Elon College. It U with graat ploro we note that tbU admirable Institution, under the foaterlnsr eare of the Christian denomination la Id aa flourishing eon dltlon as oajuld be expected, and that lta f ature proepeete are fall of prom U. Dr. Winston Is president of the college, and U aurrounded by able aaaiatanta. The oresent sesion wll eoon eloee, ai the commencement ei- reUea are to take place May 2Kth and 26th. On Wednesday morning of commencement, the representatives of the Society will speak, and on the Tenlnir of the same day the concert will take place. The graduating ex erclses will take place on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, and the annual sermon at It The annual reception willtakeDlaetat8p m on the same day. The sermon will be delivered bv Re?. Dr. P. M McWhinney, of Franklin, Ohio. The address will be delivered by Hon. John 8. Long, of New Berne. The general convention of the Christian Church South will meet May 21st, and will remain in session until commencement The session will be held at the college Reduce rates on tha railroads will no doubt be granted. Oxford and Coastline. Matters pertaining to the proposed Oxford and Coastline Railway do not seem to be so bright as has been hoped. There seems to be a hitch which may cause some temporary de lay in the scheme, The commission era of Oxford have adopted resolutions declining to issue the $40,000 in bends voted in aid of the road. In the course of a discussion on the subject, it was stated that Oxford had voted the money for a railroad to connect the town withe counties of Eastern North Carolina, to tap the Atlantic Coast Line, and that such contribu tion was to "aid in building," rather than to pay the entire cost construe tlon of the road. It was further stated tbat the vote ot 140X00 tor a road four and a half miles long, to connect with the Durham and North ern road ought not to have been made. The case will now go into the courts, where a considerable "hang up" may be expected. Died. In San foid yesterday morning, Mr. L T Brown, aged about 80 years. AN INSANE BRIDE Williamson, Ga , April 31 Mrs J N Hancock, a bride of only t o months, was yesterday adjudged in sane. The circumstances which led up to this sad result were somewhat peculiar. A week ago today she was supposed to have been engaged in some do mesne duty her husband being a farmer, was out on the farm when her clothing caught on fire. When discovered she was standing in a room with nearly all of her clothing burned from her body, wringing her hands and crying : ' Put the fire out I Don't let me burn up I" By some fortunate means, her person was not much burned. But she was under the impression that she was still burning, and her continual cries to I'put out the fire" were distressing. I10 BOGUS testimonials, no bo 11 eus Doctors' letters used to sell HOOD'8 Sarsaparilla. Every one of its advertisements is absolutely true. FOR RENT. Owing to our removal to Wilmington, N. C. the residence is for rent. AddIv to Mrs. M. J. Fentress, No. 117 Fayettt ville Street, Raleigh, S. v., or Mr. ueroert u. Fentress, 621 N. Fourth Street, Wilmington, W. V. may4-6t Notice. At a meeting of the corporators of the Al- leehanyCompany books of subscription were ordered to be opened in Rleieh. N C. : ?h, N C, by H W Miller and W T Smith. The books will be closed on May 5th. - ap28 td F H BUSBEE, Chairman. Notice, f Having this day qualified asth executor of the last will and testament of Nancy AI ten, decased, this is to give notice l o those in debted to her estate to make prompt pay- ment of same to me; and to those to whom the estate is indebted will present their claims " on or befor the 2th da; of April, 1893, or 1 his will be plead in oar oi weir recovery. jvun w Hixecutor. To -the We can furnish, under our special FURNITURE, (Bd room Pets, Parlor Suits, Sideboards.) WATCHES, (all movements.) DIAMONDS, (Rings, Earrings, Studs,) At from 15 per cent to 80 per cent less you to Day from 23 cents t tl each week. Call at our office and see samples ana THB AMERICAN PUflCQMI Ai SUPPLY COT 303 Favetieviile St., Raleigh, N.C. AGENTS WANTED. Good pay required. Raleigh Maritec Report. