TRAVELING WITHOUT MONEY. LOUUVILLB. Ky., Jan., 2'. 'even hundred miles .u tbe length of the journey upon which a country boy started without a cent in hie pocket a month ago This morning he ar rived at the Central Polico Station and told his story to Capt. Baaler. Sixteen years ago his father, Charles Joyslyn which is also the name of the boy started South as the man ager of a theatrical company. On the way tbe mother took sick and died, and at West Point, Ala., the company was stranded. Penniless and friendless, the father found him self with two little children to care for. He gave the daughter to a Dr. Phelps and bound tbe boy, then aged 2 years, to rich farmer named Pitts. The boy grew up on the farm was never Bent to school, and worked as bard as any of the negroes on the place. A week ago Pitts told him that, as he had sold the farm, he no longer had any use for his services. He gave him all his clothes, and among his effects he found a letter from Mrs. Joseph Lloyd of this city, who is his cousin. Young Joslyn took his little valine in his hand and started to walk here a distance of 700 miles. He had tramped along tbe railroad about twenty miles when he came to a gravel train, on a side track, wait ing for a passenger train to pass. The boy told his story to the conductor and the latter carried the boy about fifteen miles further to Montgomery. There the train stopped. A crowd of travelers were standing on the platform waiting for a passenger train bound for Chattanooga. In the crowd was a drummer whom the gravel train conductor knew. He soon got him interested in the boyV case and tbe drummer took up a col lection sufficient to pay his fare to Chattanooga. The streak of luck clung to the traveler, for he there met a wealthy old lady who paid his fare to Nash ville. In the latter city the Mayor gave him a pass to Louisville. THE GREATEST BUILDING IN THE WORLD. Julian Ralph in Harper's. An astonishing featnre of tbe Co lombian exposition will be one of the palaces grouped in the heart of the palaces grouped in the heart of the fair grounds. It is the Manufactures building. It will bear the same rela tion to this exposition as the Eiffel tower did to that of Paris in 1889, and indeed its possible use as a vantage point from which to see the fair grounds has terminated in the nega tive the discusf ion for and against the construction in Chicago of a rival to the great tower of Paris. This great est of all the exposition buildings,and of tbe buildings of the world, will present to Lake Michigan a facade of such length as to suggest the wall of city a,yet it is soadmirably designed, bo light and graceful in its effect upon t he vision, that its true extent can only be comprehended when its di mensions are expressed in figures and by comparisons. It is one third of a mile long, and to compass it round about is to walk a mile. The roof of it is 1,688 by 1W feet, and the span of the dome, the largest ever attempted, is 888 feet. The roof is 230 feet from the ground, and the building has forty acres of ground floor Two of the vast ma chinery halls of the Paris exposition could be wheeled through it, and the auditoiium, the building of which Chicago is most proud, could be push ed under this great roof, tower and all. The population of the Cherokee Nation, which has recently sold 6,000, 000 acres of land to the government, is about 80,000. The Cherokees are a highly civilized tribe of Indians. " Iff Visitors to Werkhojaust, Siberia, complain of the coldness of the place. The thermometer is said to have reg istered on occasions as low as 81 degs. below zero, and that the ground freezes to a d pth of 400 feet. "Well, that's queer," said the fel low, as he contemplated the bogne quarter the bar keeper had just re fused. Binghanipton Leader. Raleigh Hurket Report. WROLjJSU.K A WD RKTAIU Corrected WKBKLT by W. C. AH R fRONACH. rayetteville and Wilmington streets. S15 217 Mkats-C. R. sides, 6 H Hulk shoulders, 7 10 Baoon " 8 Ho " breakfast 124 W Hams sugar enred 124 15c " N. C. & Va., 1?J 16rJ Baton N. C , bog round, lo 11c Lard Pure, 8 10c Compound 6fc H Floor Best per bbl $6.00 7.00 Family, " 6.75 6.50 Good, M 5.25 5.50 Oos-FKK Rio Green '8 25c BueAR Granulated, 64c Yellow extra C 4 5c Molahsks-Cuba 0o Newt deans, 24 60c Syrup , 25 BO MsAif per bushel H5 1.00 Corn per bushel 90 1.00 Oats per bushel, 474 60c Hay per huo wt, 90 1.10 Brah per pound, 14 lie Ship Stuff per pound, 14 He Salt per sack, 1.50 1:75 m m READ THIS LETTER COUNTRY PRODUCE. Hotter- 174 25c Eggs. 15 20c Chickens Spring, 15 25c Hens, 80 85c Potatoes 8wet, 35 60c Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of a deed in trust ex ecuted to me by C. DeBoy and others, dated tbe 6th day