She Iflfttm (5 j utmtia w 0 o r VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, MAliCH 2, 1802. NO. Ill MINIATURE ALMANAC FOR TODAY. Bun rises.... bun sets. MOON'S PHASES FOR MARCH. First quarter, 6th ftgl A. M. Full moon, lh-)8:7 P M LaBt quarter, 20th ai:'1 P M. Jiew moon, 27th 28:o P. M. 8) HOPBIS OF TUK WKATHKR 0:33 5:60 Married. Last night at the residence of the bride's parents, 218 South Swain street, Mr. Qao. C. Upchurch led to the Hy menial Altar Miss Virginia B i Roberto. Rev. J. L. Foster officiating. We tender to Die happy conple our most sincere congratulations and trust that their pathway through life The following ib the synopsis of the ' De one Gf nnbroken happiness. weather at 8 a. in. tenia, A slight storm lingers off the North Carolina coast, which is causing the cloudy weather in this vicinity ana snow further north. The c earing condition occupies the entire Missis sippi Valley lrom Chicago to New Orleans. In the extreme northwest a storm center has appeared which will I cause a warm wave the latter part oi this week. RALKIGH Af.D VICINITY. Fair weather, becoming wuimer till b p. m. Friday. In this city, at the.residence of Mr. J. B. Hogao, on Hogan's avenue, by H.H.Roberts, Esq, Mr. Charles A. Brown to Mies Ada O'Neal. c ity in bkil;f. Ashe WedDesilay. Lent commenced to day Visitors to the New Bernt Fair say the display was very good. Two inches of snow fell at Mt. Airy Sunday night. The Insane Asylum now has a com plete system of electric lights. The Grceorv hotel at Goldsboro will be told next Monday for parti tion. The Democratic State Executive Committee met at the Yarboro House today. See advertisement of Mr. Job B'bKp, who has removed his livery stabbs to East Morgan street, ifc Mackin's old stand. Quite a cumber of strangers from different sections of the State are here, w attendance on the meeting of the Dt'inccratic State Executive Committee. It has been decided that Rev. Dr J. W. Cart or, of the First Baptist Church, iuihis citv, will preach the Baceftluurea' e sermon before the gr cuatir.g class at the University on Sunday, May ?th. The National flag was displayed at half mast on the government build ing today on atcnunt of the depth o' ex-Oov-rnor and ex Ppsim8ter W. W. Holden. The Nation- ndi State fUgs wne dh-played at half mast on the Caphcl today, in consf quenceof the death of ex Governor Holden. The flag was also ordered at half mast over the market bouse building. On Thursday night, March 3d, classes No. 23 and 0, of Edenton St. M. E, BuDday School will givea"C. O. Supper," at the residence of Mrs H. J Frown on West Morgan 8treet. The entertainment will consist of music, r citations, &o, by some of our best talent., and refreshments will be served by fair hands. No admis sion fee and only a moderate sum will be charged for refreshments. All are cordially invited and a pleasant evening is assured. I. O. O. F. Beaton Gales Lodge, No. 64, I. O. i O. F., meets tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock sharp. The conferring of the slightly t initiatory degree ana otner matters of importance wid take place. The members are earnestly requested to attend. A cordial invitation to Mao teo Lodge and visiting brethren. Thkim, Sec. False Pretense. Yesterray a warrant was issued by the mayor for the anest of Geo. W. Williams, alias Chan. L Freeman charged intent to cheat and deiraud by pretending to represent, with au thority, the National Portrait Com ph,ny for enlargement of photographs and obtaining a photograph and $2 from Mrs. C. A. Goodwin the photo raph to be returned in a short time. The Supremo Court Sustains. The cases of Boyd, Sutton & Co. and Herman, flternhach& Co. vs. the United States, involving the consti tutionality, of the MeKinley tariff Uw has been decided by the Supreme Court sustaining the law. As also the contest o er the ruling of speaker Reed en the quorum ques tion. has been decided in favor of the ruling. Opinions. The following opinions l ave been handed down from the Supreme Court : Boothe vs. Upchurch, from Wake New trial Watson VS. Smith from Wake Af firmed. Brewer vs University. No error. Slocuaibvs Shingle Co., f rom Har nett. No error. Knight vs. Railroad, from Edge combe. New trial. Nimoeks vs. 8hingle Co , from Har nett. No error. Roberts vs. Dickey, from Durham. Reversed. . Retail Grocers Association. Every member of this Association is urgently requested to be present at a special meeting March d, at their rooms at 4:30 p. m. Matters of unu sual importauce will be brought be fore the meeting of special interest to each member. Died. Mrs. Adelaid Staunton, wife of Mr. Henry H. Staunton, died last Mon day, Feb. 28th, in