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Corrected weekly by W. O. St A. B. Sf RONACH. r ay ette ville and Wilmington' streets, 215 217 Meats O. R. sides, 6 8 Bulk shoulders, 7i 10 Bacon " 8t lljc " breakfast 12 18, Hams sugar cured 12 16c 44 N. 0. & Va., 121 16c Bacon N. O.. ho? round. ft Lard Pure, 8 10c Compound 6fc 8 FLOUR BeBt per bbl 6.00 $7.00 Family, " 0.75 h.w Good, 44 5.95 5.50 Covfee Rio Green 13 25c 3U3AR Granulated, 4 6$c Yellow extra C 4 5c Molasses Cuba 22 J fiOc New( dears, 221 60c Syrup-, 25 0 Meal per bushel fi5 80 Corn per bushel - 90 1,00 Oats per bushel, 65 80c HAT per bun wt vv l.iu Bran per pound, H lie Ship Stuff per pound, H Uc 'SALT per sack, 1.50 1:75 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter I7i 25o Eergs. 10 Chickens Spring, 15 25c Hens, 80 J$5c Potatoes Sweet, 60 75c NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -DO YOU- OWN YOUR OWN BOME ? Are we saving any money as the days pass by? Are we buying a home for ourselves and families, while we are better prepa-ed tli an when we get oklw loung msu are you saving any of your salary? rjome think they cannot save Anything while they have to pay such high rents and other expends, Just so; but did you fcnojv that ou can make arrangements with "The Covenant Building and Loan Association'' and buy you a desirable home for less monthly pay ments than you are now paying rent? Would it not . e well to see about this? We can show you where we have loaned i 5,000 in Rallgh to build houses. Young man, every young man snouid save something every day. Did you evei try it? Well, then, suppose you tryint for one month Do with half your daily cigars, half of daily tobacco, and half of other unnecessa.y expenses. Why, you would be the most surprised of any one, how much this would save. Then invest in the Building and Loan Association and your profits will equal each payment within seven years. Our Building and Loan Association want to loan money I ere, and will arrange it so that you will hardly know how you repay it. Aply to may2-lm. "... WAY.nJS ALLCOTT- Executor's Sale. i 'U w 7Vxv.octy lUUJ AifM uvau, uv ciciru o'clock a m, I will proceed to sell tor cash at auction at Yancey & stronach's (tore, on South Wilmington street, the household and kitchen furniture of the late Nancy Allen Terms of sale, cash. JOHH W BROWN. ' ap28 td Ex'r of Nancy Allen, dee'd. Notice Sale of Real Estate Under Mor. gage. By virtue of a deed of .mortgage, executed on the 13th day of April, 1891, by Joshua Morgan and Rebecca Morgan, his wife, to 0 H Beine. the undersigned will offer for sale, on the 21st day of May, 189, at public auction, at the court house in Raleigh, ten acres of land in Cedar Fork township, Wake county, being the lands described in said mortgage and which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Wake county, in book 113, on page 636. Terms of sale, cash. U t ttJUis Hi, mortgagee Apiii;20, 1892tds . . SHlMGLESaH Wtste dit rgett street on B R at mill; beat heart shingles. Also a cheap lot for patch. i in roofs and cover ire shelters. &c. L H Public. club plans, almost anything: Fancy Chairs, Desks, Chiffoniers and than retail prices and will only ask putes ana learn further particulars. given; no cost for oat fit; no experience ap181m Bakery and Gonfeciioiiery. Ice Cream Saluoon. ihisisareal nicer place .where you can find comfort and refreshment in the shape 01 aencious ice cieam in Bretscli's - Ice - Cream - Parloi . and just such confectioneries as you like best, - The Bakery and Confectionery Depart ment is kept supplied with fresh Confections, Nicnai ks. Candies, Cakes, Breads, &c, just from the ovens. Don't fail to call in and take a saucer of ice cream when down town shopping, and leave your orders for your bread at the same time. CHAS. BRETSCH mb.31 103.Fayetteville street, BOYS and GIRLS HAVE YOU SEEN 9 That beautiful maeazine for Southern iJo and Girls. It is the h ndsoinest Young t ;opie s .magazine in America, itnasbe- ooTie a welsonie visitor to thousands o' i juthern homes. No pains or expense i stored to make it attractive. Each number contains a volume of interesting reading fot young folks. Short and continued stories, out-door sports, new games, and in fact everything to interest bovs and girls. Twen ty-eight pages and cover, each pace is hand somely illustrated. It is "The Queen of the South," '-The Pet o' every Home Circle," and no boy or girl can afford to be without it. To see it is to want it. rnd to have it for six months or a year is a continual eniov- ment for all the family. We want every dov and girl who has not seen this charming magazine to send ns seven one-cent stamps ai once ior a Bampie copy; or, oetter still, if you will send us One Dollar we will send you Southern Sunbeams for one year and mate you a present-- 1 "Coooers Leather- stocking Tales." Five great works in one large volume, free or ail cost. . Address SOUTHERN SUNBEAMS. Box 363. Atlanta. Ga. A Good IFSit IS AN IMPORTANT HIT. - Our trade has been such that wo have been forced to made addition- : - al orders for goods in order to keep H N -UF OUR STOCK.