he wailn tKiutt 1 ZAl wsttor. RALEIGH, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1892 VOL. XXVI. NO. 8(5 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Feportcs S e and Hear Worth Giving to Our Headers Newe in Brief. Cotton receipts still very small. A considerable number of country people were in the city today. The mayor had another off time to day. Recruits are being daily received at the penitentiary. The demand for fertilfzer tax tags is good. The song of the blue bird is heard in the land. Market well supplied today with all the delicacies of the season. "More meat and bread and less cot ton," is getting to be the rallying cry of oar farmers. Good idea. The lovely weather today, begins to look like a good time to commence gardening. Very few mortgagee or lien bonds are now being registered in the Regis ter of Deeds office compared with re cent years. The health of the Students at the Agricultural and Mechanical College has greatly improved. No cases of grippe are now on band. There is some little delay of work on the new Union Depot caused from the non arrival of slate for the roof. The delay will only he of short dura tion. it is now confidently stated that the Hargett street car line will be opened in a. few days. Rumor has it that the cars recently arrived will be put on. It is rumored that one of ourbache lor city officials will toon enter the arena of married Hiss. He whV'let the cat out of the bag," he says in a few weeks. Go to Metropolitan Hall tonight and witness the performance of Little Lord Fauntleroy. It will be a drama tic event of unutual interest. A zealous calculator now sajB that February, 1920, will have five Kan days. We have not bad time to ii vestigate it, but suppose it is so. A large fire was noticed some dis tance beyond, the fair grounds thh morning. It was at first reported Maj. Tucker's barn was burnt but We learn that the tire proceeded from burning brush. The resignation of Hon. J. H. Mer rim on as a Judge of the Superior Court causes a acancy, which Gov Holt will have to fill until the next general election. It is understood, that there arenhear'y a large nuin . ber of applicants. The State University at Chapel Hill is now in the most flourishing condition in its history. A gentle man well versed in edueationaf mat ters, said today, that it would soon rank with the most eminent institu tions of the world. Why not ? We are indebted to Mr. A. L. Fer rell, Secretary and Registrar Board of Health and city sanitary inspector for a copy of his report of vital Btatis tics for the month of January. It is a most admirably arranged document and contains most useful information Mr. Ferrell deserves much credit for the energy and zeal fie displays in prosecuting the duties of his office. Bill Nye is one of the best known humorist before the public, and in speaking of RayL. Royce the great fun maker, who appears here Wed nesday, February 3rd, in "Tom's Va cation." He says, in a letter : Dkar Mr. Potob : - Your music is fciinply charming and your fun would cAuse a graven image to laugh, but would not soil the most delicate fabric aud certainly no better ooinple meat could be paid than this odd one iven by Mr. Nye, and Mr. Royce fully deservea it as his friends will testify. Pay up your taxes and avoid costs. ' The sheriff cannot wait much longer. i There are now about 800 patients in thelnsane Asylum here. The grippe is fast leavirg us. There are now only a few cases in the city, and those of a mild type. Some of our merchants are already talking about goiug North after spring goods. '1 here are estimated to be over a hundred life, accident and flrefbsu. ranee companies in North Carolina. The Supreme Court yoBterday dis posed of all cases from the First dis trict in a very short time. Valentines are being displayed iu the stores. The comic kind seem to prevail and they can be had from one cent up. Many seats are taken for "Little Lord Fauntleroy" tonight. There will be a large crowd. The street commissioner says he is going to make Moore square an orna ment to the city. The walks are be ing nicely laid off. Local politics is beginning to loom up considerably already. The talk has commenced and soon the "dear people" will be vocifercusly appealed to. We are rrq lested to state that the Raleigh Euchre Club will meet at the residence of Maj R S. Tucker on Friday night next at 8 o'clock instead of tomorrow evening as previously announced. A man by the name of Boyd has been arrested and lodged in jail at Charlote charged with wrecking the train at Boetian bridge last fall. He has confessed. The county commissioners, accom panied by their exofiicio clerk, Mr. Mial, went out to the county infirm ary today for examination. They will, no doubr, find everything in good order. Lt. Shipp, of the United States Army, last night entered on the work ofmilitary instruction in this State by drilling the