HHHMBnMMMi mtyt Bang mmm vm n ! h VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1892. NO. 121 MINIATURE ALMANAC F0 TODAY. Sua rises Huu sets First quarter, 5th r p. m. Full moon, 13th- 7m . M. Last quarter, 21-:03 P M. New moon. S8th-8:0 a. m BHOPSH OF THK WKATHKR. The following is the Bynopsis of the weather at 8 a. m. today : The blub area and cold ware has advanced to the upper lake region and is spreading rapidly southward. Fair weather prevails, except trom Kansas northward, wrere it is suow iug. RALEIGH A:sD VICIKITX. Fair weather, colder, till 8 p. uo. Tuesday. TITY 1N.BBIKF. Remember " The Burglar" will be the last sbow of the season. The cool weather today la said to be the 'shank end" of a snow storm in Northern Virginia. Reading matter in the idiapeif books newspapers, etc , will h. very acceptable at the Soldier's Home Durham is making a bid for tbe next aunual fruit fair, wit b hue pros ptcts of success. See advertisement of h. use for rent on the Hillsboro road, ?i nines w Bt of RnleiKh. The Supreme Court today com, ineuced tbe case from tbe eveutt district. Atteutiou is dirtcted to a five room house for rent near Pullen Park, at very sbetp rates. All the remaining property of Mr. John T. Patrick, of the Agricultural building, bae been shipped to bis ad dress at Pine Bluff, Moore county. The Wi liams mansion on tbe cor ner of Martin aud McDowell streets has been moved back about 40 yards to the rear of tbe lot. The different railroads in the State have resumed tbe iss re of one and two thousand mile tickets, which was discontinued a short t ime since Wm. G. Hill Lodge. No. 218, A. F and A. M , will meet in regular com inucicauon this evening at 7: o'clock. Visiting brethren invited. We bear tbat a graud p:c-uc i talked of to take place at the Hi grounds as soon as the spring f url j opens. Yesterday was a beautiful day And higbly enjoyed by our people lu th afternoon the suburb were a'iv. with visitois from tbe city, ami the street car did a spieudid business See advertisement of the new Ruck et store to be pened -ibout April 1st in the r.uihtiug lately oeeuoied b Messrs. McOee & Moeeley, on JjKyette viile street. The attendance at the Mayor's Monday Mornig levee, today, wa qui f slim. Nothing of importance on trial. The game of foot ball between the students of the Agricultural aud Me ehanical College and tbore of the Raleigh Male Academy, resulted in a victory for tbe former. Sir Walter Raleigh Division will meet tonight, as heretofore ordered A dispatch has bean received from Maj. General Oornahan announcing thft he could not reach Raleigh be fore tomorrow We hope the Governor's Guard may decide to aocompauy Gov. Holt and Staff to Norfolk, on the 80t. It is Seoullarly proper that they should o so, as It will add much eclat, to the occasion. Our friend Mr. A. Dughi has nice figs guaranteed to be good, in boxes containing from five to fifteen pouuds eaah, which he is Belling at 10 cents a pound instead of V cents as stated in our issue last Saturday. President George, of the street rail way, will be here during this week, and we are informed, that one of 'he objects of his coming is to decide up on the route for the branch road to Fallen Park which will be built in a I ery abort time. Peach trees mmencing to bloom. KhoH vpttini? plentiful and cheaper. n it IHi Old winter cn't linger uch Ion' , in th lap of spring. The -'einxul for dwelHmr hous"s Itullroad Rates. It has been decided by the Sea board Air Line to Issue round trip rates to Norfolk on the occasion of the launching of the cruiser 'Raleigh,' the fare from this city being $3.85. nui table for mall iamtites. sun cou This Is at tta rat- of about one cent I tinues pPr mie an( doubtless many of our people will take take advantage of the arrangement. A tiood Idea. See advr lenient of two con venlent dwelli ih lor rent on South Salisbury street. The outlook for ;i l,.ndid grape crop in this section is spkmdid at this time The arrival of the new machinery for the electric powerhouse is anx iously looked for. 3,000 yds best quality shirting prints at 5 cents a yard. 400 pairs suspenders 50 - th a pnrr, worth $1 a pair. l,n?0 unlaundrled shirt, We The best line of ladies' baodkw chiefs ever shovu iu the city. c each. Don't forget to see our shoes wiieu in want of a pair mhl2 Woollcott & Sons Last. A pair of gold frame ppcetaele be tween the D. D and B Institution If has ben suggested, that if the . i - l II... I ... .. eMCl 1WUSB 1U wu,l,u 1 - i and Central M. E. church T e (ind- drew Johnson was born, could he I fir pieage retarM to M. w. K. definitely ascertained, it would be a I Harri at D. D an1 B. Institution goo J idea to have it transported to the Chicago ExDOsition to form a When the Hrgett street electric part q( the North Carolina exhibits, car Une pets into operation, it should Wfl Deeve has been decided to be