9 Che VOL. XXVII.. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, JUNE 23. 181)2. NO. 53 1: ' . i. Tbe Weather Today. tiLocal forecast for Ealelgh till 8 p. m. tomorrow : Fair and warm. Local data for 24 hours end lug 8 a. m. today: Maximum temperature, 8a; mini' utnm temperature, 72; rainfall 0.00. CITY1N BRIEF. Bi'ing hot. The political agony is over. Bummer solstice in all it glory. Flies by day and skeeters by night. Nice time for resting in hammocks beneath the wide spreading oaks. Cant aloe pes have appeared in the Wilmington market. Home watermelons are looked for in market next week. Trinity college has been formally accepted by the building committee. Ihermometer t Bobbitt's drug store at 3 p m. registered 01. A convention of railroad men is in nessin at Asheville Roan tin r earn are petting plentiful and much cheaper. Mr. Samuel A Henpzey,prefli1ent of the Egypt Goal Company, was in the city yesterday afternoon. Gentleiueu of tu 4th of July coir, mittee: don't forget to engage a first class htm 1 "f iu Mad-dogH are again getting nam erons in diff'reut tactions of the State. The next political movement in or der will be the conventions for nomi nation of couuty officers The mar'ret house bell will be rung tonight, for the Democratic ratine i tioti meeting t Metropolitan Hall. Every testimonial regarding Hood's Sarsaparilla is an honest, unpur chased statement of what this med cine has actually done Make up your mind to go to Ashe ville on the excursion, July 6th. Re member it will be the best chance this season to visit the mountains. It is abtnt fully agreed that the trains will make their first trips into the new union depot on the 4th of July. A prohibition convention will be held Saturday, July 30th, for the pur pose of nominating Wake county of ficers. Remember th.,t '-he 4th of July bo liciting committee still lack some thing to make the celebration what it should be. The offerings at the Masonic cele bration in honor of St. John's day at the Church of the Good Shepherd next Sunday will be equally divided between the Oxford Orphan Asylum and St. Johns Hospital. The Methodists of the city are invi ted to a reception given this evening from 8 to 10 o'clock by the Junior Fp worth Leange in the Sunday schoo room of Edenton Street Church. A large crowd is anticipated from North Carolina at the launch of the battle ship, Texas, at the Navy yard in Norfolk on the 28th inst. Good time for excursion trains. Mr. J. L. Taylor, who has for some time held the position of general passenger agent at Atlanta, Ga., has resigned and the duties of the office will devolve upon W. A. Turk, assist ant general passenger agent. Don't let politics make us overlook the fact that we are to have a first class State fair the coming fall, to which is to be added as an annex1 a celebration of the centennial of Ral . eigh. It takes some little business as well as politics to get along. At the Black Diamond Quartette have returned from Europe with high honors, perhaps it would be well enough to let our people hear from them in the matter of a concert. A friend has suggested that an enter tainment gotten up by them in aid of the hospital fund might prove bene ficial all around.. '.:''' A slight break in the heat just now would be hailed with delight. QThere will be a meeting of W. K. Womble Hook and Ladder Company tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Still a little time left in hlch to give in taxes. Better attend to it and avoid indictment. The law is positive on the subject. The interest in the meeting of the Tobacco Association at Morehead on July 5th, promises to be very largely attended. We hope that. Raleigh may have a full delegation. Special meeting of Wm. G. Hill Lodge, No. 218, A. F. and A. M., will be held tonight at 8 o'clock. Fnll at tendance earnestly desired. Visiting members cordially invited to attend We bear nothing of late about the excursion to Atlanta. As now is the dull season it would be a good time for the business men of the two cities to make each other's acquaintance. Love in the Mists. Love in the Mists. Love in the Mists A thrilling story, the scene of which is laid in the moun tains of Western North Carolina; among the moonshiners Written bv j a Raleigh boy. On sale at Alfrel: Williams & Co's. Price 2'i cents t Mr. Sid J. Suiithers an engineer on the C. C. & Angnstu Uai'ror.d, is in the city, for a short, vacation He is a Raleigh boy and has pained much prnfteiency in Ms line of brsioosFt His many friemls cordially welcome him to his old home "Love In Tho Mists " A large cut of this thrilling book H to be found elsewhere iu the columns of the Vi8 toh today. The book is on sale at A Williams & Co's book store The price is only 2r cents. Tbe scene of it is laid among the moon shiners of the mountains of North Carolina. Knights Templar. A special Conclave of Raleigh Com mandery K. T., will be held this evening at 8:30 o'clock sharp to con fer the order of the Temple and to perfect arrangements for St. John's day services. Full attendance is ear neatly desired. Ratification Meeting. We