BALElGir POST OFFICE ' VAIL BCHLDULlu OUTGOING MAILS. No. of. From Frcn j Vi Keysville (R. P. O.) for Richmond A wav. Via Uoldsboro (Kx.FuM for tsnort uui a uoias. dis. Vi Weldon and Norf. m p. ti.k for K. & U, Via Uoldsboro (R. P 0.) for N b. and Juist, Vi.fJihvin sta. (K.P 0.) for WiL, Char. fc South. U GieenBboro (R.P.O.) for N.. 8. and West, Via Weldon & Norfolk (Ex. Ft.)forN.AKast, Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft) for N B. ana west, Train P.O a m 8 45 13 li SM I p Ul ' D D 10 112 45.' J 30 ' 8 15 a m 9 1ft f 45 11 Y I 41 9 34 11 3 15 C 2P 4 30 9 00 4 00 8 4T 5 CO a m 3 05 INCOMING MAILS. ARRIVALS. NO. Of I At . A Train Depot P.O. i Via Greensboro (Ex.Ft,) from N o. ana wesi, Via Weldon (Ex. Ft.) Nnrth and East. Gibson sta, (R. P. O.) from Char., Wil. & 8. Via Greensboro (R.P.O.) from N., 8. and West, Via Weldon (K. P. O.) N nrth and East. Via Goldsboro (R. P. O.) from N., K. & South, Via KeyBville (R. P. O.) from Richmond, Ox firt Durham, etc.. Via Goldsboro (Ex Ft.) from North, 13 45 3a 10 41 9 1' a m 7 00 a p 7 IP 10 30.10 J 11 20 Fin 25 55 25 10 46 U ' 5 45 11 3? Fro 40 4 10 2 10 li ro 6 0C Trains marked thus, do not move on Sun. uuy. Mails for train 9 going west close at 3 i m 0" Sunday. STAR ROUTES. Outgoing Maii Dkfabts , Raleigh i n: Shotwell. Eagle Rock and Wakeheld t Unionhope, Tuesday and Friday 6 a m. Raleigh via Myatt'a Mills to Dunn, Tuei. day and Friday 6 am. Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton w Fish Dam, Monday, Wednesday and Frio" 6 a m. . Raleigh via Hutchinson's store and Bai gor to Rogers' store,Tuesday and FridaylDm Raleigh to Massev, Tuesday and Wdai 12 m. . Incoming Mails Abbjvi Unionhope v Wakefield, Eagle Rock and Shotwell to Pi" eieh, Wednesday and Saturday 7 p m. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh, Mod day and Thursday 7 p m. ' Fish Dam via Dayton and Kelvyn Gro". to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Frida' ' 'Rogers' store via Bangor and Hutchinson'i store to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 a Massey to Raleigh Tuesday and D nday 10 a m. .... Fbm Dxuvxby Stbtbm. Free deliveries o m S-1f And 5!45 D m. Bl ceDt Sundays. Collections made at sanv v... u.miar, k-hii to 7:30 a m. Free de Uverj" windows open on Sundays from 3:(X to3:30o ciocnpm. a. . omj? , Postmaste Superior Courts of North Caro Una. Name. JUDGES. District. Geo H Brown, 1 Hen; R Brvan, 2 H G Connor, 3 Bpier Whitaker, 4 R W Winston, 5 E T Boykin, 6 JDMcIver, 7 R F Armfield, 8 Jesse F Graves, 9 John G Bynum, 10 W A Hoke, 11 Geo A Shuford, 13 Residence. Beaufort, NewBerne, Wilson, Wake, Granville, Sampson, Carthage, Iredell, Barry, Morgan ton Lincolnton, SOLICITORS. 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 Residence, Perquim's. Halifax, Wilson, Johnston, Graham, Duplin, Richm'nd .Iredell, Rock'ham Caldwell, Meck'b'g, Macon. Name. IDistrict. Tnhn H Blount. 1 G H White, (col) J E Woodard, E W Pou, Jr., Ed S Parker, O B Allen, 1 Frank McNeill, B F Lo sr x nomas Settle, WONewland, Frank L Osborn, Geo A Jones, FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term Judge Shuford. SECOND. Spring Term Judge Brown. . THIRD. Spring Term-Judge Bryan. FOURTH. Spring rerm Judge Connor. Wake Tan 11th, tFeb 39, 'March .28th, tApril 25th, Sept 25th, tOct Wayne Jan 25th, Ap'l 18th, Sept 13th Oct 17th. H .rnett Feb 8th, Aug 8th, Nov 28th. r.i Johnston Feb 15th Aug 15th N0v 14th. ' For criminal cases. tFor civil c ses alone. j. FIFTH. Spring Term Judge Whitaker. . SIXTH. ' Spring Term Judge Winston SEVENTH. . Sprtng Term Judge Boykin. EIGHTH, Spring Term Judge Mclver. ' "V ' . NINTH. - ; Spring Terror- Judge Armfield TENTH. Spring Term Judge Graves. KLEVBNTi. 