Che matin ntmn 0k 8 mm. VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1892. NO. 106 MINIATURE ALMANAC FOR TODAY. Bun rieee 6:40 tillU B6t8, MMNINM (UNHM MOON'8 PHASES FOR FEBRUARY. First quarter, 5th 4:88 A. m. Fall moon, Mth-2:24 p M Last quarter, 20th 7:00 P M. t ew moon, 87th 10:33 P. M. CITY IN BRIEF. It missed a good chance to snow last night and this morning. Divorce at Metropolitan Hall to night. Let all go and see it played. Bee notice of sale by Andrew Syine, administrator of W. . Anderson. There are now 132 telephones in use in Baleigh. Travel over the street railway is in creasing considerably. Chicken thieves are getting in their work in some parts of tne city. Look out for them. The fish, game and oyster fair at New Berne, will be written up by Col. John D. Cameron. See the interesting dialogue be tween Julia and Mary as they 6wap confections. The end of February is much un like the commencement so far as weather is concerned. Paint is being freely used on several residences in different parts of the city, preparatory to the opening of sprin . Don't forget the readings and re citations of Prof. Warmah at Peace Institute tonight. Tt will be a rare intellectual treat. The Barry Lindley Company will close its engagement here tomorrow night. All lovers of first class amuse ments should see it. It is a splendid company. It is singular, that no tidings of any sort hae ever been received concern' ing the colored woman, named Perry, who so inysteiioueiy disappeared gome time sire? The beautiful society play of Di vorce will be rei.dered by the Harry Lindley company t might. It is a most beautiful play, and tha ladies should turn out io. force. Jordan Chambers, a. very wortb colored man, who some years ago was an employ" in the statu house here, died a tew days since a!, hh home in States ville. He was well known in Raleigh. The "Ever Bearing Mulberry" is new article of food for stock which is gaining some reputation in Johnston and other count ies. Several farmers have tried it with most complete sue cess. We are rf quested to say the ladies of the Tabernacle Church are getting up a contribution for the Thomas ville Orphan Asylum. Persons who hae clothing or other valuable do nations will send the same to Mrs. Dr. J . J. Hall, corner of Person and Mar tin streets, this week. Tomorrow afternoon Harry Lin dley 's fine company will hoid a Mati nee at Metropolitan Hall, at 8:30 o'clock rendering the beautiful and popular play of "Little Lord Fauntle roy," by special request. Little Mabel Paige will sustain the title role in which she is famous. We sincerely hoprt there will be a very large turn out. Lit parents bring their children to see it. It will be a rich treat for them. The schools should be on hand. Children 10 eents, adults 15 and 25 cents. We have quite a nice lot of binding 1 taall over the city. Six on Barring t a and Lane streets ranging in prices from $273 to 400: size of lots 52ixl5H These are beautiful lots and are very cheap. vVe have other lots on all of the leading streets in the city, and would be triad to show and price them to anyone desiring to purchase, and if it is so you can't come to our ' office drop us a postal card and we will call to see yop. Put your money in Baleigh dirt and you will not regret jt. J. M. Brouohtoh Co. Miss Ella Biddle has returned from a trip to Durham See notice of wale of land by J. H. Holloway, Commissioner. The Wilson Advance has recently gotten out a twelve page editon, of 5.000 copies. About two thirls of the sheriffs of the State have settled their taxes, either in whole or part. Lookout for your premises; the sanitary officers will be after you if they are not kept in good order. Gen. W. It. Cox says he intends to ga largely into the raising of pea nuts this year, and will reduce his crop of cotton accordingly. Deat h f Hon. B s. Oaither. The many friends of this well known gentleman will regret to learn of his deuth, which took place at his home, in Morganton early yesterday morning, aged 85. He was well known by the elder citizens of Raleigh, having been, at one time President of the State Peuate. He was also a member of the Confederate Congress. Lecture S. M. Finger, Esq , State Superin tendent of Public Instruction, will deliver an address at the Agricultural and Mechanical College tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. It will be one of a series of lectures to be delivered monthly by members of the faculty and others. They are intended main ly for the students, but the public will be welcomed. They will doubt less be very interesting. I O. O. F. Regular meeting of Beaton Gales Lodge, No. 64, 1. O.O.I. thiB evening at 7.30 o'clock, sharp. The initiatory degree will be conferred and other business will come before the lodge, which requires the presence of every member. Members of Manteo lodge and visitiDg brethren are cordially