np 8;vrSTl Junaluska Claret. DBURHID stVKlO AKTKRHOOH, I Except Sunday, 1 MB VISITOR Is nerved by carrier In the city t 25 ceuis per month parable to the carriers in advance. Price for mail ins : 3 per year, oi 1 cents Der month. No paper con tinned after expiration of the tim nahi for niilesslotherwise ordered. Communications appearing in thee ejlamns are bat the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writlne the same, and I hey alone are responsible. A or oss mark X after yoar nam Informs yon that yonr time is out. Address all orders and communtc tiona to BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh N Local notices in thin paper will h Five Cents per line each lner'bn. t . KVI-KIUil ACKIL, 1 9, I8tt2 IN A MUDDLE. The political part i s of the conntn seem to be about hs much ou: of har mony among themselves as they are with other parties The PemocrtU are split up in various sections In Louisiana they are much more toler ant towarand the opposing part) than with the opposing factions in their own ranks. The Republicans are fatally split In some parts of the South, having organized what they choose to call the Reformed Republican party with only white men in it in South Car olina, Texas and probably in other States. The Third or People's party, as they prefer to be called, do not seem to know exactly what they want, or how to get it. Their com plaints against the old parties seems to be a finding fault with the natural results of conditions that exist, in an indefinite or generalized sort of way rather than a clear cut statement of the purposes of the party. And this indefiniteness has caused divisions in the ranks of this party. As to the Prohibition party, it has lots of good men and good princi plee in it, and there are hundreds of thousands of Prohibitionists all over the country, but they are working and voting with the old parties and feel that this is not the time to change 'no time to swap horses now" hence tl ere is no absolute certainty of the success of the Prohibition par ty this time (?) The one great cause for all this muddling and mixing up of things, it the individual desire for office. It is the one great burning thirst of the age. It is not only the case in this country, but in most of the natious of the globe. Two South American republics have recently experienced bloodshed and national cripplings from the efforts of individuals to get or retain power. Russia, Germany and France are very unhappy along this same line. Inordinate ambition in the individual, and the pooling of interests for individual ends pro duces all the party divisions, all the party bitterness, all the co uiuunism and all the trusta in the lan 1 This is not popular, but it is true, all the same. ago under a legislative charter, with authority "to establish and locate branches at any place or places with in th boundaries of the State." At the tin e rf its organization it re ceived a dona' ion of five hundred dollars from a non resident of the State who hue recently, unsolicited, eut auo'her donation of fifty dollars, with an expression of gratification at rhe successful work of the Society thus far. This work has been hither to almost wholly confined to Ashe ille and its vicinity, but the Society lias from the begi inioar looked for ward to the time wheu it could ex rend its work throughout the Statr. according to the provisions of i's iharter. It believes that a systematic 11 rt to tuat end ougut now t ";e m n'e fo make the efforc succvs-jfu' it is hb lolutely n-ceestry that every trie d f the cause should lend the Society helping hand ; first, by fitiauci.-l support, at le st to the of the ost of an annu il tuemborshi i, whir ; . . , j 1 1 is at present oniy boh uouar, m u second, by active assistance in exe nting the plan of extension adopted by the Board of Mu-ig-r.s. AH de sired Information about the plan will be furnittbed upon application to the Secretary and Treasurer Walter S Cushman, of Asheville. Membership tees should also be sent to him and will be d'lly acknowledged. On draught. fl.lC r" allon. Fie gallon kegs $S TO each. Quart bottles 40c each, or $7 V) per case of 2 dozen bottles. WARRANTED ABSOLUTELY PURK HIGHLY RFCOW ffoBDrOB MKDICISIl AM DOMESTIC PUHPONKM An Excellent Table Wine Delivered at libove free of charge in the eifv f R0 V'- Kegs and cases delivered at any freiirht office in North Carolina, t-outh Caro liuaor Virgiu'a. Charges prepaid. A. DUGHI, Agent, Junaluska Wine Co . Raleigh, N. C. DOMESTIC. np4 lm A magazine for Every Member of the Family. iiiih in Character. Low in Price. . ... .... . - .. 