mmm VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1892. NO. 150 miniature almanac for today. Ban rices " 2tt Sun Beta ;i 5 First quarter. 4th :09 A M. Full moon, Uth-1:'3 a. m. LaBt quarter, 20th-0:46 A. M. I aw moon, 86th-4:8S P. M. 81HOPBIS OF THK WBATHKR. The following is the synopBis of the weather at 8 a m. today : FOR NORTH CAROLINA Fair, followed by increasing cloudi neBB aod light showers in west por tion. Sunday afternoon to night, slightly warmer. RALHIOH AND VICINITY. Till 8 p. m Sunday, fair, warmer, rain probable Monday. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a m today: Maximum temperatur, oA Minimum temperature 3S Rainfall, 0(0 C ITY IN BRIEF. Only a very slight frost last night Anothf r theatrical company in pro spective. Dogwood blossoms are gettii g out This looks like spring in earnest. A uumh r of excursions are mapped out, for the surrounding country next Monday. Thanks to the energy and fficieno of our officials, the sanitary condition is now first class. The Wake County Farmers Alii Q.w.a hnva n limited the St. Louh UVV uh v S platform. A most excellent musical pro gramme has been selected tor Chris' Church tomorrow. It is now thought in weather wise circles that all further danger from frost is over. The indications now are that next Monday will be a fine day However the weather these time is very un certain. A country friend told us today thdt the stand of wheat and oats is first rate The acreage of grain in Wake will be much larger than for some years. There will be very interesting and entertaining Easter service by the Little Workers at the Christian Church at 8 o'clock tomorrow (Sun da) ) afternoon. The Bright Jew. is of Edento Street Methodist ChiT-ch will hold a: Easter service at their Sunday scho room tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock Public invited. The receipts of cotton, in this city for the week, were 279 bales against 411 for the corresponding week las' season. The receipts to date were 23,488 bales against 3t49 for last year. The rooms of the Y. k. C. A. an now in first rate condition, and open for visitors. It is suggested that par ties having pictures, engravings, &c, to donate, could render a valuable service by sending' them in. Mr. W. R. Gales wih be in charge. We have heretofore mention' d the attraction at the fair grounds next Monday. An admission fee of ten oentB will be charged Children free. One fourth of the gile receipts will be donated to St. John's Hos, ital. The cake walk will take place at 2 o'clock p m. Trotting races will come off at 4 o'cl oek. The switchback will be in operation during the afternoon, and refresh mnts will be served in the pavilion. Educational Convention. The Methodist Educational Con- i vention in Charlotte has teen a great success. The body has adjourned, after electiog the following officers for the euuiug year: President, W. M. Robbing; 1st vice president, Rev. J. A. Ganinggia; 2d vice president, Rev. B. F. Dixon; s cretarj and treas urer, Rev. E. A Yates. The benedic tion was delivered by Rev. Dr. Reid, of this city. The convention bus proven a great, success Programme. The following programme for next Monday has been arranged at the fair grounds: ( A KK WA1 K, 2 P. M. There will be an old styled "coon" cake walk. The most stylish walker of the Atrican persuasion will "take the cake" a regulation Ned Jones pound rake. Competent judges ill be appointed. fcWITCHBACK RACKS The hi est fascinating of all past times. All can renew their youth upon the switchback. TROTTING RACK, 4 P. M There will be three of Raleigh's fa vorites in this race. Mr. Hubbard will enter his fine gray mare. Mr. Scott will enter one of Capt. William son's celebrated Fair View fillies, and a third will be entered by Mr Batch elor. Thid promises well for a good race. Theswi chback will be in operation throughout the afternoon. There . ill lie au admission fee of 10 cents a the gate. Children free Twenty- live per out of the gate re ceipts wili be yiven to St. John's Hos pital. Crop Report. The crop report for the week end ing Saturday April 16th, 1892, is as follows : Eastern District. Truckers great losers since last bulletin. Frost ou nth, 11th and 13th, great injury ,io beans, strawberries, peaches New Berne section damaged over $ 00,000 Corn coming up damaged some ex tent. Cotton planting begun, but acreage considerable reduced. Ci utral District. Cold snaps 10th to 18th, great 1) injured crops. Garden vegetables killed. Damage wheat, )at, tobacco, sin ill Cotton planting progressing rapidly. Large increase ereage corn Severe hail storm at Burlington, Oxford, Kittrell, Dabney, IVfebane, Winston, Henderson. Western District Peaches killed early egetables seriously hurt; wheat slightly injured; corn and cotton planting retarded. A Sad Death. The little son of Mr. T. Q. Byrum, of Barton's Creek township, was fa tally burned yesterday morning and died this morning. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residen e of the family. Alliances. Yesterday was a field day iu Alli ance circle'', there being meetings in many of the counties. The Wake County Alliauoe intt at Apex, and there were twenty three sub-alliances represented. 1 50 Shoes. We Bell the best $1 60 Shtes in the city. at NorrlB' Dry Goods Store. Our 82. OO Shoes. We are selliN? the best Indies $2 00 Buoes iu tue Htate. Norris' Dry Goods Store. $2 25 N $5.00. Our line of ladies fine Shoes from f 2.2) to $5 00 are beauties. Norris' Dry Good Store. Children' Shoes. Ask to see our line of childrenB Shoes. Norris' Dry Goods Store. Opening of Parasols. We 1 ave just opened the bandeox est line of Parasols and sun umbrellas we have ever shown in all the latest colorings and an unusually attractive assortment of imported handles. Norris' Dry Goods Store. Fast Black Hoisery. New line fast Black Hoisery just opened at Norris' Dry Goods Store. Norris' $3 O Shoe. Ask for Norris' $3 CO Shoe for men. every pair warranted at Norris' Dry Goods Store. Hathaway. Hathaway Boule and Harrington's fine shoes for men in patent leather, Kangaroo, Cordevan and Calf at Norris' Dry floods 8tore. Keautiful Beyond Expression. The prettiest line of infants and children's Ooze kid and patent leath er shoes and slippers ever shown in this market just opened at Norris' Dry Goods Store. Ladies Fine Slippers. Ooze kid, patent leather and Don gola kid slippers and Oxford ties, all styles just opened at Norris' Dry Goods Store. New Millinery Store. Just opened, corner of Morgan and Wilmington streets, at the old Pen dergast place. New spring shapes for ladies and children. Ribbons, flowers, etc. Also shaping and re pairing old hats in the latest styles. Please give me a call and you will be surprised at the good bargains. ap8 lw Mrs. P. H. Shivers. Easier Hints If you can do so, we suggest that you call at Tucker s this evening and see the Easter novelties. Not only f h special line of fancy articles suit' ab.o lor presents, but the many at tractive things for use and wear. Some of the daintiest things in Four in hand Scarfs. Tecks, Puff- and As cots, have just arrived Dunlaps Hats in all the latest shapes and colors ; gentlemen's Patent Leather Shoes, and the most complete line of spring underwear iu the city. Rev. Geo. C. Needbam Will Preach Sunday morning, April 17, at First Presbyterian Church; afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at Edent id Street Methodist Chu'ch; at night in the Baptist Tab ernacle. The following are arrangements for the proposed Bible Conference in this city: On Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day following, meetings will be held in the afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in the First Presbyterian Church, and at 7:45 p. ra., in the First Baptist Church. 1 hese conferences are specially de signed for christians, but will be open to all who may attend. Smalt N. C. Hums. Nice li-i just in, 3 to 6 lb eafch. Jus the thin for pic nic parties. Daisv Pickles, c bottle; loose pickles. 10c doz. Fr h lot of Wilson's "Fault less" V ers in 2 lb boxe. Cream lunch sedd. biscuits, t ioger snaps and cakes, nice .ind fresh, at D. P. Johnson's. Livery Arrangements. Nice horses and buggies, and con venient, fo lr seat buck board vein cles, two horse, fur gentlemen and ladies, the nicest in the city. Car riages and wagons of the best and most improved kinds, for picuics al wavs on band and subject to order. Stables open day and night. UPCHTJRCH & LANCASTER ifr. . Masonic. Hiram Lodge, No 40 will meet in regular communication Monday eve ning April iStli at 8 o'clock p in. important business. E. B Thomas Sec'y. Two 'Cents Sale Ou next Thursday we will offer a large lot of Dress Lawns in pieces of 3 to 20 yards at 2c. a yard. We hae just received a lot of spring roller window shades, good styles at 25 cents, "nee our $1.50 and $2 10 ladies shoes " Woollcott & Sons. A Wniskey Ccktail and a vniii Julep. A young fellow came in yesterday and wanted to see Swindell. On find ing this individual, he iu a very con lid on ti. i,l way told Swindell he had heard a curbstone lawyer expressing himself in abusive and unchaste lan guage about Swindell's business. Having finished our day's work and having nothing better to do, we asked this suaviuger or news to repeat what he had heard, which was as follows: Swindell is no good; he won't trust out goods, and if one wants goods Aver so much he must wait till he has money to get iheui from Swindell's, or he must get them somewhere else, and pay much more money, for them Then Swindell don't allow us fellows to loaf around his store and laugh and tell funny stories. He don't en courage loatlug at all, which would make his store popular. Then