-I ' Che if mm X&Xttift VOL. XXVII., RALEIGH, FRIDAY, MAY 20. 1892. NO. 24 s ,1: MINIATURE ALMANAC FOR TODAY. 8an rlres 8aa seta MOOH'B PHASKB F R MAT. First quarter. 8d 1:57 P. M. Fall moon. 11th 15:45 P. M-i Last quarter, 19th-9:8 A. M. Hew moon. 80th 0:3) A. M. B1BOPBIH OF THB WKATHBR. The following is the synopsis of the weather at 8 a. m. coaay; FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Fair, slightly warmer. RALKIOH AND VICINITY. ' Fair slightly cooler, followed prob ably by ruin Saturday evening. Local data.for 24 hoars ending 8 a m today: Maximum temperature, Mlnlmnm t.ntnnprature 56 Rainfall. 0 00 flTY IN BIIIKF. Fires were comfortable this morn lng. This is a state holiday and the de partinents'at thexsapltol ere closed. Many of our citizens have gone to the Charlotte celebration Senator Ransom is in attendance on the Oharl- tto celebration. The usual "I told you so," is now in order. Gov. Vance could not accompany the congressional party to Charlotte owing to the con lit on of his health. Now that the convention is gone, let us get up something else to re move the ennui. WiUUtns. of Pitt, goes ba"k to the bosom of his corsHtueuts. ucterrifled and as full of patriotism as ever. Nearly everyone has need of a good sprirg tupi1ii!i ., ai.d Hood's Sarsa parilU is undoiibt lly the best. Try it this season. The- street gars are now rnn ning through from the fir grounds to E ist Raleigh, without interrup tion. The Pythian band will give a con cert in their hall tonight. All mem bers of the K-iisrhts or Pythias are invited. A new town clock with ahandsoiue enpalo on t c market house building would be the correct thins for our city Fathers to order. All the delegates elected to the Chicago Convention are shy of inter viewers They generally declare that they are for the man who can win and that ends it. There is a general desire to ha,ve the Business Men's Carnival repeated. The very large crowd at the lecent rendition is a guarantee that it would bear repetition. It is rumored in the city today that, the condition of Gov. Vance is some what serious. We must think, how ever, that it arose from the fact that he did Dot feel able to attend the Charlotte, celebration. There are 985 penitentiary cod vlcte at work at Rocky Blount, building a stockade preparatory to commencing the railway shops to be erected there by the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road. '' V Read the advertisement of Messrs. Whiting Bros, who announce some real solid values in the clothing line, &o. Bbpecially should our people note the. new color in the line of Derby hats for $1 49. The alarm sounded this afternoon from box 24 was caused from a small house in the eastern section of the oitv known as East Raleigh catching fire. It was soon extinguished with little or no damage. , It was occupied by Mr. Sawyer and situated corner Davie and East streets. It is reported that letters have been received from some of the -colored people who left this section of the State for Kansas some time since du ring the exodus craze, stating that they were in a bad condition and ' longing for a return to their old homes. No better plate than North a O irolina, of which Raleigh la the gar den spot. ., The graded schools closed today for summer vacation. All the trains passing through to day going west were crowded with persons for the Charlotte celebration Several of the newly elected Board of Aldermen in Greensboro have been declared ineligble bnoause they hold other offices, and a new election has been ordered. Reports continue to be received at, the Agricultural Department of the ravages of grasshoppers in the east em section of the State, especially in Robeson. They attack the leaves of the forest trees in great numbers. There have been only 06 complaints docketed by the Railroad Commission ap to date. This is very good when ve consider that some people are f ungenerous as to declare that all cor porations have no souls. We learn that the sales of connuer cial fertilizers in the State so far this spriog.bas been two thirds larger than last spring. This is evidencsd by the sales of tonnage tax tags at the Agri cultural Depaitment. The goat that caused the alarm of fire last evening by butting at a look ing glass in which his shadow wps rc fle ted, upsetting a lamp, hesbee-i arrested, tried and convicted. He was executed this morning by throat cut ting. Mr. George Williams informed us, today, that chicken thieves made a raid on the promises of bis father, Mr J.-Rufflu Williams on New Bern avenue, last ivg'.'