Roanoke Va. Mrs. Staunton was a sister of Mr 8. V. House,;and aunt of Mr. W. H. Lancaster, both of Raleigh. She formerly resided in this city, and w s a lady held in.the highest esteem by ail who s new her. The remains ar rived here today and were taken to the residence of Mr S. V. House, on eist Jones street. The funeral will take place from the Tabernacle Baptist Church to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Outrageous Attack Yesterday, in the neighborhood of Milburnie, this county, a co ored man nan;jd Wm. Smith got into a dispute with a gentleman named Geo. Good win, well known in that vicinity. M It seems that one of Mr. Goodwins calves had gotten into a lot and was kept there awhile, when Mr. Goodwin de sired to take the calf, Smith charged him $3.60 for it, which he refused to pay, offering him the legal fee During the dispute, Goodwin walked off, when Smith threw a rock at him knocking him down He also kicked him in a brutal manner. Although Mr Good vin is reported as seriously hurt. Smith when arrested was put under only a $200 bail The affair has created considerable n-usation, es pecially on account of the bail as it is uncertain how the injuries, of Mr. Goodwin may terminate. FIRE AT A VIRGINIA HEAT. COUNTY Danville, Va., Feb. 29. Informa tion was received here today of a fire at Hillsville, the county seat of Car roll county, which is said to have de stroyed half the town. No particu. lars. New Berne has an organization, under the name of "Female Bei.evo lent Society," with objects and efforts indicated by the name. Personal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beddinc field have returned from Richmond, Va. Gen. W. P. Roberts, of Gates coun ty, is in the city. Mr. Marion Butler, of Clinton, is ' in the city. Miss Evie Ellfe has returned from a 1 visit to Franklinton. Mr. R. L. Prempert is in the city. We deeply regret to announce that Mr. J. H. Marshall, janitor of Metro politan, Hall is sick. Solicitor E. W. Pou, of Johnston county, is in the city. Mrs. Minnie M. Shaw and two chil dren, from Flint, thic county are in the city visiting their parents and friends. Mrs. Dr. B. F. Gardner of Blooms burg, Pa., is in the city visiting at her fathers' Mr. H. Pennington, No. 4C4 South Dawson St. We are sorry to state that Mrs. Henry Pennington, 4 4 South Daw son St., who has been indisposed for quite a while is quite sick. She is advanced in years and fears are en tertained as she is threatened with pneumonia. Wake Superior Cvurt. This tribunal met today, Judge Connor presiding. The following ctxses were disposed of : Yesterday a divorce was granted to J J Mills from bis wife Louisa Miles. Two judgment were rendered against C D Upchurch late Clerk of the Superior Court. TODAY'S PROCEEDINGS State ex rel. Jno. W Thompson, Clerk and Receiver Minnie Taylor, infant vs. Chas. D Upchurch et als ; judgment, $315 69. State ex rel. Jno. W Thompson, Clerk and Receiver Edgar Pool et als vs. Chas. D Upchurch et als ; judg ment, $2)1 20. State ex rel Juo. W Thompson, Clerk and Receiver Margaret Kelly et als, vs. Cbas. D Upchurch et al.; judgment, 5103 19. State ex rel. Juo. W Thompson, Clerk and Receiver Clarence Up church vs Chas. D Upchurch et als.; judgment, $252 52. State ex rel. Jno W Thompson, Clerk and Receiver W C Baker vs Cbas D Upchurch; et als ; judgment, $586.'6. State ex rel. Jno W Thompson, Clerk and Receiver Jno W Grifflis vs. Chas D Upchurch et als.: judgment, $1,310.6. State ex rel Jno W Thompson, Clerk and Receiver Thos Grifflis vs Chas D Upchurch et als ; judgment, $94'3.71. State ex rel Jno W Thompson, Clerk and Receiver R B Andrews, vs Chas D Upchurch et als ; judgment, $1,267.21. State ex rel. Jno W Thompson, Clerk and Receiver D L Griffls, vs Chas D Upchuich et als.; judgment, $1,526.06. Funeral The funeral of the late F v (4overu or Holden took phe thi afternoon at 4 o'clock fn.ra Bdenton street M E. Church and was attended hy large crowd of relatives, friends an I sitl zens generally The servi et were conducted by Rev. Mr, Cole, pa 'or of the church, in a iuo t impressive manner. TIip interment was ma''e in Oakwood cemetery. The follow iner eent'emen acted s nail bearers: Theo. B. Hill, W R Richardson, ,? B. P. Williamson, W. G. Upchurch, ; T. H. Bri. gs, C. H belrin J. B Hill 3 and R T. Gray. Ha are, &c. m NO MAN can he harry wttfc his face all bcrapeJ and -ore uoni SHAVING No man rn ?!ia-p well with a sor ry razor, ll.e luural id to d buy A GOOD RAZOR. We offer razors that are rood;we have just vcehoi a tans stock. Our name is '..i, il ou the razor, ami every o"e is e weens more. hm with vnii hat ihm IfllAZORS very HAt wehtht and during that time we A gg podium