Govenor'sguard.There were only a few members present at first, but squads were sent out and succeeded in getting up a good crowd. The advertisement of Mr. 0. H. An derson. o 5 Hargett street, appears in this issue. At this establishment can be found some as complete bar gaiDs as at any similar establishment in North Carolina. Call and make selections. In the line of shoen, Mr. Anderson makes a specialty which should not be overlooked. According to an old saying, today February 2d, is " ground-hog" day. It is said that he comes from his bur row today and if he does not see his shadow be will go back and stay six weeks, thereby indicating that win ter will linger in the " Ian of spring" six weeks longer. Luckily, today has been bright, and if this old say ing is true, we may look for an early spring. A Good Idea. The bulletin boards prescribed by the Railroad Commission have been placed at important points on the line of the Seaboard Air Line Bystem. This, we tuppose, will be done by all the roads in the State. It will be a great convenience to the public. Promotions. The following changes have been made by an order from General Man ager Winder, of the Seaboard Air Line : Mr. John M. Sherwood treasurer of the Georgia, Carolina & Northern railway, with office at Athens, G"a.; Mr. George E Hunter to the position in the treasury department of the Raleigh & Gaston, Raleigh & Augusta Air Line and Durham St Northern railways, made vacant by the pro motion of Mr. Sherwood, with office at Raleigh; Mr. N. T. Cobb auditor of the Raleigh & Gaston, Raleigh & Augusta Air Line and Durham & northern railway, wi h office at Ral eigh, vice Mr. Hunter, promoted. Synopsis of the Weather at 8 P. M , Yesterday. The high area and clearing condi tion occupies the peninsulaof Florida. The weather is fair with south to southwest winds over entire country east of the Mississippi River. A storm center is moving eastward, north of the lakes prod ncing rain in the upper lake region. Local forecast for Raleigh and vicinity, continued fair weather, warmer. The Y. M. G. A. Assured. The organization of a Young Mn's Christian Association in Raleigh is now assured, we are glad to saya While all the funds desired has not been raised enough has been pledged to justify the Board of Directors in going forward and take steps to pro cure and equip a suitable set of rooms at the earliest practicable mo ment. The meeting at Edenton Street church Sunday afternoon was a decided success, and the audience was certainly as liberal as any antici pated. The exercises including the speeches were interesting and pro Stable. Special Sale On Friday next, Feb. 5th, we will place on our counters " a special bar gain" in ladis grain shoes. The shoes we now sell for $1.00 will on that day go at 92 cents. We will also sell a lot of ladies Don gola kid button boots for $1.18 that would be a bargain for $150. Remember that Friday, only, we will offer these goods at less than manufacturers prices. Alex. Harris, 205 Fayetteville Street. Quantity Makes No Diff erence. You can buy one trunk as cheaply as we bought four hundred trunks. You can buy one carpet as cheeply I 1 1 . A 1 I 1 I as we uougiu i wo nunarea Tons car pets You can buy one silk dress pattern at same price we bought sixty pieces silk. You can buy o e Henrietta cloth dress as low as we bought ten thou sand dollars worth of dress goo.ts You can buy one pair of shoe" at same price we got at the shoe facto ries of Massachusetts on twelve thou sand do lars worth of shoes. You can buy one suit of clothes at same price we paid per suit for Sfiven thousand dollars worth of clothing, and anything else in our store at ex aotly the price which we paid for it. Now we want to sell these goods so as to get away from Raleigh by the first days of April next, and we are selling all goods at cost. A word to those merchants who are trying to hinder our sa.le: You may not be doing yourself any very last ing good. You had better not throw any obstacles in our way. Do you, understand. Yours truly D. T. SWUDELL Hardware, &c. Mrs. Burnett's Charming Little Story. "Little Lord Fauntleroy" in its dramatized form is listed for an early production in this city. Who that reads does not know the story of Lit tle Lord Fauntleroy. Who that thinks fails to appreciate its tender pathos ; its exquisite humor, and its simplicity of character Who so young that cannot understand it, and who so dead to all gentler impulses that the purity of its sentiment will not quicken. If Mrs Burnett had never written another book her name would go down to posterity as the authoress of the most fascinating, simply and successful work that ever came from the press, or was put upon the stage. It will be presented at Metropolitan Hall tonight by Mr. French's own company from the Boadway Theatre, New York. Personal mention. Miss Mary Knight, of Eagle Rock, is in the city visiting at Mr. 