wmn tfttlttt traitor. VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1892. NO. 9C MINIATURE ALMANAC FOR TODAY, Bun rises. Bun Bete. 6:52 6:38 MOON'S PHASES FOR FEBRUARY. Firet quarter. 5th 4:3' A. M. Fall moon, nth- 2:2 P. M. Last quarter, 20th 7:p0 P M. Hew moon, 27th 10:83 P. M. SYNOPSIS OF THE WEATHER. The following is the synopsis of the weather at 8 p w. yesterday: The cold wave has reached the At lantic count today ; the lowest tem perature will he reached Saturday morning A new storm over Iowa and Wisconsin 1b causing the temperature to rise rapidly in the Mississippi val ley, with southerly Minds. RALEIGH AND VICINITY. F On Saturday and Sunday, fair weather, rapidly becoming warmer. ITY IN BK1KF. The major's court was void of in terest today. "Yesterday's blizzard seems to have been general throughout the country Half interest in the Henderson Tomahawk is offeied on reasonable terms. Mrs. Harriet Baucom has qualified as administratrix of the late Wile Hmi com. of Gary. There was a large attendance at th scree at Peace Institute tast night. The programme was a mos; enjoyable one. Prof. Moses informs us that there are about 2,400 pupils in attendance in the graded fchools, white and iXJ ored, in this township. F. H. Busbee, E;q.. of this city, will deliver a memorial address on the late E. W. Pou, at the coming term of Johnston County, Superior Court Let our mayor lose no time in call ing a public meeting for the purpose of taking sone action concerning the launching of the new cruiser, Hal eigh. Mr. E. B. Marrindale, died suddenly In Bichmond. Va., last Tuesday. He was born in Haleigb and was a broth er of Mr. H. H. Martindaie, so well known hern. Ex President Cleveland will soon be one of a hunting party near Wii mington. It would be a graceful ac for our Governor and muninipa authorities to extend him a cord i welcome to the "City of Oaks " The receipts of cotton in this cit for the week ending last Thursda afternoon were 897 bales against 293 for the conesponding time last year The receipts for the season were 20, 849 bales agaiust 82,273 last season. The alarm of fire la -it night between 9 and 10 o'clock, was caused from the burning of a chimney at the residence of Mr. A. L. Moore on West Jones street. A few shingles on the roof were burned. Damage slight. We hear that there is considerable suffering among the poor in some sections of the city, on account of lack of fuel as well as provisions . When appealed to our people should lend a helping hand as far as they can, and, no doubt they will. There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Laymen's Union in the Sunday fchool class room of Edenton Street Church on Monday night at 8 o'clock. AH the members are requested to be present. We regret to state, that a telegram was received last night, announcing the death in SpringbVd Massachu setts, February 12th, of Mr. Gustavo Gruendler, aged f ) years He was father-in law of Mrs. E V. Gruendler, of this city., Mr. Gruen Her was weli kiown in Raleigh. vVe direct attention to the adver tisement of Mr. C. H. Anderson, who announces that he is receiving spring goods daily. Call and examine his stock, which will be found to be ex cellent in all departments and the prices so low as cannot fail to satisfy. The Dialectic Society, of Chapel Hill University have passed suitable resolutions of respect to the memory fit the late ex Governor Scales. Don't forget that tomorrow is St. Valentines Day. The general verdict of the weather prophets is, that tomorrow will be a warm, pretty day. One of our t rucksters will have ripe strawberries in market in a fe days, so we learn. It is said that the tobacco crop will be a large one. Let us hope that our dealers will make earnest efforts to have much of it sent to Haleigb. There was a meeting of the Board of Health this morning at 11 o'clock at the mayor's office, at which some matters connected with the sewerage were discussed. Evangelist Lee preached to a large crowd at the Fayetteville Street Church last night. Much interest was manifested. In order to allHy public apprehen sion in some quarters, we will state that the standard silver dollar is still passing currant for its full value, and likely to so continue. Let no one be alarmed. We believe that if eoine enterpris ing owner of real estate would come forward with a reasonable proposition to furnish an eligible Bite, a good sized auditorium would soon be an accomplished improvement. Attention is directed to the adver tisrment of Messrs. H G. Rhodes & Co., in this issue. These gentlemen carry a first class stock of furniture of the latest and most approved styles which they are offering to the public at prices which cannot fail to meet the approval cf the public House keepers will do well to call and ex amine. They can doubtless be suited. At 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Rev. K D. Holmes will preach in Wm. T. Woodward's store room, on South