. 1 1 ?; i t 3!f - If ;n-. VOL. XXVII. RALEIGH, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1892; NO. i) MINIATURE ALMANAC FOR TODAY. Ban rises" 5 M Bau sets 6 48 First quarter. 8d 1:57 P. M. Full moon, 11th- 6:45 p. M. Last quarter, 19th 9:83 A. M. Kew moon, 86th 0:85. A. M. I 81KOPBI3 OF THE WEATHKR. I The following ia the synopsis of the t either at 8 a. m. today: FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Fair weather; warmer. RALBIQH AND VICINITY. Fair and warm till Tuesday evening. Bain by 8 a. m., turning cooler. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. n. today: Maximum temperature, 78 Minimum temperature 68 Rainfall, COO CITY IN BRIEF. The merry month of flowers. Now we are on a through line to Ltlaota. An illicit distillery waB seized near Sew Hill, this county, last Saturday. The County Commissioners are in 'sion today. . Wilmington's electric street cars nt.de their first trip on Friday. The Mayor's docket was a slim af air for Monday. The city was per 'ectly quiet yesterday in all respects. Another dormitory is to be built at ,he Agricultural and Mechanical grounds. It is not what its proprietors say, jut what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, ihat makes it sell, and wins the confl lence of the people. It is now expected that a series of meetings will be held in the Chris :lan church, this city, beginning ibout the first of June. The regular monthly meeting of Board of Stewards of Central M R Church tonight at 8 o'clock, sharp. Every member requested to be pres 7e are much gratified to learn that '.. force of hands that was dispensed with at. the Raleigh and Gaston Rail road shops, in this city, a few months since, are being gradually reinstated. A printer named Sloan was taken yesterday afternoon to the Keeley In Btitute, at Greensboro, to receive treatment for the opium habit. Sev eral gentlemen in the city made con tributions in his behalf. It should not be forgotten that tbt Burlesque Initiation will take place at Metropolitan, Hall tonight, and the entertainment will be much more Interesting than the pne recently given. Borne new features have been added of a most laughable kind. Bretcsh, the French Baker is doing quite nicely with his Ice Cream en terprise. The people are showing their appreciation of the cosy ar rangement he has made for the ac comuiodation of the public, and espe bially of the, very .superior cream, &c, he la furnishing Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Whitfield are very grateful for the many attentions and expressions of sympathy exten ded to them in their recent trouble in the death of their dear child, and idesire to express their appreciation of the same through the columns of vThk Visitor. : It has been suggested that the lot .on Halifax ttreet, jest in the rear of the Agricultural building, would be a most adu irable site for the erection of a building to be used as a State Arsenal. The present one is a mere burlesque, and should be removed. ' If it is to be used at all, it should' be for committee rooms, provided it is fixed up for the purpose. Pavements are sure to increase the value of fiitv nronartv. Mn.rt.in af.roaf ks an illustration of this fact. A Wen kmount of mone has recently been nvested on the western section of his street, and a well informed bus! less gentleman said, today, that iuuch of it was due to the recent Mi.-1 3 a."! m . . .. aving ana grading oi mat thorough - are. Duiing the month of April the health of our city has been remark ably good for this season of the year. The Young Men'a Christian Asso ciation now numbers about three hundred members and additiona are being almost daily made. A very valuable cow belonging to our friend, Mr C. W. Lambeth, died last Saturday afternoon. She gave four gallons of milk a day. Burleeqae Initiation at Metropoli tan Hall tonight. Plenty of fun. Get ready for a good laugh. Proceeds, In part for St. John's Hospital and Young Men's Christian Association. Attention, Rescue Co. Regular monthly meeting of your company tonight at