of December, 188!) and re corded in book l'O, page 273 I will on Sat urday, the 13th day of February, 1892, at 12 o'clock, m, at the court house door, in Ral eigh, N C , sell at public auction, the two tracts of land therein described, one contain ing 136 acres, more or less, and the other 10 acres, irore or less, the said tracts being eou ting'ious and lying about two and a half miles west of the city of Raleigh. Terms of the t ale are cash, but satisfactory arrangemen's can be made for deferred pay ments on part of the purchase money. R. T. GRAY, Trustee. Jkmington Standard rJ,YPE- "YRITERS. More Remington's are used in Raleigh than all other makes combined. For catalogues or information, apply to the undersigned. WM EASDALE. J B CULPEPER, Raleigh, N C jltf Richmond, Va. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. "JJ" NDER the terms of a mortgage execu ted by R P. Howell to Eliza Donaldson, Trustee, registered in Wake county in book 100, page 169. Register's office, I will on Feb ruary 29th, 1892, at 12 m., at the court house door in Raleigh, expose to public sale a tract of land in Swift Creek township, adjoining the lands of T. A. Bowen, W. J. Crowder, W. G. Upchurch ad Jas. S. West, contain iLg 1014 acres, fully described in the said mortgage. Terms cash. ELIZA DONALDSON, Trustee. F. H. BTJSBEE, Attorney, jan 21st tds. Sale of Land. By authority of mortgage from Walter H Howard and wife, as recoroed in book l3, page 611, Ri gister of Deeds office for Wake county, I will, on Monday, 22d February, 1892, at 12 o'clock nr, at the court house door of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a certain parcel of land in Oberlin village, Dear Raleigh, adjoining the lands of Mt Moriah church and others, containing 14 acres, and particularly described in said mort gage. W N JONES. ja22tds Attorney ' Chean Homes."- I offer desirable building lots in the northwestern part of the city as rep resented on Shaffer's map, lying on tbe extension of Jones, Lane, and Worth streets. Jn order to, en able pur chasers to improve their property, by ext ending their available means in building and making their homes comforta ble. 1 will lease these lots at a rent eijuul to the interest on their value, and give le pur chasers twenty years to p;iy for the proper y. To mechanics and y- ung mm a-ning monthly wages, this ot .r embles thtui to secure a home at mo J rak pi'cs md 'ung credits, and pay t' ihenf as ';Umm : earnings allow. A man can lease a lot of cc quarter of an acre, lor say $24 a yeai, tn e lease hav ing the transferable chaiacter of a lee-simple title, and redeemable at lite pleasure of the holder, by p ynieut in full or by install ments el not lev s 'han one-liiUi of tue cost of thf lot, and'ean nse all the means at com mand to bund his home and mal e himself i-o nfortable. He thus secures a home free from any debt that can trouble him, by the payment of $24 a year. Ai.nly to WM. J. SAUNDERS l-stats Agt. dec 19 1m 421 aanhdeni St. BOABDEttS WAN 1 1 D. '"PWO gentlemen can be furnished -with JL board ana lodging at Ho. m. Saunders mm . dec 2j-tf 6 if g fifi l t 9 . 0) GS SO 3 o SB Sf Eh I P3 O o Eh X ra SALS- AT 216 Favetteville St. wnnn Dr? pipe woo,i ut T ' tJ -L"any length, delivered to any part of the city. T TTlVrRT?!? of any dimensions U 1TJJXLIi. funrnished on sho-t notice. Also shingles, laths, &c- POOTi My fiPecial Horse and -A VVXy Cow Food is gaining quit' a reputation wherever used. It will pay you to give it a trial. WHEAT, &C.-.nilffl at lowest prices Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, both for seed and feed. Also Bran, Corn Meal, Pea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choice Timothy Hay, Wheat and Rice Straw. -ALSO- FERTILIZERS-Jt ated Fertilizers, Pure Bone Meal, Land Plas ter, Acid Phosphate Shell Lime in any quan tities. T7T?Pl Choice Grass and Clo-kJ-LLJ.1 'JLkVver Seeds of every kind, both for field and farm. L- R, WYATT. ov Rent. 8R0OMwith store attached, corner of HODSK Bloun and Smithfield streets; good water and garden, stable, &c; excellent stand for business. 8 ROOSfnear corner Halifax and John HOTJSE ton streets; water in house. $16 66 ROOM219 S Swain st, near Hartjett st; "HOUSfc. city water; good garden. $10 4 ROOM on Oakdale st; will be vacated HOUaii. February 1st. $7 50 Two lirst class stores on Fayettevillt st. J. M. BROUtlHTOK. & CO., ja23 Real stbte Agency, Offices, 1 and 8 Martin Bf. It Will gift you some idea how macb oar 1-4 off on m . mi wiutei doods sill is appreciated by oar out-oMowii castoiaers: Messrs S. D. Berwanger, Raleigb, N P.: GEN TLE WEN: Enclosed please flud uiou y order for e e en dollars .4viS " ' ul. for whioh P'eseud ui one of your CUTA WAY FRO K SUITS that you se'l for15 0) a d advertise now at I -I tr. u aking tbe suit oost $11 25. 