0. F. Debnam's, Mrs. Dr. J. B. H. Knight and Miss Demeris Underbill, of Eagle Rock, who have been visiting in the city, left yesterday morning for William ston, Martin county. Mr. Greek O. Andrews of the News and Observer is absent on business. We regret to learn that Mrs. J. M. Monie is quite sick. Mrs. Dr. T D Martin is quite sick at her residence just west of the city limits. We were pleased to see cur young friend Mr. David Schenck, Jr., from Greensboro, in the ity yesterday af ternoon. Mr. W T. Mabry is again confined at home from sickness. x Miss Laura Cordon returned to the city yesterday from Wilson where sh i has been for a few days with her pa rents. She has resumed her studies at Peace Institute. Justice Davis of the Supreme Court in improving in his lameness. He will, no c oubt, soon be at his duties. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the N C Home Insurance Company will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 3d, at 13 o'clock m ., at the office of the company. NO MAN ran be h ippy with 'his face all scraped and sore from SHAVING No man ch shav well with a sor ry razor, liie moral is to call aud buy A GOOD RAZOR. We offer nizor that are Rood; we have just received a large stock. Our name is stamped on the razor, and every one is WARRANTED. ! H AZORS very light weieht. (;H AZORS iuu...u) weight, ! II AZORS heavy weight. jOur raior wiih name RALEIGH etchrd oro it, is finest can be manufactured. THOMAS I BK1GGS SONS, RilLEIGElt N. C MIDWINTER Pasteur germ proof water filter is for sale by W. H. Hughes. fe2 3t CLEAR IN JE SALE. Died. At the residence of his parents, on the Avent Ferry road, west of the city, last Sunday Willie B. infant son of J. B. and B. C. Howell. SPECIAL NOTICES. Htfrses for Sale. Three (8) good, kind, gentle, family and brood mares. One of this num ber is Jno. Gatling's driving mare. Terms easy. Can be seen at Robt. E Parham's stables. ja25 tf V. B. Moors, G'd'n. Ladies Fine Shoes, $1.50 to ,$2.50, Less Than Regular Price. . We ai "stock taking," and find that we have bought a few too many of some ot laird, Scober & Mitchell's fine shoes, so we have put them upon tables in the shoo department and they will be offered from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair, less than regular prices. These are some of our finest goods, and we cut the prices, not be cause they are shop worn, but be cause we havo too many. At $3.50 cloth top, kid button, with and with out patent leather tips, worth $j. At $4 50 fine kid button, hand sewed, worth $6.50 At $5, gray and tan cloth top, patent leather vamps worth $7 50. Of course when these are sold, we can't supp'y more at the same price. W. H. & R. S Tucker Co. For Rent. A six room house with water, large lot with feed room and stable, smoke house, large garden and good shade. East Lenoir street. Apply to jal9 tf Robt. E. Parham ALL TRIM: ED MILLINERY FOR ladi and children. All nu. rimmed.telt hats Ail children"; and infant's capB in silk, ci. hmere, cloth &c. A'l fancy feathers, birds &c, to be closed out regardless of cost, aB we do not carry over winter MiHfiierjv A nice line of slightly soiled stamped Linens, Doylies, Tea Tray, Bouffe and Bureau Covers, Carving Sets &c, very cheap. ALL KINDS OF WOOLS AND EM BROIDERING MATERIALS. 17 uir j nil 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. ap9tf HIPP Ml flf Tfl 0 ffluW MM EE Dry Goods. Notions, &c. I. U BUM HO. a for Sta Dptt. Our Shoe Department is a store complete within itself, for we carry at all times as impete line of footwear suitable for men, women and children, forgetting no one but providing carefully for everybody. J. lens Fine Slogs NORMS' Dry Goods Store Just opened a beautiful line of French, German and American Dress Goods, in stylish mixtures, plaids, stripes, &c, and today place them on our counters at only t&58 Cents Per Yard.Q This 1b positively tin tueatestbar gain we have ever offered in our dress roods department. They are richly worth, and are sold elsewhere at 75 cents. W TRY A PAIR OF OUR SHOES Nobbis' Drt Goods Stork. Gents Pliant '"aJf, Goodyear welt, AT 13 03 smoth inne'sole, the best shoe for the money shown by any house. A.T3oO Gents Calf Shoes, Congress and 6 1, U 50 Hals, wide, medium and pointed AND So. toes. Gent" Cordovan in Congress and AT 86 50 a,s- London, French, Memphis" and ft Louis Toes, Gents Patent Leather, Congress and Bals. Lies' Fine Sta. Ladi 3' Kid Hutton.Crmmon Sense AT 2 50 and I pera Toes, with and without Patent Leather Tips. AT S3 00 As large and varied assortment as 90 50,14, ever shown in Raleigh, and our HoOand price much more reasonable for w. rtuue snoots man "city prices " Children's Shoe?. Children's Si .iool Shoes at $1, 125 and $150. Childr fs fine kid button witb and Without paten, leather tips Complete lines ot infant's soft ki ! shirs. ff. H.4.E 8 Tack Co, 1

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