the court house door, in Ral pigh, N C , sell at public auction, the two tract" of land therein described, one contain ing 136 acres, more or less, and the other 10 acres, more or less, the said tracts being con ting ious and lying about two and a half miles west of the city of Raleigh. Terms of the i ale are cash, but satisfactory arrangement can be made for deferred pay ments on part of the purchase money. K. T. GRAY, Trustee. Remington Standard 'J'vpe- "YyRITERS. More Remington's are used in Raleigh than all other makes combined. For catalogues or information, apply to the undersigned. WM EASDALE, J B CTJLPFPER, Raleigh, N O iltf Richmond, Va. SALE CF REAL ESTATE. u NDER the terms of a mortgage execu- J. M. BROUGHTON. & CO., Real Estate Agency, ja23 Unices, 1 and 3 Martin ttt. street. ted by R P. Eowll to Eliza Donaldson, Trustee, registered in Wake county in book 100, page 169. Register's office, 1 will on Feb ruary 29th, 1892, at 12 m., at the court house door in Raleigh, expose to public sale a tract of land in Swift Creek township, adjoining the lands of T. A. Bowen, W. J. Crowder, W. G. Upchurch and Jas. 8. West, contain iug 101i acres, fully described in the said mortgage. Terms cash. ELIZA DONALDSON, Trustee. F. H. BUSBEE, Attorney, jan 21st tds. Sale of Land. By authority of mortgage from Walter H Howard and wife, as recorded in book 113, page 611, Ri gister of Deeds office for Wake county, I will on Monday, 22d February, 1892, at 12 o'clock m, at the court house door of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a certain parcel of land in Oberlin village, nea" Raleigh, adjoining the lands of Mt Moriah church and others, containing 1$ acres, and particularly described in said mort gage. W JN JUJNJiS. ja22 tds Attrrney, Chean Homes. I offer, desirable building lots in the northwestern part of the city as rep resented on Shaffer's map, lying on the extension of Jones, Lane, and North streets. Jn order to, enable pur chasers to improve their property, bv ext ending their available means Id buildins and makine their homes comforta ble. I will lease these lots :tt a rent equal, to the interest on their value, and give the pur chasers twenty years to p:ty tor I Lie proper y To mechanics and yiuint mn ta.niug monthly wages, this otr ehihles iiiem to secure a home at mo ' rite ;.ud 'ong credits, and pay f theiu a- Li routings' allow. A man can lea-e a lot of 0'ie quarter of an acre, for say -S24 a jeai, t!.e lease hav ing the transferable chaiacter of a fee-simple title, and redeemable at the ple asure of the holder, by p yment in foil or by install ments ot not less iban one-lii il, of t e cost of the lot, anil can nse all the means at com mend to build his home and ma' e himself L'vnfortable. He thus tecures a home free from any debt that can trouble him, by the payment ot 2h year, .npniyto w m . j. BAUi'r.'- i;e:ti state Agi dec 10 lm 12S. ti.'ir.r. lers St. BOAK DICKS WAM1TD. be rpWO eeiitlcmen can JL board and lodging at No furnished with 102. Saunders dec21-tf e 0 r- o READ THIS LETTER V It give you some idea hw miieli our 1-4 off on A Wititei Goods stli is appreciated bv oarouunf town customers: t-J Messrs S. D. Berwanger, Raleigh, N 3 o CO u m P4 LU i P5 O o Eh XI 55 ALE AT 216 Fayetteville St WOOD- ltrv Tine Wood, cut in "any length, delivered to any part of the city. ITT1rT)T?"I of anv dimensions J U lA-DlLli fuurnished on shot notice. Also shingles, laths, fcc 1?rVT My Special Horse and - VV -L'""0ow Food is caininirauu a reputation wherever used. It will pay you to give it a trial. WHEAT, &C.oA1S at lowest prices Wheat, Com, Oats, Rye, Dotn xor seed ana leeci. Also i;rnn, t'orn Meal Fea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choice Timothy Hay, Wheat and Rice Straw. ALSO FERTILIZERS- ated Fert'hzers, Pure Bone Meal, Land Plas ter, Acid Phosphate Shell Lime in any quan tities. CT?T?TQ Choice Grass and Clo kjXLl'JO""ver Seeds of every kind, both for field and farm. L- R. WYATT. W&ere the buyer gets the Proflt Is the Place TO BTV. In addition to ou Etoch of clothing we wish to call attention to our gents' wmm GOOD?. . SHIPTte, l.TTTittied ftv ului..iri!d, OIJFF9, COT I, R8. DRAWERS TJNISR-SHIRTIs H031KRI, Blacl and colored ' ' jMDKFF(jHTF,FP, COTTON, and th9 base ball handkerchief 8u pendens. 5r" NOTICE. By virtue of the mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by Richard Judd and wife, Salhe Judd, on the 20th day of January, 182, and legistered in tha Register's office of Wake county, in book No 70, on page 251, 1 shall sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at my office in Holly Springs, Wake county, N 0, on the 1st day of February 18 2, the land described in said mortgage deed. Time of ale, 12 o'clock m. G B A LFORD, 1 30d Mortgagee. tifcN 1 LBu BV": Enclosed please flud moo order for e'e en dollars and twebtt ii ts, for which bi-itd uie cue of your CUTA WAY FUO K bU ITS that you se'L for 115 0 1 a d fdvextise now at 1 4 i tT, u ak: lt the suit cost $1 '5 i l-tve Urn xlsetioo to on; yoq auo tuy size and I feel sure of b iug pieas.