1 le'ive the selection to on; you know my size and I feel sore of beiug pleas d, as I have always found you to live op to your adver . tisements and feel that I II ger good value. Send per eipress today. Thanking you for paet favors, 1 remain, your8 very truly, A. J. K. We could show dozens of similar orders we received during the past week, since the announcement of the Extraordinary Bale of 1 4 off. We do not wish to be personal, otherwise we could name you the parties. One gentleman wrote: If Berwangers announce anything to be specif THEH I AM CO EYIHCED TO BELIEVE IT. The patrons who have visited our store last week (even during the fear ful weather we've had) were all much pleased. It isn't profit or cost we're after now. Our idea is to sell the goods and let each and every season stand upon its own basis, no matter how much the kss. IF m w HERE YET.TRYAHO COME THIS WEEK. It is to your interest and saves yon many dollars, while in the meantime you are suited and can as yet be fitted. 1-4 OFF OK HVEEY PUflCHASE OF WMfTBH &00DS. S. & D. BERWANGER. Would Y u Like to Save $1.00? If so boy one pair of C. H. ANDBRSOK'8 $5 Hand Sewed Phoes. They To the Ladies. lhave a few more of thone tic HutUna Qt a -a u . tVos, 10c ftingbams at 7c A 7ic w hise flBT. lin af Z ' Shoe- - 86 at Per pa'r' &C- Qreat baraln8 ln ladl nd misses :- H- ATs DERSOM, No. 5 Hargett Street fOfc Three DAYS -O NLY- A LIMITED NUMBER OP CHILDREN'S TEN CENT GERMAN Horn Horns and a bar of SOUTHERN FAMILY or MAGNOLIA SOAP for a dime The horn itself sells in every toy store for the price named, Apply to J R Ferrall & Co, W B Mann & Co, D T Johnson, R j Powell W B Bell, Mrs Jos Wateon, Graus man & Rosenthall, L D Womble, 0 H Johnson, Wayne Allcott, R. M TJtzman, Alvin Betts, C O Ball & Co. W R News, m, W H 1 Caudle, W D Bell, B F Faison, REMEMBER THAT 25 WRAPPERS entitle you to receive free of cost two bars of soap, and that the persons presenting at our office on March 1st. the largest number of wrappers, bought at retail, will receive 13, 16 and $10 in gold. NOTICE. By virtue of the mortgagtfUeed executed to the uuctersigueU oy Hiohard JuddSnd wife, Sal he Judo, on the aoth day of January, 182, and legistered in tha Registers office oi ake county in book No 70, on page iSl, i shall sell to the highest bioder, lor casn, at my office in Holly (Springs, Wake county, N V, on the 1st day of February 18-2, the iaaa described in said mortgage deed. Time ot UK? Mortgagee.,.' Southern Soap Manf'g Co. Raleigh, N C, Dec 1st, 1891 lm Administrator's Notice. Persons hav claims againt-t die estate of Solomon Pace will present them to the un dersigned on or before the 1st day of Janu- nry, j.otw, oj una uouce win w plead m oar of their recovery. W. H. PACF., de29 6w Admr of S Pace. " SALE. By virtue of the provisions of a certain deed of mortgage, executed by John Bur gess, dated January 29tn, 1890, and register ed in the Register's office of Wnke book No 113, page 496, 1 will, on e 8th d y of February, 1892, at 12 o'clock the court house door in the city of Raleigh, offer for sale the following tract of land sit uate in Cedar Fork township, Wake a unty, adjoining the lands of M Medlin, Betsey Hill, William Morris, Edward Pagt and oth ers, containing 116 asres, and being the tract tipo.. which John Burgess died, j enns of sale, cash. Time' of sale, February 8th, 1892 Place of sale, court house Raleigh. W H MORRIS, PB t'ls Assignee of Mortgagee. BLAKE'S LIVERY And Exchange Stables, 10. 207, EAST MARTIN STREET. c t-J-t-t-o Keep on hand a nice line of , CARRIAGES, PHEATONS, BUGGIES and DRIVING HORSES, SINGLE and DOUBLE TEAMS, GOOD SADDLERS for LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. STRICT ATTENTION TO ALL CALLS BT TELEPHONE, Reliable and polite drivers. Special arrangements made when more than one carriage is wanted. THE FINEST LOT OP HORSES AND MULES ON SALE, jan 15 lm. IN THE CITY Telephone No. 95. 3NOTI03l- HAVING this day qualified as the Execu tor of the late Isaac V , Hutchins, this k to give notice to creditors to present thei claims to me lor payment on or beiore the 22nd day of JJewmber 1892, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of rt covery. All per sons inuebted to tlib estate will please pay without further demand. Gil AW. W. BEVERH, Executor of Isaac W . 11 inch ins, dec21-6w teCeaaed LOST: A note executed by Carson O'Neal and Mary O'Neal to K B Richardson for 700, dated April 4, 1888, and secured by n ort gage. Ihe finder will be rewarded by deliv, enna the same to WH Richardson, at We diU, Wake county, N,Q, de29 30d

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