"The Raleigh." The Washington eorrwponden' of the Baltimore Bun say. : "Contrary to the usual custom, then will be uo speil exeonion of officials from this city to witness the launching of tne oraieer Raleigh t Norfolk, bnt tb Ny Deprtm St will probibly be rprsotd by er.il of the bureau chiefs who m v b4 able to enubiue U'I'iih-k li pleasure by loiug after matter relating to their resp'otive burH it at the Yrd It is Ml i th-tt, Capt in H. P. GHeosey is slatel or the oo 1 msnd of the Ktteigh when complet- d He is at present in comtntud of tie receiving ship Franklin, at the Nor folk Yard." A Noedod Improvement. Attention is called to the fast th it water and sewerage eooaeetious r aiaoh needed icuproveunut for rit. John's Hospital, aud an appail Is made to our people to help all in their power in securing theui It woald ap petr to be superfluous in as to eu large upon the great results tht have flowed froin this uoole charity and tt would appear to be the duty of all citizens to aid it to all the ex tent possible. It woald, indeed, be a sad reflection upon our city, if the institution should be closed for want of proper support, but, it may be that this unhappy alternative will have to be resorted to unless soma taugible means of support are pro vlded. The Visitor most earnestly app als to our people to cmn for ward with a liberal hand, an 1 help out. Raleigh Mfarket Report WHOLBHAL1C AN" RKTAIL Ooriwt WtHKLY by 0, A B 8 I RONACH. imvetteviHe and Wllnt'ufrtoo streets. ita si 7 MK ATS O. R. hliles, 8 H Bulk sho.ildorv, 7, 10 Bacon " 8t life " breakfast tM 1JH Hausararonred li 15c M N C. ti Va.,T!J 16 Hnn w ft., hon round. V i.un I'-ire. I I'M Oompouuri i r Pi.rtdK Mest per bbl ttt.00 7 0l Family, M 5 71 M (rood. " 5.5 "SO 'toma Rio tureen We 3rAR Granulated, bic Yellow extra C fx; M'i,at8K Cuba IS! Hflo New( rifuus. 23 80 Svrun . !5 '0 H kaIi per bushel Corn per bushel O T9 per bushel H T per huo wt otii T Aon uvuu M 8 1 0 Llr' 90 1 10 Umn and Loan Coining. I lea k l ' ill . -m, . f. Almost Time lo Shift. T l Ii o hjsttipu FltBTT i CLOB TOrHANfllSft TIME, when your winter overcoat gets to bli.e more comfortable on your arm than on vour back, then it is tiw m ,,,..u f.r iti.tJ weights. These days are b coming mr fnuuenv muiI km aj u n ui ni iuui. i u nee our mock tor h t r i u sc i talaog shup?. hJ &n Elegant Variety if Light Weight Overcoats This is the r ' '' ' ' "' r icon! is the comfort tbie aud correct overgar in l;t j t, itud onr's the stock. ent most in demand wow. It too warm for id too drtUL'-rout to trn u jihout anv. o thl Hras per pouud, li io Ship Stdkr per pound. H "'to Salt per sack, 1.50 1:75 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Bdttkr 17i 25c Esres. 10 Chickens Bpriog, lri ?5c Hens, HO 85c Votatoes Sweet, GO 75c NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Notice. Take Notice. In order that there may be no mis understanding relative to the matter, and as a warning to aH parties con corned. We print the following sec tion (1st) from chapter 386 of the laws of 1885 : "That it shall be unlawful for any person to Bell or give, except for medi cal purposes, and upon the prescrip tion of a physician, any intoxicating drink to any inmate of any of the penal or charitable institutions of this State." Section 2, makes the violation of section 1st, a nnsdemeanor, on con viction of which offending parti' 8 ae subject to fine or imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. To J S M Hill, his Agent or Attorney : Take notice that on the Wh clay of May, 1891. I purchased at a tax sale by the sheriff oj Wake county, N 0, a lot of land taxed in vour name for the year LS90; that said land is described as follows: Situated in t! e coun t" and S'ate aforesaid near the eastern sub urbs of the city of Raligh, IN 0, located on the outh west "corner of Vew Heme and State treet, being 50 feet on said avenue and run ning back 1614 feet on State street. TIip time of redemption under the law will expire on the 6th day of Mny, 1892. BP MONTAGUE, Purchaser. Raleigh, K C, March 7, 30d Insane Asylum. At a meeting of the Directors of the Insane Asylum, held yesterday, the following gentlemen were chosen as the Executive Committee for the C'-iming fiscal year: J B. Pur veil. G. L. Kirby, B. F. Boykiu. Mr. W. R. Crawford was re-elected Steward of the institution. Mrs. Ann Good'oe, who left the asylum temporarily oo account of sickness in her family was again re-elected. 1 he manage ment of ;the institution was highly commended. A FINE HOTEL. H. C. Brown, of Denver, has no nearly completed the fiuest hotel west of the Mississippi river at a cost of $1, 00,000. He paid $20.000 lor the furniture and .