eight o'clock. Address. An address will be delivered before the King's Daughters by Mr. Wes tern R. Gales at the asgembly room of the Y. M. C. A., on Tuesday after noon next, at 5 o'clock. Every mem ber of the order is earnestly requested to be present. Fuucrul. The funeral services of the late Mr J. B. Howell were attended by a large crowd on Saturday afternoon. Rev. K. D. Holmes officiated. The follow ing gentleman acted as pall bearers, Messrs Geo F Ball, W. Z Blake, J. H. Marshall, J. R Kelly, VV. R King, G. L Tonnoffki. Journalistic. The Fayetteville Observer has been sold to Mr. E. J. Hale, only son of E. J. Halo, Pr , who was the founder of the paper in 1825. Mr. Hale is an able journalist and we have no doubt the Observer under his control will re tain its well deserved reputation Agricultural Statistics. An opinion has been rendered by the Atto rney General to the effect, that the failure on the part of tax listers to furnish the commissioner of Agricul ture with the statistics of their re spective counties, is a misdemeanor, but that they are entitled to compen Sdtion for such service. Officers Elected. The stockholders of the Cotton Seed Oil Mill have elected the follow ing directors : Messrs. W. G. TJpchurch, Julius Lewis, T. M. Belk, O. N. Peet, T. R Chaney, R. F. Munro. The directors elected the following officers. T. R Chaney, President; W. G Upchurch Vice President; R F Munro Secre tary; Justus Rolpb, Treasurer , Gar land Jone", Assistant Secretary and Treasnrr. Died. At her residence on East Bargett street, last Saturday night, at 9:50 o'clock, Mrs. Sarah Thomas Pulley, wife of Mr. R. H. Pulley, aged 27 years. She left a husband, one child, two sisters and a brother to ; mourn their loss. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 4:80 o'clock, from Central Methodist Church, Rev. Mr. Hurley, the pastor, officiating. The following were the pal 1 bearers: Messrs. T. C. Williams, Wm. Caudle, Frank Causey, W. N. Snelling, L. H. Wood all, S. W, Walker. ' Childrens' May Day Festival. All the pastors, Sunday school Su perintendents, teachers and Sunday school workers are requested to meet at the 'Young Men's Christian Associ ation rooms at 6 o'clock Bharp tomor row (Tuesday) afternoon. The meet is to consult and arrange plans for the grand May Day festival to be held in Raleigh on the 25th of May. Sun day schools from all the surrounding country, within a radius of a hundred miles of this-city will be invited to participate in the joyous occasion, and it will be the grandest gathering ever seen in Raleigh. Do not fail to attend the meeting tomorrow. A Good. Outlook. We were informed today by our fiiind, Mr. John D Briggs, the well known builder and contractor, that the outlook in his line of business is fii-strate. Mr. Briggs says he has all tho work on hand and in prospective tlt he can well do. 'e suggests, however, one drawback that is some what a surprise to us. and that is the scarcity of brick. It would really seem that there tbould be no excuse for this, as there as as good opportu nities in this direction in this this vicinity, as can be f und in most sec tious. This calls to uiiud the fact th it our attention was recently di rrcted by our friend, Mr O H Bel vin, to the brick usel in building the Raleigh National Bank building. These bricks were made near the city, and, as far as our judgment goes, backed by that of gentlemen well versed in the business, they are equal in every respect to what are known as the Baltimore pressed brick That there is remuneration in this line of business cannot well be doubted, and we hope some of our citizens suited to the business and possessed of means to push it, will soon embark in the enterprise. A Beautiful Model. We were shown this morning,' by our friend, Mr. Hal W. Ayer, Secre tary of the Agricultural Society, a most beautiful and complete model of the United States cruiser "Ral eigh." Mr. Ayer succeeded, after most earnest and energetic efforts, in securing it from Secretary Tracy. It is the original model of the vessel and the only one in possession of the Navy department. It is, including the ele gant .