A1 EIGII POST OFFICE HAJL80HKDULil WHEN I WAS A BOY. f A' Close at I Oio a: C30in 7 00am' 815 " 8 15 " 7 I5p m 81fpru 10 5Saui 1 1125am 045pm 12Xpm 3 40 " 415 4 30 " 50U 5 30 " I 0 15 OLTOOISQ MAIU3. Kxr"tTrll--Kor Uieeus boro, N., 8. and West, ExKt ;J For tShort Jut i 11 til UoklttDOrO It i' U if 13 For Keys ville.Uichru'd and way Rl'u l'l 3 Kor Wel Uou, Norfolk N aud E ft 1 O Tr lu -For tihort Out S ana UoMiltoro ;K1 U Tr -tl For At- limU(KiV A A L) &x Ft irH Fcr W'el- Uuii, flor.olk, N and K F O Tr ' -For Ureens uoro, , 6 aud V a amy alh. , At A' I Depot P. O lAii'UMLffd MAILS. 3 00 ain 3 15 it w Ex r t Ti 12 F'ui iic'na' i ooio, X, b and W 9 45 aui 1 10 Oj a nt Ex tr ir From YVel- I uon, NoriU and 10i.it 11 10 aiu-11 2. am K i' U li iW From -Atlanta (ti & A a. 1, 1 2J pin 1 in piujK I U'lr 10 ( wur'ns ! boro. i. 8 anil west llU'u Tr 41 FromW5l I lo i. ti and a K l" O Tr it F'mUolds, ami Short (. ut.ls ana e U piii-ll ." wu 'ax Fl IT 21 1- n tf'ds j ioro 10 10 am 1 10 .w amlii 1' J Ir 1 1 F'm Keys j vil'.e, Kichni'd mid i' Trains nwrkeU Uiua, uo not move on Hun tay. Mails Cor traiu 9 going weut close at 3 p DuO" Surds y. BIAK 11U J l iit). t pin i 15 pin li '' pill - I. ." p i When I com par this world today I ;WUh tt.ooe old times long passed away; "How things luve changed!'' I can bat say, tlnoe 1 wps a boy. The world as just as free and fair When trains aud borso cars were not there Aye! we bad to go by Shanks' uiare, W hen I was a boy. Bat with all the rapid strides we"? inude, Work s'ill seems scarce iu every grade And toil but utile better paid, tiiuce I was a uoy. A strike was seldom beard of then Poac.e reigned iu city, town, and glen Girls never did the work of men VY hi'U I was a boy. I look on try great grand ons now, Ao1 though for customs I allow, Our youths have changed, I must avow, Since I vas a boy. At lif'eeu years had we been seen To smoke or drink well, then I ween A chauge would have come o'er the scene, When I was a boy. TO KUILD A MAMMOTH BRIDGE Niagara Falls, Ont.. July 12th. OowoiHG M.ki ti -D sf arts Raleigh via The Canadian Pacific Railway Com Union hope, Tuesday and Friday 6 am. iUleigb. via Myatt's Mills to Dunn, Tues p t and Friday U a in. 'Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton to Fit Dam, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6 a ra. Kaloigh via Six Forks and Bargor to Rogers store.Tueaiiay and Friday 1 pin Kale a to Matsev, Tuesday and FrVay 12 ni. 'ncomiko Mails Abi.17 Union 'lope v1 WaKelield, Eagle iloek. and bhoUeli to Fal tiigli, Wednesday and Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via Atyatt's Mills to KaieigU, Mon day and Thursday 7 pm. Ivk Dam via Dayton and Kelvyn Grr ti to lialeigu, Yonday, Wednesday and Fridey 7 pm. Rogers' store via Bangor and Six Fo ka to Baleign, Tuesday and Friday 12 rc Massey to Ka'b Tuesday and Friday . t 10 a m. l"Close a a p m a ot-j. rait iiicLivKKt dJsritM. Free delivrie at 8:30 a in, and 2:30 and 1:46 p in, ej ilv Sundayti. iJo'lections made at sani hoiu-s. Sunday, H:3'i to i:30 am. Freede lirw)' windows open on Sundays from 3:0C a S-30 o'clock p iu. A. W. 5uaFFKK, Postmaster Suiperior Courts ol' North Caro II ua. Name. JUDGES. District. fi.o il Brown, 1 Hen., ct Bryan, 2 1 li Connor, 8 .Spier Whitaker, 4 it W Winston, 5 ETBoykin, 6 J D Mclver, 7 KF Armtield, 8 Jesse F1 Graves, 9 join G Bynum, 10 W A Hoke, 11 Geo A Bbuford, 1 Residence. Beaufort, New Borne, Wilaon, Wake, Grauville, Sampson, Cartilage, Iredell, Surry, Morgan ton, Liucolnton, pany propose to establish an indepen dent entrauc? in New York State by building a line from Wookstock to jNiagara rails and crossing the gorge ou a bvldge of their own. The ue bridge will be constructed between the presont cantiver and the