Worlds Fair. Mm. Geo. W. Kidder, of Wilmlng ton, and kr. K R. Cotton, of Pitt, have arrived In the city, and aw the guests of Mw. R 8. Tucker. They are here on matters connected with the lady managers of the World s Pair. Vestry men. The following jienflemen have been chosen as vestr men of ChristChutcli : Dr. R. H. l-ewis, Dr V. E Turner, Dr F. T. Fuller, Mnj R. 8. Tucker, Jar L Johnson. Chas. Root, F. P Hayood, J. 0. Drewry and John Ward. Died. At Wake Forest College, last Sun at 12 o'clock, Mr. L. L. Lowry, aged 29, after an illness of three week? He was a student of the college and a son of Mr. J T. Lowry, of Anson county. The remains were Uken to bis home for interment. Preparing'. The citizens of" Charlotte are pre paring to hav a handsome welcome arch erected in that city for the 20th of May celebration. The Newt, says : "The design submitted is of tup Doric capital pillarsarchitecture, one on each pavement with an arch con necting them, representing eight stones, the centre being the keystone upon which the proud eveDt of May 20, 1775 v ill be inscribed, and on th other seven, great events concurrent with the declaration. It i'l be beautiful addition to the other a tractions " Pergonal Mention. Mr. W. F. Kornegay, of Holdsboro, th popular President of t,h North Carolina Railroad arrived in the city yenterdav He t;.lkn dolefully of the effect of the frost upou the trucking interests of the fast Fx Governor Jarvis is in the cltv Judge David Schenck, of Greene boro, is at the Yarboro We are sorry to state (hat Mr W T Woodward" on South Dawson street, who has been sick for eevera' days, is much worse today. Raleigh MarRet Report. WHOLKSALK AND RKTAIL Corrected wkkklt by W. C. & A. B. SfRONACH. Fayetteville and Wilmington streets 215 217 Mkats 0. R. sides, 6f 84 Hulk shoulders, 7 10 Bacon " 8J Hie " breakfast 12 Si Hams sugar cured 124 1 5 " N. C. & Va., 124 16c? Bacon N. C, hog round, f LABD Pure, 8 10c Compound 64c 8 Flour Best per bbl 6.00 7.0" Family, " .. 5.75 6.R ' Good, " 5.95 5.5f Ooffke Rio Green 18 85e 8u$AB Granulated, 44 6ic Yellow extra C 4 5c Moii A88B8 Cuba 224 50c New( deans, 234 60c Svrim' . 25 50 Mrai, Derbushei 65 80 Corn Derbushei 90 1,00 Oats per bushel. 65 80 HAT perhuowt 90 Llfl Bran per pound, 14 H Ship Stuff per oound, 14 H- S alt ner sack. 1.50 1:75 COUNTRY PROuTJOB BUTTBR- 174 26c Eggs, 10 Chickens Spring 15 25e Hens, 0 35c Potatoes 8weet 60 75c NEW ADVERTISKW E1VTS. Great Attraction IN THE DoYoMWaiitAnyfhiiif THE Alii PURCHASING Alii SUPPLY CO Y will sell to you, and under the special club plan' it will cost you only a pittanc operated by the Company, weekly. Call at fhe Office of the lompanv, No. 203 F-iyetteYille Street Over Johnson's Drug Store. We want agents and will pay well for their services. aplS lm Attraction Local Talent Will, on Thursday night, expose the secret and working of SECRET ORDERS Bakery and Gonfeci lottery. Sets on sale at J. Hal. bobbitt's drug store and A. Williams it Co.'s book store. Remember th Date ap 16 tu&wed Furniture - I ine THOMAS & iMlL'S IS THE PLACE, . 13 E. Martin Street. New Goods c f all Modern De scriptions Daily Received Splendid Novelties, consisting of Infant's Mattresses. Lonnges, and, in fact, everything in the furniture line. The cheapest rates ever off t'r d in Rileigh. All mods suDerior in oualit and design. In fact this is the great depot in the furnish ine line. Special invitation to the public 4,'ajl and make setecttpos. II Ice Cream Saluoon. This is a r ai nine place where you can find foinfurt and refreshment in tiie shape of delicious ice cieani in Bretscfi -lea -tem-Parloi, jut such conftctioneries as you like and Confectioners; and best The Baker;- and Confectioners; Depart ment is ke)t supplied with fresh Confections, S'icnai ks, Candies, Cakfs, Breads, &c, lust from the ovens. Don't fail 10 can In and take a saucer of ice cream when down town shopping, and leave your orders for your bread