-glass case, in which it is en closed, 171 feet long, and occupies a position in the office of Mr. Ayer on the corner of Martin and Salisbury streets, where the public are respect fully invitee1 to call and see it. We are informed by Mr. Ayer, that he succeeded in obtaining from Secre tary Tracy permission to retain the model until after the State fair, where it will be on exhibition. Iu this con nectWi, we c?.n &ay, that Jf visitors calling to see the model, are so dis posed, contributions will be received in furtherance of the project to pre. sent a suitable present to the vessel. We advise all our people who desire to see something really pretty, to call at Mr. ayer's office. It is a treat in the artistic line Too much credit cannot be awarded Mr. Ayer for his success in securing it for the inspec tion of our people. Special sale of ribbons and towels, Thursday, May 5th, 1893. may2 3t. Woolcott & Sons Special sole of ribbons and towels, Thursday, May 5th, 1893 may2 8t Woolcott & Pons. Nice bananas, lc, 20c and 25c per dozen; 75c, 85c and $1 per bunch. A. Dughi. Is This Store Never Clear of Customers. We are asked nearly every day by some one if this store is never clear of customers Some others say, "Well, I never come in this store without finding a crowd of customers." If you see a swarm Of bees you know honey is near. We know why our store is crowded each and every day, all day. We sell goods cheaper than anybody else. Read our price list: 20c Mull, black and white, at 6c yard. 15c Figured Organdies, 6c " Straw Matting, 11 J 15c Pineapple Tissue, 10c " Wamsatta Bleaching. 10o " 15c Shan'ong Pongee, llc " $1 50 Silk Warp Henrietta.blk 93o 15c Ginghams, 8o 12c Ginghams, 7c " 10c Ginghams 6c" 8o Calico, 5c " 7c Calico, 4c ' " 8e Curtain Scrim, 4c ,l Nice writing paper, 2c quire Nice Envelopes, 2c pack Nice white check muslin 4o yard 50c Corsets, 3Qc 80c Corsets, 22c Curtain poles, brass fixtures, 20c Ladies' rubber shoes, 18c Sewing needles, 2 papers lo North Carolina Plaids, 8fo Now, my dear friend listen. Don't waste your money, but come direct to Swindell's store Don't buy new ex perience just for the sake, of saying "I am Borrv." ' Yours truly, : . D. T. SwinDkll. SPECIAL NUT J :s. Situation Wanted. A boy of 16 years of age wishes a situation. Any one wishing to eiu ploy a smart, industrious bov will address " Sim," care of Evksisu Vis ITOU. Fur It nt. A seven room h( use. Apply to ap29 tf H. M. Farnswoiith. Wanted. A egi8ered phannHcist of ;!tt years' experience, (Wires a iru tiiou. i Good reference. Address p. (). Box ' 47, Franklintou, N. C. ' p:50 iJtp : ! Straw Mattings and Summer: Cu lain. Our line of these -le'iglifful pum tner floor coverings bus uevr been better or have we ever shown so many novel designs as we do this sea j sou. The fancy mattings are gener ally prefered, though we have the plain white for those wish it. Among the colored mattings are some speci ally novel patterns, carpet designs, detatched figures, &. In their curtain stuffs, we are offer ing some lovely and inexpensive ma terials, printed and dotted swiss, col ored madras, &c. A full line of lace curtains in brussels effect at very reasonable prices. , W. H. & R. S Tuckhh Sr. Co. For Sale., A limited number of the choicest tomato plants, including all the nov elties, at 20c per dozen. Orders mav be left at the National Bank of Ral eigh. a27 4t F. Louts Mahler. Janaluska Claret. A. Dughi, General apl4 lm. Agent, For Sale. A fine f size 4 stringed. Double Bass Violin, &c. W. J. Brown, apl 18 lm 108 W. Edent-m Street. WOOD, WOOD. 1500 cords dry pine wood frr silo. B. F. Chkatham, apl 7 lm. 22i Wihuiuton St. For Her.t, The two story brick dwelling, cor ner Hargett and Blood worth streets. Possession g ven May 1st pnlyto T. H BRINGS. April 4tb, 1892. lm. DBY tODDS STQBE! NEW LINE OF WASH FABRICS. SHAUTONG PONGEES, in beautiful India silk designs. DUCHESS MULLS, in all the new colorings. FIGURED CREPONS, Specially nice for Spring and Summer