-r Ptttlg 0f, RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4. 1892. NO. 11 rnr YYV1T MINIATURE ALMANAC FOR TODAY. Bud rises Bun aata 5 04 6 49 First quarter. 8d 1:57 P. M. Full moon, 11th 5:45 p. M Last quarter, 19th 9:38 k. M. Jfew moon, 26th 0:85 A. M. 81HOPSI3 OF THE WEATHBB. The following is the synopsiB of the weather at 8 a. m. today: FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Fair weather till Friday. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. m. today: 0B Maximum temperature, co Minimum temperature Rainfall, C-00 I ITV IS BRIEF. Warm, gentle rains are now to be desired for the growing crops. The weather has suddenly jumped into the temperature of mid summer. The maximum temperature in the city of Raleigh was 83 on the 5th of April. The minimum temperature was 81, on the 11th. The United States District Court if in session at Wilmington, with Judge Seymour presiding. Mayor Badger bad another com parative rest from official cases to day. The city is unusually quiet. The "Daisy Club" will bold their anniversary reception at the resi dence of Mrs. Vacs on the eveniDg of May 6tb, from 8 to 10:30 o'clock. When you buy your spring medi cine you should get the best, and that is Hood's Saieaparilla. It thoroughly purifies the blocd. A dividend of 15 per cent will be paid depositors and others boldin? claims against the First National Bank of Wilmington, in about ten days. Attention is called to the adver tisement of a house for xent. Appli cation can be made to Mrs. M. J Fentress, Raleigh, or Mr. Herbert L Fentress 621, North Fourth street, Wilmington, N. C 2Mrs. Lucy 8. Edwards, wife of the late Hon. Weldon N Edwards, died last Monday night, at the residence of M J. Hawkins Esq , at Ridgeway She waa 87 years old. Temperature this morniog at o'clock was 28 degrees atBi-march ai 40 at St. Paul, while at Dodge Ci it is 41 with the wind at 20 miles a hour. Lookout for hail and a cole wave possibly northwest of us. At a union mass meeting held iD Charlotte last Monday evening, enough money was pledged to out the Y. M. C. A, on its feet again Good. Union prayer service will be held at Central Methodist Church tonight nnHntfari hv RV. J. W. Cole, and VWUU .ivwvm J immediately after the prayer service the monthly session of the Methodist Layman's Union will be held. All the members of the three churches are especially urged to attend. The public are invited to the prayer Ber vice. - ' ' - ' FrniTNoTill Rilled. Mr. T. C. Barris, of the State Muse um, who has fine opportunities to touch at all points of the compass, informs us that he has made special inquiries from various sections, and the report show that in this section and to the EaBt, there will be a fair crop of fruit. In Wake, the prospect 18 rather good, wnne in tne western portion of the State, peaches particu larly, are largely killed. Married. A very pleasant company assembled last night at Mr. Wiley Perry's resi dence, in House Creek township, the occasion being the marriage of his daughter, Florence.to Charles Griffin, of Sutton, Fianklin county. The ceremony was performed by Rev Dr J. J. Hall, 6f the Tabernacle church. Many friends came in town with Mr. k Grifflri, and the happy oonple start off on life's journey with the heartiest 9QU granulations pf a host of admirers. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting of Seaton G iles Lodge. No. 64, 1. O O. F., tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. The conferring of the 1st degree, and other important business will be transacted, which re quires a full attendance. A cordial welcome to the members of Manteo Lodge und visiting brethren. Thirm, Sec'y. Statistics. The Commissioner of Agriculture is now sending out blanks for the Agri cultural and farm stock report for the present vear. This is a most impor tant matter, and we hope that all who are the recipient of blanks will promptly send in their returns. The returns last year were so inefficient that they will not be published. It is hoped, however, that this year they will be ful'.er in all particulars. It is the farmers interest that this matter should be attended to. Wake Superior Court. The following cases were disposed of this morning : Trustees Rx Hospital vs. W. 8 Wood ;judgment of foreclosure against plaintiff. R. M. Andrews (in re. probate of deed) vs. Mrs. W. N. Andrews ; judg inent of cWk affirmed. Moses C. Utley vs. David H Smith et ale ; judgment, that plaintiff is owrer and entitled to possession of lands described in complaint, also for sum of $166 66 rents, etc. Town Elections. In Apex, Wake county, yesterday, D. W. May card was chosen mayor; J. A. Norris, 1 Q Hudson, W. H. Harward and E. B. Sturgeon, com missioners; Rufus Smith, marshal. In Carthage,W. H. McNeill was elected mayor. . The election in Louisburg resulted mayor. The following were chosen in the selection of F. S. Spruill for as commissioners: R Y. Yarboro J." J. Barrow. G. H. Cooper and J. A. Thorn as. Mr. J. R Mendenhall was elected mayor of Greensboro Person al Mention. Maj. Crenshaw, of Wake Forest Township, is in the city. Mr. S. M. Terrell, of Rolesville, Is here today. Col. J. D. Cameron, the Veteran Journalist, is in the city. We were pleased to see officer Lewellen on the streets today after a protracted spell of sickness We sin cerely hope he may continue to im prove. Our friend, Prof. Von. Herrman, of the weather service, left for the north this morning on a ten days leave of absence. During bis absence, we hope there will be no great deal of bad weather, especially cyclones We wish him a pleasant trip. Opinions. The following opinions were hand ed down in the Supreme Court y ester cUy: State vs. Cutshall, from Mecklen burg; no error. Wilson vs. Charlotte; new trial. State vs. Crane, from Union; af firmed. Greensboro vs. McAdoo, from Guil ford; affirmed. Jenkins vs. Railroad, from Martin; new trial. ( 1 State vs Yount, from Catawba; now trial. Phifer vs Berry, from Burke; mod ified and affirmed. Wiiliams vs. Railroad, from Duplin; no error. Special sale of ribbons and towels, Thursday, May 5th, 1892. may2 3t. Woolcott & Sons Remember the sale tomorrow of calico at 2Jc at the New lork Bar gain House. ' '. nn't full t.n trn to the New York Bargain House and see their men's patent leather Oxfords at $1.89, well worth f. Early. Jin H H. Crocker, had new Irish p-tutofs.of her own raising, for dinne toduy. They were nearly as large as an ordinary hn egg, and were the iirst e hnve heard of. Appoiutiueuts. Bishop Lyman will officiate at the Church of the Good Shepherd next Sunday, May 8th. On the same day, in the evening, at St. Mary's School. Holy comui miou at all morning ser vices. Ccllec ions for Diocesan Mis ei'jiJS. Aged Persons. Iu the report of vital statistics yess terday we gave a list of persons, over seventy years old, who had died dur Ing the month of March, instead of those in the month of April. The list for April is as follows: April 8d, 1893 Creasy Bradford, colored, aged 72 April 18. 1893 Mary Hinton, color ed, aged 76. Strawberry Festival. The first strawberry festival of the season will be given by the ladies of St. Mary's Guild, at the Rectory of the Church of the Good Shepherd, on next Thursday evening. 