1 8 VOL. XXVII. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. 1892. NO. 1G : ' Utettot, at main vtmn L- t V J I t J" 4 '1- 4 t J: . -1 a I MINIATURE ALMiLNAC FOR TODAY. Ban ripei Hnn let 4 58 6 64 ;MW0B' PHAII8 F IB MAT. First quarter. 8d 1:57 P. M. Fall moon, llth 5:45 P. M Liut quarter, lth-9:8i A. M. Kew moon. 86th-0:85 A. M. 8 vHOPBI OF THB WKATHKB. The following U the synopsis of the weather at 8 a. m. todaj: 'FOR HORTH CAROLINA. Fair weather, preceded by showers on the coast. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. m. touay: Maximum temperature, Minimum temperature Kainfall, . f8 61 C.60 REMOVAL. The" Office of the EVENING VIS1TOK bas beu removed to the second story of the bulldiuR corner of Fayetteville street and Exchange Place, over Mr. Hal llobb'U's drug store. Entrance aw door on Exchange Place. CITY IN BIHEF. Splendid neason for gardens A considerable crowd of Raleighltes are at Morehead. Work on the exenioo of the street railway through Brookelde Park has commenced Several of the private residences of the city are being painted and other wise flxed up It is said that the recent docket of the Supreme Court was the lightest In twenty five years. Grend Sire 0. M Busbee is in Wil mington, in attendance ou the Grand Lodge of Odd Feilo B lu that eity. Be sure to attend the free lecture to be given by Rev. W. S. Creasy, at Metropolian Hall tonight. - No cattle show in Raleigh this year, but we can have a centennial all the same, provided the hearts of our peo ple can be enlisted in the matter. The Mayor's office was today bar ren of Interest bo far as trials were concerned. Nothing to disturb the general peace. The prostration after the Grip en tirely overcome by Hood's Bareaparu la. It really does make the weak strong. A'mpsicale will be given at the residence of Mrs R. C Badger, on Friday night next. Contributions will be received for contemplated iin provements of the rectory of Christ church. A ereat deal of just Indignation is expressed here, over the uncalled for and shame'ess attack or a imrnain nftDer upon the party of gentlemen who recently appeared in that city in the representation of a humorous narformance for charataole purposes Of course, the people of Durham do not endorse any such proceedings. , Don't fall to attend the strawberry festival of tht Lend a-Hand Circle of the King's Daughters tomorrow eve ning st the store formerly occupied h Messrs. McGee & Moely. " Ice cream and other delicacies will also be served. 'We hope it may be liber- - ally attended. 7 The Visitor acknowledges the re ception of an invitation to be pres ent at the marriage of Miss Mary .Desharo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Lukin Desharo, at Glendale, Spen cer, Va., on Wednesday, May 25th, to Mr. Geo. P. Pel. Mr, Pell is well and favorably known in Raleigh, his former home and the place of his na vtlvity. ' Hits and HoWls. ; Whenever yon throw a rock in the dark and hear a bowl, you can oet a ' 4A.hu hpn hit The Amateurs made V.Vft - ome local hits at Durham There has been a howl ever since irom a miserable cur called Fairbrotner. F. H Ltjmbdbn : Cajft be found at 226 Fayetteville Baptist Taberurcie Tonight. Mr. N- B. Broughton, who returned yesterday from attendance upon the . DOUtUcru DHyltou uuutduuvu iu lanta, Ga , will give some account of the trip and of the proceedings of the body at the Baptist Tabernacle tonight. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting of Seaton Gales Lodge tomorrow night at 8 o'clock sharp. Work in the first degree. Candidates for this degree will pre sent themselves promptly at ' 7:15 o'clo-k. A cordial invitation to all Odd Fellows. Thibm, Sec. Meeting. Members of Centre Lodge K. of P. are requested to meet in Castle Hall of Phalanx Lodge No. 84, this even ing at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of attending the lecture of Brother W. S. Creasy. By order of the Lodge. W. W. WlXLSON, K. of P. and S. A Good Suggestion. With his characteristic energy and disposition to please the public, our friend, Capt. B. P. Williamson, pro -poses to have a special show of his splendid stock at his Fairview farm, near the city, at such time as may. be decided upon. Our contemporary, the State Chronicle suggests May 17, for the occasion, as many delegates to the State Convention will be in the city. The idea is an admirable one. and we hope it may be carried out. Memorial Day. Although the inclement weather of last evening had a somewhat un favorable effect upon the occasion, there was nevertheless a considera ble turn out. Metropolitan Hall was pretty well filled to hear the address of Hon. B. H. Bunn upon the life and services of Gen. Wm. McTtae, of Wil mington, N. 0. After th exercises in the Hall the procession moved to the cemetery in the order laid down in the programme. It was a most in teresting occasion throughout . Odd Fellowship. Reports made to the Grand Lodge of O ld Fellows, now in session at Wilmington, show a