at the same time. CHAS. BRETSCH mh31 103 Payetteville street. W. H. Hollo way, Carriage Factory Manufacturer and Dealer i We will make ycu anything you want In the shape of Rnooifii -I M r, , m n mum, Has on ha"d special bargains in New BugidS,Cart8 &c Also several second hand jobs almost as good as new, which will I e sold at aboui cost to make room for other work. Repairing, Painting & Trimming done in first class style and on short notice. ALSO HORSESHOEING ummi by an expert shoer 114 EAST DAVIE NO. Give me a trial at NO STREET, RALEIGH. mhll tf Notice of Sale. By virtue of a deed of mortgage execnted to W. C. & A. B. fitrouach by h ugene L. Harris and wife, and recorded in book 79, page 650. of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, JN. i;., 1 win oner ior saie on hod day, April 18th, 1892, 'he lot of land and premises on Swain street, Raleigh' N. C, described in said mortgag. Terms cash. mchl7 tds W. C BI'KUJN AUH. Sale of Reai Estate. Ttv virtue of authoritv eiren in two mort gages from Jacob Norwood and wife; record ed in book 29. page m, and book 105. pagf 1S4, of Registers office of Wake county, an1 at the rcoust of said Norwood's wife, I will sell at public auctiou at the Court House 10 T, in Kaleigti, on MOnnay, may u, ion. e lands conveyed in said morgages as roi ns: lt. tract situated in NeuseTown ship, adjoining the lands of R. W Jettreys Allen Hunycutt ana otners saiu 'o w.uuu W acres 2d. 4 lof in Oberlin. near Raleigh idjoinine: lands of Henrietta Strickland leaver Dam Rond and street tut ning by Fair Grounds both of said lots eing fullv described in last mwei mortgage Terms of saie, cash. Time of Saie, 12 o clock m. W ri I'AUBi, Trustee and Attorney fo Mortgagee ap2 tds. IMPOBTBR OF PBR-SALE FINE WOOLENS Snringand Summer stock now ready for inspection. A complete line of Oh, Julia, let me tell you, don t you re member some time aso I asked you about the rice place you are living at Jnlia Yps.- Mar v Well, I told GeoTge about the lot a d what a splendid opportunity J. M Broushton & Go. were civins the working men to buv buildine lots, and he went right down and bought that very lot we were tlk- iner about, and is some to bund me a nice little home, ana tnen won t we De nappy; Julia Did you ever hear ol sucn terms as M. Broughton & Co. are giving? Marv No. indeed. The great wonder to me is that every voung man in Raleigh don't buv one or two oi tnose nice io'h just minx of it, Julia, $200 for one of those pretty lots over there on Elm and Lane streets, $5 down and $5 per month until yon have pall one fourth of the price of the lot. $200. The bal ance, $150, they will take your note for and pive you well, anywhere from 5 to 40 years to pay it in. mere are oniy a lew more oi these lots left now, and since they ha"e fix ed up the streets so nice ' d planted shade trees, I am sure they will all be sold in a short time Well, good bye, Julia, I must go. Come to see me Julia wen, you cone. Mary Well, you come. Julia Well, you come. Mary Well, you come. Good bye, I an going down to see FINE WOOLENS. These goods are "r from the best $ looms in the world. Stock complete in Spring a nd 8u umer weights in all shadesj and colors. They are going with a rush. Come ;n and examine, whether j you order or not. J TRY WALTER8' NEW METHOD OP CUTTING. C. N. WALTERS, Merchant Tailor, mh29 tf 234 Payetteville street. J. T MOOTS S CO., -AT- 216 FavetteviMe St. TTAAn Dry Pine Wood, cut in any length, d,livered to OR OTHER VEHICLES. -WK MAKK A 8PKCIALTY OF SubstantialiRepairin0 RFGULAR FRAZER CART SHAFTS FOR KF PAIRING, IN STOCK. Old Jobs Repaired atd made to it ok nfce NV. TTE try to please our customers by polite YV attention. Send in your orders. J. W. EVANS. M i Gnrnr Blount and Morgan 8treeta, mh7 RALEIGH, N C. CLTTHING TALL MEN, LOW PAT MEN, LEA MEN, ALL iny part of the city. r TTV1"T)T? ofany dimension L U JrXJjil'X' funruished on short notice. Also shingles, laths, &c