8 pring Term Judge Bynum. TWELFTH. B pring Term Judge Hoke. LIFE IS GOOD. They come, they pass, with snow-soft feet, And dea'hlei-s youth illuims their eyes; Alike to them are chaff and w beat, Alike the foolish and the wise. Thy bring Un wound, they bring the balm, They light our smiles, they dry our tears; Careless of death or life, the calm Servants of time, the patient years. The winds that rend and strew the rose Dissolve the sweetness through the air; This wind of time that beats and blows, Leaves all the past still fragrant-fair. Though hopes may fail and hearts break, And fruit'es' all the striving be, One gold n gift is left to make Mau s bliss, consoling fuemory. Hail and farewell farewell and hail! The going and Uij coming guest. Welcome to daybreak's shining sail. As to the light beyond the west! The years may c me, the years may fo, And bring the sad or merry moo I; Merry or sad, one thing we know. That life is good! all, lif u good! may A WIFE'S ALLOWANCE. ftSira Cry fsr tr&Cuterl ' They settle the question of the wife's allowance over in Africa much better than we do here," said Mrs. French-Sheldon, Vt a recent inter view. "The husband allots a portion of land and cattle to each of his wives. When he marries he gives to the pa rents of the bride a certain number of cows aud in the event of her hav ing no children, if he is ambitious for a large family, he returns the wife to the parents and promptly receives back the cows- Of course he has just as many wives as he can afford. "This may sound dreadful to civil ized ears, but I believe that in Africa polygamy is a beneficent institution There are a great many more women than men. the men being killed off by wars and devoured by wild animals. As the women do most of the workL such as tilling the ground and caring for the herds, the more wives a man has, the less labor there is for each. Why, they positively hail with joy the advent of a new wife. When she comes to the kraal they have a merry making for three days and the other wives bring the bride presents of bead belts of their own making, metal ear rings, bunches of bananas, and great pots of pombe, a sort of drink. There isn't a particle of jealousy between them, and they never squabble over their gowns becarse they don't wear any 1 Their sole wardrobe consists of some brass and bead ornaments. But they are the happiest creatureM They laugh and sing at their work, and dance together when it is done. I can't bear to think of those people being spoiled by civilization. Just picture the life of such a woman be ing saddened by bell skirts, pink teas, committee meetings and lectures on protoplasms! "Before the young people marry, the girls and young men live all to gether in a sort of free love comtnu nity. There is this difference, how ever the man is constant to one wo man. They pair off in little huts, and if there is a child, which is seldom the case, the