- These goods came in last week and are now ready for your inspection. CALL AND EX- 7- AMINE them GEO.N WALTERS 234 Fayefevflle St. WW W. H. Holloway, Manufacturer and Dealer L Carriages, Bip, Wagons, c Has on hand special bargains in New Buggies.Carts Ac Also several second hand lobs almost as good as new, which will be sold at about cost to make room for other work. Repairing, Pdinting & Trimming done in first class style and on short notice. ALSO HOBS (.SHOEING by an expert shoer. Give me a trial at NO U4 JfiAHr DAVIJfi STREET. RALEIGH NO. mhlltf -AT- 216 Favetteville St. TK7YTV Dry Pine Wood, cut in Wly any leneth. delivered to any part or the city. LUMBER funr&ed on short notice. Also shingles, laths, fcc- TTOOT My Special Horse and JJ VJJUmmCow Food is trainine auite a reputation wnerever usea. it will pay you J J . 1 . w." ..." to give it a irmi. WMii.AT, 1 1 nil luwesii uriuea w ueat. L.om. uaLS. kvb. both for seed and feed. Also Bran. Corn Meal, Pea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choice Timothy Hay, wheat and Rice Straw. -AL80- FERTILIZERS- Js ated Fertilizers, Pure Bone Meal, Land Plas ter, Acia rnospnate eneu liimem any quan tities. SEEDS-, Choice Grass and do er Seeds of everv kind. Dom ior neia ana larm. L- R. WYATT. .k4 Sclentiflo American r fa Aannrtv tor T- - WMB ASABhW 41 kmwb mnio. - DE8ION PATKMTM ffv OOPVRIQHT8a ato ?l?TI5,l$!2n an ft Handbook write to fJSM i 861 Broadway, nw Yokk. Oldest bureau for seeming patents In America. Byery patent taken out by ns Is brooght before the public br a notloe given free of coarse In tbj ,ffiftii( wjto invest wrCTUatlon of any soientifle paper In tl world. Bplendldly Illustrated. NoTnteUlge rear; $1.60 six months. Address MTOM CX VCBLIHHJSBS. 861 Broad wit. N " 1 ) ! BF t ! YOU ! fMk i Something superbly nice, buy some of those English Cured Shoulder nt lftn a nnnnt which so nearly approach the very best cured hams. Then if you want a first class - SMOKE, MM Or if you should want anything to go before go be that or after these at .moderate prices will please you, call on ' aMt.f) .. I John R Terrell, NO. 203 Fayettevllle Street . mh3 Cbildre" c for When Bahy was alek, wa gava her daatorta. wTieaahawaaCl,ah.crt6dforCaatorta, mien aha became Was, aha elung to Oastorla, "tahehadClilldr. sbagathesmCaalixla. m au 1 mm m m We will make yon anything you want in the shape of mmm, - en OR OTHER VEHICLES. --WI MAKI A 8PZCIALTT OF SubstantialfEepairina REGULAR FRAZER CART SHAFTS FOR RFPAIRING, IN STOCK. Old Jobs Bepalred ard made tolcoi like NEW. ' J. W. EVANS. Corner Blount and Morgan Streets, RALEIGH, NO- OF NEW AND STYLISH GOODS AT ROCK BOTTqM PRICE8. Clothiner Our stock of Cloth ine, Hats, Uhderwear, Shoes, &c, is large and complete and we are determined not to oe undersold. Clothing Clothing Clothiner Hats Hats Hats Hate Hate Hate Clothinsr Clothing WHITING BROS. MM, Sc.. The Anthracite Coal has arrived. ""We have ' "ww ui biuck ana arriving, 200 T Anthracite Coal. Egg, Stove and Nut. 200TONS Russell Creek Lump Coal. 100 T0NS TenLessef and Kentucky Lump Coal, 5QQTONS PccahcntasJSteaui Coal. 5Q.TON3 Gayton EgglCoaL 100,000 RAWED SHINGLE8 1 100,000 SAWED LATHH. : 1 VayOprn.C;t., For sale very cfose for cash by the cajfltwd.' more or less, by uarlw,lu Jones & Powell.! " TelephonesJH and 71 Raleigh. N O." Castorla promote. IMgasilon, andr voomea Flatulency, Constipation, dour -yv u;h Diarrhcea, and Faverlshneafl, " ixof the child is rendered healthy and St. sleet', natural, Caatoria contains no'' If orpbhw or other narcotic property. ' v-pi -castorla m so well adapted U chlldrtn that I reoommend it aar ")erlor to any presortptiM.. known to me." x H. A. Ameses, V. P.. v H1 South f ford 8t Brooklyn, p. Y. "1 m Oastorla a my practice, tad (bid tt affections of children. M xx. Robirtson. M. D ' - ' , apeciaUr adapted , . . 10B7 Sd Ave., Kew Tork, , MVron personal now ted g and pbservatloai I cans; bat Castorla Is an excellent medietas for children, acting as a laxative and reliarinic the pent up bowels antf general system very 100b. Many mothers have told me of itsaaa seUeat effect upon their children." - ' Da, O, a OaaooD, - fcowelL Kaat, ja.Aima'VAirr,t?lIumvStMar 'tTv larnage I'actory s0 : t i. 'I i'n mmm nm jti. A J

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