1 he ladies will be glad to serve their friends on this occasion, from 6 to 10 o'clock, p. m. Special sale of ribbons and towels, Thursday, May 5th, 1892. may2-8t- WoOLCOTT & f ons. Auction Tomorrow. Beginning at 6 o'clock p. to. will sell to the highest bidder a lot of ta hips counters, two large mirrors, a nice 'rimming case, stove, irons, etc at 114 D ayettevne c. pa mayi zi. Gentlemen's Spring Underwear Now open, our lines of. gentlemen's "Summer Merino" soft and light weight underwear, jast the kind to wear fight now, bef one puts on crania tnr anmninr. We arfl 111 ho dis playing sorre noooy tnings in gencie men's negligee shirts, in Madra urn ah fla nnnl And nnrnala. It is beat to make selections now. before the assortments are broken W. H. & R. 8 Tuckbr Co. One Cent ( liallie. We will have a sale of nice Challie at one cent a yard right soon. We go to to New York next week and v hen we return will sell you a nice dress for ten cents, or one cent a yard. 8o wait for our sale. We will have a big lot and our store is large enough for all the crowd to get in this time. Yours truly, D. T. Swtn Dull Is This Store Never Clear of Customers. We are asked nearly every day by some one if this store is never clear of customers Some others say, "Well, I never come in this store without finding a crowd of custodiers." If you Bee a swarm of bees you know honey is near. We know why our store is crowded each and every day, all day. We sell goods cheaper than anybody else. Read our price list: 20c Mull, black and white, at 6c yard. 15c Figured Organdies, 6c " Straw Matting, llic " 15c Pineapple Tissue, 10c " Wamsutta Bleaching 10c " 15o Shantong Pongoe, lHc " $1 50 Silk Warp HenrietU.blk 95c " 15c Ginghams, 8c 12c Ginghams, 7c " 10c Ginghams 6c " 8o Calico, ;- 5c " 7c Calico, 4c " 8o Curtain Berim, 4o " Nice writing paper, 2c q lire Nice Envelopes, 2c pack Nice white check muslin 4c yard 50c Corsets, 89c 80c Corsets, 22c Curtain poles, brass fixtures, 20c Ladies' rubber shoes, 18c Sewing needles, 2 papers lc. North Carolina Plaids, 3c Now, my dear friend listen. Don't waste your money, but come dfiect to Swindell's store. Don't buy new ex perience just for the sake of saying "I am sorrv." Yonrs truly, D T. Swjn Dell. . Attention, Ex-Con fed orates. Next Tuesday is memorial day, and 1 it Is desired, that the ceremonies over ' the lamented dead shouM be as well attended as possible. It is particularly expected that all the nt'Cond-rrats ho can possibly do to, thoul i J e. on hand, and that ttioe wIiocau pro-' cure horses should act as marsh lis. I A Live IiiNlil nt Inn. Covenant Building and Join Aso-. ciation of Kuoxvil e, Teon., i o-- : ing practical results. It has a' ready loaned over $ 003 i:i Rileig'i, and in ; a letter to their r.gL:t tiie AkeocU-1 tion offers to loan to 't'er members here who offer good e.emky This association is popular, prosperous and liberal. Attention is culled to its advertisement in another column Nice bananas, lc. 20c and 25c per dozen; 75c, 85c and $1 per bu'ich. A. DUGHI. SPECIAL NOTICES. Sit nation Wanted. A boy of 16 years of age wishes a situation. Anyone wishing to em ploy a smart, industrious bov will address " Sim," care of Evening Vis ITO . For Kent. A seven room he use. App'" to ap29 tf H. M. Faknsworth. Janaluska Claret. A. Dughi, General Agent. apl4 lm. -- For Sale. A fine 4 size 4 stringed. DoubW Bass Violin, &e. W. J. Brown, apl 18 lm 108 W. Edentou Street. WOOD, WOOD. 1500 cords dry pine wood fr aile. B.F.Cheatham, apl 71m. 22") Wi'iuiutor, St. For llent. TVia two sr.orv brick dwelling" cor ner Hargett and Blood worth streets. Possession g ven May 1st, Apnlyto X. O.. BK1WU8. April 4th, 1892. lm. DBHOODS SEW LINE OF WASH FABRICS SHAUTONG PONGEES, in beautiful India silk designs. DUCHESS MULLS, in all the new colorings. FIGURED CREPONS, Specially nice for Spring and 8ummer war. ZEPHYR1NES, Ginghams, Outings in all the new Spring colorings. WHITE GOODS I We are show'ng great bargains in WhiU- i-i j a nur 191p. nnrl 15r. white UUUU9. iioii nv avv. , , li goods. They are worth and are sold in all StOies at ZOC anu OOU per yaiu. EfAskto See Our