Dawson street, between West Davie and Cabarrus streets. Tne Sun day School will be held there at 2 o'clock. Let there be a full attendance as the house will be made comfor tab'e. Masonic. Hiram Lodge No 40, will meet in regular communication Monday even ing, Feb. 15th, at 7:30 o'clock sharp. Every member is requested to be present. Brethren of sister lodges cordially invited By order of W. M E. B. Thomas, Sec'y. 0. O. Ball & Co keeps fresh Ejrer ton Snuff." THE "CITY OF DELIVERANCE." Richmond, Ind., Feb. 12. Many families of this place have become converts to a new faith ai d taken their departure for Detroit, the 'City of Deliverance' and dwelling place of "Prince Michael" the leader of the new sect, which is denominated the "Disciples of the PI v ing Roll." Mi chael K Mills, a native of Elgin, Cut , is the leader, to whom they have turned in the fear and belief that the world is about to be visited by some dreadful calamity. Try a bottle of " Parsons" Egerton Scotch Snuff at C. O. Ball & Co.'s V For Rent. Two rooms either furnished or un furnished. Apply at Febl3 lw. Visit r Office Egerton SnuT in every size pack age to suit the people. Call and be convinced for yourself. C. O Ball & Co. White Woods. New line of white good Bwhs and Nainsook check just opened at Norris' Dry Goods Store - Call on A. E. Jordan at the Barkle Restaurant when vou want fine Nor folk oysters. Freeh lot every day. " Egerton Snuff" in bladders, cans nd bottles at C. O Bell & Co.'s Go to C O. Ball & Co , for cheap and fresh groceries. Personal Mention. The condition of officer Lewellen is not eo favorable today. Mrs. W. R. Blake, who has been quite pick, is much improved W. D. t' ay wood, Eeq , is still quite sick. How It Happened. The co-author of "The Old, Old Story tells bow it received its name. It appears, that on one occasion, as they emerged from the theatre after remaining until the early morning hours, struggling to bring out the ad mirable ending of the third act,when the problem refused to be solved, each with a roll of manuscript um'er his arm, they encountered two well known Thespians who were apparent ly suffering from a slight attack of ultra conviviality superinduced by several bottles of champagne The tired play writs regarded the artiti cially joyful actors almost enviously and as they passed they overhead one of them say somewhat thickly to his companion: 'I say old chap, (hie) there you are, (hie) the old, old story, (hie) two struggling arists trying to name a play, (hie) I'll bet a bottle I'm right." The remark was one hardly calcu lated to revive the slightly drooping spirits of the playwrights, and as they slowly crossed Madison Square, a pro longed silence ensued, which was at length suddenly broken by Bellows exclaiming: "What's the matter with 'The Old, Old Story,' for a title? 1 think the gentleman with the jag' hasgiven us a good name for our play." A few mouths later when the play was completed, and the subject of the title was being considered Bellow s ag ain suggested "The Old, Old Story" and it was adopted. The theatiical pu blic as well as the hilarious Thes pians have since learned that the "two struggling artists" succeeded in writing a successful play and one that ranks high in the list of American efforts. Tomrorow at the Churches. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. 1 McK. Pittingek, Rector. Septuagesinia Sunday. Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 3.30 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 p. m. Services during the week Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Friday at 10 a. m. Seats free. All cordially invited. CHRIST CHURCH RkV. DR. MARSHALL, RECTOR. Septuagesiina Sunday. Early Communion at 8 a. m. Divine ser ice and Sermon at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 3:00 p. m. Choral Evensong at 4.30 p. m. Services during the week Wednesday 5:0J p. m. Friday at 10 a. m. All invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN REV. J. 8. WATKIKS, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Pre.teh.ing at Jl a m. and 7:30 p.m. , Sunday school at Mission Chapel at 4:"0 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to a'1 these services, All invited. EDENTON ST. M. E C FEV. J.N. COIE, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. W.J.Young.Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. CENTRAL M. E. REV. J. .1. HURLEY, PASTOR. Sunday school9:30 a.m.W.N.8neUing,Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. BROOKLYN M. E. REV. KENNETH D. HOLMES, PASTOR. Sunday school 3 p. m. Benj. Youn Supt Preaching nt 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday nigh 1 7 :30. CHRISTIAN REV. J. L. FOSTER, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a. m Preaching at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. All cordially invited. Fayetteville Street Baptist Rev. Jon athan W on. Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m., John T. Pul len, Superintendent. FIRST BAPTIST REV. DR. J. W. CARTER, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30. Thos. H.Briggs, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. All cordially invited. TABERNACLE, BAPTIST REV. DR. J. J. HALL, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Bronghton, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m., by the pastor. Public invited. Special Bargains. We will offer special bargains du ring next, week in our new lines of white goods, embroideries, wash fab rics, &c. A special invitation is given to the ladies to call and examine our new spring dress goods. Norris' Dr y Goods Store. The "Standard" is the lightest, quickest and best sewing machine ever sold on the Raleigh market possessing every known improvement stationary shutt le.no screw drivers, no puckering of goods. The first stitch perfect, and almost two stitches to any other machine's one. Give it a trial. W. 8. Uzzle, agent, 12 East Hargett street, Raleigh N. C. P. 8. It never has fits Old machines taken in exchange. Embroideries. Beautiful line of Swiss and Cam bric embroideries just opened at Norris' Dry Goods Store. Hardware, &c. White Goods, Embroidery au Laces. We are now showing a new and very complete line of white goods, embroideries and laces, white linen lawns, Persia lawn, Victoria lawn, India linen, sheer dimities, cambrics, nainsook, sheer plaid lawns, check nainsooks, tuckings, all over embroid eries, cambric, nainsook and swiss edges and insertings, veil and torchon edges. Our patrons will find it to their interest to make their selections early while the assortment is so com plete. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. NO MAN can be happy with 'his face all scraped and sore from SHAVING No man can shave well with a sor ry razor, The moral is to calland buy A GOOD RAZOR. We offer razors that are good;we have just received a large stock. Our nam.1 is stamped on the razor, and every one is WARRANTED. RAZORS verv lieht weieht AZORS ni lium weight, ' AZOKS heavy weight. JSTOur r-tzor with name RALEIGH etched on it, is finest can be manu factured. THOMAS 3. BRIGGS SANS, RALEIGH, N. C. Fresh " Egerton Snuff" just reciiv- I ed at C. O. Ball & Co.'s Do You Want a Piano? Ludden & Bates' Southern Music House of Savannah, Ga., has secured the agency for the South of ' Stein wey & Sons" pianos. Those wishing prices, cash or time, will be given by W. B. Czzlk, it 12 East Hargett street. SIIiWINTER CLEARANCE SALE. Use " Egerton Snuff" best on the market at C. O. Ball & Co.'s Musical homes are always happy homes. Don't delay. Buy an organ at $6 per month, or piano at $10 per month. Make home cheerful and at tractive. You'll get your instrument paid for before you know it. fel 4t W. B. Uzzle, 12 E Hargett street, Raleigh, N. C. C. O. Ball & Co., prefers the nimble sixpense to the slow shilling. -. SPECIAL NOTICES. Horses for Sale. Three (3) good, kind, gentle, family and brood mares. One of this nuni ber is Jno Gatling's driving mare. Terms easy. Can be seen at Robt. E. Parham's stables. ja25 tf V. B. Moorh, G'd'n. Do You Want an Organ ? We have "Mason & Hamlin" and "Sterling" always in stock and can sell you at surprisingly low prices on terms of $10 down and $i per month. Will make terms to suit any one. Buy now an 1 before ou know it your cr gan will be paid for. Music makes home cheerful. Try it. W. S Uzzle, fl2 4 12 E. Hargett St ,Raleigh,N. C. Furniture repaired by D. P. Has kett at W. S. Uzzle's music house, No. 12 Hargett street. fe3 6t N0RR1S' Dry Goods Store Just opened a beautiful line ol French, German and American Dress Goods, in stylish mixtures, plaids, stripes, &c, and today place them on our counters at only BP58 Cents Per Yard. J0 This is positively the greatest bar gain we have ever offered in our dress Roods department. They are richly worth, and are Bold elsewhere at 75 cents. 1ST TRY A PAIR OF OCR SHOES Norms' Dry Goods' Store. ALL TE1M.VED MILLINERY FOR ladii and children. All nvriiLinedelt hats All children's and infant's caps in silk, cashmere, cloth &c. All fancy feathers, birdB &c, to be closed out regardless of cost, as we do not carry over winter JVliljiiiery. A n'oeline of slightly soiled stamped Linens, Doylies, Tea Tray, Bouffe and Bureau Covers, Carving Sets &c. very cheap. ALL KINDS OF W00L8 AND EM BROIDERING MATERIAL8. 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. ap9 tf EISS MAGGIE B E Dry Good. Notions. &c. umwim. M Goods m Spr.ng Season We are now showing our lirst purchases of New Dress Materials lor Spring season, '92. Bedford Cords, ftenca Cloths, Camel's Hair Homespnus, fweeds, 4 c. in the most der tble shades and at very fa vorable pries. At 50 AssD 75c y Particular attention is directed to our lines nf Wool Suitings at 50 cents and 7? cents per yard. White Goods Outing Glottis, Jotton FalUcs, Dress ;ing:ams. Percales and Cambrics Embroider: js and Lace?. H. & R S Tucker Co.