Chamber of Commewe, We beUeve we voice- the eenttui u of oar entire busloeM eommoulty when we say t at more frequent meeting of oar Chamber of Com merce are deelrable.or if there be any cause why the present gentlemen composing that body cannot well pare the time necessary for the per formance of the du'ies, then a reor ganiiation should be effected For awhile the Chamber of Commerce of Raleigh was most active in farther log important movements in onr midst, bat it is due to candor to say, that for some time past there has been mnoh reticence. This should not be the case. We think there should be frequent meetings of the chamber from time to time, so that some of the important needs of Kal- eigh could be looked after. While onr city has made many strides for ward in the past few years, there is much to do to pat as in the front rank of municipalities. The Cham ber of Commerce should, as it were, be sentinels on the watch tower, giv ing tone and life to such suggestions as tend to keep up with the march of improvement. Let us have an early call together of the chamber, and have it understood that there must either be more activity or a thorough reorganization. WHOLKSALK ABO MTAIL Corrected wkiklt by W.O. A B. BfRONACH R..,gb rkt Report 1 f MfiPOTCC A fA II ICT TUB? I Al A JUO I I nS I FH1ITI1I DEALERS, MEN WANT THEM Fayetteville and Wilmington streets. 815 n i Mb ATS O. R sides, 6 8, Folk shoulders, 7 10 Bacon " 8, life " breakfast 12 18f Hams sagar cured 12f 15c 5 N. 0. Va.,lf 16el Bacon N. C, hog round, V Labd Pare, 8 10c Compound 6fc 8f Fuor Best per bbl $6.00 7.00 Family, M 6.75 8.50 Good, " 6.85 5.50 Oobfbb Rio Green 18 85e BueAR Granulated, 4f 6fc Yellow extra 0 4 5c Molabbbs Cuba t Mto Newt deans, - H 60o 8yrup , 26 0 MBAli per bushel fi5 80 Cobb per bushe 90 1,00 Oats per bushel, ' 80o HAT per hun wt, u l.w Brab per pouud, H He Ship Stuff per pound, if ljo Salt per sack, 1.50 1:75 Tbe Seaboard Air Line The report now is that tbe Sea board Air Line will soon put on a passenger train between Charlotte and Atlanta via Monroe. Referring to the matter, the Atlanta Constitu tion says: The Seaboard Air Line appears to have takeu a notion to make life lively for its competitors. Notice has been given that at the end of thirty days the Seaboard and Roanoke and the Raleigh and Gaston will with draw from the Southern Passenger Association. As the Georgia, Caro Una and Northern has now gone into the association, the trouble that the future holds for the Richmond and Danville can be easily guessed at. A through line from Atlanta to the north outside of the passenger asso ciation can tear things wide open And it does look as though the Sea board Air Line is going in for business as a free lance. Personal Mention. Officer Lewellen is improving. O. P. B. Meares, of Concord, is in the city. Col P. B. Ruffin, of Hillsboro, is it the city. President Butler, of the State Alli ance, spent a short time in the cit j yesterday. Col. A. B. Andrews returned to the city yesterday from Florida. He brought with him some fresh vegeta bles and fruits which are a great rarity here at this time. MissAddie Ramsay, of Durham, is visiting friends in this city. We are pleased to note that Rev. Dr. Bailey is fast recuperating f hope that he will be completely re stored in a short time. John Jasper, the grat colored preacher of Ricnmond, V-- , has just married his fourth wife H a is eighty years old. "The sun do move." Upholsterers and Repairers. (Established here in 1067), No. 115 AND 1 7 8. WILMINGTON 8T. VVe are selling po"ls as low as they can be bought. We carry a full line of Cham oer and othc r Furritire. We mnnn'v m our Mattresses ard sell them as cheap as they rin be bought. All goods told at small profit If yon don't believe wt sell as low as any come and In Shape, ?n Stile, in Price, in Everything. SCIENCE, SO OALLED Lengthening of Like. The av erage annual death rate in Ne- York city, states Mr. uen a. Knight, whs reported for the decade ending 18?0 at 83.66 per 1,00 but in the semi de eade ending 1865 it had dropped to 81.44, and to 25 54 in the semi 'decide ending 1890, the rate in 1800 being but 24.68. This improvement of 5 7fc per 1,000 in 25 years lepresents a sav ing in this one city of about 3 000 lives yearly. These results are due in part to the great advance in medi cal and surgical science and appli ances, in part to improved plambiug