tyCtlttt VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1892. NO. 115 MINIATURE ALMANAC FOR TODAY. Bun rises. ... Sun sets. ...... ....... i . ...... 6:33 0:U1 MOON'S PHASES FOR MARCH. First quarter, 5th 2:00 P. M. Fall moon, 18th- 7.4 A. M Last quarter, 21st' KM P M. 14 ew moon, 28th 8:04 a. m 8KOP6IS OF THK WKATHKR. The following is the Bynopeis of the weather at 8 a. m. today : The storm, central in Louisiana on Saturday morning, baB moved slowly eastward to Mississippi. The rain fall area extends fai in advance. Du ring the past twenty four hours h avy rans have occured at Mobile aud Montgomery, Ala., and in Georgia. The storm will probabl. continue its eastward course today ant1 tomorrow and will cause heavy rains in North Carolina. HALKHJH AND VICINITY. On Tuesday, continued threatening weather with rain, probally heavy, slightly warmer. CITY IS BRIEF. The County Commissioners were in regalaa monthly session today. Bee tax notice of Mr. fi. F. Mod tague. The stamp collectioDS at Durham, for the past week were $7,700 83. Time for bird hun injr will soon ex pire. K. W. Pool has been appointed ad ministrator upon the estate of the lat Irvin Pool. It is dow thought, that the broken bank, at Clinton, will pay 75 per cent dividend. A large number of truckers, in thib section, will enter largely into the raining of Irish potatoes this season The hole in the north walk of the Hillsboro street bridge stilt remains, much to the danger of pedestrians. Mayor Badger had a most uninter esting Monday morning levee today. No cases of importance Nearly all the sheriffs iu the State have settled their taxes with the Treasurer. We hope the County Commissioners will not overlook the matte- of county index at their p'e.-ent u.e t ing. Last Saturday 10,0(0 fertilizer ta were sent to a firm in Richmond Vs, being the largest shipment yet made this season. Old bonds have come in quite large ly for refunding recently. It should be remeinbred that the terms of the funding act will expire July 1st next Mayor Badger will, no doubt, an noni ce he committee in connection with the christening of the cruisei "Raleigh" in a few days Attention is directed to the adver tisement of Messrs. S & D Berwan er, who are the recognized "high art clotLiers" of this city. ' hey announce some spiendid bargains in light weight overcoats and gentlemen's dress suits. Call at ence. We direct attention to the adver tisement of J. W. Evans, whose car riane factory is situated on the cor er of Blount and Morgan streets Mr. Evains can turn out wotk as perfect and fine, in ail particulars, as any house in the country. Call ami ex amine hiB work. You will be con vinced. Mark W. Lark ins, District Chief Templar of the Good Templar frater nity of Meadville, Tenn., is stopping in Raleigh a few days and will visit Raleigh Lodge I. O. G. T. at its next r golar meeting. Mr. Larkius has visited over 700 Good Templar lodges in all parts of the United Stares and Canada during the past six years and is without doubt one of the best posted members of the order. All Good Templars in the city should turn out to the lodge meeting and hear what the brother has to report about the work in vt rious parts of the country and find out what the temperance outlook is. Remember that Guy's Minstrel will appear at Metropolitan Hall next T hursday night. The North Carolina Teacher for February is a number of much inter est. It is gaining repidly iu public estimation and can be classed with the best uioutuiies (if 'he country. Rev. J. L F ift- r pastor of the Christian Cuuiei), t .iiveriug a se ries of se iu f ou ' n York." The two serm us (liivr-d , esterday were indeed striking in t i;eir poinUdness, and is c lusin his bearers to do some serious thinking. He is handliu sin 'without glomes" and strikes "from the shoulder. ' i'h - series will con tinue for several weeks. We ought to have before the end of 1892, a new station houe, a first class opera house, a complete belt line of street railway, anew index book for Register of Deeds efflce, a centennial celebration aud st.uue of Bir Waiter Raleigh in Na h -q iare. '.''he VlSIToii pledges its. il o . .. nc unwaveriug advocate ol ail tucse and proposes no let up until they ere fccomplished The people are wild us. A cousideranle number of our citi zens took advantage of the mild weather yesterday afternoon to walk out to "Cftra!eifu " The improve ments in that locality, during the past few mouths, have been wonder ful. It will soon le one of the inoet thriving suburbs of haleigh, thanks to the energy of some of our enter prising people It is hinted that the electric street railway will be ex tended to the puce vVe hope it may be wo. Wake Superior urt. The Court met this morning, J udge Connor presiding. 