Lne hoc;. Norris' Dry. Goods Stork. "iCUITIBUCRIPt! Grret Excitement! THE MOST PROMINENT PHY31 C1AN8 CONSIDER IT FATAL, BUT THE WORK IS DONE AND CANNOT BE RE CALLED! About 4 o'elock this p m a serious cutting occurred at the Lyo Racket (Store which has since proved dangerous. It was a cut in prices oi Millinery, Dress Uods, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Lace Curtains, Table Linen, Check Homespun 4c, AASheeung, yard wide, Oc best Machine Cotton 3c, cheaper grades ic, warranted 200 yards, Ball Thread lc, lare size Trunk, sheet iron cover, Cl 33, Vali-es 47c, Straw Matting 13c, large Looking Ulas-s 19c Rugs 47, Window Shades 20c, Curtain Poles 22c Buggy Whips 6c, Men's Dress Shirts 20c. Lace lc, Hamburg 5c, 28x42 '.':1 Pictures, g'lt frame, .1, worth S2 50, clock h 74c, Men and Boy's Hats 19c, Base Ball Bat. 9c, Balls 5c, fish Hooks 2c dozen, Fish Linrs lc, Brrss Pins 4c, Needles lc, envelopes 2 : Paper 3c quire, French Shoe Blacking lc, Shoe Brushes 8c, Hind Saws 23c and 49c, worth 12, Tinware for les than cost to ?e oair. Lanterns 49c, w.rth 1. See our M ll li- nery Goods. We will beat any oneinuiat department that ever opened in Raleigh ut THE LYON RACKET STORE, 129 Favetteville Street. mhl4 Two do irs south ot 1 uckers nm9 mm Hardware, &c. THE NEW QUAKEP-:-CITY LAWN MOWER. Ten Special Foints of Merit: IU reputation for Exllence Fully Estab lished in tins tity. Be N o t Deceived by the many poTly constructed Mowers. IT RUNS EASY! A SMALL CHILD CAN USE IT! IySend for circulars and special prices THOMAS II. BRiGGS SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. Millinery. ipuuiiery. flew and Attract:ve FOR Opringand Summer TBISnMED NTRIMMED Bonnets in latest and most ilesirable shapes and styles. r v 17 A VT' MUSLIN, SILK 1 1 l1 J 1 I O fc Crepe de Chene Caps and Shirred Hats, &c, &. n T I GOODS, TREPE de CHENE ixXlt and Windsor Ties in all col ors, i'ana, Hair Ornaments and many fan cy novelties. DRAPERY JSff-it broidery Silks. Prices reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. 1 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. ap9 tf Adminlstr air's Notice. Having this day nualified as the adminis trator ot the estate of the late Solomon Brown, this is to notify all persons havintr claims against the estate to present the same to me ior payment on or Detore the 4th day of March, 1893, or this notice will be plead iu b ir of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please settle without delay. SAMUEL D GRIFFIN, nih3 6vr Administrator. Dry Uods, Notions, &c. -yy H & 11. S. TUCKER & CO, 0HR SHOE DEPARTMEN T. gEASON ABLE FOOTWEAR. V men's tine bhoes, rhij season's purchase?. S2.50 I.fld bright dongola, opera a:ut coniin u sense lasts C, D u.'.u iii WKims. The best and m )M sty hah shoe on the market at the price. Lufiis' bright dongola,handturn a i.opiu-.-. an 1 co nmonsense.light weigut, cr- s y and very desiraole for summer wuar. Ladies' bright dongola, patent leat,: ,er tip, medium heel, opera t., mj o oar most popular 83.50 S4.00 shoes lor nice wear. ' A A Lh J its' black diagonal' cloih top V-'v'V pitei.t leather tip, hand turn, Ua:ifo"ii a heel, one of our most stylish shoo. ADiES' Lu SH 7E3. La lies Oxford Southern and Blucher ties, in bright doiigoli, Dlack suede, patent and Kus.ii-.iu lo.'ilicr tiie most varied line we h ive ever sli jaii, and a very wide range in prices. QENT'3 FINK SHOES. j. full showing of the n:w shapes for this spring, jn French Cordovan, French calf, K inguroo and patent leather, in button, bala un l congress; one of the popular styles for young men wis seas n is the new Piccadilly last. Onr poms .shoes are kept ia B, C, 1), 1J on1 1? liMjlilia W. II. A II S. TUCKER & CO. JJMP TTfin HIT 1 HESE

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