war. ZEPHYR1NE4, Ginghams, Outingi in all the now Spring colorings. WHITE GOODS ! We are showmg great bargains in White nnnAa A sir t.n Rpf our 1 2Jc and 15c whitt jl VVVMi - m goods. They are worth and are sold in all stores at ac ana ooc per yaru. (SirAskto See Our m to; Norris' Dry Goods Stork. Great Excitement! THE MOST PROMINENT PHY3I CIANS CONSIDER IT. FATAL, BUT THE WORK IS DONE AND CANNOT HE RE. CALLED! About 4 o'elock this p m a serious cuttini occurred at the Lyo . Racket rstore which hasince proved dangerous. It was a cut in prices oi Millinery, Dress ii -ods, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Lace Curtains, Table Linen, Check Homespun sc, aa oneeuug, yarn wiue, oc. best Machine Cotton 3c, cheaper grades 2c, warranted 200 yards, Ball Thread lc, large size Trunk, sheet iron cover, $ I 33, Valises 47c, Straw Matting 13c, large Looking Glass 19c, Rugs 47, Window Shades 2Uc, Curtain Poles 22c JBuggv Whips 6c, Men'S''Dre Shirts 20c, Lace Jc, Hamburg 5c, 2Sx42 'jil Pictures, gilt frame, fl, worth 2 50, clocks 74c, Men and Boy's Hats Wc. Base Ball Bats 9c, Balls oc, E ish Hooks 2c dozeu,Fish Lines lc, Brrss Pins 4c, Need es lc, envelopes 2j Paper 3c quire, French Shoe Blacking lc Shoe Brushes 8c, H i nd Saws 23c and 40c worth 12, Tinware, for less than cost to re pair, Lanterns 4!), w.irth Hfl. See our Milli nery Goods. We will beat any one in 'hsi department that ever opened in Raleigh a; THE LYON RiCKEr STORE, 129 Favetteville Street mhl4 Two doors south of Tuckers. Hardware, &c. Till NEW QUAKER-:-CITY LAWS MOWER. Ten Special Foints of Merit: Its reputation for Excellence Fully Estab lished in this City. Be Not Deceived by the many porrly constructed Mowers. IT RUNS EASY! A SMALL CHILD CAN USE IT! I5Send for circulars and special prices. THOMAS B. BRIGGS SONS. RALEIGH, N. G. Millinery. !"' Millinery. ewanii Attract:ve FOR Spring and Summer TMHHfn AD u I Ml 119 III LU Hi; thelat NTRIMMED Bonnets iu latest and most .lesu-able shapes and stylos. f YIw XT MUSLIN, SILK LJlS X1 iLl X O & Crepe de Cheue Caps and Shirred Hats, oc, A. HA T1J GOODS, CREPE de CflENE illll and Windsor Ties in all col ors. Fan., Hair Ornaments and many fan i'-y novelties. DRAPERY K8 5 iS broidery Silks. Trices reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. ap9tf Adminisiracr's Notice. Having this day qualified as the adminis trator ot the estate of the late Solomon Brown, this i? to notify aU persons having claims against the estate to present the same to nie tor payment on or before the 4th day of March, 18U3, or this notice will be plead u b ir of recovery. Ail persons indebted to the estate will please settle without delay. SAMUEL D GRIFFIN, inb.3 Gw Administrator. lry Uooris, Notions, &e. yy H & 11. S. TUCKER & CO. 0riR;SH0E.r1' gEASOAABLE FOOTWEAR. COMPLK-l'E lines of Ladies' and Gentle y men's line thoes, tlitj season's purchases. () !( kadi's' bngdt Uongola, opera t&mt)J a:m conimm sense lasts 0, D - una widths. The best and iu st sty iish -hoe on the market at the price. Kf Luui s bright dongolaj handturn t&OtiJ J d 1, opera an I co union sense, light weigut, nr. s-y and very desirable v for summer wear. QjL (( La-tea' ' bright dongola, patent Cil5"TVV leat ier tip, medium, heel, opera ' too, one of our most popular mm suoes ior nice wear. vX A ( Ladies' black diagonal cloifc top, O'JvU patent leather tip, hand turn, Cab torn a heel, one of our most styiish shoes. JADIES' LOW SHJE3. La lies Oxford, Southern and Blucher ties, in bright dougula, Dlack suede, patent and Russian leather. ine,most varied line we h :ve ever shown, and a very wide range in prices. Q.ENT'3 FINE SHOES. a. full showing of the new shapes for tin's spring, iu Frenrh Cordovan, b rench calf, iiiigaroo and patent leather, in button, b&la and congres; vm of tne popular styles for . youtig aiuu tt is s -as" uv is the new Piccadilly last. Our guilts taotS are kept in li, O, D, tjf and F widths i VV . II Ml S. TUCKER & CO, : ! .a r i" L"... it:. 4' m i ? i V ; - I4';

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