$86,000 for the silver service. Yet when he landed in Col orado in 1850, he was without a dol lar, and as the little mining camp wa beginning to be built up he made hi living by following his trade as a car penter. He then took 160 acres of land at a spot near what is now known as Capital Hill at $1 25 an acre. That lot today is orth $5,000 -000, and Brown is oue of the richest men in the State. METHITM HALL THURSDAY, MARCH IOTP Return, by Request, of Raleigh's Favorites, fiUYR80S1MlvSrtLS jgjT The Ladies' Favorite Troupe! Jgi Moral and - etined! far Change of Programme! JI J3T 12 Fine Dancers 12 -jm 3f- Challenge Orchestra! .Jgj Fine Singiag! Fine Music! jgy Contortiorists! JB Jugglers, Balancers, Leapers! jM Ef iEvorytliicK the Best? Big Show this Time! Better than Bverl Tickets now on sale at MacKae's Drug Store. Carriage Factory We will make you anything you want in the shape of mum i OR OTHER VEHICLES. -WE MARK A SPECIALTY OF Substantial Repairing Have Your Old Job Took Like New. TTTB try to please our customers by polite VV atention when they favor n with a call, and by giving them good work that w'll stand. Send in your orders. J. W. EVANS, Corner Blount and Morgan Streets, mb.7 tf RALEIGH, N 0. M ortgr&ge Sale. By virtue of the mortgage deed executed fo the undersigned by E M Ferrell and dddie E Ferrell. his wife, on the lOih day of Fel ruarv. 188, and resxistered in the Register's office of Wake county, in book No 100, on page two, 1 shall sel1 to the highest bvner, for cash, at the court house dnor in Raleifirh, Wake county, N '!, on Morday, the 7th day of March, 18 '2, the land lies :ribed in sai l mortgage deed. Time of sale, 12 o'clock m J 0 FKRRSLL, e4 tdsp Mortgaeee. 2 PltEATEST Bargains in town. OUR $1.49 IREPRK8BNT tl eiati. s that fo( vestor i - 1 bnrmwer substai:' al .act :ln skeptical. F.ndowmen The maturit) oi of death withon most mbntantial Asso-. r the interest of the in- prepa-d to show i ' will convince the most ; IM" Insurance at cot. stt ck is suar.intu'd in case additional cost to heirs Whv don't vni sue something. This is the only way t Independence Wealth is made by persist 'txt s vitg. Stop rent. Bgin to save. Own 'mr own lion.e. Lay some thing by for o'd ago R. itulenendeht. For particulars call on or ddresi WAYNE ALLCOTT Raleigh, N.,C. Adminlgtraer's Notice. HaviM;r this day qualified as the adminis trator ot the es'aU- of the late Solomon Brown, th;- i to noti y all persons having claims agains the e.-ta'e to present the same to me for paymti.t on or before the 4th day of March, 1893, or this notice will be plead in b-r of re covery. A 1 persons indebted to the estate will please settle without delay. SAMUEL D GRIFFIN, mh 3 tlw Administrator. Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of a deer, e of the Superior Court of Wake county m "de in the case of 'anus H Holloway, administrator d b n, vs Caroline Suit and others, j will ex pose to public sale on Monday, the 28th day of March, 1892, a certain tract of land in Wake county, belonging to the late Fenner Keith, lying on the North sioeofNeuse river, on the Kaleigh road, ind bounded by said N'euse river, the lands of Morgan and the lands of the Cameron estate, con taining, according to survey, 21!) acres. Place f sae, on the premises. Terms of sale, one-half cash, balance at 12 months with interest at s'x pr cent. J li HOLLOWAY, Coin'r. Feb 2oth. 1892 Ids BLAKE'S LIVMY STABLES. IK P QUARTERS. We ar pleased to aunoune to our friends and the publi.; gener ally th"t we have MOVED OUR LIVERY AND BO ARDING iSTAHLES o Fah fjorin btreot, (McMaflkin's Oli stand) whre we have increased facilities for serving those who favor ue WITH THEIR PATROVAit-". I with their patronage. OUR MOTTO, PROMPTNESS. RELIABILITY BE'T SERVICES, MODERATE PLICES. ! (rlephone c ills proinptly attended to. Teh-phone 9T. fe-b 2lw pci. ftH uALE- AT 216 Favetteville St. Ar iST Dry .Hue Wood, cut in VV I v7JL""any length, delivered to auy part of t tie city. I I T VI l- ofjany dimensions U lAJL)liI funmished on short notice. Also sningies, laths, &c-LV-"I" My Special Horse and -T XJ Vy-L'""Cow Food is gaining quite a reputation wherever used. It will pay you to give it a trial. WHEAT, &C.--oA1S at lowest prices Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, both for seed and feed. Also Bran, Corn Meal, Pea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choice Timothy Hay, Wheat and Rice Straw. -ALoO- Am- moni DERBY HATS Latest Hties GBNTM' SH'E8 -Comfortable Shapes! It is with the utmost confidence thut we declare the above to be a fact! Our opinion is backed by an unprecedent ed demand for those two articles, We have completed arrangements with the manufacturers to supply us with 10 cases per week if necessary. New lot just received. WHITING .'. BROS. mh4 tf Mis BadteJ! Cut FERTILIZERS- ated fertilizer.