Fate. My feet are set in lowly ways. Mine eyes on mighty hills. Whose shining heirht but mock the gloom That my poor pathway fills. Great aspirations, like a song Uplift my wailing heart; The while my hands to menial deeds A tha kless grace impart. Yet the denial that doth moel luThe soul's needs, small or great, A stern unchani ing title bears The old, old name of fate' J. Oert u ie Meuard, in Moston B.dget. A DARING ABDUCTION. NoRRiSTowa, P , March 10 A dispatch from - uwnieytowu, uu nut of the way village aomng the Stone hills, in Marlboro township, several miles from Wreen L -, a station ou tbe Perkiomen railroad, brings tid ings of a daring abdnctiou. A coi nage containing a lad about 18 ye.irs old and two women drove up to be punlic school house. The former knocked at the door and inquired for Katie 1'fluoger, a 12 year old pupil. The child came to answer the sum mons, aud was quickly hustled into the carri.ige,and,a wassiuce learned, drien to Perkiomeuville. From there the women v alked the child to Zieglersville, where Katie and one of her abductors were seen to board v train Katie lived with Jacob Jiiott er, by whom she wad adopted eleven yeai 8 ago. i NO PLACE LIKE HOME. Be waB writing an e-say on tbe beauty of home life, says the Detroit -KVaa Press, and with his nen held -suspended in the air soliloquized thusly: "There is no place like home" ' Papa,"' called a buy's voice at the door, "wiil you mend my sled?" 4 Go away sir. Don't you know iw.rrm- rnun rn n urnrn ma aimri i utn .writing Now that idea is gone and I must begin all over again, i'here is no place" It was a woman's voice this time. "Reginald, the gat-is leaking like everything, and you must see the company and have it stopped." "There is no place like home," be gau the' wretched man, just as Han nah, the girl, thrust her head in to ask: "Did you order the kindleu's?" Then he seized his pen and wrote fluently for full five minutes before he gave up his wild drea ; of fame. "There is no place like home for dis comfort, annoyances, cold, nugr. and every kind of disturbance on the face cf thb earth, at the most oppor tune and trying moment " The New York Voice is having a title with some over melons post masters who presume to exercise a sort of consorship over what shall pass through their postoffices. The Voice sent, out a lot of papers to peo pie at various postofflces. These pa pers were paid for from a fund raised for that purpose. When the papers came to the postoffices the postmas ters in a numbei of instances did not deliver the papers to the persons ad dressed, but immediately sat down and notified the Voice people by means of the ''official card" that the papers w ere "not lif ted." In many cases the bundles were not opened. An inquiry sent out by the' Voice ad dressed in a plain, sealed envelope io the people to. whom the papers were addressed brought forth responses from hundreds who said the poet masters had not given them the pa pera and that they wanted them and didn't authorize any such notice of 'tpapere not wanted" to be sent to the publishers. The Voice has noti fied the department and some post masters Will likely be made to know what their duties are. It is too f re quently so thnt postmasters in coun try districts go beyond their official requirements. When mail matter c 'ines to the office it must be de livered without comment, it is for the party to whom the mail is ad dressed to make remarks and give or ders to the postmaster, if any are needed. IV bite Gnods, Laces and Em. 1 broideries. New line white Goods, laces and embroideries opened today at Jtyrrto' )ry Goods Store. Superior Courts of North Caro Una Name. JriMiUS. District. Go H Brown, 1 Heno R B-van, H G Connor, 3 Spier Whitaker, 4 R W Winston, ft E T Bovkin, 6 J D M elver, 7 R F Armflald. 