'Abe following c iSe taken up : Alex. Jones vs. Sophia Jones n trial. Attention, l'ncue Company. " Regular monthly meeting of Rescue C.finpany tonight, at 7:30 o'clock. Thee will be no meetingof Wm. G. ; Hill Lodge of Masons tonight, as was i announced on yesterday by mistake. Died. Mr. W. H Jackson, an engineer on the Tarboro Branch of the Wilmin? tr.u and We'don Railroad, died at Plymouth, last Wednesday, from Bright'B disease. Mr Jackson was a native of Raleigh aud bad many warm friends here who will deeply regret his death. Orel ttariy. The sanitary officers will commence their rounds this week and all per sons interested would do well to have their premises in good order. It is the determination of the officials to enforce the law against all who neg lact to comply with the ordinance regulating sanitary matters. Ciuy Minwt rds. The performance of this splendid troupe at Metropolitan Hall last Sat urday night, gave the highest delight to all present So great is the ad mi ration expressed, that the troupe have, bv request, decided to give an other eutertainment at Metropolitan Hall next Thursday night, the 10th inst. We must think they will have a rousing reception. It is undoubt edly the best troupe of minstrels now before the public. Pullt n Park. This beautiful resort is to be placed in a most attractive condition for the accommodation of pleasure seekers this spring and summer Among the improvements a most complete arrangement for bathing is now in progress where all, so disposed can take the benefit of a good bath at most reasonable rates. At no dis tant day it is expected that the electric railway will be extended to the Park, thus making it of easy access Reduced Rates. We notice that the Richmond and Danville Railroad ha "e agreed to fur nish tickets from Charlotte to Nor folk and return for $12 45 on the oc casion of the launch of the cruiser "Raleigh," the la ter part of this month. We hope that the most lib eral arrangements will be made from Raleigh, so that all our people can take advantage of the occasion. An excursion train might be run for say $4. 0 the round trip, which is the usual summer excursion rates, in fact, it might be even lower than that, with advantage to the railroad companies. It will certainly prove a great convenience to oar people. Sudden Illness. Yesterday morning, just after the conclusion of his sermon at the Fay etteville Street Baptist Church, Rev. C. T. Bailey, editor of the Biblical Recorder, was suddenly stricken with paralysis of the throat and tongue. He was at once taken to his resi dence, and last night it was feared that it might prove serious. We are glad to learn, however, this morning his condition was improved. We most sincerely hope that he will soon be out again. Dime Novels. Pursuing the line of our editorial in today's issue, the following from the Durham Sun comes in very op portune : "The fate of that sixteen year old youth in Atlanta, who was shot down while burglarizing a house should be. a terrible warning to the kids who select dime novels, and such trash, as a model for their future lives. The anguish of that boy's pa rents is too heart rendering to con template. It is a sad sorrowful, story We have no doubt there are boys in Durham who will come to just such a disastrous ending it may not be burglary, but other crimes if their present course does not conform to honoring father and mother and due regard for the laws of God and man It is too late for reform when the calamity and the wreck of a life comes" Shoes. Ladies fine kid button shoes $1.50. Ladies fine kid and grain button shoes, opera and common sense lasts $2.00. Men's medium and wide toes, congress and bals $1.0, $2.00 and $2 50. Children's strong school shoes, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. No house offers such a complete line as we do, and our prices are always the lowest. W. H. & R. 8 Tuckkr & Co. We Name the Day. Two weeks mere we will be with you, and our closing out sale will be pushed with greu t energy till Satur day. 19th of this month. March 21st we leave y ou. We know how much the other merchants hate to see us go and our sympathy 1b with them, bat in this life we can't let our feelings control us. Duty first, business next and sympathy third. During the next two weeks you can do yourself great good at Swin Dells in the dreei goods department, and in the carpet department, and in the corset depart ment, and in the shoe department, aud in t he kid glove department, and in gents furnishings and in clothing and stylish derbies, Youuian styles. Dunlap si yles in hats. Yours truly, D. T. Swin Dull. . Ga to J. R. Terrell's for a good