are authorized and requested to announce, that a meeting will be held at Metropolitan Ball at 8:30 o'clock tonight for the purpose of ratifying the nomination of Grover Cleveland by the National Demo cratic Convention. After the meet ing a Cleveland club will be formed. It. is expected that Col. Coke, Gov. Holt, R. H. Battle. Eq . and others will be present and address the meet ting. Memorial Association. It should not be overlooked that a special meeting of tf e Ladies Memo rial Association will take place to night at 8:30 o'clock in the Supreme Court room. The wives and (laugh ters of ex 'Confederate soldiers are also expected to be present, and the public generally are cordially invited. The object of the meeting is to dis cuss the enlargement of the associa tion so that its usefulness may be ex tended. Several prominent speakers are expected, and it will be an occa sion of much interest. Our Glorious Fourth. As the day approaches interest in creas s in the matter of celebrating our National Declaration of Indepen dence. It will be a grand occasion, and it may be well expected that thousands will visit our beautiful city. The program, so far as mapped out, will be as follows: Military parade and drill, firemen's parade and exhibition, foot races, sack races, pole climbing (all for money prizes), barbecue at Brookside Park, fast trips on the electric cars, rides on the switchback railway, reel races by the firemen, exhibition of the city water works. For the first time the ' new union depot will be used.' At night there will be a su perb display of fireworks, consisting of rockets, bombs and set pieces. , In a word, it will surpass any simi lar celebration ever held in Raleigh. I . O. R'gd.ir meeting of Beaton Gales Lltf Mn ft t. ,. o pt to iiig';'t r 8 'Veiualt h lor work in the 3aI degree 'id r iui pur taut matters to b alud. . A full at tendance required. . tug breth ren invited. Y. M. C A. Notes. Meinbrr- of ihs Youug Men's Chris Man Association , who are interested in the oiiUog to No'.iNe river on Tues day are requested to attend a meet log to night at 8.3) o'clock to make final arrangements. Married. HoLDtt;a -Fowlki: In the col lege chaps! of Wake Forest college, yesterday morning at 8:30 o'clock, Mr. W W. Holding an enterprising young merchant was united in marriage to Miss Columbia Fowler, daughter of Dr. Fowler. There was a large crowd in attendance, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. W. B. Morton, of Louisburg There were many rare and beautiful presents. The contrac ting parties left on the east bound train yesterday afternoon for More heac' City followed by the best wishes of a host of friends. Fuuer.il. The body of the late 11, E.A.Heartt arrived in the city, by the wentern train from Durham yesterday after noon and was taken direct to the resi dence of his I rother, Mai C D H jartt. from wheuce, at 4 o'clock p in., it was taseo to Uakwood Cemetery where the interment took place Sev eral gentiemen bccouinanied the re mai s to Raleigh, among them the following: Messrs deo. W. Watts, T. B Ful'er, H. A. Reams, C. Mc Gary, H N Snow. W. L. Cooper, E W Kennedy, Jno B.Walker and I. R Blacknail. The pall bearers wore. A. M. McPheeters. Jr , W. C. Stron acb, Dele Crow, wm. Cram, C. H Belvio, Capt J. R Ferrall. Convention News. As much interest centers iu the Na tional Democratic Convention now in session at Chicago, we give below such bulletins of importance as have been recei ved up to our time of going to press : A dispatch dted 2:H0 p. in. today states that the nomination for Vice President lies between Gray, of In diaua, Stevenson, of Illinois. Mitch ell, of Iowa, and Morse, of Michigan. 2:40 p. m. Under the new appor tionment of the votes accredited the territories, it takes 607 votes to nom ina'e instead of 699. Under this &r rangament therefore it will take 607 to nominate Vice President. Ice Ice Ice. For sale at Sorrtll's old stand, rear of market Ed Stkphbns One Cent Cuallie Sale. On Friday, July 1st, we will have another sale of nice dress challies at one cent a yard. Or a combination sale a dress pattern of 10 yards chal' lie and a real cice straw hat for men or women, all for 20 cents, at Swindell's. We are authorized to say that the bathing hours for ladies and gentle men at Pullen Park will be 88 fol lows: For ladies and gentlemen, fur nishing their own bathing suits, from 4 to 7 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday and Friday afternoons At other times the baths are open for men and boys only. je216t Straw Matting and Trunks. A tremendous lot of trunks and straw matting very low in price at Swindell's. Lost. A pair of gold framed, blue tinted eye glasses were taken from the couu ter at McGee's drug store by mistake yesterday. A suitable reward will be paid for their return to je214t J W. McGkh, Jr. A Few Stunners. Writing paper, 2 cents a quire. Envelopes, 2 cents a pack. Nice corsets, 2 J cents each. Men's nice bleached drawers, 10c pair. All silk gauze, ribbon wide, 8c yard. Nice gauze shirts, 6 cents each. Mosquito net at 5 cents a yard. Everything else in same proportion at Swindell's. Don't I-Vrgfct. Yancey & SJronach's aiifl of organs and sewing inaehiD"" neit Saturday, 8 th. ut 14 oVI'u k. Tl vy r.