8 Jnsn F (4r.ves. 9 John fi Bynnip, 1" W A Hoke. 1 1 Geo A Shuford. 10 Residence. Beaufort, New Berne, Wilson, Wake, Granville, Sampson. Carthage. Irndelt, Kurry, Mortranfon. Lincolntoo, SOLICITORS. Nani 'ist'l ',.. j John H Blonit Per-juim's. H Whit, frolt " Ha'ifax, JEWool.r.i. WiUon, E W Pon. lr . t Johnston, Ed S Parker, 6 W-aham, () B Allen, ii Duplin. Frnnk McNeill, " Richm'nd B F Lonsr. H Iredell, Thomas et1", Rock'ha'n W O NVwIhuO. 10 Caldwell, Frank L Oaborn, 11 Meck'b'g, eo A Jones, 13 Macon , FIRST JUDICIAL DTSTKIOT 8priiv Tem Jndjfe Shuf"rd. SKCOND. 8pring Ter;n Judge Brown. THIR)). Spring Term Judge Bryan. KOrtKTH. Sprint; Term -Judge Connor. Wake Tp.n Hth, Feb 29. March 28th, tApr'l fth. 8pt 5th, tOct 2tb. Wavne Jan 25th. Ap'l 18th, Sept. 12th. Oct 17th. Harnett Feb 8th, Aug 8th, Nov 28th Johnston Feb loth Aug 15th Wov 14th. For criminal caws. tFor civil cases alone. FTKTH Spring Term .Indge Whitaker. SIXTH Spring Teri Jud?e Winston. SKVP.NTH. Spring Term Judge Bovkin KIGHTH Spring Term Judge Mclver. NINTH. Spring Teru1- Judge Armfield TRNTH. Sprint Term Judge Graves HTiKVBNTK SpriDg Ten i Judge Bynum. TWELFTH. Spring Term Judge Hoke. CURE YOURSELF! Aslr TOUT I Irnir'-rifcl fnr a ImM f ill llf ilitr Tho nnlv . r. w. ..ui. vu.j nny'-rinnnnrtiw rumaHv fr. oil ' the unmmir flkphnnrOH anil I private diseases of men and the aepiuiaung weakness peculiar io women, ii cures in a iew davs without the aid or l publicity of a doctor. iine universal American Cure. Manufactured by I iThe Evans Chemical Co J CINCINNATI, O. ) 6. A. RaUiW Schedule. Ua UOMd iHMul. - It Richmond k Danville R R Co y Cendenaed Schedule In effect January 17th, ltj2. Southbound. Dally. Lt tl bin on I, Burtevdle. t3k.e bv i i.e. Ar Danville Ar Greensttoro, Lv Holdsboro Ar Raleigh L Rahdgt L Durham, At Greensboro, Lv Salem, Gnwrmboro, Ar Hliohnry, ar BUteeriua, ,'vr Abbeville. Ar Hot Springs, Lv Batjibury. Ar Charlotte. Spartanburg, SraanTiUe, latlanta, Lv Chariot! e Ar Columi)1 Augusta, North h'innH Lv Angust(k, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ax Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Spring Asheville, Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv RaleigL Ar Goldsboro, Lv Gresnsborc, Ar Danville Keysville, Burkflville. Richipoud, No 0 3 00pm 5 06pm 6 44pm 8U0pm 1U 16pm 12 15pm 1 15pm 4C 744 10 16 18 41) no 25pm x i 18 iru 1 62 6 55am 8 W 12 28 '4 W 5 t' J 6 10 12 2,. pin 4 10 a in 6C7 9 30 a u rtiy No in 7 o pm 10 50 H05am 8 5C i m 0 a.u 7 Oi am 8 27 b 22 pm 8 40 am 7 07 am 8 OOara 8 37 10 20 11 40 am 10 30 12 3ipm 1 z i IU. 1 3J 8 0L 11 30.". 12 10pm 2 5Jpui 3 36 Noi: 8 Vao f fOau 6 i Ittal 8 OJair 10 Vziu tl 6pa 6 45pa 8 05u 5 Olx.x y 4j8u 8 60 10 20 11 57au 1 0Spn 6 69 7 14 12 06pa 1 ?0on 4 87 K 5:4 1? 45pu 1 Wrv 8 fOpm 0 "Sua. j Thf Lv:nrg Visitor Ai.MUtU- toi..i gal Wilmington Weldon Ba . u.tU ' Branches. Uouieuseu bcatu TRAINS GOING SOUTH Pated Jan. 4. No 23 Vjz Daily. No '( P't m'l Jally. '43pm 6 Jfpui kv vVoldun, 12 8t pm Arkock) Alt, 1 40pm Ar Tarboro, )4 iftpm lie Tarboro, 12 68pm 6 00pm Ar Wilson, 218pm 7 Le Wilson, t2 36pm Ar Selma, 8 80pu Ar Fay tville 5 30pm Le U'dsboro, 8 lupm 7 40pm Le Warsaw, 4 14pm Le Magnolia, 4 87pm 8 40pm Ai Wil'gton, oOupin a jopm No 41 d'y, ex bund'y 6.40am 7 4...m 817-iU JOOam I 00a.ni in .4am II 4.611' TRAINS QOifM iiV, k. No K No 78, daily. No 40, u y, ei. No li 1 (Kipi 4 1 Jon 8iM) 0.00 put 7 50 .' 