4 t Che Shttlii VOL. XXVII. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22. 1892. NO. 52 i ; . .1 if. The Weather Today. Local forecast for Raleigh till 8 p. m. tomorrow : Occasional showers. Continued warm. Local data for 24 hoars ending 8 a. m. today: Maximum temperature, 8; mini innm temperature, 7' ; rainfall 0.18. CITY IN BRIEF. Thermometer at Bobbitt's drug store at 8 p. in. today 89 Attention is directed to the notice of meeting of corporators of C. F. and Northern Railroad Co. Large posters of the 4th of July celebration are being sent out to dit- fernt parts of the State. The finest peaches of the season, so far, were in market this morning. They were held at forty cents a peck. There are now about three hun dred guests at the Atlantic Hotel in Morehead City, and a much larger number is expected soon. Work is progressing fast on the ex tended line of street railway around Athletic Park and thence into Poik street. We have heard nothing lately about the removal of the R. & Q. R R. offices to Atlanta, Ga., and earn estly hope it may not take place. We are pleased to note that Mr W. D Sloan who went to Keeley In stitute for treatment of the opium habit, has returned to Raleigh, per feetly cured. There will ba a meeting of the Oys ter Commission at Ocracoke on July 5th, and a general meeting of the oys teruieu of tho State.factory men, &c, on August 17th. Our friend Mr J N. Hubbard hav ing secured two of Xiuuis.en's traps was rewarded last night by a catch . of ?4 rats in one and 17 in the other 41 in all. . We earn that Vessrs. C. O. Ball & Co will cater to the wants of the ex cursionists to Asheville on July 6th, this enterprising firm having secured the refreshment car. The Black Diamond Quartette troupe have returned from a most successful European tour, during which they appeared before many of the crowned heads and nobility of different countries. We hope, our friend, Manager Huff, of the street rail way, will be suffici ently encouraged as to recommend new rails for the Hargett street line at no distant day. We believe he will do so however, whenever he can be justified iu so acting. We can assure him that his efforts to please our peo pie are kindly appreciated. The catalogue of Wake Forest Col lege is out for the scholastic year 1801 '93. It shows an attendance of 233 students, which is the largest in the history of the Institution. The college is fast gaining prominence, and will soon rank with the most noted In the country. There is anything tut satisfaction at the present light status of the city of Raleigh. It is no time to go back ward. The progress of the times do not admit of it. The people need more light, and do not relish any abridgement in this line. From elec tricity back to gas is, at best, a retro grade movement, to say nothing of the uncouth looking lamp posts on which the lightqare placed. It don't suit gentlemen of the Board of Alder men and this, in all kindness. It is going to be a daisy. What is it? That family excursion to Wil mington, Wrightsville, Ocean View and Carolina Beach on the Ilth of July. The managers say they, are going to make the most pleasant ex cursion ever run from Raleigh. They mean what they say. Don't miss it. They have not overlooked the young ladies. A chaperone will go along to lo-ik after the comfort and safety of those who have no escort. Messrs. R. H. Bradley, J. M. Broughton and T. B. Moseley are the managers La a mowing now the order. Commencements are now about over. Maj. 8. M. Finger and Capt. T V. Mason have gone to Morehead. Evangelist Fife and his wife are spending awhile at Carolina Beach. There is almost a glut in the vege table line jast now. "Mr. E B. Barbee and family left for Morehead City today. I The trouble over the entrance of the Seaboard Air Line into Atlanta is about over. It is now probable that the new ho tel in Durham will be ready for open ing by the middle of October. The first cotton bloom of the sea Bon has been sent to the Wilmington Star. Bishop Lyman will lecture before the Teachers Assembly next Friday evening on the subject of ' Palestine.' The Mayer has rather a quiet time these days. Very little of importance to ruffle his official temper. The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is not accidental but in the result of carelrl study and experiment by ed ucated pharmacists. The new domitory at the Agricul tural and Mechanical College will be finished by the commencement of t he next session. A second dividend is looked for to the creditors of the First National Bank of Wilmington, on Sept the 1st, 1893. Remember that the World's Fair committee in North Carolina will re turn free of charge after the expos! tiou.all articles forwarded for exhibi tion. Mr. M Bowes will be the leading spirit in the matter of fire works for the 4th of July and this can be taken as an evidence that things wilLbe well managed. " ' The injunction against Mr. David Rosenthal as assignee of Littman &Co, has been dissolved and the stock of