weight, I)-.. ? t liglAZOKaheavj weight. Three Weeks 31 ore. We will be weeks more rr ill offi.r unino Imna i.t aaH(i f j n o Will "'111 ll1 r IIULD V 1 t Ill I L der New York cost. We hav a lare , lot of millinery goods f r spriDg wear which our milliner has instructions to sell for lens than cost. One lot of i zephyr hoods and jackets for infants. ! hoods 10 cents, jackets 25 cents and jf in drSB goods, carpets and clothing we are fullv prepaied to show you anvthine: you mav want. Boring styles and many of these goods will ;. be offered for ess than cott. If you aaaHSBEBS tpeuu your uuiiarn hi owiii urn a u ring the remainder of his c'oyiug ont sale you will get 1 and half times more for each do.lar than you will get la ter. To those who have been wak ing for the last reduction on carpels j we would say this mornirg the l;it ' and final price has been made which i brings a little below cost, is win Dell has one hundred real nice trunks I ?ft and these you can buy a little k-ce than cost Yours trulv. D. T. Swi:; .Pell I WARRANTED. jOur ra;; it with name R: LEIGH etched on ii is finest can be manu facture J. HHIU B. BR168S SONS, EA .EIGH, N. C. MIDWINTER C L E A R N l- 2 SALE. SPJU4J1AL. NOTJUJKS. Having resigned my position w;th Mr. P. A. Watson, I offer to the pub. lie my services and skill as an artia- tic paper haDger. I am prepared to do first class work on short cotief. My office is at Messrs. Jones & Pow ell's, Ho. 107, Payetteville Street. fe29 lw L. C. W BATHERS. Dun lap's Hate. We ore Raleighfc agents for Messrs. R. Danlap & Go's fine h;j.ts for geui)3 mtn StLtnrthy, Eeb. STtli, h on.ii- ing dar for Spring styles 18')., and ve j are now sue wing toe new smipes ; ir this season. We cordially invite an inspection of the new styles. The hats shown by us here are identic d in shape and quality, as those Bold from Duidap's f th salesroom, New York. W. H. & R. S Tucker & Co. ALL TRIMMED MILLINERY FOR ladioa and children. All Du'.riinraad.relt hats All children'- ami infant's caps in silk, cr-amere, cloth &c. ill fancy feathers, birds &c, to be closed ou' regardless of cost, as wo Manure tor Hale. A nice lot of stable manure for sale by the load, one or two horse loads. Nice for gardening, also a pony for sale, very cheap by D. T. Swin Dell. A New Fish Stud Fish, fish every day, sent to your house. Leave your orders as you past, up or down town. Sadler & Hocutt. Wilmington St , next door to Mosley House. feb 2 lw Shad. Buck Shad, 75 cents a pair; Roe Shad, 1.60 a pair. Non. 9 and 11 city market. W. D. Smith. Mr. John R. Terre I, one of our wide awake Fayetteville street gro cers, has a good line of flour, bacon, lard, and all the substantial in the grocery line, and then he has all the seasonings, condiments, flavoring and fringes necessary to tlx up a first class feast for the fascination oi the most fastidious fraternity oi feasters. Favor him with your or ders, 808 Fayetteville street. For Kent. One four room house on Harrington street, opposite the Oil Mills. fe23 3t A. W. FlUPS. For Kent. Store ou Hargett street lately ocuu- pied by W. G. Separk. Apply to O. G. Wumblb, fel5 tf Cor.Hargett& Wilmiugton sts nice line of .linens, Do and Bun Setn ,L KINDS o not cairy over winter 'iner jr. igh: y soiled stamped a, 1 aa Tray, Bouffe Covers, Carving ' v. ry cheap. F WOOLS AND EM- BROIDEK &QI MATERIAL S BifflRIESE, ap9 tf 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Dry fv-ifs WotioMft. c. Horses for Sale. Three (3) good, kind, gentle, family and brood mares. One of this num ber is Jno. Gatling's driving mare. Terms easy. Can be seen at Robt. E. Parham's stables. ja25 tf V. B. Moork, G'd'n. NORMS' Dry Goods Store We have just received and are now displaying the most wonderful bar gains in WHITE GOODS AJSD ESIBROID ERIES. ' ever offered to the trade of Raleigh. We are showing four lines of embroid eries at 6i, 10, 15 and 20 cents that no lady can affoid to miss. You will say they are richly worth 10, lR, 25 and 35 cents. The above are extraordinary bar gains S.TUCKERtCO. DRESS GOODS. Iters is no better time to boy Dress Goofls tuan right noW new Fabrics arc beicg sbown at all prices, Mi every one can how tell what fill be desirable far tlis season's wear. Wa sbow a line of Plaid suitings. 36 I j'C X 25 CTS 61;5 1E AT ; YaRDd lieaoru; M ges in the pvevailiug Uiii Spring, j ALL WO (II, AT SOcts. : : k lovel v mtiiMM of Scotch Wool Snitifigs, new efltcis at I 50 013 Si TS P12it YAKJD. j i . new lines oi Dress Ginghams, OUTISGr CLOTHS, COTTON GRIPES &U.. MEW STOCK OF WHITE HOODS, EMBROID ERIES AND LACES. NoKR.ift' Dry ttooDf1 Stork. B. S K h. Tacier & Co

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