draining, paving and other hygienic inventions. For ell France the mor tality in 1771 was 34; by the year 1801 it bad dropped to '8; in 1883, to 22. In Geneva, Switzerlan 1, the decrease was from 40 in the . sixteenth century to 29 in the year 1800. Statistics show the average life in Great Brit ain to be nine yenr longer shan it was 60 years ago. In Italy the mor tality decreased from 80.06 in 1850 to 25c COUNTRY PROODCF.. BUTTKR 17i Eggs, 10 Chickens Bprlng, 15 35c Hens, 80 5c Potatoes Bweet, 60 73c NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ICE:! Season of 1892. We quote city prices as follows: 100 lbs (20-5 lb tickets,) 65 500 lbs (0-10 lb tickets.) 3?00 10C3 lbs (40-25 lb tickets,) 3 00 2000 lbs (40-50 lb tickets.) W 00 2000 1 bs (20-100 lb tickets,) 10 00 Retail derjot corner Martin and Salisbury streets, (under Progressive Fanner office). As soon as the we; ther will justify and the trade demands we will put on our wagons and ma ke two deliveries daily as in previous seasons . 1 Be usual lernis oi payment w uur lriends and customers. Kespeetiuity. mh26 LEACH & ANDREW". CLOTHING FOR TALL MEN, LOW MEN, AT MEN, LEAN MEN, ALL AT LOW R Is C E S New Goods re ceived every day. WHITING BROS. Wc Cannot be Undersold. by new or second band dealers. We sell only new work ind guarantee that. We think af or 38 years experience we should know the want- of the public. J. T MORRI8S CO ! IF"! ! YOU ! WANT Something superbly nice, buy some of those Jfinglisn Cured snouiuers ai juc a puuuu which so nparlv aDDroaib the verv best cured hams. Then if you want a first class SMOKE, Or if vou should want anvthin" to go before or after these at moderate prices that will please you, call on John R. Terrell, NO. 203 I Fayetteville Street mh3 Fie Feed, k The Anthracite Coal has arrived. We have now in stock and arriving, 200 T0N8 Anthracite Coal, Egg, Stove and Nut. 2Q0 TONS Russell Creek Lump Coal. 100TONS TenLesse and Kentucky Lump Coal. 5QQTONS Pocahontas Steam Coal. 50 TONS Gayton Egg Coal. 100,000 PAWED SHINGLES, 100,000 SAWED LATHS. Also Timothy Hay Corn, Oats, Bran, Meal, &c, For sale very close for cash by the car load, more or less, ty Jones & Powell, The time is not within th memory of the oldest merchant when Spring Styles in Clothing presented better chance for selection thau that on exhibition here for this season's trade. Off -riutr as we do ten times the usual varieties, every garment fresh from the ma ker's hands, aud prices positively without question, f a'ly at from 10 to 10 per cent, lower than in other stores, the conclusion is simple enough that here you ought to buy The prices are made extraor dinarily reasonable to fill our store during tbe en ire season from wall to wall. The more the merrier. We trade on large principles, hence seli in large quantities the lowost figure follows. Spring Overcoats in the Lead A Spring Overcoat was never more in demand than so far this sea son too cold to go without any and cool enough for a light weight garment. Two years ago when people had to pay $30 to $50 to sup port this demand it was no wonder one overcoat was made to answer all purposes. Today is different. Our stock of Spring Overcoats at $10, $12.50 and $15 presents as nice a garment as any dresser need or wish to wear. Of course we've still finer, but at the above prices we are sure you'll find the one to snit you. It's not too late yet. Our assortment in sizes f i m 33 to 40 is quite complete. The medium weight suits in Sacks, Cutaways and Prince Alberts have rather a better chance this spring than heretofore it's the cli mate to the dot, and we are the people to furnish them. Dress Suits $18, $20, $23, $23 to 35. Business Suits at $10, $12 50 and $15. Every garment ret resents its full value, and in all cases you save at least 50 percent, from tbe usual tailor's price, and better garments than ours you cannot find. A glance at our stock will convince you. A GENUINE DOGSKIN GLOVE for $1 These gloves come in the latest shades, suitable for street wear and especially serviceable for driving, eiz s from to 9. WOZLSTT YOU TRY" .A. PAIR? A few more styles of Four-in-hand and 'fecks were added to our iimnente assortment of Neckwear. Don't fail to see our line of Tecks, Four in hand nd Windsors at 25c. You would hardly believe such fine Neckwear could be sold at such a low price. S. & D. BERWANGER. G. H. Anderson, No. 5 Hargett St. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SHOES. I am showing a nice assortment of Sprit Ginghams and blackand colors at 10c. per yard. I sell the be t 5c. calico in the city. Ask to see my Henrietta cloths at 2rc; they are spt cial values. 8 HOE 4, 8HOE8, SHOES, for gentlemen, lad lag and children. Ask to see my $2.50, $3 00 and $30 shoe for gentlemen, they will suit yon for the price. My $5.00 hand sewed shoe for gentlemen is a hummer; it will wear as well as $6.(0 goods. Ladies' shoes at $1 0C, $1 25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50. Vou should see my ladies' shoes U the above named prices; they are real values. Give me a call for anything you may want in dry goods and shoe 5 Telephones 41 and 71 Raleigh, N 0 Cape Fear Ain llvr YVakdw Katiroaa . In effect Jan. 10 1892. Nr. a "SO 4 Le Wilmington, 9 50 a t Ar Fayetteville, 1 56 p aa TiC Favetteville. R 00 . re, Saoford. 4 95 p w Ar 'trensboro, 9 i La riansboro, 71" Le walnut Oove, 9 ' 0 p m r Mt Airy, 11 !5 ,i r Ar P"vet;tevUl 2 7 v- No 16 daily et -.- "' ' . Le Ramsenr " 8? ;n Ar Grwensbco, If V p a , Le Greensboro 10 p in Ar Madison 1 0 p m OUTHBOUJTD T'y x 3'y t i . - e -I'v N" 1 0 9 V LeMt Airy. 600a m Le Walnut Oove, 8 11 Ar fhreensboro, 10 0 a tp Le Q-roensboro, 10 80 a a- Le SaTjford, 12 45 p r Ar Favetteville, 4 06 p m Le Favetteville. 8 04 p m Ar Wilmington. 7 06 p v Le Fayetteville, 2 11 p ns L9 Maton, 8 82 p no Ar Bennetteviiie, 4 22 p m To the Public T OOK to your interest and go to the Bee Ajmve stores wfien you wisn to ouy or sell H J Dowell, Manager. We will sell yon good as cheap and as good as any other firm. And what we bav'nt in stock will order for you at factory prices anything you want We have made ar rangements with a mattress factory whereby we can sell you mattresses cheaper than ever, either in wool, mss, hair.cotton.husk, rye or rice straw cotton topped. We will sell you new furniture at old furniture prices and old furniture at half price. We will pack furniture for moving or shipping, and will repair and make to order or order you anything you may need at prices that will not scare you. Call at our office. See cuts and get prices before giving your orders Feather Beds, bolsters and pillows made to order. Call to see us at our new stand, 128 South Wilmington street, rear of the Andrews buildine. where we wiil buy anything from a book to a housekeepers outfit, and sell all the same with thousands of odds and ends at prices that defy co rnpetition. Remem ber the place M. J. Dowell, jnhft Manager. all i W. B. C H, AN 1F KHON, No. 5 Hargett Street. Builfe and Loan Coming, HAilflwav HVIAV II WJ i , Manufacturer and Dealer in Carriages, Blip. Wagons, c. Has on hand special bargains in New Buggies, Carts &c. Also several second hand jobs almost as good as new, which will be sold at about cost to make room for other work. Repairing, Painting & Trimming done in first class style and on short notice. ALSO H0B$SH0nNG by an expert shoer. Give me a trial at NO 114 EAST DAVIE STREET, RALEIGH. N 0. nihil tf Notice of Sale. By virtue of a deed of mortgage executed to W. C & A. B. Stronach by l ugene L. Harris and wife, and recorded in book 79, page 650, of the Register of Deeds for Wake counly, N. C, I will offer for sale on Mon day, April 18th, 1892, the lot of land and premises on Swain street, .Raleigh N. 0., described in said mortgage. Terms cash. mchl7-tds W. 0. STROJSACH. . I REPRESENT the most substantial Aso ciations that foster the interest of the in vestor and borrower. Am prepared to show substantial tacts that will convince tne most skeptical. T . . rjn(10wni"Mi uue jusunuitx ni wsi. rv mnhirit... nf -lock is guaranteed in case of death without additional cost to heirs. Why don t you save sometmng. xms is the only way to independence. Wealth is made by persistent s - ving. Stop rent. Begin to save. Own your own home. Lay some thing by for old age. Be independent, fpr particulars call on or "ddress HI Raleigh, N.,C. For Rent. Two nice and convenient dwelling honsea on South Salisbury street; 6 and 7 rooms; wh tr mhl4 4t J M BROUGflTPN & CO. For Rent, Large, comfortable house; 6 rooms; with farden spot aud farm land; excellent water; 1 miles west of city; desirable distance for truck farming, &c; R R station and post of floe near; only 10c to city; will rent on most reasonable terms; address "B," care Visilbr, Rakish.