1 --9 I mBlBM AN S B AH Y. ILL WHIILIB WILCOX. 0)i hush, little baby, thy papa's at sea; The tg biiloms rock him as mamma rocks thee, He bar tea to his Uar ones Yer billows of fonro; Thn sleep, little darling, til i y . comes home. Sleep, little baby; hush, little baby. Papa is coming, no longer to m.uu. The I hells and the pebbK s. all day tossed about Are Inlled into sleep by the tide ebbing out. The tiied shore (.lumbers, stretched out in the sand, While the waves hurry off at mid-ocean's command. T hen hush, little darling; sleep, little dar ling; Sleep, baby, ro ed oy thy mother's own hand. The winds that have rollicked all day in the west Are hushed into sleep on the calm evening's breast. The boats that were out with the wild sea at play Are now rocked to sleep in the arms of the bay. v Then rest, little Daby; sleep liltle baby; Papa will come at the break of the day. Sleep, little darling; soon too wilt thou be A man like thy father, to sail o'er the sea Then sleep will not come at thy bidding or prayer, For thou will be harassed by danger and care. Then sleep, little darline; rest, little baby; Rest whilst thou may, dear, and sle.-p whilst thou dare. k.u i kjii n hTdiikt XAILBCHKDULjl. OUTGOING MAILS. Dar a area No. of Km Trainj P.O. ,Krca ieio. A HORRID SAMPLE St. Loois Globe Democrat A commercial traveler whom I know carries perhaps the most unique "sample" in the drumming profes sion. It is nothing lees than a human body, three years old, ru example of the efficacy of a certain embalming fluid. For three -years this mummy has been transported on the railroads as a sample case would be, and, in deed, there is no outward sign which would indicate the uncanny nature of its contents. In this instance the longer the body is preserved the more of an advertisement it is for the fluid in the veins of the "stiff. ' The bos is zinc lined, and does not exceed the limits of the railroad excess baggage rule in weight. THE COLLEGE GIRL. Detroit h i ee Press. Tt was her first essay at marketing, but she tackled the work with the beautiful hardihood of youth and In experience. "Have you canvas back ducks?" she inquired of the uian in the stall "Yes, miss, and they are beauties and mighty scarce at this time of year. An1 I've got mallardB and red heads, too." "You may cut me off tree quarters of a yard of the canvas back." she said, in her clear, classic tones ; "ai d cut it diagonaly so that it will not ravel." Via Keysville (R. P. 0.) for Richmond it war, Via Golds boro 1K1.KLM lor isnort t ut dtUol.ia. dis. ViaWeldon and Norf. (R. P. O.) for N. dt Via Golds boro (R. P O.) for Km S. and East, Via Gibaou sta. (R. V O.) tor Wll, Ob or. a South. ia Greensboro 'R.P.O.J lor .V, b. and a ; Via Weldou .t Norfolk (Kx. Ft.jt'orN. dt Rust. ViaGreenaooro (Kx. ft.; lor fc. rut West, IS IS 38 N 41 9 i 11 a m 8 15 8 15 10 40 p m 12 15 ? 16 6 2 4 30 9 00 ml 15 I 45 11 -" p D 1 30 4 00 3 4T 5 CO a m 3 05 A.KKIYAL. INCOMING MAILS No. of i At At Via Oreeuaboro vRx.Kt,; from ',, 6. and West, Via Weldou (0.x. ft.) from North and East, Gibson sta, (R. P. t.) from Chur., Wil. & S. Via Greeuol'orovli.P.U.; from .N ' ., B. aud West, Via Weldou (K. P. O.) from North aud Kaat, Via Goldsboro (R. P. O.) from N., H. ii bouth, Via Keysville (R. P. O.) from Kicluuond, Ox ford Ourit .m, etc.. Via Goldsuuro (Ex Pt.) trout .oriu, Train 'Depot' P.O. 11 io 38 10 41 9 1) U a m 7 00 a n. 7 15 Id 30 10 J 11 20 p m 1 -ia j!1 3f 4C 3 55 10 46 5 45 4 10 2 10 11 ro 6 0C Trains marked thus, uo not move on Sun. day. Maiia tor train 9 going west close at 3 p m c Bunday. dTAR RO'JTEb. Outgoing MiL Departs , Kaleich vir Shotweil. E.ile Rook and