- ! a ! u-t f J L. Btoue'" vier.o ;...;) fl'ii I ;0 i" Job Table ol Straw, llaU" " 0rhanlli!ir oir stock o triw hats, we have Riade m, j-. io$ abi! to close out certain lines. The. prices of these, for a good hat, ranges from 25c up 1. Lis is an opportunity to eet a summer hat for much less than coot. We auo have Duuuu'h straw hat io. the popular shapes for this season. JNobby styles for young men of inxs pressiv qualities Better buv vour straw hat before July, Btock is get ting picKsa over more end more every wee&. W. II. & R. S. Tucker & Co . Fr Sale. A hoard inc house keennr wnnl.l liU. to sell the complete furnishings for eiehtorten rooms, tha kitnhnn nr.rl dining room wares, &c. The party . .,i t . . . , purcnasing win nave me reiusai or the house now occupied, with good natronace and well located, as wall na our good will. Call at this office for information. j7 tf Janaluska Claret. A. DUGHI, Genprp Agent. ap!4 lin. Mr. Geo. N. Walters, on Fayette ville St., has on hand a Quo assortment of English Homespuns, Irish Fri z-f, Irish and Blonny Tweeds, light weight suitings also Tropical Worn teds. A chance purchase. Magcifi cent troweeiintfs that are "thing of beauty. Call and examine thu stock. WANTS. GhNTS WASTRD-Maie and female, 1 V.old and young, $li to $2- per day dasily made selling oar Uu-nn Platinir Oivfits and doing gold, silver, nickel, copper and brass plating, mat is warranted to wear tor years, on every class of miital, tablew.ire, jewelry, &c. Light and easily handled, no experi ence required to operate them. Can be car ried by hand with ease from house to hoifec, same as a giip sack or satchel. Airents aiv niakini uuuey rapidly. They sell to almost every busimss house and family, and work shop. Cheap, 'durable, simple and within reacn or every one Elates almost mstautly equally to the finest new work. Send for circulars, dec. QUBKN CITY SILVER and JNIUK.KLi'La.UlNU CO, iast 8t Louis, 111. myis i,i,s tr MY IG8HS STBHB! Will place on sale tomorrow 20 do. LAD! Ed' 25ta!WB AT ONLY We a. JPafr ASK TO SEE OUli HOES AND UPPERS, Our stock is considered the best iu the city Norris' Dry Goods Stork. Base-BALL-Gaps. WE HAVE THEM ASSORTED COLORS THAT COST $2.20 PER B0ZSN TO MAKE. WE OFFER THEM AT 10 CTS. Hammocks with Stretchers and Rope Com : plete 84c. Musquito Nets all Colors 6c. A few pieces of Dress Goods 3c per yard. Fans of Every Description Machine Cotton 3c Spool; Silk 4c, cost dou ble at any other plce. Buggy Whips 6c up. Lap Robes 50a up. Trunks 73c up. Shoes and Slippers, there ia not a House in jxaieigii can noiu us a light in Shoes and Slippers. -WE WILL SAVE YOU- 35 PER CENT. 'ON EVERY ON'H YOU BUY. JSgr'Sce our Umbrellas. : 86 Centre Street, Gold Jboro, and 129'Favttevillc St., llaleigk. Hardware, &o. FRUIT JARS, J)ORCELAIN JOINED 7RE3ERVINU 1" ETTLES. X JV STEEL PRESERVING KETTLES GRANITE IKON KETTLES, BABY CARRIAGES. CROQUET SETS. BEADT1FDLGL1SSWARE. PAINT IN SMALL CANS. ISPNOW IS T1IK TIME TO LSI THESi: liOODS THOMAS H. BRIGGS SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. all i Call at ilia Grand Famitare Eia parta For Ti BSET At tin Cheapest Rates. Jnst think of it' Tl 1 tique pattern, lCih c ntury style, for $15 00. iijia ia lunjiirauuieu. opieuuiu iace cur tains, Mattresses. Wardrobes, Bureaus, Lounges, Spring Chairs, of luxurious pro portions, Rattan Mattresses, all at the low est figures possible and on instalment plan, of weekly or monthly payments. DON'T - FORGET the people's section ot the establishment de voted to furniture at popular prices. Remember the place. Tonusae p Exchange Place, South side Mkt. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified' as the adminis trator of the estate of the late W W Hol Jen, this i to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present the same to me for payment on or before the ltith day of May, 1803, or this notice will be plead in bir of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will "lease settle without delay. 0 ASHkRWOOD, my!7 6w Administrator. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. H.H.kB STUCKERtCO. S 1 TRAW ATTINGS We have never been able to oiler our pat rons so many novel designs in Straw Mat tings as we do this season. Tner was a time when one could scarcely ;et any style in these mattings besides a iinall check or plain white. Now they can be seen in many "carpet effec's" closely re leinblii g the patterns as thown in Pl'ussela .urpets. Probably the most unique patterns are hose in the Jap Mattings, being double lyed and in detached figures. Another new texture in the Jap Matting is that "woven upon the thread," the warp eing hemp and the tilling of very fine ;rass. This produces the most even surface f any scraw floor covering. ;While we have the more expensive trades, yet we sell a reliable matting at ?5 per roll f 40 yaids fl. H. A R. S. looker H C mum flAllLLl, V'- am : ' ' ft r - i t

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