.t. They carried off several valuable hens. tlentre Lodge, N 3, K. oi P. You are hereby ordered to meet at the Castle Hall of Ph ilaux Lodge. No 81, this p m at 8:10 o'clock to attend the meeting of Ph Jaux Ljdge, K of P. Band concert, &c. M. Andrews, Chancellor Commander. Attest: W.W. Wilson, K. of R. & S. urand Excursion to Louisburg:. Will leave this city at 8 o'clock ' fharp Monday a. m May 23d. AH persons white and eol'uvd can go on : this trip and enjoy theunelves to the highest degree. Good order guaran- j teed, and positively no drunken or disorderly person allowed on the train. All manner of amusement au be had at the beautiful to n of Louis-' burg The people there extend to all who go a most cordial welcome. A. J. Haywood's brass band will fuii nish music for the occasion. Round trip 9"c; children under 12, 50c. Pope, Williamson and Mitchell, managers. Our County Commissioners. The magistrates of the county of Wake will meet next month in this city for tbe purpose of electing a new board of co'iuty commissioners, and it is a matter that is attracting more than ordinary interest We are of those who believe that the commist siouers of a county are something outside of a mere board to be chosen only from political considerations. We look upon them from a business standpoint, and believe that they should be selected with a view to their business qualifications. It may be almost considered that the board of commissioners of a county the size of Wake, constitutes a body possess ing to some degree the powers of a small legislature Wake is a great d unt, and her interests are varied and many It will not do to select men unfitted by experience or educa tion to transact matters brought up for consideration W will have much hereafter to say on this subject. There is abundant room for great criticism. flat Sale. ' Swindell's sale of ladies straw hats at 10c and 15c began yesterday. There are dozen of these hats and are worth 23c to 150 cents each. We sell them at 10c and 15o each at , Swindell's. ) , Pergonal Mention. Mr M. L Oldham is confined to his botre from slokopps. Elias Carr, the Democratic nomi nee for governor, has gone to Char lotte to participate in the celebration of the 20th May. Mr William Hall, who has for same time been on a visit to Franklin coun ty, has returned to the city to take a position in th,- store of Mr. H. H. Crocker, on East, Hargrett street. iood Service. The Western Union TelAgraph Co. is entitle.! to t.h th inks of the press generally for the effldiaut.service ren dered dnring the recent convent ou Tbe volume of business was treraen ''ous but it was admirably and quick ly disposed of by Manager Eorton and his efficient farce -Mr. W. C. Richardson, the aight press operator, Mr. Burch and Mr. Jones. The mes senger boys-Tommle P. Lumsden, Lercy Thiem, Robert G Nixon and 0. O. Bunch were always on hand conveying messages between the con vention hall and the office. They performed their duties well and de serve praise Deserved. One of the most graceful and de serving acts of the recent convention as i he passage, late yesterday after noon, of a resolution most cordially endowing the administration of Gov. Holt, of which the following is a copy: Resolved. That this convention most heartily endorses the adminis tration of Gov. Holt. It has been honest, able and clean, in all the dif ferent departments. The public money has been safely kept, the ex penditures duly audited and dis bursed, and the public school system has been brought to a state of excel lence never before attained in North Carolina. Occupying the position of a non partisan joarnal we can all the more bear testimony to the justice of the resolution. We can go further and say, that as a temporary citizen of Raleigh Gov. Holt has, to a great ex tent, endeared himself to many of our people. We are sure that we voine the public sentfment of the people of Raleigh in wishiug for him and his household the longest span of human happiness. New China silk" and other new dress goods and millinery just coming in at Swindell's. For Keut. A desirable cottage on Oakwood avenue, conveniently looated. Ap ply to ui203 Mrs. M C. Williams. One Cent Challies. Swindell's sale of challie, atone cent a j ard, comes off on next Tues day. Received Today. A nice- line of Persian and India mulls Pineapple tissue and wash silks for dresses; very cheap. All colors cheese cloth 5c a yard. Woollcott & Sons Many People Have Few Dollars The struggle in life for an existence to many people is accompanied by sweat of blood and tears of gall. And then for these same people wasting and squandering their substance by paying dearly for wares when Swin dell has just the stuff they want and need at prices far less than what they are paying each day, does appear as the height of folly. Swindell has been (13) thirteen years in this busi ness and is well acquaiuted with all the byways in which goods are to be had for less than the regular price. Swindell asks 10 accommodation from the wholesale men; has the cash and is master of the situation Mer chants who have to buy on credit have no bargains to offer you D T Swindell went to New York last week and the purchases can now be seen in our stores. A visit to our store will pay tou. Yours truly, ' D. T. Savin Dell. Bicycles at cost. Not having room to properly exhibit bicycles I will close out stock on hand at -jst. ruyl8 3t W. H Hdohes. Unlaundried Shirts. We have them all sizes at 38o and 5lo. The best you ever saw for the money. A new line of leatherand