extended to tbe Federal cemetery. par8ue the same course relative to We invite special attention to the the house in Kentucky, in which advertisement of Messrs. S & I Ber i Lincoln was born. Both of these wanger, who announce that they relics would no doubt attract great have reduced the prices of their cele- ! attention. brated pear! pbirts, for one weefc on j rrrr. ly. This if, ehence rarely offered Personal mention. and one that all interested sbouldj Mrs W. R. Richard on, who has take advantage of. been uite ick wlth aQ ,ltt,ick of the , T, , ., .... ... grippe, is much improved. -The Barglar" will he presented at , q fl coLflued to Metropolitan Hall tonight Hemern rneumati,m her thatthiB performance ,s the last . y g gone nQrth b-ok"u tor tnti season ii is oum ui ( the TJist beautiful society dramas ; , i i j . on the stage am; snouiu ue on busiue's. Mr. E H. King, a former clerk in now on tne stage huu .uu. u. j q Mf D T Swindeii, has greeted with a very large audience, j accepted ft po8itlon jn a ,arg, eetab. Counterfeit si lver dollars are situ in , iighmeuc in Savannb. Ga. circulation in many sections of the State There ure also fl iatiug around hills of the old hank of Charlotte which went into bankruptcy some years since. Better be on the look out as almoft any perdon would be dece ived without close inspection An Epworth League was organized We deeply regret to state that Miss Pattie Mordecai, of this city, is very ill with pneumonia at the residence of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Turk, in, Charlotte. Mr. D. T. Swindell lef today for the northern market to make his spring purchases. Our people may expect last night at C ntral Methodist church i something rich when he returns with a very favorable e-tart. Thirty Mrs. Dr W. S. Black, of Oxford, is eiht persons gitv". their names as ; visiting friends in this city member! The leacue wi'1 met next The condition of Rev. Dr. C. T Bai Wednesday evening after prayer ser- j ley c ontinues to improve. vice at the chu'oh end complete its I Mr. G. A. Jones has gone to Dan oreauiz ttioii, wnen additional names i vilie, Va., on business SPECIAL NOTI:. A Bargain. One good, fresh cow, part Jer';y, for sale at 404 South Dawson St., Ral eigu, N. C. inh7 Ct dents" FuruiMhing Goods Hi jM-'.re, &c. SPRING HAS COME! Aiiu those who have B1BIE3 OUGHT CO BUY the little one) A CARRIAGE. Our first ihipmtnt has been received. WE 11 AVE Two more shipments to follow at once. THE STYLES this season are pretty, the quality is the very best, AXD PRICE3 are right. One great advantage IN BUYING A CARRIAGE of us is that you can always GET RBI" AIRS FOR THEM. Call and exm!ne 3tylcs and prices Raleiph agents for Dunlap's bats: iiTJJA'jnC V RlfiftS SlINS The new styles are now open. Jtew J lines of gents aolanndrle d andlauni dried shirts. New styles in gents;; neck we r just opened We h ive never shown such a choice variety of neckwear as we have just received Gents medium weight underwear for j early spring. A full thowiug of f ist j black half hose. Gents g'oria an i ! silk umbrellas, kid g'oves, Sta. We j guarantee the most reasonable prices j throughout the entire department. W. H. & R. 8 Tuckkr Co RALEIGH, N. C. EARLY HIHG SP Ga to smoke. J R Terrell's for a good LLllitfti 1892. Fine chewing tobacco at John R Terrell's. Go to John R. Te Troll's for grocer ies. mh7 WE ARK NOW RECEIVING JSTew Shapes in spring mil'mery for ladies and misses. New Ribbons will be receiived. Tbe lrlgiu & friend from what is kno.rn as the "Rhamkatte" section of Wake today sug'Sted that it would be a (?ood ide.. :o tell what we know about the or iain of the name. Just prior to the outbreak of the eivil war Ron D tvid L. Swain informed u th.it xv proper na.!t of theloealirv ws "R:rn8aa!e," after tbe ton of tha. tiatne iu filug laud. It w sb s owed by Gov. fryon on his march trom New Berne to diltshoro, bit troopft h iing camped on the site. From 'Uvrnsgate Mr. W. T. Mabry is again confined to his bed from illness. th-j name beeame, iu tue purhtuce oi the eoui.tr., "ttnaiuKaue ira-.itn.u a'. s-tys that the j"ry;m r id p-vsed diree1 ly through be sice of the reu itentiary, ami thv whee'e of wagpna can yet he seo'i ou a roc J'iht. in re.r of t'e ('! rou resi lenee u the Hitlsboro road. New York BMrsraiii House, We wish to iutonn the people of Kiltigh that our Mr Littuian, who has been in the northern markets for the pant i. wo weeks, has just bought a $40,0A0 stock tor 5 on the dollar, which will be on our counters for in spection in a few day? All of the latest designs in dress goods. Remem her these goods are new and the lat est spring styles. Having bsught this stock w are going to give the greatest bargains th it tiai ever been offered in Raleigh. Remember these goods must, go Respectfully, H A Li itmah & 'Jo., Prop. New York Hsrgaiu House, i 16 East Martin