-,, J'tue uone Meal, Land Plas ter, Acid Phosphate Shell Lime in any quan tities. ttirTTTYC Choice Grass and Clo iOXLlliXJJ"miii Seeds of every kind, both for field ant) farm. L.- R, WYATT, Executor's Notice. Having qua lined as executor of the l-st will and testament of Walter R omo . deceased, this i to give notice to all persons having claims against his estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 3d day of December, 1892, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. de2 6w OO WOMB LE, Hxecutor. h -IRIE! A DY FORTHE Our f.ji A .i!t Department for the spring is now coronlete. ' here ib ti . of our attempting to desc-ibe the el Rant and . v.,r.- w. rlBve namerea tor you mr It would take several tw-ks if i.l to i;ive you a faint idea of what is here. SI 0.00, S12.00 AND 15.00. LXj I wfil he what v n terra business suits. Correct, we think we can jHgreet)tv 11 r pri you at tnose popular prices You'll s i y -.: it you 6ee them. o CO Q O O S HH li ft Cer tlemen's Dress Suits Tin's department i letter stocked than ever, as fln and finesti CLOTHING o SPECIALTY A fT 1 ft Tl r O of An PtfAao Hnlfct utlll i L i u .-v v.. wunu you mat mere is noj superior line anywhere in the largest citie, and no such line klmut hra I Finest goods, costliest trimmings, artistic tailoring- is what our Pine Clothing represents. I Tf Von hfiUA hdtra i..rt ..f a... CI J 1. 1 a . ' uui irrai ouin, DOW Woald D8 U ;Ku.-w tum iui y.iU 1,0 come nuu ne convinced that we can fit you K V ft 1 1 OS vnnr t ... fatlA.. l...i. 41 .... .J , i . . ' j o wuvn utvt- ever uhcu you: oesiaes, it win be a saving to ou of at least 50 per cent. uu i ju lutua is worm yoar wnn to come and see? rYoil are surelv WAlnnmn. na wa ionui.i..p if o 1 -oii niir Tli-OBii Mira I r h-1 9 H w w o o o s LP p w w o d I o H n o HH S. & D. BERWANGER. ja 9 HIGH ART CLOTHIERS. G. H. Andersop,No.5 Hargett Street. Two more cpses of Ladief' Fine Shoes received this week. I am show ing the best quality and best syle Indies shoes on the market for the price, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2 50. It will pay you to buy one pair of my shoes. i have the prettiest line of 10c (tingham in the city. The best 25 cent Rl.ck Ho8 (ermsdorf laek). C-tivx me a call for anything you want in Dry Woods or Not inns, Men's, nm 'tt. Misses or children's Shoes. Gentlemen's Shoes from $1 to t" per pair. 111 C Hi AS DFRHON, No. 5 Hargett Street. I ITCDADV magazine for Every Member of the Family. IIAIJCCTIP LI I CKAnl I High In Character. Low in Price. UUmtO I Ibl Bend five cents (stamps) to convince us that yon want sample copy. Address Woman's Work, Athens, Ga. POETRY Original and of the highest character a great variety. LITERATURE Pore, fascinating, improving. FLORAL PAGE A gem of beauty and value. FANCY WORK A department that will pleaae you. MOTHER'S CORNER A oozy place to rest and learn. Home Physician The best health department to be found. BOYS AND GIRLS A charming page for the young. COOKING Our special pride and the bousewif.'. special help. Queries & Answers "Better than in any other paper," Bays a recent letter. Correspondence A chatty page, full of experi ence and good suggestions. Other Departments and Miscellaneous Hatter, pleasing and valuable. WOMAN'S Work must be awn to be appreciated. CheaD Homes. I offer desirable building lots in the north western part of the city as rep reseDted on Shaffer's map, lying on the extension of Jones, Lane, and North streets. In order tojenable pur chasers to improve their property, by expending tbeir available means in building and making their homes comforta ble. 1 will lease these lots at a rent equal to the interest on their value, and give the pur chasers twenty years to pay for the propeny. To mechanics and young mm earning monthly wages, this o i-i embles them to secure a home at mo rate prices and long credits, and pay fo ihem as their earnings allow. A man can lease a lot of one quart r of an acre, for say $24 a yeai, the lease hav ing the transferable character of a fee-simple title, and redeemable at the pleasure of the holder, by p.tyment in full or by install ments of not less than one-fifth of the cost of i li- lot, and can nse all the means at coni nand to build bis home and mae himself i nfortaDle. He thus secures a home free fr -m any debt that can trouble him, by the payment of 1 24 a year. Apply to WM. J. SAUNDERS Real Estate Agt. dec 19 ,1m 426. Saunders St. lauttaM Cry to: PtaMrt ws,; Remington Standard 'Pypj-riters., More Remington's are used in Kllgh than all other makes combined. For catalogues or information, apply to the undersigned. WM KASDALE, JBCTJLPRPER, " Baleigh, N C- Jltf fiichmond, Va

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