Che SMtg wxitt VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, MONDAY, APRIL 11. 1892. NO. 145 MINIATURE ALMANAC FOR TODAY. 5 33 6 30 Bun ri k 8an net First quarter. 4th ' A3 A M Full moon, Uth - lilt a- Last quarter, 80th 0:46 a. m. t w moon. 6th 4:8 P. M. 8MOPBW OP THK WKATHKB- .The following is the synopsis of the weather at 8 a. m. toda : POR NORTH CAROLINA Increasing cloudness with rain to night RALKIGH AND VICINITY. Till 8 p. m , Tnesda-, : Warmer, Increasing clondeness with rain Tues day evening Easterly winces. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a m today: Maximum tempera nre, 50 Minimum temperature, 3; Kainiall, 0 00 U1TY IS BKIEF. The Mayor "s Mordiy morning levee was ttiiuly attended. A hardsotue pnlplt de.-k has been placed In the chancel of the ehuiob of tbe Good Shepherd. The coiner stone of tbe n court home, at Wilmirgton, will be laid on the 20th iDst We learn that no call was made yesterday, ns expected, for a pastor for the Fiist Presbyterian church. Rev. Baylus Hade has entered regu larly upon bis duties as pastor of the Venable Street Haptist church in Richmond, V. Regular Communication of Wra G Hill Lodge, No. 218, tonight at 8 o'clock. Work in first degree. Visi ting brethren invited. The stagnant water still remains in the basin of the fountain on Moore Square. The residents in the vicini ty are complaining heavily. The Albemar'e and Raleigh Rail road cannot much longer ling r in the woods. Competition and polics will force it forward to this city, and further. The nine cent sale at Swin Dells is rather a unique arrangement. Kuy person who buys $4 worth of goods will be entitled to a $1 umbrella for nine cents. Tomorrow is the day. Litchford Encani;- uent No 26, I O. O. F., will meet tonight at 7: ' o'elock. Business of importance Every member requested to be pres ent. The State arseual on capitol sqnar is to be painted and otherwise flxeri up. We had much rather hear that it is to be pulled down, but as it must remain, weendorse the proposi tion to have it made to 'ook better Quite a heavy frost this morning, and, no doubt peaches and forward garden truck were somewhat dam aged. Apples and cherries were hardly far enough advanced to be injured much. The receipts of cotton, in this city, for the past week were 351 bales against 203 for the corresponding week last year ; receipts to date 23, 209 bales, against 34,710 last year. Mr. MaoRak, of the Wilmington Cotton Mills, presented to Oxford Or phan Asylum 800 yards of dress goods for the girls of that noble institution. This is a noble gei erosity that in dexes the W:.n. The Morbid Banking Company, of Durham, have declare! a semi annuel dividend of 4 percent. The following oili Jrfrs have been selected : W. H WillarJ, Piesident; J. T. Pln nix, Vice President; W M.Morgan, Cashier. An interesting debate will be held between the Columbian and Hespe rlan eoeieties of Trinity College in the chapel of the institution on Fri day, April 2d, at 7:30 p. m. The sub jeot for discassldn will be : Resolved, That the payment of no pensions at all would be better than the present system as administered. Messrs. 8. J. Durham and Frank Armfleld, of the Columbian will take the affirmative and O. &. Turner and W. H. Willie of the -Hesperian, the negative. We invito attention o th adver J ttsement of Messrs. Thomas b Max-' well In this issue. These gentlemen t carry a most superb line of furniture ' and evervtbliig pertaining to their line of tiuRiDes, hlch they ire offer ing to th pnhite t the most astound ing low rales !'."-,!-ekeeiers should caU and examine the to k. Bead the kdwrtiMiusnt. Accouuts from the enstern counties today are of Mm moet distressing oh&racter relativa to the frost last oipht. A l rg acreage in Craven county pUnted in potatoes is de- j stro.ed Simil-r obstruction is re j ported troui the truck lands in 1 ae ; neighborhood of New Berne. Two liters were dropped on the street this morning. Oae of them had a st:-inp on it nud was addressed to Rev. Robert Lucas, Wilmington, N. C The finder would coufer a fa vor by leaving it at the postcfflce, as it is of no use to any person not in teres ted. A Npleodld Proposal. We iuvtte special attention to the nnuouncement of Manager HuT, of the Electric Street Railway, in tbi issue. It will he found thit Mr. Huff, on the part of the road, look ii ? to the interest of our people, has t rrauged to supply currents ior run ning stationary motors, so that they can enjoy the cooling effects of re volving fans, Sec. Besides furnishing the current, the company will supply prrties with the necessary m- chinery tiul fans: Patterns and designs of machines and prices can be seen by calling on