goods will now be taken in charge by Mr: Rosenthal and disposed of. A colored boy named Manly Hin shaw was drowned in a creek near Clayton last Saturday night. He at tempted to ford the stream but was washed away. The rat killing process was resum ed today in the street front of I urn den's Hardware store. It attracted a considerable crowd end much amuse inent. Much interest is felt in the ap proaching encampment of the ex Confederates at Wrightsville. It is expected to make the old soldiers as comfortable as possible. The Junior Epworth League of the Edenton Street M. E. church .will give a reception tomorrow evening in the Sunday school room to which everybody is invited. The Durham Sun thiuks the telling of an old story in hot weather is un pardonable. We suspect Bro. Rob inson has been button holed some where in the broiling sun by some talker who had an axe to grind. It should be remembered that the different Masonic bodies will celebrate St. John's day by services in the Church of the Good Shepherd next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. It will be an occasion of much interest. Did you ever see the old Ocean ? Well, whether you have or not, you can't afford to miss this chance. There is nothing like it. Round trip $2.50, and 11th of July is the time. Remember this. I. O. O. F. , Regular meeting of Heaton Gales Lodge,, No. 64, 1. O. 0 F., tomorrow night at 8 o'clock sharp, for work in the 3rd degree and other important matters to be attended tor A full at tendance required. Visiting breth ren invited. Notion. I have coni to ell to sinners 'round Wb.it adfftr'c'aviour I have touud.etc. I heve bet-u n orphau since I wa ten years of age 1 have sol i, drank Hnd beeu mixed tip with sin and whickey up to th a ear 1873, when I wat shipped out of Wilmington, N. C , the 23 1 of July, arriving in Lon don. Eok in August Near 26 weeks in a hospital. Turned out relieved, (not cured) nor ever v ill be, so said the est doctors. But come and see me now, rlmnkards aud the worst of sinners. Be sure aud poire and I will prove that Jesus I a rock in a weary land aud a shelter in the time of storm My poor brother and sister, I want to talk with you. The dead is alive and the lost is found. Meetings in the court house daily 10 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Sunday at 11 a. m , 4:30 and 8 p. m True workers come and help sing, &c. Tours in love, Robt. Bo D Take Notice. We have it from good authority that all of the committee except one or two, are either eick or unavoidably absent, so that it is impossible to make as thorough a canvass as is de sired for funds towards the celebra tion of the 4th of July. One cf the gentlemen now in th? city, has his hands full of business and cannot give tho time he otherwise would to the matter. It is earnestly der ircd to have a sufficient amount subscribed for a first class celebration, and it is hoped that those who have not yet contributed will not wait tc be called upon, but leave their contributions with Mr. A. li. Stronach at his store, or with some other member. This is a matter that does not admit of de lay, because the time is running down, and it is desirable for the com mittee to know whan to depend upon before any contracts for expenditures are made. We sincerely hope that our peoplt , and especially our busi ness community, will interest them selves in the matter. Of course it is as much to their interest as it is to the committee, and more so Come up with your contributions at once. There is much to be done, and but a little time in which to do it. One Cent Challie Sale. On Friday, July let, we will have another sale of nice dress challies at one cent a yard. Or a combination sale a dress pattern of 10 yards chal lie and a real nice straw hat for men or women, all for 90 cents, at Swindell's. We are authorized to say that the bathing hours for ladies and gentle men at Pullen Park will be es fol lows: For ladies and gentlemen, fur nishing their own bathing suits, from 4 to 7 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday and Friday afternoons At other times the baths are open for men and boys only. je21 6t Straw Matting and Trunks. A tremendous lot of trunks and straw matting very low in price at Swindell's. Lost A pair of gold framed, blue tinted eye glasses were taken from the coun ter at McGee's drug store by mistake yesterday. A suitable reward will be paid for their return to je21 4t J. W. McGee, Jr. On Thursday, June 23d, We will clos out our stock of China clotlfat tc a yard. These are new goods for summer wear.' New arrivals in China and glassware.'- Don't forget our Bhoes when you want a pair. je20 3t Woollcott & Sons. ' A Few Stunners. Writing paper, 2 cents a quire. Envelopes. 