invited. Candidates will present themselves for initiation promptly at 7:45 o'clock. Thiem, Sec'y. A True Bill. The Wilmington Messenger says: The most absurd thing an editor can attempt is to try to please every body. Everybody thinks himself fully equipped for journalism, and hence the frequent and lamentable failures of everybody. There are some people who cannot write En glish who would not hesitate to take charge of the London Times, as there !.. re some scribblers of verse, who do not know a rule in prosody who would be glad to succeed Tennyson as poet laureate Let an editor be loyal to God and his own enlightened conscience and do the best he can each day. Tha grumblers can keep on grumbling. A Fine Exhibition. "Ben Hur" is a most remarkable book. It is so, in more ways than one, because it is of pecular interest in establishing the truths of Holy Writ if, indeed, such proofs were needed. It has probably had as ex tended a circulation as any book ex tant, having been published in aU most every known modern language. A representation of its characters will, 'therefore, be of great interest and the presentation of them at Met ropolitan Hall, next Monday eveuin , will doubtless attract a large audi- ence Wherever this presentation has been made the public have been delighted. Beats are now on sale at the book store of Messrs Alfred Wil liams & Co. Reserved seats 75 cents; general admission 50 cents; gallery 35 cents.. Spring Styles, llunlaps Hats. Saturday, FeLruary 27th, we will display the new styles, Dunlap's Hats, for spring 1892. W. H. & R. B. Tucker & Co. Doll Reception. The "Faithful Circle" of Kings Daughters will hold a doll reception tomorrow, Friday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. A.M. Hanff onBaun ders street, beginning at 4 o'clock. A handsome doll will be given as a prize to the little miss bringing the prettiest doll. While for the ugliest doll there will be something nice too. Refreshments will ,be Eerved to the little folks and a good time will be given to all. Admission free. A Merited compliment. Last night a most pleasant occur, rence took place at the First Presby terian church, in the presence of a large congregation. After the close of the services Mr W. 8. Primrose, on behalf of the ladies of the church, presented to Pev. Dr. John S. Wat kins, their retiring pastor an elegant rosewood case with one dozen silver tea and table spoons, forks, &c. The following is the card of presentation. This testimonial is presented by the ladies of the First Presbyterian church of Raleigh, N. C, to the Rev. John 8. Watkins, D. D., as a token of the affectionate regard in whic'- he is held by the members of this church and congregation. Mrs. Julius Lewis, Mrs. Fraaces Hallett, Committee. Feb. 24th, 1P92. Although taken by surprise, Dr. Watkins returned thanks in a most happy style. Saturday,;Feb. 27th. istheTlme We will again place on our counters one of the most select stock of shoes ever shown to the people of Faleigh. Remember, Saturday is the day for our special shoe sale, and you can save 50 or 75c on each pair if you will buy from a on that day. Ladies Dcagola Kid Shoes, worth $1 50, will go for $1.08. Ladies kid button boots, worth $1.75 at $1.18 Ladies grain lace, 1 49 at 9 c Ladies grain button, 150 at 1.12 Ladies glove grain button,1.40. at 98c Men's genuine calf cong., 4.00 at 2.68 Men's genuine calf bals, 3.50 at 2.19 Men's best grade buff bals,2.0C at 1.37 Men's best grade buff gaiter.l 75 atl. 12 A. Barris, 2t 205 Fayetteville street. Found. A gold thimble. Initial and date on it. Call on Wyatt & Go. Found. A small red pocket book with one pocket only. The owner can get the same by applying to Mr. H. F. Ful ler, No. 220 West Cabarrus street. The finder had a dream before find ing it which has come to pass in part, and now he offers a present to the owner who will prove property. He does this to see what about the dream The book was found near Mr A. M. McPheeters' gate. Fop the Love of the Almighty Hollar, Why Don't You Get a Move on You. Don't you know, or can't you swal low and digest the fact that time is flying; that in a short time Swindell's closing out sale will be a thing of the past. Now you can buy any kind of dress goods at cost, and inside of thir ty days you must pay the full price for the same goods While thirty days is the time set for Swindell's move, yet the thing is liable to come to a sudden close at any time. Then you will likely say, "I wish I had act ed wisely and bought when the goods were cheap." Swindell has a big stock of dress goods, and clothing, and carpets, and hats, and Bhoes and you are charged no profit on the goods. Is it wisdom to buy now or is it wisdom to wait. This writer had a little experience in the folly of pro crastiuation yesterday. While ad miring a big wild turkey at Eber hardt & Pescud's and gloating over the big dinner I