he ruins t e business for all the other merchants by selling goods so cheap ly as to keep our old friends from making money. Why, this fellow Swindell is absorbing all th trade. We all thought when tie aid not move to Baltimore, as advertised, that he was ruined, but that has given new life to his business, and apparently fiis trade is double wha it was be fore, &o.,&c. When he finished Swin JeH asked if this knight of the curb atone was drunk. No, said he, but ne was spitting cotton. Well, said Swindeil, this fellow must continue to talk. Take this silver dollar, find aim take him to a saloon and give aim a whiskey cocktail and a mint juiep Set him lo talking again about .Swindell. SPECIAL NOT I EH. Monday, April 18tb beirsfe holiday the Steam Riding Gallerv will un from 10 o'clock a m , till 10 at night. Don't fail to take a ride Easter. Respectfully, apl 125t. G W. Brinklbv Hardware, &c. The ladies are invited to call aud Bee the elegant line cf millinery- for ladies, misses and children, which Madame Resson hos received. Prim to suit all.' Call and see a 2 Special Half) of Rugs On next Monday we will sell f wo or three hundred nice Smyrna I u s at 113 cents each, one to each euatomer, and for one day onlv These Rugs are regular 350 c nt Bugs D T S-'W'nDklu WOOD, WOOD. 1600 cords dry pine wood for salo. B. F Chbatham, apl 7 lm 22' Wi'inington 8t. Burls Shoes. New line of Burls Shoes for men at Norris' Dry Goods Store. Janaluska Claret. A. DuGHl, General Agent, j apl I lm. Hero We Are Again.. Mattresses for all, at all prises. An other lot of books cam a in yesterday at 10c, worth 5')c. We still h ave up holstered cots at $1, pictures aud pic ture frame-,fruit jars and cook stoves, furniture,new and old; ;dds and ends, everything necessary for housekeep ing Locks, hinges, fastenings, &c. Scales, clocks, feathers oh, we can not enumerate. Just call and see for yourself that we will fulfill ever, promise and give you your money's worth. With prompt delivery, po lite attention, and grateful acknow! edgement for past favors, wesoliH' a continuation for the future. We are respectfully, Bee Hive Store. H. J. Dowkll Man'g'r. ap5tf 123 aud 118 S Wilmin. ton St. For Kent. The two story brick d well ing, cor ner Hargett an l Blood worth strae p. Possession g ven Mav 1st to T. H BKIGGS. April 4t,b, 1892. lm. ftlffiliiae Dwelling house for rent L D. Womble. Apply to A nice line Millinery now Opening at the LYON BACKET MM Now is the time for your Easter Hat ; and our prices will be THE LOWEST IN RALPH. Embroidery Silk, TWO SKEINS FOR lc. We can beat anything in Raleigh on Ribbon. We can sell you Clicks, Watches, and Tinware for less than cost to repair. Lake George AA Sheeting 5c. N. C. Plaids 4c Why not go fishing? Yon cau ge Fish Hooks at 2c doz , Lines li bunch at THE LYON RACKET STOBE. 129 Fayetteville Street, inch 14 MY bOOBS STORE! Two Great Values WHITE GOODS AT 12 1-2 and 15. Pj Yard. The above goods are worth and are sold in all stores at 25c and 35c. Per Yard, Your examination will convince yoi. of the great value The quantity w have will no; lust loug at thesri prices WeSeilfiJv; Utjst ILiue ol Shoe iu the Ci.y. Fayetteville street, next to W C & A B Strouach's. Norms' Dry Goods Stork. SPRING HAS COME! And those who have BABIES OUGHT 1'0 BUY the little ones A CARRIAGE. Our first shii'nitut lias tieen received. WE HAVE Two more shipments to follow at once. THE STYLES this season are pretty, the quality is the very nest, AND PRICES are right. One great advantage IN BUYING A CARRIAGE of us is that you can always GET REPAIRS FOR THEM. Call and exaiu'ne 3tyles and prices THOMAS ii, mm SONS RALEIGH, N. C. EARLY RIHG 0 D MILLIIiERY, 1892 WE ARE NOW RECEIVING New Shapes in spring millhiory for ladies and misses. lTew Ribbons ii morie nscrie id satin effects, which will ij much used o: lresst 3 as well as millinery. CHIFFOIv1"""'' I'LOWRS, LACES, &a We wili add t this stock from week to b until April vhen tue entire line will be complete. IK MMM ap9tf 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. OesirabSe Dwelling: FOR RENT. Residence on Bloodworth, between Eden ton and Jones st reets, formerly occupied by Mr W C Moore, i tor rent. Well of good water, large garden and a stable upon the premises. Aim! to ap7 Ut N B BROUGHTON. ttry Uooita, Notions, &c. I.fUfi HIRER HO. EKCePflQNAL BUfi&IHS! Rei nauts will accumulate, and from our immense silk s o l; wo gather a line of short lengths which need clearing These will be found 011 a tab'c mar the silk department. Plain and P. iuted China am. India Silks, BiOcaJes, Fancy Pit. ds and Stripes, suitable Cor children's dresses, for skirts, and for trimming) Prices from twenty-five cents , er yard up. Buyeis Will be qukk to avail themselves of Uih gtnui u ba gn;n. if'. H, Ui S. loci Go. 4 -

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