Manager Huff at his office over the old State National Bauk. This is an important advance for our people and we hope it will be most widely taken advantage of. In fact we think that Manager Huff is en titled to tbe gratitnde of our citizens for a movement so conducive to their comfort. Arrested. One of our well known business men received i telegram this morning announcing thatDavis who i6 charged with forging and misappropriation of funds in Richmond, Va , has been arrested at Denver, Colorado, A Burlesque. The ncx' musemeut at Merepoli tau Halt will be 'Van Nest's Furle? que Initiation, or the S cret work Expos ed" which will be pr sented on Thurs day evening April 21st Seats are on sale at A'fr d Williams & Co.'s book store and J. Hal Bobbitt's drug eB tabl'shrnent. Adnitision 0 cents; gallery 25 cenf s. It ill be a splendid occasion to satisfy the curiosity of the ladies (and some gentlemen as lo the secrets of Odd Fellowship Another for the Visitor. It seems to be definitely settled that a large and beautifully arrange i auditorium will be commenced in thit; city at an early day. It is estimated to cost about fO.OOO, and the site agreed upon is the corner of Mai tin and Salisbury streets, ouly a short distance from the new "Park" Hotel It will be a uiHgniticeut building four stories high with all modem ar rangements A. fuller description and more extended details will be given hereafter. Thn the efforts of the Visitor are ' bringing for h fruits. Another for the Visitor. Fear! ul Assault. Last Saturday evening, in G,lda boro, while Mr. Stephen L. Lynch, of Greene county, was standing In a store door a man named Gfmy Speight suddenly struck him a tremendous blow over the head with a full beer bottle Had it not been that Lynch wore a slouch hat the blow would have killed him. The two men had not spoken for months in consequence of a law suit. Speight fled, but was overtaken and locked up. Onr Chamber of Commerce. President Latt, of the Chamber of Commerce, has called a meeting of that body to meet at the Mayor's of ftcA tomorrow night, at which mat ters of importance to the people of ; hdsrb and vicinity will be discussed Chairman Latta realizes the import tance of prompt action, and the call should be well responded to. All citi zens are invited to co operate. Let there be. n rousing t'irn out. A grand raliy is needed. Interest I ig Meeting. On Saturday afternoon last, a most interesting coufcrence of the Baptist, Methodist, Prosbyferian and Chris tian churches, was held at the Yar boro House, and a Bible Conference was arranged to be held next week to be conducted by Rav Geo 0. Need ham as follows . Sunday morning- April 17th, at First Pre-diyteriun church ; afternoon at 4 o'clock, Edenton Street M. B church ; at night Baptist Tabernacle. Mondav', Tuesday and Wednesday following meetings in afternoon at 4 o'clock, iii First Presbyterian church, and 7:45 in First Baptist church Ministers and christian teachers in surrounding country invited. For Kent. Two comfortable rooms, with or without board. Apply to No. 11, W. South street. apll 4t To-itiorrow is 9 Ceat Day. All who spend 40 cents in Swin dell's store tomorrow can buy a one dollar umbrella for 9 cents. Respeotfuly, D. T. bwiNDKbU Fuueral. The funeral services of the late Mr. Charles B. Scales took place yester day afternoon at 4:80 o'clock and was attended by a large crowd of sorrow ing relatives and friends. The burial services were conducted by Hiram and Wm. G Hill LuJges of Masons Ti e Interment was in Oakwood cem etery. The religious services were eon ducted by Rev. Dr. Marshall. What Docs It AH Mean ? Swindell's store is crowded from morning till niht every day. You ask what it means. Well, the follow iug price list will tell you: Nice quality envelopes, 2c pack. Real tine quality writing pa per, acquire Sewing needles 2 papers for tc Boys' nice felt hats at 15c Machine thread at 2c Brass pins unbendable which can be driven up in a plank and not beu'i at 2c paper Men's nice bleached drawers at 15c pair Nice white check muslin, 4c yard Bleaching, 1J yard wide, 6c yard Curtain scrim, 4c yard Bedford Cord dresa goods, 10c yard 15c Ginghams, 8c yard 12c Ginghams, 7c yard 10c Ginghams. 