smoke. Fine chewing tobacco at John R. Terrell's. Go to John R Terrell's for grocer ies. mh7 A Bargain. One good, fresh cow, part Jersey, for sale at 404 South Dawson st , Ral eigh, N. C. mh7 (jt Apples, Apples. Thirty barrels received today.Cheap by the barrel or measure at D. T. Johnson's. SPECIAL, NOT! KH. Having resigned my position with Mr. F. A. Watson, 1 offer to the pub lie my services and skdl as an an is tic paper hanger. liu prepared to do first class work on short notlft. My office is at Messrs Jones & Pow ell's, No. 107, Fayetteville Street fe2B lw L 0. WK&THKRS II rU are, &e. tVSAN A New Fiali stal. Fish, fish every day, sent, to your bouse. Leave your vrden as yiti ass up or down town. Sadler & H"Cint. Wilmington St., next doo to Mostey House. ten 2 lw Commodes, trays, dish pans, stives and crockerv ware. Bed slat 6, led rollers, chair bottoms 148 Bee Hive More, South Wilwiugton tst. , Vue Room 118 South Wilningtc:i St. To the Citizens oi' KulHgli. The manager of the Asuevide - ur glar and Fire Alarm Company is stop ping at the Branson lii,u-e ' He s here for the purpose of establishing a company to operate the system in Raleigh.' It is entirely burglar aud tire proof. Every one should see it and be convinced of its merits osi ing property owners only a trifle to have it in their houses The s n'eii of call bells in connection with it in complete. The three features com bined can be had at a slight cost, Ds durability is unquestionable. It will hawe to be seen to appreciate it Uah at 117 Fayetteville street, at T. Vv. Blake's jewelry store, and see it. Respectfully, C. W. WVNN. mh6 tt General Manager. .n he h;irpy with his face all snniped an i sore from SNAVINC No man c i she well with a sor ry razor, i he uj oral is to call and ! imy A GOOD RAZOR. , We off-, -azoj that are good; we have jm. "tii ed a large stock. Our nam. stain ped on the razor, und every ue Is WARRANTED. &ZOR8 ver light weight 'KH mi U iini weight, AZOKS heavy weight. jOur ir-'or with name RLtlCH etehtd on it, is tinest can be maim factored. I li mm B, 881GGS sons, KA LEIGH, N. C. f EARLY SPIilHG MILLINERY, 1S92. Cheapest place in town Bee Hive store, H. J. Dowell, manager. Best mattresses made for tde mon ey. Live geese feathers at retail. New furniture in sets or s ngle puce. A miscellaneous lot of b' oks 10 cents each. Tables, chairs, clock and sates. Bee Hive store 128 and 118 outh Wil mington street. m . We especially liae to encourage home enterprises, particularly when there is real merit. Mr. J M. Nor wood arouno here is maaiug a real first class 5c cigar and our people all like them Call on your dealer loi them. fe2i,26,7,mt3,4, Baby carriages, cradles and beds. Cook stoves, heating stoves and cook ing vessels. Garden tools, carpentei tools, and barber tools. Odds and ends by the thousands. When ii need of any thing we welcome you at 128 and 118 South Wilu ington street. Dry Pine Wood. Leave your orders at B. F. Cheat ham's store, No 22! South V ilniing. ton street. mh3 Ini Bee Hive Store Su ck is di versified and changf d dily. All booab 10c each. Mattresses, single or double, from 50c to $4. Washstands 25c to $3,50. Bedsteds, single or double at 7"-c t $5.(0. Bureaus $3 00 to $7 50. Bee Hi v, Store. inb;$6 WE AUK NOW RECEIVING New Shapes in spring nrllinery for ladies and misses. iNTew Ribbons in niorie nacrie and satin effects, which will be iuudi usej on dresses as well as millinery. CHIFFON "fto FLOWERS, LACES, &a We will add to this stock from week to wick until Ay wu . '.au entire lino will be complete. an 100 M iflilTP nn V V II t 1U1UU ill T70T1 tihm ap9tf ill 209 VAXVA rgVlLLE ST. Dry ;"!. .Yotlons, &e. N0HRLS' Dry Goods Store We have just rtceived and are no displaying the most wondenul bar gains in WHITE GOODS AJSD EMBROID ERIE 4. ever offered to the tra "e of Raleigl. We are showing ;our lines of embroid eries at 6i, 10, 15 and 20 cents that no lady can afford to miss. You will say they are richly wortl 10, 15, 25 and 35 cents. The ab ve are extraordinary bar gains. Xtomuf ' Dbi Goocb' Stork. Cents Furnishings. ISTeoHsz wear. We are now k ispluyinf? the new styles for Ks spring in ?ents Neckwear. Neerbe- ore have we s- "va such a c hoice variety uffs leek an-i bour m-Hands- The latest ire the ' Hon.! '. ei Blues ' Gentlemen s Dress Shirts-narrow, medi n and wide planed tronta. Pique and un ishitld fronts. A complete line of Un- i u 7 V i l-' 111 ,um plaited lrontu, he best valuta at the prices ever shown. HRfilfT-il U 31 iu MM M liil UNDERWEAR Medium weight Un lerwear for spring in white and naturaljwool. b w mm u colurs. All the new and popular shapes in Collars. Fast Black Half Hose, Handk'fs, Ac, &c. I fl. & S. Tucker ft Co