1 . .. . Omt n nn! ssmi.e CODT. Address WOHAN B wuks., muvu.. toCuQ UVC CCUISJ Bmiyoj v vuu asm - LITERARY. PONY RACING IN CHINA. POETRY Original and of the highest character a great variety. LITERATURE Pore, fascinating, Improving. FLORAL PAGE A gem of beau ty and value. FANCY WORK A department that will please as Mother's Corner A cozy place to rest an d learn. HOME PHYSICIAN The best health department to be found. BOYS AND GIRLS A charming page for ths young. COOKING Oar special pride and the hoasewlXs's special help. QUERIES & ANSWERS "Better than In any othe paper," says a recent letter. CORRESPONDENCE A chatty page, fall of experi ence and good suggestion. Other Departments stnd Miscellaneous Matter, pleasing and valuable. woman's Work meet be seen to be appreciate. ADDRESS The address before the local preach era' conference at Raleigh, July 23d, will be delivered by Rev. Dr J. F Orowell, President of Trinity College The subject will be " the history of Local Preachers, and its bearing on Methodist Economy." An add res? will De delivered uetore tne same body by Rev. W. P. Williams, of Da vidson county, July 22d, on the rela tions of the church to high education. Rider and Driver When an Englishman journeys awav from his tight little island he take with him his tastes and habits as well as his tub, and wherever he goes, wherever you find him, he sets up his individual little Britain on his own hook, and positively declines to do in Rome as the Romans do, or in China as the Chinese do. One of the first things he does when he settles down at any place for a stay is to get up some races, if there are enough of him to make a race. 8ince 'way back in the sevnties there has been a jockey club and race meetings at Hong Kong, under the patronage and management of Eng lishmen, governed by rules of deci dedly English flavor, with English riders and China ponies Mr. E Gilbert sends us th9 pro s oil. tt . i r gramme dook or tne nong ivong Jockey Club for its spring meeting, which took place on the 18th 19th and 20th of February, and some of Che stakes it offered suggest t.h it it is quite vortb while racin-,' in Jinn Phe names have q iita a elioy stick flavor, to wit : the Wo;ig uei caong stakes, the Fojc'jow Oup, th 0 in ton and Hong Kmig Club Cups, and the Tai Ynk Tong Cup. Wherever there's racing there's a Derby of course, and the Hong Kong Jockey Club has its Hong Kong Der by, the conditions of which read : 'Sweepstakes of $30 each, half forfeit if declared oa or before diy of closing entries, with $"00 added and for first pony and $11 for second For Ohina ponies bjn Ada irfflns at date of entry (Saturday, 16th Janua ry, 1891 ) First pony, seventy per cent.; second, twenty per cent ; third ten per cent. Weight for inches. One mile and a half " Some ot these ponies carried as much as eleven stone, four pounds, and last year, with similar weights, the race was run in 3 12 J. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVEN TION, ATLANTA, GA. For above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell re duced rte round trip tickets to At lanta, Ga., and return at following rates from points named be! w ; in termediate points in same proportion. Tickets on sale May 3d to 6ih inclu- limited returning May 17tn, sive, 1892 : Asheville, Charlotte, Hickory, Goldsboro, Raleigh, Salisbury, Wilkesboro, $8.5 I Ashboro, $12 lr 8.55 Durham, 13 55 9.60 Henderson 14 85 11 50 Greensb'roll.75 14 40 Selma, 14 50 10.15 StatesvillelO 20 15.3" I Winston, 1? 6 Salem, 13.65 Similar rates, one tare tor tne round trip will apply from points in Virgini a f.nd South Carolina. SLAVERY QN THE PACIFC. AN APPEAL. RATES FOR 20th MAY CELEBRA TIO-N, CHARLOTTE, N. C. For above occasion th Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell reduc ed rate round trip tickets to Char lotte, N. C , and return, at the fol lowing rates from points in same pro portion. Tickets on sale from all stations in North Carolina, May 18th, 19th and 0th. Limited May 23 1, 18'12 : Tne visitor nas heretofore ex pressed itself in no uncertain manner for the proper carrying out of the law Jn relation to cruelty to animals. We have recently had our attention called to a circular from A M. Bal lard, of Asheville, President of the "North Carolina Society," from which we make the following extract : The North Carolina Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals ap peals to all humane people in the From Individuals Military. Durham $4 30 S.S Goldsboro 5.65 4.50 Greensboro 3.1o 2.40 Henderson 5 50 3 95 Raleigh 4 70 3 75 Rural Aall 4.05 3 1 Selm i 5.15 4 10 WinstonASalem 3.85 3 00 Military rates apply to military companies, in uniform, 25 or more men all on one solid tick t. San Francisco, Gala , April 17. While a search party is trying to find n I -f C A. some trace ot over i v auiortuuaws who went down last September in the ill-fated brig Tahiti at the mouth of the Gulf of California, the owners in New York h ve fitted out another vessel for the sam- traffic in Gilbert Island slaves, to supply the Guate mala coffee Dlantttions The vessel selected is the tramp steamerMoutze rat. 'hich gained notoriety last year by carrying arms and ammunition to the Chilean insurgents ani a caro of cennral merchandise on which the consignees made a fortuue. The Montzerrat, sails Monday osten sible for Nanaimi, British Colamb'a, but this trip is a mere blind She will coal there, but will then shape a direct course to t e Gilbert Islands, where she will take on board 600s islanders. Her true destination is proved by the fact that she takes a passengers the King of Butaritari and his party. There are immense profits in this "black birding," as it is called in the South Seas, and the men who lost the Tahiti hope to recoup on this new venture Ther3 are agents now on the Gilbert Islands employed in inducing the simple natives to sign the fatal contracts which con sign them to a living death on far off coffee plantations. The contract requires 'hem to work on the plantations for five years at $2 to $5 a month. At the end of that time they are to be returned to thsir homes free of charge. It