6c yard $1.50 fcihoee, $1.00 7c C dico, 4c yard 8c Calico, 5c yard 35c Lisle thread hose ribbed, 10c 10c Socks, men's, 5c pair 8c Socks, men's, 3c pair 15c Suspenders, 10c pair Ladies' silk under vests, 50c Ladies' gause vests, 10c Double width dress suitings, 8c Men's nice pants, ' 50c pair We don't ask you to pay us as much for goods as others ask. If we dou't sell yon for less money than any other store then don't buy from us. Your friend, D. T. SwinDell. Remember Our 9c. Sale. On Tuesday next we will sell each customer who buys $4 60 worth of other goods can get a one dollar um brella for 9c. You are not compelled to take the umbrella. D. T. SwinDell. Cloth Slippers 40c a pair, cloth Gaiters 85c a pair, ladies' and mi Slippers, all sizes and prices. Ladies' Ribbeu Boots, 10c each. A lot of all Silk Ribbon at half value. White Goods. Embroideries and Laces in endless variety. Woolloott & Sons. New Millinery Store. Just opened, corner of Morgan and Wilmington streets, at the old Peu dergast place. New Bpring shapes for ladies and children. Ribbons, flowers, etc. Also shaping and re pairing old hats in the latest styles. Please give me a call and you will be surprised at the good bargains. ap8-lw MRS. P. H. IShivkrs. SPECIAL NOT; - 3 v The ladies arelnvitd to call and pp the elegant line rf millinery for Udien, misses aud children, liic'i Madame Retsou has received. Prict s to suit all. Call and see. sfiw WOOD, WOOD. 1500 cords dry pine wood for a. B. F. Cheatham, apl 7 lm. 22" Wi'miugtoo St. i. . Janalnska Claret. A. Dooai. Geoeral Agent. apl4 lm. Here VVo Are Again. Mattresses for all, at all prices, An other lot of books came in yesterday at 10s, worth 5"c We stiil up bolstered cots at $t, pictures and pic ture frame sfruit jars and cook stove-, aud old; dds and ende, everything necessary for housekeep ing Locks, hinges, fastenings, &c. Scales, clocks, leathers oh, wo can not enumerate. Just call and see for yourself that we will f nl till every promise and give you your money's worth. With prompt delivery, po lite attention, and grateful ackuowl edgement for past favors, we solicit, a continuation for the future. We; are respectfully, Be Hive St; re. H. J. DowKiiL Mp.u'g'r. '' ap5tf 129 a;jd 119 S Wilmin ton St. For Bent. A good dwelling house on Eas: Hargett street, with 7 rooms, .good garden and good well of water on the lot. Apply to Mrs. C. R Holieman Price $10 per month, apl 4 6t. Hardware, Ac. SPRING HAS COME! And those who have liABIES OUGHT fO BUY the little ones A CARRIAGE. Our first shipment has been received. WE HAVE ; Two more shipments to follow at once. THE STYLES this season are pretty, the quality is the very best, AND PRICES are right, One great advantage IN BUYXTO A CARRIAGE of us is that you cn always GET REPAIRS FOR THEM. Call and exanr'ne styles and prices rsoM&s g. mm sons RALEIGH, N. C. EARLY SFRIHG MILLINERY. For Ileut. A dwelling house, corner Hillsborr and Saunders streets; good house and yard; tvo cow stalls and splendid well of water. Apply to Lvi Bna son. 6tp For Bent. The two story brick dwelling, cor ner Hargett and Bloodworth streets. Possession g ven May lpt ipnly to T. H. BRI9GS. April 4th, 1892. lm. NOR It 1$ MY GOODS STORE! Special Bargains in DRESS GOODS Special attention is directed to our Dress Goods Department. In this department we are showiug some very Rich Novelties both in silk and woolen fabrics. Our line of medium priced drefs goods at 15c, 25c and 50c would be good value at 25c, 40c and 75c. ISF'Our stock of fine Shoes are the best in the city. Nobris' Dry Goods Stork. THE GRAND OPENING OP the LYON RACKET SHE! WILL BE SATURDAY. THE 9TH. We will carry a full line of Dry Goods Mllinery, Notions, Table Linen, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats Trunks, Valises, Straw Mattiug, Wiudov Shades, Curtain Poles, Pictures, Rugs, Tiii Ware, &c. Our business will be strictly One Price and that the lowest. We have advertised our Store to be the CHEAPEST IN RALEIGB, and to prove this assertion we invite every body to come and examine our stock ami say if we agree. Duniap hats $1.74. Yeo men's hats SI 74. boy's hats 19c, needles lc, brass pins 4c, machine thread 3c, paper Sc quire, envelopes 3c pack. THK LYON BA.GKET STORE, 129 FayetteviUe Street. 1892 WE ARE NOW RECEIVING Hew & hapes in spring millhiary for ladies and misses. New Ribbons in morie nnrrie arid satn effects, which will be much used on dresses as well as millinery. CHIFFON i",Uco10' FLOWERS, LACES, &- We will add to this stock from week to sv-ek until April when the entire line will be complete. KMUESE. ap9 tf 209 JPAYETTEVILLE ST. Dry Goitrig, itfotiona, &c. W.flJR S.TOCKERiCO. A not ble time with housekeepers is the Full loon in April! The u ua' 7:.ri..g ho is '-cleaning begins in eirntst and f' o warmer either draws at fenMcn ,Lo TRAW-MATTIHGS Our groat show of Cainew aud Japanese Mattings is, by reaion of its novelty, variety and cheapness attracing considerable at tention. Near by wc mukp a sp'eridid exhibit of MAINS AND CDRTAIH MATERIALS, Comprising manj new ideas and pleasing ejects. . I 4 R S. ock i Co,

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