Wakeheld tf Uniouhope, Tuesday aud Friday 0 am. Raleigh via Hyatt's Hills to Dunn. Tuet day and Friday 0 am. KaieiKti via Ji.eivyn urove and Dayton tc Fish Dam, ilonday, Wednesday and Frid.l 0 a m. Raleigh via Hutchinson's store and Bar gor to iloeis store, Tuesday and Friday lpun rtalfflah to Hasaav, tuesday and Fr'da 12 ni. Incoming Mails Arrjvji Uniouhope yi Wakelield. Zagle Rock and 8hotwell to Pa' eigu, Wednesday aud Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via ;iv-icts Anna to iialciurh, Hon day and Thursday 7 p m. ifisn juaiu via juayron ana a.eivyn urrv to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Frida 7 pm. liogers siore via Bangor ana Jiutcumson'i store to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 H assey to italciirb lueeday and F riday ' 10 a m. Fkkb Dkuyk&k Ststxm. Free deliverie at 6:U0 and ;i:45 a m, 3:16 and 5:45 p m, ex; cept Suudays. Collections made at samr hours, bunday, 0:30 to nH) am. rree de livery windows open on Sundays from 3:0C to 3:30 O'clock p in. A. W. S11AFF.H-K, , Postmaster. Superior Courts of North Jaro Una. JUDGES. Name. District. Residence. Gf-o H Brown, 1 Beaufort, Heni. R Brvan, 2 NewBerne, H G Connor, 3 Wilson, Spier Whitaker, 4 Wake, R W Winston, 5 Granville, E T Boy kin, 6 Sampson, J D jY elver, 7 Carthage, ft F Armfleld. 8 Iredell, Jepse F Graves, 9 Surry, John G Bynum, 10 Morganton, 'V A Hoke. 1 1 Lincolnton, Geo A Shuford, Vi SOLICITORS. ADVENTISM IN GEORGIA. Wil. Star. A telegram from Brunswick says: "An effort is being made to revive Second rtff rflFm in Brnnsnick, and to accomplish that believers in it bavf called Rev. John E. King, a toted revivalist of Second Adventism of Wilmington, N. C, to preach in this city. Brunswick has a Second Advent church, but the membership has lagged somewhat, owing to their being for sometime without pastor. The efforts of Rev. Mr. King will be watched with interest both by be lievers and non-believers." It is said that the pre posed musical festival in Charlotte will be aban doned this year. The success of the committee canvassing for funds has been unsatisfactory, and the Char lottese will have to content them selves with the musical voice of David Bennett Hill on the 20th of May. Wil. Star. Name. District. Residence. John H Blount, 1 Perquim's, G H White, (col) Halifax, J E Woodard, ft Wilson, 3 W Pou. Jr., 4 Johnston, Ed 8 Parker, 5 Graham, O B Allen. 6 Duplin, Frank McNeill, 7 Richm'nd B F Long, 8 Iredell, Thomas Hettie, 9 Rock'hani W C Newland, 10 Caldwell, Frank L Osborn. 11 Meck'b'g, Geo A Jones, 12 Macon. ,,. The New York man who wouldn't take a dare, took a dose of poison when his playful wife jokingly ban tered him to, and next day they took him to the cemetery and burled him, and there was one idiot less in New York. FIPxST JUDICIAL D1STKI0T. Spring Term-Judge Shuford. sv .'Oi,o. Spring Term- iudge Brown. 1 iilRD. Spring Term Judge Bryan. FOURTH. Soring Arm- Judge Connor. Wake ?an Uth, tFeb 29, March 5 28th, tAptil 25th. Sept 28th, tOet j aitto. j Wayne-Jan 25th Ap'l 18th, Sept ; 12th Oct nth. H rnott -Feb 8th, Ang 8th, Nov 28rb Johnston -Feb 15th Aug 15t h Nov Uth, Richmond & Danville B R Co'?. Comtcused 8!i4ulc lu effect January 17th, 18V2. Bonthhoijnd. Lv ; tin wd, H ri- ev lt, ja.ev8Viue, Ar Danville Ar Groenoooro, Lv Uoldsboro, Ar Raleigh. Le iialeigt L Durham, Ar Greuusboro, Lv Salem, Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, A itateaville, A ;Asheville, Ar Hot Springe, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Jharlotte 1 Colnmb " kugu6ta. Northbound Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springe