t)C Italia WWII 34 or VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2G, 1892. NO. 80 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Feporte'8 8 e and Hear vorth Giving to Our Benders News in Brief. Raleigh Council, No. 551, Royal Ar canum, meets tonight at 7:30 Anderson Stephen died near Cary last Saturday at the great hge of 95 years. There were several loads of tobacco sold on our market this morning at pretty fair prices. In his will, Mr. W. Robinson, of Martin county, has left the Oxford Orphan Asylum $5,000. Mr. J. M. Monie has purchased the remainder of the stock of clothing &c , of Mrs. Hattie V. Waitt. Yesterday and Sunday were two of the prettiest days we have had this year. See 0. H, Anderson's stcck of shoes before buying elsewhere. He is mak ing some special offers in men's, wo men's and children's shoes. Deputy Sheriff R. B. Hyatt, of Edgecombe county, brought up three prisoners to the penitentiary yester day. The committee on collections of ex hibitsforthe Columbian Exposition at Chicago will meet in this city to morrow. One hundred thousand dollars of old bonds were presented at the State Treasury yesterday f r exchange for 4 per cent new bonds Mr. L. J. pulley, of Panther Branch township, was yesterday appointed admiuistrator of W. C. Sturdivaut, deceased. We saw in Hawkins' stall in the market this morning the largest tur key doubtless that was ever sold in Raleigh. It weighed 88 lbs dr seed. Friend Sam Crocker says he is straightening up things on his street. He has built two stores and is now constructing a photograph gallery. It is reported that Little river at Goldsboro is higher than ever known before within ttiree feet of the rail road track. A telegram has been received if this city from Clarksville, Texas, an nouncing the death of Dr. Josepl Marcellous Taylor of North Carolina on Saturday last. A telegram was received here this the death of uivi uMp3 " o Mrs. W. B. Shephard, of Edenton. N 0. She was a sister of Mr. Benehan Cameron end daughter of Mr. Paul Cameron, deceased. Selmn, Johnston county, beats Dur ham. We were informed this morn inie by a reliable citizen that a gen tleman at Selma, in order to be sure n oinifi irninf to the Chilian war had already selected his spot and dug, his cave. XflW is pracwcai. Mr. Geo. R. Jarman, representing Messrs. Henry Bryer & Soft., of Charleston, S. C, who are taking steps to rebuild the old Raleigh ice factory, was in to see us this morn ing. Mr. Jarman savs his firm v ill put up a first class factory and f urn itih Je to the people at moderate rates this summer. Success to them A long and fruitless debate may be looked for over the bill introduced in the United States Senate for the ad mission of Utah into the Union of States. It will, no doubt, end in talk. Its poligimous reputation will stand in the way a while yet. There came very n ear teing a seri ous accident on Edenton street Sun day afternoon on the street oar track Some boys were playing near Christ church and one, running after anoth er, dashed just ahead of a rapidly mnrinc oar on a down grade. The mo tor man instantly reversed the ma chinery and the boy was saved from being torn to pieces by the wheels. The machinery sustained some dam age and people were thrown about in the oar considerably by the sadden (Stoppage. A woman living on South Dawson J street near the railroad crossing, was fearfully and probably fataly burned ' last evening by the explosion or a. lamp. Her clothes took fire and were V. ff Im. anil as, hnvnlnff ' her body that she is not expected to live. In our issue of yesterday we failed to state that Rev. Dr. Hall assisted Rev. J. B. Hurley at the funeral of Mrs. Sammerlin, for the reason that the item was written in advance. The doctor was very correctly invited to assist in the services. Paid in Full. In the matter of the shortage of the late sheriff, J. Rowan Rogers, tne bond has been paid in full by some of the bondsmen amountii g to about $10,000. Those tondsmen who ha"e had to run their hands down into their pockets so deep are about to take steps to make those on the bond who have not paid their portion, do ... . i . t .1 m so. But tne bona is settiea so mr no the county is concerned. Dr. Nash Much Better. He was sick several days since, at his home in Wilmington, yesterday was reported very ill and many of his friends here were anxiously inquiring after him. We this afternoon re ceived the following telegram which will be pleasing to many. 8pecial to the Visiror. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 26. Dr. Nash is much better, sitting up. Bev. Dr. Walking Will Leave. The people of Raleigh will regret very much that Dr. Watkins has fully decided to leave us. He made this announcement to bis congrega tion on last Sunday night. He goes to Spartinburg, 8 0. Died. Last night at 1 o'clock, Mr. Geo. W. Scarborough, of Eagle Rock, th in coun ty, aged 63 years. Be was uncle to our to wnsman Prof. JohnO. l?carboroii;b. He will be burried tomorrow ( Wedues day) afternoon by the Masonic Fra turuity of wh ich he was an honored member. Personal mention. Mr. C. J. Hunter has gone to Phil adelphia on business. Mr. Frank Gildiner, the popular traveling salesman for Sargent & Co. of New York is in the city. Mr. John Porter, we are sorry to learn, is seriously ill at his home. Congressman Hon. W. A. B. Branch left yesterday afternoon for the east Rev. P. E. Clark, D. D., President nf fha Vm-inc Pnonlfl's Softietv of Christian Endeavor, left the city this atternoon tor uoiumDia, . u. r.ni I. 1, Ho k is id tne citv. Col. J ulian 8. Carr was in the city this morning, ae leit ior jnew xotk. Synopsis of the Weather at 8 P M Yesterday. The following weather forecast have been received by telegraph from the chief of the weather bureau at Washington, 1) C. : The fine weather of the last few days is due to an extensive low pres sore near the mouth of the river 8t Lawrence, which is causing the prevailing winds over nearly the whole United States to be from the southwest or northwest. At 8 p. m tha skv was nerfectlv clear everv where except at Chicago where it was cloudy. TiVir weather will continue, becom ing slightly colder, with northwest winds until Wednesday evening. Valuable Meal Estate for Sale on Easy Terms. Store building. 203 Fayetteville street : residence, corner New Berne avenue and Person street ; also one floe carriage horse and c image, and other vehicles, by D. T. Swindkll Eighty Thousand Dollars. Eighty thousand dollars is about the amount of stock now on hand in Swindell's store, ami all this stock is being sold at wholesale, cost. You don't often get a soft snap like this. Twenty thousand dollars in dress (roods. Twelve thousand dollars in shoes. Ten thousand dollars in carpets. Six thousand dollars in clothing, Three thousand dollars in gent's furnishing goods. Two thousand dollars in men's hats. Two thousand dollars in millinery goods. OnA thousand dollars in trunks. Ten thousand dollars in notions. Two thousand dollars in blankets and bed clothes, and the bah nee in miscellaneous stock, and every dol lar's worth at wholesale cost. If you wish the cream picking don't wait. We will move by April. Yours truly, - D. T. SWIKDBLI.. Another X coded Improvement. Now that the city authorities have paved West Martin street to the new Union Depot, it would ba a big im provement to pave the sidewalk on the south side of NRsh square The red clay soil is bad there and if tome- thing is not done, it will give Strang ere a bad impression of our beautiful city. A Little Gravel Needed. While we are having nice sunshine weather, if street commi sioner Blake would put sand and gravel on the walks of Moore square, it would imi prove the walks wonderfully. During the bad spell of weather just passed, it was simply impassible to pass along the walks through this square, if a person just managed to get through, he did it by walkiog out side of the walks on the grass. It would cost very little to fix it up. WATERWORKS PIPE LAYING In Lincoln, Nebraska, where new water works have been introduced, they resort to a new method of dig gipg trendies without breaking the sur ace for laying the pipes. It is to dig a trench from the main to the sidewalk &ud then a hole is bored un derneath the lawn with the service pipe itself which is connected to a fire plug by means of a hose. The pipe is pushed into the ground and the et of water bores a hole in advance. When one section ha been pushed as far as it will go, another is screwed on and tne process repeated. By this means a pipe can be carried 75 or 80 feet underground without a trench and two men can often make three or four connections in a single day. Si Plunkard." J. C. Lewis, one of the cleverest of comedians, assisted by a company of merit, presented the aniuting Yankee drama, ' Si Plunkard," to a fine audience in Shawhan's opera j j house last evening, and never wat an audience more please 1. Mr. Le"is has surroundered himself with a good , company. W. M. Milligan, as the : ' German comedian, is a whcle team, j j and he was recalled after nearly every j : appearance. Misses Wright and Rice : i and W. C. West all found favor with the audience and were responsible j for considerable merriment. As to the comedy itself, there's just plot enough in it to bring out the quaint drolleries of the Yaukee pedlerand; hie coterie of friends, likewise his enemies "si nunKaru scoreu a point, and will be greeted by hosts of i friends should he return to Tiffin. j Tiffin (0 ) Daily Advertiser, JNov. a, 1890. The above attraction will appear at Metropolitan Hall, Friday, Jan , Stf. Reserved seats on sale at MacRay's drug store. I NO Hardware, &c. MAN can be haopy with his face all scraped and sore rum SHAVING No man c?