8 20pm 9 4 12 Mpm 4 ?5 9 17 10 12pm 11 55 11 ?8am tl 18 au 12(1 air 4 2 Uiir 7 00 t8 45 n 12 S8 pir 12 88ia 1 10 am 4 15 ani 4 67 7 25 5 30 BKTWhO WEST POINT A RICHMONr. t7 50 am Lv West Point.Lv f8 50am 9 lo am Ar Richmond Ar 10 40 pne 3 10 pm Lv Richmond Lv 4 40 5 00pm Ar West l oint Ar 6 00pm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL EIGH via Keysville, '9 15 am Lv Raleigh Ar 19 46 pm t Daily cxci ot Sunday Daily, except M n tv SonHAaa, jAltYfVw Tralfic Man'g'r. !. - VV. A. Turk, A G. P. A.,rObarlotte. N r daily Lv WU'gton, tuam Lv Magnolia, 3 87 Le Warsaw, Ar G'dsboro. 4 ttaai 1j6 Fay'tviJlo, Lv Selma, Ar Wilson, Lv Wilson, 5 14am Ar HockvMt, 5 37 Ar larboro, Lv Tarboro, Ar Weldon, 6 35am 2oopia aiiy except Bunday. Johu JT DlVJNB, General buperlntendenL, J R Kuax, Oiip'i 'i'nuw. T U &asAeu t-.&tfr&t fi Act y 15aui 11 Hum tit Uaaqj ) lOitili 11 o:.i. 12 ap.u 1 iS'Jpitt i2 i8piu BlUMi J . 4U0pm u upm 55 Qpm 6 06pm 7 48ptti 8 lpm 9 80pm ttaleigh aud oVuKUsla A-.L v To take eifeot Trains uiov ing South. No 41, Pass and Mai., Daily ex Sun. Leave. 400pm 4 19 " 4 31 " 6 05 " 5 28 " 5 64 " 6 21 " 7 20 " 8 18 " 9 am, Sunday, Oc 25, 1891. Traino mat tag North, .do 38, fans and Mail. Dally ex Stu. Arrive. ll 20 an. 11 01 aa 10 19 an 10 16 au 9 52 an, 9 26 an 6 58 an 8 00 an- Raleigh, Cary, Ape.v, Moncure, Santord, Cameron, Southern Pines, Hamlet, Gibson, Lv 7 00 am Cape Fear & Yadkin Yallej Mailroad Oontpany COWOKUSMO 30KBPULJC. In effect Jan. 10. 1892. jroRTHBOimp ! D'yexS'y 1 D'y ex. 8' v iio m 9 50 a m 1 55 pm 300pm 4 25 p W 6 ?5 p u. 7 15 p m Wo 4 BOYS and GIRLS HAVE YOU SEEN mm mm That beautiful magazine for Southern Boys and Uirls. It is the h ndsomest oung People's Magazine in America. It has be come a -welcome visitor to thousands of Southern homes. No pains or expense is spared to make it attractive. Each number contains a volume of interesting reading for young folks. Short and continued stories, out-door sporty new games, and in fact everything to interest boys and gii'.s. Twenty-eight pages and cover, eah page is hand somely illustrated. It is "The Queen ot the South," '-The Pet of every Home Circle," and do boy or girl can afford to be without it. To see it is lo want it, 1 nd to have it for six months or a year is a continual enjoy ment for all the family. We want every boy and girl who has not seen this charming magazine to send ns seven one-cent stamps at once for a sample copy; or, better still, if you will send us One Oollar we will send ycu Southern Sunbeams for one year and make you a present 'f "Cooper's Leather stocking Tales." Five great works in one - inicu VMiuiui,, in vi 1111 vvou. Address SOUTHERN SUNBEAMS, Box 363, Atlanta, Ga. Notice of Sale. Under under and by virtue of a deed in trusi executed lo me by Joel D Whitaker and wife, recorded in book 61, at page 511, Regis ter of Dees office for Wake county, I w'll. on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1892, at 12 o'clock m, at the court ho; se door in Ral eigh, N C, expose to sale at public auction the house and lot therein conveyed, located at tne corner of Lane and Person streets. Terms 01 sale, cash R T OKAY, March 4 tds Trustee. Notice ci Sale Under Mi rtgage. Under and by virtue of a deed of mortgage executed by J W Henderson to A H temple on 31st January, 1882. rec rded in ook 70, page 27, Register of Deeds office for W ake county, 1 will, on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1812, at 12 o'clock m, at the court house door in Raleigh, M C, sell at public auction, for cash, the property