silk belts. All the ne st.y'eH in ruillin ry goods. A lot of ladies hats 5c each. 15 pes of Persian lawns, very fine, 12Jc a yard, cbe.ip at 25 a yard. Woollcott & Sons. We close our store at 7 p tu. sharp. mylS3t For Salo Cheap. A siugl btig--y .If rsey vpon and two sets of harness. App v to Mrs W. T. Woodward, 417 South D nvson street. myi7 6t Special Sale of White Skirtings. We began yesterday a special sale of ladles and children's white skirt ings. We have put them just as one enters from Fayetteville street, anil they are at lo.ver price than they have been known iu Kaleigh. Those who come first will get the best. This lot of skirtings cannot last long. They are so cheap everybody will want one. W. H. & R. 8. Tucker & Co. Janaluskft, Claret. A. Dughi, General Agent. apl4 lm. WANTED A-srenta, male and female, to sell the 'Chanopion Automatic Gas bur ner.' Saves the consumer oik per ft; endorsed by many leading business man of the Scut1). Sample with full instructions sent postpaid to any address for 75o. To bona tide parties desiring to take up the agency a liberal dis count allowed, and free sample provided. Address General Southern Manager Aiu.Nhs Controller and Fixture Uo. Home, Ga.inlKtit, AGkNTS WANTED Male and female, old and young, $15 to 'if per dny aasily made selling oar Queen Plating Ou'tits and doing gold, silver, nickel, copper and brass plating, that is warranted to wear for years, on every class of metal, tablewnre, jewelry, &c. Light and easily handled, no experi ence required to operate them. Can be car ried by hand with ease from house to house, same as a giip sack or satchel. Agents are makins? money rapidly. They sell to almost every busini ss house and famiiy, and work shop. Cheap, durable, simple and within reach of every one Plates almost instantly equally to the finest new work. Send for circulars, &c. QttEUN CITY KILVKK and NICKEL PLATING CO, East St Louis, 111. my 18 t,t,s tf bit -mil nm NEW LINE OF WASH FABRICS SHAUTONG PONGEE.8, in beautiful India silk designs. PUCHESS MULLS, in all the new colorings FIGURED CREPONS, Specially nice for Spring and 8ummer wear. ZEPHYRINES, Ginghams, Outings in all the now Spring colorings WHITE GOODS ! We are sliow-ng great bargains in White Goods. Ask to see our 12Jc and 15c white goods. They are worth and are sold in all stores at 25c and 35c per yard. (Asito'SeeOflr.Uaaoes' Norris' Dry Goods Stork. T HEY RE I ERE ! Those 14 Ladies' Hats, worth 50c; don't make any difference how we otthem; w have the stun in the house. Come quick if you want a Ladies' Hat at 14c. Also Rib bons and everything that belong to milli nery department. We are working for the millinery trade and will Iwve it. In shoe we have no competition: will save you 35 per cenfon evsry pair shoes yo l buy. Best Machine Tlrv ad 3c, Ball Thread 1c, Machine Silk Twist 4c, worth 10, ' 2 skeins Silk Ic.AA Sheeting.yd wide,5c, Check Homspun 4c, Lawn 4c, . Scrim 4c, Dress Goods tc, Hamburg 5c, Lace lc up, CORSETS24C Needles lc. Brass Pins 4c, Fisii Hooks 2c dozen, Fish Lines lc, Thimbles lc, Hugs 47c to $4 78, Call f v what you want at the 86 Centre Street, Goldsboro, and 139 ravetleville St., llaleigh. STORE Hardware, &c. THE NEW QUAKER-:-CITY LAWS MOWER. Ten Special Points of Merit: Its reputation for Excellence Fully Estab lished in this City. Be Not Deceived by The many porly constructed Mowers. I IT RUNS EASY! ! A SMALL CHILD CAN USE IT! ;.PSend for circulars and special prices. TEOHAS 11. BR1GGS SOUS, RALEIGH, N. C. VT)V Millinery. 1 IJillinery. Wew and Attractive FOR Opting and Summer H A1SD untri UNTRIMMED nets iu and most ue&iruble shapes and styles. rNFANTC MUSLIN, SILK -L1, - JLl lO & Crepe de Chene Oaps and Shirred Hats, &o, &. HA Tl? GOODS, CREPE de CHENE -ii-AJ-t and Windsor Ties in all col ors. Jjaus, Hair Ornaments and many fan cy novelties. ni a m?irv silks ALT. broidery Silks. Prices reasonabld aod satis faction guaranteed. 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. ap9tf Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as the adminis trator ot the estate of the late W W Hoi den, this ii to notify ail persons havini; claims against the estate to present the same to me tor payment on or before the 10th dav of May, 1893, or this notice will be plead in bar ot recovery. Ail persons indebted to the estate will ploase settle without delay C A 8HJLKWOOD, my!7 6w i-diainistrator. lry tioods, Aottong, &c. fJ.IUBXTUCKlRHO. STRAW Our line of these delightful summer floor coverings h.is never been so great as lor this season. One of the novelties for this year is the Inserted Mattin'g. We ate also showing new effects in Brus sels designs, Block Patterns, fcc. 1 rices as low as reliable goods C-A-N B-E S-O-L-D. If!! T TIT ffllLLILWjil U ft TAINS AND Everything in the line of Lace Curtains and sin er curtain materials Nottingham Curtains in Brussels effect 'lotted Swiss. Fancy Ma.'ras in white and colored grounds, Pongee Draperies, &c. For s yli.sh and irexpeusive curtains, we particularly recommend this line. t. U 1 S. Mil $ Ca.