steady advance ment of the whole order. The in crease in lodges and membership du ring the pat fiscal year wre larger than ever before. Fourteen new lodges were organized and 700 mem bers joined the order. The' total membership is now 4 000 The re ceipts were $7,000 ; disbursements 14 000 Acknowledgment. We acknowledge an invitation to atteud the celebration of the 117th anniversary of the Mecklenburg declaration of,- Independence to be held at Charlotte, N. 0., May 18th, 19th and 20th, 1892 The following is the Executive Committee: Mayor R J Brevard, E. D. Latta, Dr. Geo. W. Graham, Ool. H. C. Jones, Eli B. Springs, V. R. Taliaferro, M P. Pegram, jr.. Wil lis B Dowd, T, R. Robertson, W. C. Maxwell. Perso -al Mention. Miss Mamie Heartt, of Durham, who has been visiting friends in this city, has returned home Rev W. S Creasy arrived in the city today and is stopping with Rev. Dr. F ' L. Reld, on Hillsboro street. J. H Pou, of Johnstoncounty, is in the city. Geo W Means Esq , of Concord, is here. Mr. Everette Betts has gone to Wil mington for a few days on a business Mrs D H Riggan and little daugh ter, of Wake Forest, are visiting Mrs. J. M. Riggan, 719 South Blount street. Nice thin skin lemons by the box or dozen, at D. T. Johnsod's. (lone Wrong. W briefly mentioned in our issue of yesterdav, that an agent of the Richmond & Danville Railroad, on the Oxford and ClarksviHe road, had decamped with funds belonging to the company. Later intelligence re veals the fact that the name of the man Is 0. J). Wilkins a Btation agent. It seems th t a considerable quantity of iron ore is shipped from the station, on which the freight is prepaid. Wilkins ool ected this money and went on a trip to New York where he invented funds iu a green goods enterprise Of corrsa the money whs lost and Wilkins, fled His whereabouts is unknown, but a force of officers are after him, and he will, in all probability be cauitat. liather Heavy. It seems that the winding up of the affairs of the Firs'-. National Bank, of Wilmington, will work hardship on the stockholders of the institution Comptroller Lacy has issued an or der to the effect, that to pay the debts ( f the bank, it will be necessary to enforce the liability of the stock holders An assessment has there fore been made upon the shareholders for 2".0,000 to be paid on or before the 13th of June 189?, and req tires from every one of them $100 upon each share of the capital stock held or owned by them at the time of the bank's failure. These demands will be enforced by suit. New Stylish Dress Goods. We will receiy this week another big lot of new and fashionable dress goods, as our buyer who is now north carefully selecting a large and elegant stock, v ill arrive this week, and each department in our mammoth empo rium will be full to overflowing with bright, new and attractive goods, all of which will be the greatest bargains cer brought to this market. We will mention the date of our great annual one cent chaliie sale in a few days. See our lage assortment of straw matting; also our large stock of rugs in all the late and new de signs .Yours truly, D. T. Swin Dkll.S- Died. Yesterday, at her residence on Newborn Avenue, after a long illness, Mrs. J. C. Brewster. She leaves a husband, several children and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The funeral took place this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock from Ed enton street church. In Sanford, Moore county, N. C , ou Tuesday evening, the 3rd day of May, 1892, at 4 o'clock, Mr. L. T. Brown He had been confined to his room for some time with an infl ama tory disease which gradually destroy ed his constitution. He was the de voted" eon of R. M. Brown, Esq., of Haywood, Chatham county, N. C, and was in his 33d year. He went to Sanford some years ago, and was em ployed by the Mclver firm as sales man. He remained v,ith that house about 8 years and retired from the mercantile business about two yeais ago. He was at one time very popu lar in commercial circles, and . was considered a shrewd, capable busi ness man. He leaves an aged father, seven sisters and four brothers, to gether with many other dear relatives and friends to mourn their loss. His remains were laid to rest by the side of his wife in Buffalo cemetery on the 4th day of May, the day after his death. Funeral services conducted by Rev. D. N. McLauchlin. Sale of Horse and Cart. As Receiver appointed in the case of Jonos & Rogers, I will on Saturday, May 14th, at 1? o'clock m., sell at the Auction house of Yancey & Stronaoh the hors, cart and harness lately used by Dr C. F. Dowd. Terms cash Jniios Lkwts, Receiver. May 9th, 1893 lw ' Small California hams, 8 to 5 lbs each, 10c. per pound, at i ' D. T. Johnson's. special notice;. - Planter, Plant Plants. Tomato plants (12 varieties). Beet plants. Pepper plants (bull nose). Cauliflower plants. Cabbage plants. Celery plants. Chis. C. McDonald. m w s 3t pd . m For Kent. The 81edge residence, No. 506 E iHt Hargett street. Contains eight large rooms, Attached to the house is a lartte garden and roomy yard. Good well of water on the premises. Apply ap7 6; to J. C. Marcom. Straw Hats and Patent Leather Si'oes. The new styles in Dunlaps straw hats, nobby shapes for young men, a complete line of straw hats of other reliable makers. Now is the best sea son to wear patent leather shoes, and we are showing the most complete line we have brought out. . The popular shapes in laces and congress patent leather shoes. Patent leather Oxfords, &c. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Our Special.Sale Thursday, May 12th. We have secured another lot of dress goods and towels. We will tell th dress goods on Thursday for 4. a yard, and the towels at 19c. V'e will continue our ribbon sale til! the lot is closed out. 14 3t WOOLLCOTT & SOKS. Situation Wanted. A boy of 16 years of age wishes a situation. Any one wishing to em ploy a smart, industrious boy will address " Siai," care of Evkhing Vis- ITO For Bent. A seven room he use. Apply to ap29 tf H. M. Farnsworth. Janaluska Claret. A. Dughi, General Agent. apl4 lm. .. ' For Sale. A fine i size 4 stringed, Double Bass Violin, &o. W-J. Brown, aid 18 lm 108 W. Edenton Street MY GOODS STORE! NEW LINE OP . WASH FABRICS. SHAUTONG PONGEES, in beautiful India silk designs. DUCHES8 MULLS, in all the new colorings. FIGURED CREPONS, Specially nice for Spring and Summer wear. ZEPHYR1NES, Ginghams, Outings in all the now Spring colorings. WHITE GOODS ! We are showing great bargains in White Goods. Ask to see our 12Jc and 15c white goods. They are worth and are sold in all stores at 25c and 35c per yard. Ask to See Our Line Shoes Norris' Dry Goods Stork. fflllLLIN-ER-Y- We are offering a nice line of Millinery to day and invite the ladies to coma and look at our stock. We will ssve you some money in this department. Also in Dress Goods, White Goods, Flouncing. We will save you as ner rent in all SliDners and Shoes, Chil dren's I ace Caps 23 to 74c, Lace Curtains 74c to vi 87, counterpanes ac ran o, w muow Shades 20 to 83c; Tab'e Oil Cloth 14c to 25c, rnirs 47e to 4 78. Hassocks 47c to $ 1, Scrim 4c, Lawn 4c, Calicos 4c White Cloth 4c, N C Plaids 4c, Machine Silk Thread 4c, worth 10c anywhere, Button Hole Silk lc, 2 skeins if this thread does not compare with the hst it is our loss and not yours; Ball Thread lc,St -w Matting 13 to 25c, 8-day Clock $2 87, worths 50, Nickel Clocks 74 to 80c, Trunks 37c to lo 84, Valises ana sags an prices, Bug itt WhiDS 6c to 11. Parasols 15c to 1 24, Um brellas all prices, 43c to $1 9H, 28x40 pictures fl, worth $2 50, Drapery Chains 7c to lCc. Drapery Pins 4c set, Tinware for less than cost to repair an old one, Men and Boy's Straw Hats at your own pries, Corsets 24c to 98c. We do not have a special day as a bar: in duv because our; is every day in the fk. Fish Hooks 2c Qoz, Thimbles lc at the LIROtlSTME. 86 Centre Street, Goldsboro, and 139 Fayetteville St., Raleigh Hardware, Ate. THE NEW QUAKER-:-CITY LAWN JIOWKK. Ten Special Points of Merit: Its reputation for Exo-llena Fully Estab lished m uns City. Be Not Deceived by the many poorly constructed Mowers. IT UUKS EASY! A. SSI ALL CHILD CAN USE IT! J"Send for circulars and special prices. TBOMASJ. BKIGGS SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. Etllffi !- S5 lew and Attractive FOR Spring and Summer TIMDS NTRIMMED and Bonnets iu latest and most desirable shapes andstyles. INFANTS' & Crepe dc Chene Caps and Shirred Hats, &c, &. TT A T I) GOODS, CREPE de CHENE -t-L-Ti-XlL and Windsor Ties in all col ors. Fans, Hair Ornaments and many fan cy novelties. ; DRAPERY S8 S t" broidery ail Ltd. Prices reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. MISS MGCIE REESE. 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. ap9 tf Adminlstracr's Notice. . Having this day qualified as the adminis trator o the estate of the late Solomon Brown, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present the same to me for payment on or before the 4th day of March, 1893, or this notice will be plead iu bar of recovery. Ail persons indebted to the estate will please settle without delay. SAMUEL D GRIFFIN, nih3 6w Administrator. Dry Good, Notions, &c. iiiiiiiiis For Gentlemen- Our pr sent line of Negligee Shirts em braces more desirable styles than we have previously showu, and it is much better to make selections now while the assortments are complete. We show a full line of sizes in Percales, Wash Flannels, Madras, Palmetto, Oxfords, Beuguelas and Cambridge. LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR. We carry just the rght weight in Gents Lnderweir fur present use Summer Merino in white and natural wool the texture to wear before putting on gauze. DRESS SHIRTS, Nigh4 Shirts, - : -Bath Robes, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, &c. A complete department; everything of re liable quality and reasonable in price. B. H. f R. S. Tucker $ Co. Vtreebi at any . r a V