AsheviUe, Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsboro, Lv Greenoborc, Ar Danville Keysvilie, BurkevLile, Riehmoud, No 9 3 00pm 5 06pm 6 44pm 8 OOpin 10 15pm 18 15pm 1 50pm 4C 744 10 16 rS 10 10 2ipm 12 18am 1 52 6 55am 8 56 12 28 2 00 500 G 10 12 20 pm 2 10 a m 6 07 9 30 am J'atiy. No 10 7 i 0 pm 10 50 8 05 am 8 6C pm 6 4Cam 7 Of am 8 27 6 22 pm 2 40 am 7 07 am 8 00am 8 o7 10 20 11 40 am 10 30 12 32pm 1 25pm 3 30 SOL It 30",, 12 10pm- 2 52pm 3 36 Dally. Noll 8 Van; 6 10 m 5 4hu S O KI II 10 12aa tl 85pu S 45pm 8 06ai 5 07an 8 40a n 8 60 10 20 11 57ai 1 09pu 5 50 7 44 12 05pT) 1 80pr 4 27 P34 11 45piiJ 1 OOfTi 5 f 0pm 9 !oiii UaikiMd rchrtlai Jtm A 1. n tic tuaal Mm Wilmington WeldonBa. . aid branchee. UooUeuaeU Seueu. .a. TRAINS ited Jan. 4. No 28 ib-.a. Dally. GOlNti SOUIH. No 27 No 41 F'tm l d'y, ex UalJy. buiidy 1 48pm 6 40am 6 86pm 747am a) Weldou, ldc'pm Ar Rocky bit, 1 4opm Ar Tarboro, 'i lepm Le Tarboro, 12 68pm 0 OOpm Ar Wilson, 218pm 7 oouj Le Wilson, fi 86pm Ar Selma, 8 80pm Ar Fay'tville 0 3'ipm Le (J'dsboro, 815pm 7 40 pm Le Warsaw, 4 14pm Jje Aiaguolia, 4 27pm 8 40im aj wngton. lUUpui Slt-m U ' 0am 1 00am 10 .4am TRAINS GOiG KOBTH No 14 No 7S, daily. No IS "1 OOpn. 4 10pm 800 9,00 pm 7.50 11" 8 20pm 45 12 89pm 4 5 8 17 10 12pm 11 5 U 28am tl 18 am 1201 am 42 Oans 700 t8 45 am 12 28 pm 12 38!Jm 1 10 am 4 IB am 4 57 7 25 5 SO BKTWKKN WEST POINT AND RICHMOND. t7 50 am Lv West Point,Lv t8 50am 9 lo am Ar Richmond Ar 10 40 pm 3 10 pm Lv Richmond Lv 4 40 6 OOpm Ar West i'oint Ar 6 OOpm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL EIGH via Keysville, 9 15 am Lv Raleigh Ar 10 46 pm fDaily except Sunday. D- iy Daily, except W",". -SO H aas, J AS L 1 ' Traffl Man'g'r a" "' r1 W. A. Turk, A G. P. A..rOharlotte. N P No 40, d'y, ex Sund'y. 4 OOpm 5 40pm 65 5pm 6 (6iii) dahv Lv Wil'gton, 210am 915am ! Lv Magnolia, 8 87 10 57am ! Le Warsaw, 11 11am ill VI UDUUIU, OUllUi L 'LU Le Fay'tville, 9 10am Lv Selma, 11 0: Ar Wilson, 12 10pm Lv Wilson, 5 14am 12 5pm Ar RockyMt, 5 37 1 30pm Ar Tarboro, 6 30am 2 18pm Lv Tarboro, 12 58pm Ar Weldou, 6 35am 2 55pm "Daily except Sunday. Jouis F Divink, General Superintend J R KsNiii, Sup t U'miii, T H Emrboa. titceral Pasi a 7 48pm 8 21iiUi 9 35pm HuletKh and AiigtiBla A-). JE& h To tjiko effeet Trains mov ing South. No 41, Pass and Mail. Daily ex Sun. Leave. 4 00pm 419 " 9 a m, Sundisy, Oa; 25, 1891. Train1; mo lng Nor tii. No 88, Pass and Mail. D&Uy ex Bun Arrive. 4 31 5 05 5 28 5 54 6 21 720 8 18 Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Moncure, Sanford, Cameron, Southern Pines, Hamlet. Gibson, Lv 11 V!0 an 11 01 an: 10 49 aai 10 16 ;tn. 9 52 an. 9 20 au 58 au 8 00 a?i 7 00 an ORE OLE AND CAROLINA R.R CONDENSED SCHEDULE. South Bound Train. No. 101 A. M. 950 10 15 10 27 11 02 11 20 11 37 1152 12 31 12 53 120 P. M. Dated August 9th, 1891 STATIONS. L've Pinner's Point Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've L've L've L'ap L've L've L've L've L've Ar Drivers, Suffolk Gates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, Kocky Mount, North pAnn1 XJUUUU i T-anin 3 jl a aim No. 100 P. M. 525 2 01 4i47 41 35 33 32 23 21, 157 MO 1 Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23, Daily exct Sunday, p m Lv 5 10 5 35 5 55am 7 06am 8 OOpm 8 46pm 9 39pm 11 80pm Southbound Trains, Thro Frt ana Pass 22, Stations- Daily exct Sunday. Ar Raleigh Cary.) . . Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron SouthernPine8 Ar Hamlet Lv p 6 4C 0 It 5 65 4 2r 8 01 2 68 2 10 12 30 No 101 makes connection at Rocky Moun with W & W Train No 23 for all points South, and No 78 train for all Jpoints North. G M Serpel, J R Kenly, Gen'l Manage Supt Trans T M twvBFOT-. fi"v" T'ftpfenpf r .