Street. Senator S owart proposes a change to the Constitution of the United States that will certainly settle the question. It is as follows : " jSo person who has held the office of President for a term of four years or any part thereof shall be elligibl to that office within four years after the expiration of such term. This article shall take effect and be In force on and after the 4th day of March, 1607." Important Meeting. The meeting called to take place at the Yarboro House, tomorrow morn ing, should not be overlooked by the ladies. As heretofore stated, the ob ject is to devis" ways and means for the erection of a suitable building for Nor'h Carolina, at the exposition grounds in Chicago. This work has been specially set apart, for the la dies, and we have uo doubt tbat their efforts will be crowned with success The plans for the building have not yet been submi'ted, but it is pro posed tint the patter a should be taken from what was known in olden times as "Governor Tryon's Palace" in New Berne. It might ap p ar to some; that it ia too early to take action in tbe premises but this is not so. There is much to be done to place North Carolina in a proper position, and many of the States are now far advanced in the matter of preparation. We hope the meeting tomorrow will be largely attended and that such work may be mapped out as -vili start the movement in the most earnest manner. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. Our great shoe sale is now going on We will continue to sell for the next eight days our entire line of shoes at prime factory prices You now have have an opportunity to save big money on anything that you may want in shoes Remember this sale will continue eight 'ays only. Our buyer is now north carefuhy select ing a large and elegant stock of sprim goods. Our stock will be bought with the h ! rd cash, and will be a- complete as money can make it. Yours truly, D. T. SWIN DflLL The Hibernian Society of Wilmitg ton, will appropriately celebrate St Patrick's Day, which falls on next Thursday. We hear of no action be ing taken for its celebration in Ral -eigh. Wanted. Several young men can obtain good j hoard with nice rooms, ready furnish . . j , . . I m mone nacn nnd satin effects, which will ea. near business part of city at ,:u0 j Ktt mueh used ou ureses us well as millinery. per weeK or f 12:00 per month. Apply to Mrs A. F Rat, Corner Wilmington and Davie Sis mr 11 lw. Our shoe stock is one of the most , complete in the city. You will t ow j find our ladies1 shoe department on the 1st floor, and we have them in all ' grades from 75c to $i a pair. mr 11 tt VVOOLLCOTT & SrOXS : CHIFFON i""co,w ' FLOWERS, LACE We will add ek until Api )niplete. 1 thi? stock from week to vht ;. the entire line will be mum nuu mad n lliJj-UJj Dry Piue Wood. Leave your orders at B. F. Cheat- ham's store, No 22) South Wilmiugv j ton street. mh'd Im j For Kent. A dwelling on Wet Eoeuton street, between Salisbury and McDowell; 14 rooms; wa er on the lot. Apply to mh8 6t B H. Mitchell. NORMS' Dry Goods Stare We have just received and are now displaying the moA wouariul bar- i gains in WHITE GOODS AND EMBROID j ERIES ever offered to tbe trat'e of Raleigh j We are showing ?our lines of embroid eries at 6J, 10, 15 and 20 cents tbat no i lady can afford to miss. You will say they fire richly worth 10, 15, 25 and 35 cents. The above are extraordinary bar- . gains. "VnuBKi' Dpv 4oods Stork For Rent o9 tt IS I 209 Ft! ETYEVILLE ST. Dry U'.ft iin. oiion. &c. 'i.HiR S.TUCKER I CO. S HOW fsF.PARTMENT. HOE I DEPARTMENT. HOE fcEPARTMENT. MEN S FIXE SHOES. MEX'S E1XE SHOES. MKN'S FIXE SHOES. Our i.eif line f B;mister's tine shoes for trentlemin in now oi u, aud is the most com plete we h iv ever shown. We have a full hue of th" different v. idths and can promise :.ny one th most comfortable tit. Bals and Congress, Bals and ' 'o;igs, French ..nd Lordon Toes, French ('id L ndon Toes, lial.- and i ongiebs, Hals- anil t pngiees, M eru puis and St Louis Toe IMeniphis and St Louis Toe PUiii ai d Cap. Plain and Cap. : he new The new I'LATT I AST,' TLATT LAST.' New shai; ii! Patent Leather Shoes. LAO. HJ8' F I Nr h SHOES. Laird, Scoberii Mitcali's a id Zipgler Bros' b'ine Stiocs: for La lies and Children. Bright Dong -la, Opera and Common Sense j as s, Hand and Mi Kay Sewed and Good year welts Ot tliese goods we show all wiaths. LADIES' OXFOHD3. Hray and Black Suede, and White Canvas Large, comfortable house; (5 rooms; with Oi i lords at $2 5u the best shoe for the money garden spot and farm land; excellent water; Wei offered in this city. 24 miles west of city; desirable distance for truck tarmmg, &c; li K station aud post of fin near: nnlv 10c to citv: will rent, on mnst vL D n 9 reasonable terms: address "B." Rahieh. 14 H ' "i $ U H, I u i 1'clir i Co.

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