therein de scribed, being house and lot in the village of Oberlin, near the city of Raleigh. R T GRAY, mb4 tds A tty for Mortgagee. Le Wilmington, Ar Fayetteville, Lo F&yetteville, Le 8anford, Ar Greensboro, Le Greensboro, Le Walnut Cove, 9 10 p m Ar Mt Airy, 11 15 p N Le Bennettsvilla, 1 8 40 p m Le Max ton, 1 27a m Ar Payettevllle, 2 57 m ifo 16 daily except Sunday. Le Ramseur 7 25 a hi Ar Greensboro, 10 06 pm Le Greensboro, 10 85 p m Ar Madison 1 05 p m eouTHBOtjpro D'y ex S'y D'yexS'y JSo 1 No 8 , Le Mt Airy, 6 00 a Le Walnut Cove, 8 11 Ar Greensboro, 10 00 a in Le Groensboro, 10 80 a m Le Sauford, 12 45 p u Ar Fayettevilltf., 4 f 6 p m Lr. Fayetteville, ii 04 p m Ar Wilmington, 7 06 p B Le FayetteviHe, 2 11 p m Le Maxton, 8 82 p m Ar Benoettsviue, 4 22 p n? Mo 15 daily except Sunday , Le Madison, 8 10 p vo Ar Greonsbcro 5 15 p m Le Grfsi nsboro, 5 85 p m A P emeitu 1 8 40 r m Mo. 11. Lv Mt Airy 3 10 p m Lv Walnut Cove 6 15 p m Ar Greensboro 9 25 p m W $ KYLE, General Pasuenge Agn J A Pbt G7! Supt, Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Fase 28, Daily exct - Sunday. P M Lv 5 10 5 35 5 55am 7 06am 8 00pm 8 46pm 9 39pm i l 80pm Ar Soutnbouno Trains. Thro Frt and Fase 22, Stations- Daily eict Sunday. Ar P K 6 46 6 16 5 66 Raleigh Cary , Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron Southern Hamlet 8 50 2 08 Plcais 2 10 Lv la 30 Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive IjOREOLK AND CAROLINA R.R COSDBNSKD BCHKDULB. Dated August 9th, 1891 South Bound i Train. No 101 A. M 9 50 10 15 10 27 , 11 02 i 11 20 I 1137 ! 1152 ; 12 31 I 12 53 1 20 P. M. North Bound stations. Train. No. 100 P. M. L've Pinner's Point Arrive 5 25 L've L've L' L've L'vf L've L've L've Ar Drivers, Suffollr Gates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've 2 01 4 47 414 3 54 336 3 21 2 39 217 150 P1TTSBORO ti K. Pittsboro, 9 10 a u: Moncure, 9 55 Moncure 6 10 p vl Pittsboro, ft 66 GARTH A 4 K R R. Carthage, 8 00 a m Cameron, d 45 Cameron. 9 45 Carthage, 10 30 Carthage, 4 00 p m Cameron, 4 45 p n Cameron, 5 50 Carthage, 6 85 v WM SMITH, Supt, jhALXKiS c6 9A8T0M S R. To take effect Sunday, Jan 10th, 189V Trains moving North No 88, No 34, Stations. Mail train. Fas & Mail. Le Raleigh. 11 25 am 5 00 t u Wake, 12 04 5 88 Franklinton. 12 26 5 58 12 '3 15 12 5K 6 30 2 or 7 35 p rr 2 45 8 V a ji Train mo vintr South. No 41, No 46, Stations. Mail train. Past &Muil. Kittrell, Henderson jLittleton, Ark Weldon, Le Weldon, Littleton, Henderson, .Kittrell, Frankl'nton, Wake, Ar Raleigh. 12 30 pm ! 10 '" ;8 i ;4 i l 8 15 3 55 p m 7 00 a m 7 39 8 43 8 9 9 .6 9 36 10 15 V Loalsburtj Ha''road. Trains moving Nortn No 88, Pass, No 8 Stations Mail & Express. Le Franklint'n, 3 1 0 pm 9 20am t Lonisburg, 3 6 p 9.55 Trains moving South No 41, Pass, No 9, Stations. Mai) v FiSlpres Le L:mibnrg, 11 8' a u fi v pm kt Franlint'n, 12 Oft p va 5 3 pm VxWB Sv.pt. ATLANTIC dk 9T. CJ. JB M , Time Table No 15. In effect Dec mber 19th, $ No 101 makes connection at Rocky liiouin, with W W Train No 23 for all points South, and No 78 train for all points North. G M Serpkl, J R Kkhly, Gen'! Manage Supt TranB TM v v r " Pfti'l T ffrpr Ap CMIdrti (ft fmj&jteton Going east. NtJ 81 Ar Lve 8 30 4 20 4 54 6 4? p m p m 17 4 49 618 9 26 Schedule. Pas - 'raiaf? 8tationi Goldabcro La Grange Klnston Ne- Kerne MoreheadCity Going west No 5C Ar 11 38 10 46 0 09 a to Lve a in 10 48 1C 14 H8 18 pflLIPPtiP EVFRY EVENING PER ANNUM, on m wenty-Fie Cents per Moctb. BY BROWN & WILLI&HS, R LnH. N C. ml P- i rsi mm 1 s i8 a s-:!

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