should have of the' turkey, a gentleman came up and said, "Pescud, what's the turkey worth?'' "$2.50," said Pescud "I'll take biua," sa'd he. You ask how I felt? I felt turkeyless left. lours truly JD. T. Swindell. SPECIAL NOTIt EJ. Notice. Ten men can get regular board at the Barkley Restau;aut by applying before March 1st. fe23 5t A E. Jordan, Prop'r. For lteut. One four room house on Harrington street, opposite the Oil Mills. fe23 3t A. W. Fraps. For Rent. Store on Hargett street lately occu pied by W. G. Separk. Apply to O. G. WoMBLB, felj tf Cor. Hargett & Wilmington sts. Hmi Im re. &C. We especially like to encourage home enterprises, particularly when there is real merit. Mr. J. M. Nor wood around here is making a real first class 5c cigar and our people all like them Call on your dealer for them. fe23,26 27,mr3,4,5 Horses for Sale. Three (3) good, kind, gentle, family and brood mares. One of this num ber is Jno. Gatling's driving mare. Terms easy. Can be seen at Robt E. Parham's stables. ja25 tf V. B. Mooric, G'd'n. NORMS' DryGoodsStore. We have just received and are now displaying the most wonderful bar gains in WHITE GOODS AND EMBS01D ERIE3 ever offered to the traleof Raleigh. We are showing four lines of embroid eries at 6, 10, 15 and 20 cents that no lidy can afford to miss. You wil! g;.y tbey are rioh'y worth 10, lr, ?5 and 35 cents. The above extraordinary har gains. Norths' Dry Goons' .Store One Solid Week Commencinr' Monday, , Feb 22d. HABRY LINBLEY'S COMPANY. Return of the Favorites. o14 A RTISTS 14 Producing an entirely new and magnificent Repertoire of plays. LITTLE MABEL PAIGE (La Petite Carmencita) in a u w and successful boquet of songs, including her latest success, "Jack's Little Sister Kate." for which she has received the eulog;um of Julian Homes, the author, Skirt Dance, a la Carmencita, Magnificent Costumes, Startling Scenic Effects, First Class Artists. TONIGHT ' THE GOLD BUG." Popular Prices 15, ?5 and SOc. Seats on sale at MacRae's drug store. MIT Ml SALE-- -AT- 216 FavetteviiSe St. TAJOOTi Dry Pine Wood, cut in Vt " vL'"any length, delivered to any part of the city. T TTH;fT)T7T? ofTany dimensions J U 1V1 JjHH funmished on short notice. Also shingles, laths, &c T7"Ty My Special Horse and JD J VJL"Cow Food is gaining quite a reputation wherever used. It will pay you to give it a trial. WHEAT, &C.--onA1SI at lowest prices Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, both for seed and feed. Also Bran. Corn Meal, Pea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choice Timothy Hay, Wheat and Rice Straw. ALSO FERTILIZERS-- mS ated Fertilizers, Pure Bone Meal, Land Plas ter, Acid Phosphate Shell Lime in any quan tities. , QTTTTTQ Choice Grass and Clo O JUjIj 'JL0""ver Seeds of every kind, both for field and farm. I- R. WYATT. FOR RENT Two store houses, one for merly occupied by McGee, Mosely & Co; upstairs gallery also. Apply to L Rosenthal. NO MAN can he happy with his face" all scraped and sore from SHAVING No man can shave well with a sor ry razor, The moral is to calland buy A GOOD RAZOR. We offer rrzors that are goodjwe have just received a large stock. Our name staiu(ed on the razor, aud every o;e is WARRANTED. jflAZOIlS verv light weight H&ZOR8 nir?. in weight, II A ZORSh ea v y weight. j"Our ra r with name RALEIGH etchfd on it, is finest can be manufactured. !!H0i!AS E, BRIMS SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. MIDWINTER CLEARANCE SALE. ixhi, TRIMMED MILLINERY FOR ladi:j and children. All nu- -immedtelt hats All children1", and infant's capB in silk, caohme;e, cloth &c. All fancy feathers, birds &c, to be closed out regardless of cost, as wa lo not carry over win Ler Mil itiiery. . nice line cl igl bly soiled stamped Linens, Do ies, Vea Tray, Bouffe and Bur- a C vers, Carving Sett -c, vry cheap. ALL KINDS )F 700LS AND EM BROIDERING MATERIALS. HISS ME REESE, ap9 tt 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Dry Goods, Motions, &c. W.KJB S.TUCKERf CO. XliiV GOODS. ALModT DAILY ARE Wn, OPEN ING SOMETHING NEW IN THE LINE OF SPRING GOODS. WE ARE PROVIDING THESE NEW DRliSS FAKrtlOS, EMBtt IDER IES. &0.. TilAT OTT R. PiTPnifffl - - - - w v i. A A X.J S X' J MAY MAKE M ANY OF THEIR SE LfiOTlOiVS LEFORE THE 'SPRING RUSH BEGINS. IN 1RE8'3 WO )L8 VE WISH TO Oa.1L ATiENTiON 10 OUR LINE OE rOLID Pu t IDS CHECKS AND JfRI PiiS A V fiOo AND i)c Y ARD. Ot TTON ORE ss FABRICS, I l TUFi'ED OU I'INH , OUTING I 'Ol. THcJ, OuRLUROXS, PER ; CALE3, JlMBiii IS, GMtf I HAMS, &0. I IES AND LACES. I - FULL AND COSIPL ETE A 0 UT MEN f OF F 8 KIN C H LAWN a. LI N f ? k 8 . HE J4STI TOHED LAWN DEMITIES, CAMBRIC NAINSOOK. UNO DJS 1NDE, VIC TORIA, MAS ALIA, SWISS, CHECK This week add;ional lines of Embroider ies added to our already excellent assortment ot Cambric, Nairaook and Swiss Edges and InaertingSi All-over Embroideries, &c. J NEW TOROHON LACEs! B. 4R s MarTfjo