(if. CURE YOURSELF! Ask your Druwrist for a bottle of BiK . Xfee only ! non-poUonout remedy for all I ' the unnatural discharges and private diseases of men and the debilitating weakness peculiar 1 to women. It cures in a few days without the aid or publicity 01 a doctor. 1 me Lntversal American cure. Manufactured by Fhe Evans Chemical Co.' CINCINNATI, O. O. 8. A. PITTSBOitO R R. Leave Pittsboro, Arrive Moncure, Leave Moncure Arrive Pittsboro, 0 ARTE AO K R R. Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron. Arrive Carthage, Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron, Arrive Carthage, 10 a u. 9 55 5 10 p a 5 55 SOOau, 8 45 9 45 10 SO 4 00p n 4 45 p ix 5 50; 6 35 WM SMITH, Supt, jALMieSd HABTOJf B B. To take effect Sunday, Jan ICth, 18'): Trains moving North No 38, No 34, Stations. Msil train. Fas & Mail. BOYS and GIRLS HAVE YOU SEEN iii SuOhubs?- Le Raleigh. Wake, Franklin ton, Kittrell, HeudereoD Littleton, Ar4Weidon, 11 25 am 5 00 p nc 12 04 5 88 12 28 5 58 12 48 15 12 59 6 30 Of 7 35 p m 2 45 8 15 a u, Traipi moving South. No 41, No 45, Stations. Mail train. Past &Maii. Ls Weldou, Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, , Fran klir ton, Wak, 4r Rale'gh Vi 80 p in 1 10 2 18 J 34 ii !l 3 15 S 53 p m 7 00 a a 7 m 8 43 b 9 9 0 9 3C , 10 15 1 is For o iP3inHl cases. ' f For civii caws lone. FIKTB. Spring Term Jm.'.ge Whitaker. SIXTH. Spring Torrn Judere Wipft.on SEVKNTH. Spring Term Judge Bo kin. EIGHT ;'5 Spring TermJudge Mcler. NINTH. Spring Tern?- Jo'tge Armfleld TRUTH. Spring: Term Judge Graves EliEVBNTK Spring TermJudge Bynum. TWELFTH. Spring Term Judge Hoke. That beautiful magazine for Southern j o and Girls. It is the h ndsomest Young .' ;ople's Magazine in America. It has be- j ;c ne a weloome visitor to thousands of : vif.hprn homes. No nains or exoenee is Sj ared to make it attractive. Each number Le LouiHDitTgj V s a contains a volume of interesting reading for Ar Franiint'n, 12 66 ', young folks. Short and continued stones, out-door sports new games, and in fact J everything to interest bovs and girls. Twen-; I tv-eieht pages and cover, ear h page is hand 5 sbmely illustrated. It is "The Queen of the Louisburg fta')road Trains mm ng North No 38, Pass, Jtatious. Mall & 1 lie Franklint'n, 3 UO pm Ar Lot'tsburg, 3 5 p vn Trains m tiring So nth No 41, Paw, No 9, Stations. Mai' Rxpresa j & Opm 1 5 36vw No f s press 9 20m 8.55 QMm Cky far Ffteht.Ciity South." ' The Pet of every Home Circle,' and no boy or girl can afford to be without j it. To see it is to want it, r nd to have it for six months or a year is a continual enjoy ment for all the family. We want every bey and girl who has not seen this charmiiig magazine to send ns seven one-cent stamps at once for a sample copy; or, better still, if you will fend us One Dollar we will send y u Southern Sunbeams for one year and make you a present 1 f "Cooper's Leather stocking Tales." Five great works in one large volume, free of all cost. Address SOUTHERN SUNBEAMS, Box 863, Atlanta, Ga. ATLNTl- A R, C. KB, Time Table No 15. In r.ect December 19th, 1888. vJoing east No 51 Ar m 4 y 449 618 9 26 Lve 3 SO 4 20 4 54 p m Schedule. Pas- trai?iB Stations Q-oldshoro La (ir ope Kinston New Beirce MorebeadOity Going west No W Ar 11 28 tO 48 TO Oft 9 37 a m Lve a m 10 48 1014 8 44 8 1 hr t. t nirg V isitor f8 P"HLlSHtP EVTRY EVENING EXCEPT SPNnATj PER ANNUM on Twenty-Five Cents per MontlP. BV BROWN h WILLIAMS, R. lbi 4n. N O. aZ3 is it III figs UUm SffKr- Aim loom a OiX da 89 . J'ioo i S?o 3 r&s J g i 6&i s ill g 6 V III IliSii 5 if?

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