- sha ve well with a sor ry razor, ! ue moral is to call and buy ACO( D RAZOR. SPECIAL NOTICES. BICYCLE FOB SALE. Columbia, cushion tire, only used one week. Easy terms to right party. Address "Bicyclk," care of this office. jan 21 lw. Wraps Less Than Cost of Manu facture. We still have a number of ladies' long garments that we are offering at prices less than it cost to make them. This line of wrpps is divided in three lots, one at $5, one at $7 50, one at $10. Besides these we are offering bargains all through the wrap stock, for every wrap sold now, means that much less to pack away this summer, and we had much rather have the money now, than have the wraps during the warm months, so if you wish to buy a wrap, come and see how much we will save you on the price of one W. H. & R 8. Tucker & Go. We ofle have just Our name i and every azors that are good; we received a large stock. , stam ped on the razor, le is WARRANTED. RAZORS very" light weieht. AZORS medium weight, AZORS heavy weight. J0ur razor with name RALEIGH etrhtd on it, is finest can be manufactured. luuninu u, uniuuu - u"uu, RALEIGH, H. C. THE POCR TBEY HAVE.' NOT WITH THEM. Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch. At the union religious meeting at Vanlue Thanksgiving day a eoliee tion was taken for the relief of the poor and needy. This money w. s placed in the hands of a committee of ladies, and now they come forward and report that they can find neither poor nor needy in the village or vi cinity, and don't know what to do with the funds. Horses for Sale. Three (3) good, kind, gentle, family and brood mares. One of this num ber is Jno Gatling's driving mare. Terms easy. Can be seen at Robt. E Parham's stables. ja25 tf V. B. Moore, G'd'n. AT AUCTION. A Chance For Bargains. Until the 80th of the present month I witl sell piece goods for suits and pants; also "misfits" and ready made clothing regardless of cost, in order to meet payments. V I. WlNBlROiJ Agt. The auction v. ill commence each night at 8 o'clock p m. jan. 16 2w, MIDWINTER CLEARANCE SALE. ALL TK1MMED MILLINERY FOR ladkM and children. All rut rimmed felt hats All children's and infant's caps in silk, cashmeie, cloth &c. AU fancy feathers, birds &c, to b closed out regardless of cost, as we do not carry over winter Millinery. A nice line of slightly Soiled stamped Linens, Doylies, Tea Tray, Bouffe and Bureau Covers, Carving Sets &c, very cheap. ALL KINDS OF WOOLS AND EM BROIDERING MATERIALS. IB SIAinl REESE, ap9 tf 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Dry Of? ds, JNoiions, &c. flfMURgCO. Struck by a Snowball. Phillipsburg, Pa., Jan. 24. The most remarkable and, at first, seem ingly unaccountable stupor and sleep of Miss Carrie Hoffman, of this vil lage, is peculiarly ei planned. She lay in a comatose condition at Superin tendent Anderson's home from Tues day evening until Thursday, and then only partially regained con sciousness. Miss Hoffman states, since the res toration of her mind and memory, that she was on Tuesday evening struck on the back of the head, at the base of the brain, by a sno v ball, thrown by some urchin. It hurt her but little at first, but before she got home stars danced before her eyes, and she was soon in a trance. She is probably suffering from concussion of the brain. The Richmond 'iiiaes of Sundav publishes the death of Mr. Thomas R.Taylor, and request Raleigh pa pers to copy. J. P. Dahlborn, the sign painter, can be called on or addressed at his office, 109 Fayetteville st. He guar an tees the finest sign work in the State. de 31 Fresh Heckler Ball & Co. sausage tat C. O. NORMS' Dry Goods Store. Just opened a beautiful line of French, German and American Dress Goods, in stylish mixtures, plaids, stripes, &c, and today place them on our counters at only C58 Cents Per Yard.1 This is positively the greatest bar gain we have ever offered in our dress floods department. They are richly worth, and are sold elsewhere at i cents. 1RY A 1 i jL 1 1 CLR SHOE Norms' Dry Goods Stork. , ,.. r fiil(gpfgifj-. THE BE5T FOR THE SHOES LEAST MONEY! A-LADIES' KID BUTTON, 0P tl.t,0J era and Common Sense last. CiO AA-LADIES' KID BUTTON with qp4 iVU-Patent Leather Tips. t'2 00-GENT8 BALS AND CON 4 VV-gress, French and London Tips. $9 0GfiNT8BA-L8ANDONrGRESS "V VWate and narrow toes. SCHOOL SHOES. CHILDREN'S SH00L SHOES, II 00, 1.25 and $1 50. H.&K S. 123 and 125 F. ytf er b Co, i iUegtresfr,

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