2 cents a pack. Nice corsets, 23 cents each. Men's nice bleached drawers 10c each All Bilk gauze, ribbon wide, 8c yard. Nice gauze shirts, 6 cents each. Mosquito net at 5 cents a yard. Everything else in same proportion at Swindell's. i Don't Forge Yancey & Stronnch'a sal ' of nrcntin and sewing iuat;!ji" 'lesr; Saturday, j 2"th, Rt 1U o'cl'H-k. Tlioy are the lst f J L. Stone's ( h)i;eaeti) block. yiQH I Job Table of S tra w. Hats. Overhauling our stock of straw hat 8, we have made up r job table to close out certain lines. rl e prices of these, for a good hat, ranges from 25c up This is an opportunity to get a summer hat for much less than cost. We also have Dunlap's straw hats in the popular shapes for this season. Nobby styles for youog men of inxv preesivi- qualities. Better buy your straw hat before July, stock is get ting picked over more tnd lucre every W. H. & R. S. Tuckkr & Co. For Sale. A boarding house keeper would like to sell the complete furnishings for eight or ten rooms, the kitchen and dining room wares, &c. The party purchasing will have the refusal of the house now occupied, with good patronage and well 1. cated, as well as our good will. Call at this office for information. jt7 tf 'mm Janaluska Claret. A. Ductal, Genert Agent. apl4 lm. - Mr. Geo. N. Walters, on Fayette ville St., has on hand a fine axgortment of English Homespuns, Irish Fri z-v-, Irish and Blonny Tweeds, light weight suitings also Tropical Wors teds. A chance purchase. Marnili cent trowseriugs that are "thing of l-eauty. Call aud examine the stock yvants. AG K NTS WANTED Male and female, old and young, $15 to ao per day easily made selling oar Queen Plating Outfits and doing gold, silver, nickel, copper and brass plating, that is warranted to wear for years, ou every class of metal, tableware, jewelry, &c. Light and easily handled, no experi ence required to operate them. Can be car ried by hand with ease from house to house, same as a giip sack or satchel. Agents aiv. making mjney rapidly. They sell to almost every business nouse and family, and work shop. Cheap, durable, simple and within reach of every one. Plates almost instantly equally to the finest new work. Send for circulars. Ac. QUEISN CI fx SILVER and N1UKKL FLAUfiU CO, East St Louis, 111 myl8 t,t,s tf DRY aDOM STORE! Will place on saie louioriow 2li do. LiDlEtf' 25 eg m m AT ONLY IfPc'a'Paii ASK TO SEE OUR HOES AND UPPERS. Our stock is considered the best in the city Norris' Dny Goods Store. Bise-B ALL -Caps. WE HAVE THEM ASSORTED COLORS THAT COST $2.20 PR B0ZSH TO MAKE. WE OFFER THEM AT 10 CTS. Hammocks with Stretchers and Rope Com plete iMC Musquito Nets all Colors 6c. A few pieces of Dress Goods 3c per yard, Fans of Every Description Machine Cotton 3c 8pool; Silk 4c, cost dou ble at any otner piuce. Buggy Whips 6c up. Lap Robes 50c up. Trunks 73c ud. Shoes and Slippers, there is not a House in Kaieign tan now us a iiglit in Shoes and Slippers. -WE WILL SAVE YOU- .35 PER CENT. ON EVERY ONE YOU BUY. See our Umbrellas. LIQnRiffiTSIOiiE. 86 Centre Street, Goldsboro, and 121) I,vltevillc St., Raleigh. Ilardware, .c. FRUIT JARS, JE QREAM JREEZEKS, J)ORCELAIN J IKED p RESERVING JETTLES STEEL PRESERVING KETTLES GRANITE IRON KETTLES, BABY CARRIAGES. CROQUET SETS. BEAUTIFULGLASSWARE. PAINT IN SMALL CANS. 3?N0W IS THE TI.MK TO ISB THESE GOODS THOMAS 11, B8IGGS & SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. Call at the Grand Furniture Em parinm For 1 At the Cheapest Rates, Just think nf it' lio 1 tique pattern, 16th c.-ntury style, tor 115 00. This is unparalleled. Splendid Lace Our- Kuiua, .uiawiessBa. wurarooes, uureaua, Louuges, Spring Chairs, of luxurious pro portions. Rutin n M.'iMroaauc all at tl.Q f,., est figures possible and ou 'instalment plan. ui Yfven.jy uriuumury payments. DON'T - FORGET the people's section ol the establishment de voted to furniture at popular prices. Remember the place. TII01UlfflLl; Exchange Place, South side MIL Administrate r's Kotic Having this day qualified as the adminis trator of the estate of the late W W Hoi den, this i to notify all persons having' claims against the estate to present the same to me for payment on or before the ltith day of May, 181)3, or this notice will be plead in bar of r,overy. Ad persons indebted to the estate will "lease settle without delay. CASH MR WOOD, myl7 6w Administrator. Dry Ooods, No! long, &c. W.H. P, S.TUCKER CO. S TRA.W '7 g ATTINGS We have nver been able to otter our pat rons o many novel designs in Straw Mat tiugs as we do this season. There was a time when one could scarcely ;etany style in these mattings besides a mall check or plain white. Now they can be seen in many "carpet effects" closely re semblii g the patterns as. tdiowu iu P4'ussels .iarpets .: Probably the most unique patterns are hose in the Jap Mattings, being double lyed aud in detached figures. Another new texture in the Jap Matting is that "woven upon the thread," the warp being hemp and the filling of very fine $rass. This produces the most eveu surface of any straw lloor covering. WJiile we have the nioie expensive gr ides, yet we sell a reliable matting at $5 per roll of AO yaids ' ffl. H. R. S. Tucker Co ALL NEW! TflS BET mm m IT T

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