man is obliged to set some thing aside for its suppopt. When the young man, who is an "ehmran," or warrior, concludes to settle down and become a "moran," elder or mar ried man, he doesn't necessarily take for a wife the woman with w bom he has been living. Still, no disgrace attaches to the woman from this rela tion, and she is entirely eligible as a wife for some ot her man. But once married she is expected to be constant to her husband. "In one particular thesd savages are ahetvd of our civilization among them the moral standard is the same for the men as for the women." I Can'i Kat," Is often lioarJ. IVni'lp w!io luvo t:iln Hood's S;irsaimrill:i liiIilyTceoiniueiid it for los3 of ai'petite, imliaesiion, sick headache,' and similar troubles. Tliis medicine gently tones the stomach, assi.sU digestion, and makes you "real hungry." Constipation, and all troubles with the digestive organs and the liver are-eured by Hood's Pills. Trice 25e..ncr box. KILLED FOR A KISS. Anderson, Ind., May 3. Wben George Doyle went to the residence of Earl Dudding, a farmer near An derson, he found Mrs. Dudding and her husband sitting on the porch Doyle coolly walked up and kissed Mrs. Dudding, whereupon the hus band drew his revolver and fired three times. Doyle will die. Dudding gave himself up, and his conduct I regarded as justifiable. ;!! ARC SAVED BY BUYING ; I Vb&A 0LD ' i ppWIOjS VIRGINIA iigllf CHEROOTS. I ISlMllt THEY ARE SOLD ;! f 8PK5ff Five for Ten Cent?. ::; ildcruKDiitfV SMOKE SWEET TO THE END. i ;:: LP.WHITlOCKjllCHHOND.VA mhktvmmhim try theav ; l&allroar Hcneauie. ttmitoad cu'fitle, t. Richmond & Danville R R Co'v Condensed Schedule In effect January 17th, 18t2. Southbound. No 0 3 00pm 5 06pm 5 44pm 8 00pm 10 15pm 12 15pm 1 55pm 615 7 44 10 15 t8 40 10 25pm 12 18am 1 52 6 55am 8 56 10 93 200 5 00 6 10 12 20 pm 2 10 a m 6 07 9 30 a m Taiiy. No 10 7 00 pm 10 50 8 05 am 8 5C pm 6 40am 7 0Cam 8 27 5 22 pm 2 40 am 7 07 am 8 00am 8 37 10 20 11 40 am 10 30 12 32pm 1 25pm 1 30 3 Of, 1( 30n' 12 10pm 2 52pm 3 36 5 SO ttWTWBKN WE8T POINT AND RICHMONP. t7 50 am L" West Point, Lv t8 50am 9 lo am Ar Richmond Ar 10 40 pn 810 pm Lv Richmond Lv 4 40 ' 5 00pm Ar West 1'oint Ar 6 00pm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL EIGH via Keysville, "9 15 am Lv Raleigh Ar 10 46 pm tDaily except Sunday. T)Hy IDaily, except M on-1 SOLH448. JASLTAY Trafflc Man'. W. A. Turk, A G. P. A.rObarlotte, N O Lv Richmond, Burkeville, Key3ville, Ar Danville. Ar Greensboro. Lv Goldsboro, Ar Raleigh. Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Salem, Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, A Statesville, A jAsheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Charlotte A rColumb' 3 lugusta, .Northbouni Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Spring jAsheville,; Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, kSalem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville Keysville, Burkeville, Ktehmona, Daily. No 11 3 "am 5 COan 5 4 lan 8 05an 10 12an tl 85pn 5 45pm 3 05am 5 07am 9 40an 8 60 10 20 11 57an 1 09pn 5 69 7 44 12 05pm 1 80DIT 4 27 5 84 11 45pm 1 50rir 5 FOpm 9 '.opn- No W 1 00pa 4 lOpn 8 00 9;00 pm 7,50 pn 8 20pm 9 45 12 89pm 4 ?5 " 9 17 10 12pm 1155 11 28am tl 18 am 12(1 am 42 0arr 7 00 t8 45an 12 28prr 12 88oir 1 10 am 415 