tAMTA My Special Horse an' J; VV JL'""Cow Food is gaining quit i reputation wherever used. It will pay yo' to give it a trial. ceivjd every day. WHITING BROS. WHEAT, &C- . , i 7l. A.H, ay '")ii han it lowest prices Wheat, Corn, tws, tvye both for seed and feed. Also i-an, ' nn Meal, Pea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choici Timothy Hay, Wheat and Rice Straw. ALSO FERTILIZERS-- Amnion ated Fert lizers, PuTe bone Meal, Land i'las ter, Acid Phosphate Shell Lime in any qnan tines. Administratrix' Sale On Tuesday, the 2fith of April instant, at the store house of the late 'Thomas Harris, at the corner of Martin end Blonnt strpets in the citv of Raleigh, I will sell at public auc t.inn the neraonr Dronertv belonging to thf estate of said Thomas Harris, consisting hi part of about 500 gallons of whiskey. 11 gal ions of wine, 110 gallons of brandy severa' dozen bottles of beer, 60 gallons of gin, a lo of bottled liquors, cigars and chewing and smoking tobscco. store turniture ana nx tures, half dozen chairs, 16 mattie-ses, lot of ed clothing, pillows, Winches'er rifle, &c &c. Tf rms: Credit of six months given and bond with good security required. ELLA I HARRI8, Admx of Thomas Harris. Raleigh, N C, April 4th, 1802 tds FIIIT11 dealers; O TT?rC Choice Grass and Clo- 3 Hi JT ' Uu""ver Seeds of every kind both for field and farm. I- R. WYATT. - ' I : : c . LOW New Goods re Upholsterers and Repairers, (Established here in 167), No. 115 AND 117 8. WILMINGTON ST. ,Ve are selling goods as low as they can be bought. We carry a full line of Cham ber and other Furriture. We manufacture our Mattreases and sell them as cheap as they c m be bought. All goods old at small profit If you ion't believe we sell as low as any come and ce. We Cannot be Undersold. by new or second hand dealers. We sell only new work and guarantee that. We think af er 38 years exp:rince we should know the wanti of the public. J. T, MOBRIUS do. ! IF I ! YOU I WANT Something superbly nice, buy sonv of those English Cured Shoulders at 10c a pound which so nearly approa ;h the very best cured hams. Then U you want a nrei uihsb Notice of Sale. By virtue of a decree of tl e Superior Court of Wake County, made in the see of Manteo Lodge vs. J Thomas Eusbee it al. 1 will expose to public sale at the Court Houee door in the City of Raleigh, on Mon- la , May ?d, 1892. a certain trsct Of land situated in Wake County, St. Msiy's 'town ship, lying h.twten the Battle Brmre Poad md .reuse Kivei, adjoining me lauua vi Ra-,o Pcol and others, and contaiidnp ninety (9) aneb niort of less. Terms of pale cash. CM. BUBBLE, ap 1st tds. Commissioner. Equip your residence and business houses with an Electric Burglar and Fire Alarm System. The undersigned company having bought the patent right to sell WILSON 8 BURGLAR S ND FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (patented) in Wake cunty, beg to call said system to your attention. The success of the age. As an ALA RM and CALL BELL sys tem 'tis CHEAPER than ary other contri vance known. ! all at our ofhee t.nd see the paratus at work. Respectfully. COLLINS, MOORE & CO. C E. HASK1TT, Man'g'r. No 117 Fayetteville St.Blake's Jewelry Store, alp2 tf Raleigh, . 0. CllTCHSSTflPIlB Fu6d SMOKF, Or if you should want anvihing t( or after these at moderate prices please you, call on go before that will John R- Terrell, uih3 NO. 203 Fayetteville St ret ft ...... The Anthracite Coal has arrived. We have now in stock and arriving, 200TON8 Anthracite Coal, Egg, Stive and Nut. 200 10118 Russell Creek Lump Coal. 100 101,8 Tenr.esse and Kentucky Lump Coal., 5QQTON8 Pocahontas Steam Coal. r A TONS Gay ton Egg Coal. 100,000 SAWED SHIJGLES, 100,000 PAWED LATHS Also Timothy Hay Com. Oats, Bran., Meal, c, : : . , For sale very close for cash by the car load, more or less, by Jones & Powell, Telephones 41 and 71 - Raleigh, N p.

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