is safe to say that out of 6)0 or more that will be stowed away in the stifling hold and bunks of the Montzomit not 20 will live to se the contract expire The Gilbert Isiaoders ar- home loving people and h iva no idea of what t.h? contract the pi m calls for. end this the agents car-f d conceal from them, as Otherwise they know that no one could lie induced to go on board the stjain"r . Che Vlontzarrat will fly the Hawalran flag to avoid compli ations with American tboriiies. FIGHTING IN VENEZUELA. New York, April 17 Mails re ceived here today bring news that on March 29 a fierce battle took place at Trugilli, Venezuela, between the government forces and the revolu tionists, and the former were victor! ous About 150 persons were killed and n lare-e nnmtier were wounded Bus iness is said to be almost at a stand still at Caracas. Affairs in Venezuela at present are n a state bordering on anarchy, there hoine- no constitutional government The terms of Palac'.o expired on Feb rnarv 2. and there has been no elec tion for a new fresinent ramcio still retains his position as head of the government illegally and by fnrp.e. Anv reDort that the troume in Venezuela has been settled arises from ignorance or willful perversion of facts If Yon Want Money, A cook, A partner, A situation, A servant girl. To seH a (Hruj, To sell a lu use, To buy or sell stock, Good boarding bouse To sell plants or grain. Sell groceries or drugs, bell household furniture To make any farm loans, Bell or trade for anything Find customer- for anvthiue Read and advertise in ths Raleigl EVENING VISITOR. Advertising obtains new.customers Advertising keeps old customer-. ' Ady. rtieiug lioerily will pav ' Advertising mak.s succeebV Advertluiug exhibits pluck Advertising means "biz " Aavertise iuiuiediateb Advertise couelautly", Advertise regularly,' Advertise lwaa lUverilbe wxil AUVJCttTIsE, AT OA OK, NO W 11 j Remington Standard Type- ""riters. to The best thing in the United St tes ONE CEttT the Philadelphia RECORD $4 per year, da,'' , $3 pr year, omitting Sundays. For the Farmer and business ; aiaii the Record ha ao equal. Address 'jTbe Record." Phi ladel phia, Pa. Pa. More Remington's are used in Raleigh than all other makes combined. For catalogues or information, apply to tne undersigned. WM EA8DALE, J B CULPEPER, Raleigh, N (r lltf Richmond. V an For Infante and Children Castorla promotes Digestion, and valines Flatulency, Constipation, dour t tach Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa Mm.- the uhild is rendered healthy and its steer natural. Castoria contains no Moroaiiie or other narcotic property. customs is so well adapted to children that l recommend it aaf TerlortO any prescriptii tno?n to me." H. A. Archer, M. P.. Ill South ( ford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. -1 oe Castori!. .-specially adapted The Greensboro Workman tells a hard eqrg story. It states that a young man in the school at i.iherty ate twenty Ave eggs at one tim , and next day went to school as uguaj. a my practice, and find tt .affections of ch.ldren. " 'UL Robertson, M. D, t057 id Ae., New York. 'lTron jcrsona. itnowledgw aud observation I can say hat Castoria Is an excellent medicine tor children, acting as a laxative ind relieving the pent up bowels an general system very mucn. Many mothers have told me of Us ex tellent effect upon their children De G O. Osaooi. !Uwell, Mass aV sk.AD Ot winr, t? Murrmv Stress, X. T. The ureal National Paper The Brighter Best and Cheapest THE WASHINGTON AEKLY POST v I'aper from the National Capital should Ho into every Family in the Country I 1 "Mi EKE is no other paper in the 'iTnitei' States that is trowing snranidlv ation as the Washington Weeklv Post. This Is because neithe- abor nor expense is spared to make it he bet!, as well as the. cheapest, paper published. It is A National Paper! Being printei at che seat of government, I he Weekly Post contains special features no found m any other publication. Every mat should hrst subscribe for his home paper To it you owe your nrst auegiance. Alter tnat is done, if able tt take another paper, the best one printed ai the Capital of the conn- try is the one that wilt prove most profitable and entertaining. The Weekly Poet will contain: A full resume of tht proceedings of Congrea,j An epitome of all the news from the Nation al Capital. Political news and gossip impartially told,W rferials and short stories by the best writers,; tfems or nrerature,ai t and selected miscellany The latest telegrapic news from every section of the globe, Interesting Capital chat, interviews with leading men from at. rent of the country. other features not contained in any other paper, rhe Post is an absolutely independent paper, 3 pages, 66 columns. The price of The Weekly Post is 75 cents per annum in advance. Sample copier sent tree Addrt, TiJfi WEEKLY x'OST, Washington Post. Caveats, and Tr; ' e-M arks obtained ,"and iff Pat- ent Dusiness conducted lor moderate Fees. Our Office ;s opposite U. S. Patent Office and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from W lnngton. Send model, di awing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of cnarge. uur I ee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, ' How to Obtain Patents," with cost of. same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent iree. .auarcss, a a.