am 4 67 7 25 N OREOLK AND CAROLINA B.B CONDENSED SCHEDULE. South Bound Train. No. 101 A. M. 950 1015 10 27 11 02 1120 1137 1152 12 31 12 53 1 20 P. M. Dated August 9th, 1891. North Bound station 8. Train 'No. 100 P. M. L've Pinner's Point Arrive 5 25 L've L've L'f L've L'te L'e L've L've Ar Drivers, SuflolV- Gates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've 2 01 4 47 414 3 54 3 36 3 21 2 39 217 1 50 iso 101 makes connection at Rocky lVoua with W & W Train No 23 for all points South, and No 78 train for all points North. G M feERPEL, J R KBNLY, Gen'l Menage gupt Trans T M IviVHi., fin;') 1 tn it. t r At ATLANTIC A ST. C. B K , Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1838 Going eapt No 51 Ar m 4 r 4 49 6 18 9 26 Lve 3 80 4 20 4 54 84P P HQ Schedule Pass trains Stations Goldsboro La Grange Kinston New Berne Morehead Oitv GolDg west No 50 Ar 11 28 10 46 10 0 8 27 a m Lve a hi 10 48 10 14 9 44 Wilmington Velio:. Hflroa-i ?r.. Branches. Coodenseo Scaedu'o TRAINS 01l Dated Jan. 4. No 23 1892. Daily HOUT No 27 F't m'l Daily. 5 4Spm 6 Jr'pui Le Weldon, 12 31pm ArRockyMt, 140pm Ar Tarboro, "2 lopm Le Tarboro, 12 58pm 6 00pm Ar Wilson, 2 18pm 7 UUpni Lo Wilson, f2 30pm Ar Selma, 3 30pm Ar Fay'tville 530pm Le G'dsboro, 8 15pm 7 40pm Le Warsaw, 4 14pm Le Magnolia, 4 27pm 8 40pm Ar WU'gton, 6 00pm 9 55pm No 4'i d'y, ei Bund' 1 40ao 747a-a 8 17ac 9 COan 1' OOan 10 ;4an 11 4ian TRAINS GOING NOETF. No li No 78, daily. tfo 40 d'y, ej Sucd'y. 4 OOpn 5i0pn 55 5pn 6&6pn ' daily LvWil'gton, 910am 915am Lv Magnolia, 3 37 10 57am Le Warsaw, 11 11am Ar G'dsboro, 4 33am 12 05am LeFay'tville, 9 10am Lv Selma, 110?8uS Ar Wilson, 1210pm Lv Wilson, 5 14am 12 58pm 7 4Spn Ar Rocky Mt, 5 37 1 30pm 8 21pm Ar Tarboro, 6 80em218pm Lv Tarboro, 12 58pm Ar Weldon, 6 35am 2 66pm 9 35pu Daily except Sunday. Johh F Divihb, General Superintendent, J R Kkitly, Sup't T'ans. T M Emirsoh, General Pas sg. Ualeigh aud Augusta A-JL lii. To take effect Trams mov ing South. No 41, Pass and Mail. Daily ex Sun. Leave. 400pm 4 19 " 9 am, 25, 1391. Sunday. Oct Raleigh, Cary, 4 31" Apex, 5 05 " Moncure, 5 28 " Sanford, 5 54 " Cameron, 6 21 " Southern Pines, 7 20 " Hamlet, 8 18 " Gibson, Lv Trains mov ing North No 88, Pass and Maii. Daily ex Bur Arrive 1120 an 11 01 am 10 49 am 10 16 am 9 52 arc 9 2fi an 8 58 an 8 00 au. 7 00 an Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23, Daily exct - Sunday. P M Lv 5 10 5 35 5 55am 7 06am 8 00pm a 46pm 9 39pn, il 30pm Ar -Stations Southbount Trains. Thro Frt anc Pass 23, Daily exc Sunday. Raleigh Cary Apei Moncure Sanford Cameron Souther cJPin: Hamlet Lv P B' 6 4! 6 i( :; 2! 5' 3 PJTTS-'-H ' i R, Leave Pittsboro, 9 10 e n Arrive Moncure, tt Leave Moncure 6 10pn Arrive Pi ttsboro, 5r' CARTHAGE R R Leave Carthage, 8 00 a n. Arrive Cameron. 5 Leave Cameron. V ;5 Arrive Cartba-re. u, ,0 Leave Carthage, aOOpm Arrive Cameron 4 45 p in Leave Cameron:, fj 50 Arrive Carthage. H 35 WM 8MITH,Supt, YOURSELF! ask vour Uriiso-iRh for . Dottle ol Jaitf . The only f- non voisonous remedv forali aLi the uunutiirul discharges and I private diseases of men and the aebilitating weakness peculiar to women. It cures in a few i days without the aid or l puwicity of a doctor. vim i niverml Aviencan Cure, AInnufactured by l The Evans Chemical Oo. CINCINNATI, o. a. . C3