-d, as 1 have always fuuud you to live up to your adver. tisemente and feel that I II get good value. Send per express today. Thanking you for past favors, 1 remain, you- very truly, A. J. K. We could show dozens of similar orders we received during the past week, since the anuouuoemeut of the Extraordinary Sale of 1 4 off We do not wish to be personal, otherwise we could name you the parties. One gentleman wrote: If Berwangers announce anything to be special THEN I AM CONVINCED TO BELIE YE IT. The patrons who have viBited our store last week (even during the fear f ul weather we've had) were all much pleased. It isn't profit or cost we're after now. Our idea is to sell the goods and let each and every season stand upon its own basis, no matter how much the less. inOlk-v HERE ULTRTAND COMtTHISWEEK. It is to your interest and saves you many dollars, while in the meantime you are suited and can as yet be fitted. K OFF ON j&VABY PHUfi OF VUTU GONE. , S. & D. BERWANGER. Dt-e 9 F-RrCfcM TrHrlzS DAY I WrtLL o -OFFER SOME 8PE IAL BARGAINS IN o Worsteds, Calicoes And Gingham. 1st. 1 will offfi a first class 10c Wor: ted at 7J c per yaTd. fu. i,o v yarus ox ouinuaru ran sucn Dranoss Simpson & Sons, fec , all are strictly of callcoTi tliis loW 1 m yMd- Positively not &, shoady pieS 3rd A few pieces a St .ndard 10 rent Gingham for 7J cents. Come early and get your choice of these bargains as the preUy onps are as cheap as the ugly ones SHOE3, SHOES, SHOES. SHOES. Come and see my shoes before you tuy, aud vou will be well paid for your visit. Prices Ui,R LXr iammuKin.soue special prictin LadieS, Children's and Jaui1 c- 11 ANDERS, No B. E flarpett street. , Next door to W. B. Mann & Co. fOR Three DAYS H -ONLY- A LIMITED NCMBKR OF CHILDREN'S TEN CENT GERMAN Horn Horns and a bar of SOUTHERN FAMILY or MAGNOLIA SOAP for a dime. The horn itself sells in every toy store for the price named, Apply to J R Ferrall & Co, W B Mann & Co, D T Johnson, R J Powell W B Bell, Mrs Jos Watson, Graus man & Rosenthall, L D Wom,ble, O H Johnson, Wayi e Allcott, R. MUtaman, Alvin Betts, C O Ball & Co. W R News.m, W H T Caudle, W D Bell, B F Faison, REMEMBER THAT 25 WRAPPERS entitle you to receive free of cost two bars of soap, and that the persons presenting at our office on March 1st, the largest number of wrappers, bought at retail, will receive ?3, 16 and f 10 in gold. Southern Soap Manpg Co. Raleigh, N C, Dec 1st, 1801 lm Administrator's Notice. Persons have claims against ibe estate of Solomon Pace will present them to the un dersigned on or before the 1st day of Janu ary, 1803, oi this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. W. H PACK, de20 6w Admr of 8 Pace. SALE. By virtue of the provisions of a certain deed of mortgage, executed by John Bur gess, dated fauuary 29th, 1890, and register ed in the Register's ofiVe of Wake book No 113, page 495, 1 will, on Monday ,tl e 8th d y of Fehrrary, 1892, at 12o' clock the court house door in the city of Raleigh, offer for sale the following tract of land sit uate in Cedar Fork township. Wake o unty, adjoining the lands of M Medlin, Betsey Hill, William Morris, Edward Pag3 and oth ers, containing 116 aires, and being the tract tipot! which John Burgess died, j erms of sale, cash. Time of sale, February 8th, 1892 Place of sale, court house Raleigh. W H MORRIS, Ia8 tds Assignee of Mortgagee. BLAKE'S LIVERY And Exchange Stables, ISO. 207, EAST MARTIN STREET. o-t-J-t-t-o Keep on hand a nice line of i CARRIAGES, PHEATONS, BUGGIES and DRIVING HORSES, SINGLE and DOUBLE TEAMS, GOODJ3ADDLER8 for LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. STRICT ATTENTION TO ALL CALLS BY TELEPHONE Reliable and polite drivers. Special arrangements made when more than one carriage ia wanted. THE FINEST LOT OF HORSES AND MULES IN THE ( ITT ON SALE. Telephone No. 95. jan 15 lm. 3N OTICiHL HAVING this day qualified as the Execu tor of the late Isaac V , Hutch ins, this is to give notice to creditors to present thei r claims to me for payment on or before the 22nd day of December I .s"92, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All per sons indebted to the est at will please pay without further demand. CflAfl. W. BEVEKS, Executor of Isaac VV. Hutchina, deoeaaed. dec 21-6w ' ' LOST: A note executed by Carson-O'Neal and Mary O'Neal to & B Richardson for 700, dated April 4, 1888, and secured by mort gage. The finder will be rewarded by deliv erm g the same to W H Richardson, at Went dill, Wake county, N. c mm