suspen fiiou foot structures, aud will consist f a single arched span resting ou butt rsoes one: tiir bank some 1,200 eel apart. Name. SOLICITORS. Diauict. John H Blount, 1 , H White, (col) 9 J K Woodard, 3 VY Pou, Jr., 4 Ed S Parker, 5 OB Allen, P Frank McNeill, 7 BFLoiv 8 x noma Settle, 9 W O Ne viand, lfr Jj'rank L Osborn, 11 Heo A Jones, 12 Residence. Perquim's, Halifax, Wilson, Johnston, Graham, Duplin, Richm'nd Iredell, Rock'ha'n Caldwell, Meck'b'g, Macon. FIRST JUDICIAL D1STKICT. Spring Term Judge Shuf jrd. SBOOHD. Spring Term J udge Brown. THIRD. Spring Term Judge Bryan. . FOURTH. Spring lerm Judge Conner. FIFTH. Spring Term Judge Whitaker. B1XTU. Spring Terni Juoge Winstot. 8BVKMXH. Spring Teim -Judge Boy kin. KI&HTH Spring Term Judge Mclver. NINTH. Spring Term- Judge Armfleld. tbntu. ' Spring Term J ad g8 Graveg. v BLBVBIiTL. Spring Term J udge Bynum. TWELFTH. Spriug Term J adge Hoke. Wake Jan 11th, tFeb 2S, March 38th, tApril 25th, Sept 25th, tOct 24tn. Wayne Jan 25th, Ap'l 18th, Sept. 12th Oct 17th. H irnett Feb 8th, Aug 8th, Nov ;28th. Johnston Feb 15th Aug 15th, Nov :14th. For criminal cases. tFor civil cases alone. m PVA'S FIR ai AND ASHES. Romf, July 19. The eruption of Mouct'E:na is rapidly increasing in violence The fires in the crater show great activity. Loud explosions are 'jontinuaHy taking plac. A severe earthquake shock occurred this morning, which reduced to ruins the village of Wwe, on the coast of Sicily, five hours' journey from the craters of Mount iEtna. The population of G iarre is about 18,000. fto mention of loss of life is ma5e, but It is feared hzve 'b.utmny have perished. 8UFFK.UNG 'IN St. JOHN'S. St J 'H's N. F., July 13 Every lawyer's office, doctor's" residence and ofii-e, and Protestant clergyman's rrsidene was burned, and every daily newspaper and every printing office destroyed, and there is no type, paper or ink remaining in the city for a siDe poster. Several houseless persons have died since the fire in consequence of fright and exposure. Mcst of the peoplt are temporarily hou-ed in sheds an tents, but pro visions and clothing are needed and the relief should t ike these formft 'i'he insurance agents held a meeting today. The reports showed that the losses covered by insurance placed in agencies here amount to $4 250,000. The estimated total of losses is about $15,000:0'0 What It Does. Hood' j Saraaparilla 1. Purifies tho blood. ; 2. TJrcates an appetite. 3. Strengthens the nerves. 4. Makes the weak strong. 5. Overcomes that tired feeling. C. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc. ; 7. Invigorates the kidneys and live. 8. Believes headache, indigestion, dyspepsia ANOTHER HORROR FEARED. Rome. July 13 The eruption of Mouut iEtna Is rapidly iueressaig in violence. The fires in the crarers I show great activity. Loud explosions are continually taking p'ace j A severe earth shock took p'.ace : this morning, which reduced to ruins the village of Giarr on the coast of Sicily, five hours' journey from the craters of Mount iEtna The popu lation of the place is about eighteen thousand. No mention of loss of life Is made, but it is feared here that many must have perished. That New York boarding house- tnonpr who RAlzad a babv for debt. H I EM C LESandot?sealI00d I howling'seourity, if not a valu- ;l one. West e d ifTrgett street on R R at mill; best ' inenrt shingles. Also a cheap lot for patch ing roofs and covering shelters, &o. u H. ADAJdS, Oifioe Adams B'n'n' and mi.'l a2 Bismarck may not be as powerful as lie once was, but he may still be powerful enough to pull down the r.O Vvtllf 3 Hnrd made ho etrong, -.,t. .....i i l .. viir'niMi i iini'iiirff-iiilt 3 , ie;MANUFACTUREOONLYBTo 3 RWHITLOCRICHMOND.VA OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS will net f.cent upycur clothes like an old pipe. They are fra grant as a rose, pur i and svi :et. The great number we make enables us to give you Five Better Smokes For TEN CENTS than you can get in any other way, un less at five times the cost. 7 C r r f Kallroad Schedules, &c. Rlchnond & Danville a R Co'?, Condensed Schedule In effect May 2'Jth, lsya ' Southbound. Lv Richmond, .Burkeville, Koysville, Ar Danville. At Greens ooro. Lv Golds boro, Ar Raleigb. Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Salem, Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, A; States ville, A Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, l. Charlotte, ArOolumb'i Augusta, Northbound No 9 Daily. ;;; No 11 3 00pm 6 9natn 5 03pm 5 COiiU 5 5 4 tan.' 8 10pm 8 Warn 10 15pm 10 Uan 4 01pm i 15pu 6 00pm 8 05pm 15 7 00am 7 25 7 58ia 10 00 10 0.810 f8 sib 8 50 10 25pm 10 20 12 18am 12 00 1 2 35 1 Oopm t 00am ,5 58 , 10 43 .8 10 12 28 12 0 8pui 2 00 1 30pu' 5 00 4 28, 8 10 R85 12 25 pin 11 30pm 2 10 a m 1 bOpu 5 52 5 4Fpm 37 ana P 2,ja No 10 7 00 pm 1110 8 10 am 8 5C pm 6 oam 7 0 am b 2'.' raiiy. Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, ArOhtaiota-a, uv Charlotte, Sn.liahui-v. Lv Hot Spring, H 3U piu AEaevuie. Ptatesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh. LvRaioigh Ar Goldsboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danvil'.c KeysviJle, Burkeville, Richmond, 2 50 a'.n 4 00am 3 7 10 20 Noi2 8 15au. 13 45pm 515 8 Ojaa 6 00 u t lv'' 2 0 7 0S 8'05oii 8 2V.- 10 25pm Atlantic Coast Iine. Wilmington Weldon Ball road and Branches. Condensed Scaedule. TRAINS Dated Jan. 4. No 23 18W2. DaUy. Le Weldon, 13 3Cpm ArKockyMt, I4'pm Ar Taboro, 2 18pm Le Tarboro, 12 58pm Ar Wilson, 2 ISpra Le Wilson, t2 SCpia Ar Selina. 8 80piu Ar Fay'tville 5 30pra Le G'dsboio, 3 15pm Le Warsaw, 4 14pm Le Magnolia, 4 f-7pni ArWIl'ston, (K)pm GOING SOUTH. No 27 No 41 Ft m l d'y, ex Daily. lund'y a 48pni o.40ani 6 'sWpu) 1 :7am 6 OOpii 7 00pm 817am 7 40piu a uuain If COam 8 40pm 1014am 9 55pm 11 45am TRAINS eOJNft NORTH. No 14 Lv Wil'gtou, Lv Magnolia, Le Warsaw, Ar G'dsboro, Le Fay'tville, Lv Selma, Ar Wilson, Lv Wilson, Ar RockyMt, Ar Tarboro, Lv Tarboro, Ar Weldcsr; daily 2 10am 3 3r, No 78, daily. 9 15am 10 57ain 11 Ham 4 .lam 12 05am 9 10am HOPem 12 lOyni 5UiUi 12 58pm 5 37 180pm "6 SOain 18pm 12 58pm 635nra 2C5pna No -tO, d'y, ex Sund'y. 4 00pm 5 40pm 55 5pm 6p 7 48pm 821nni 1 1140am utl20aa 1201 arts 12 24pm 1 23pm 12i ;80i It 30mu 12 10pm 2 4!5pm 3 81 2 00u 8 00 t8 45 an 12 30pir 10 45pu li 45 am 4 15 an. 4 57 7 10 oSO SSTWKEB WEST POINT A iNt RICHMOND. t7 50am Lv West Point.Lv t7 5'Jam 9 05 am Ar Richmond Ar 10 40 an 810 pm Lv Richmond Lv 4 45pm 5 00pm Ar West 1'oint Ar 6 i0pm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL HJ1GH via Kevville, '9 15 am Lv Raleigh Ar 10 45 pm rDaily except Sunday. DaUy. Daily, except Mm liy ioh Haas, Jas L T tt, Traffic Man'g'r. - "v,. rt W. A. Turk, A G. P. A.'Jbarlotte. N O jOREOLK AXD CAROLINA R.R CONDKNSKD SCHRBCLK.J Dated August 9th, 1891. South North) Bound .Bound Train. sta.tiojS3. rram. No. 101. JNO.IW A.M. .. . , . . P-M; 9 50 L've Pinner's I'ointiAmve oa 10 15 L've Drivers, .Arrive a oi 10 27 L've Suffollr Arrive 4 47 1102 L'f Gates, Arrive 4 14 1120 L've Tunis, Arrive 354 11 37 L've Anoskey, Arrive 3 30 1152 L've Aulander, Arrive 3 21 12 31 L've Hobgood, Arrive 2 39 12 53 Tarboro. Arrive 2 17 1 20 Ar Kocsy aiounc, l. ve i oq 3P.M. , ,f " No 101 makes connection at itocny inoun rith w : w Train No 23 for all DOints South, and No 78 tram for all points North. G M OBRPKIi, j iv a.ajxuit, Gen'l Manage. Dupt rranB T M Embrboh. Gen'l Passenger Ag ATLANTIC AN. C.B, Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east, Schedule. Going west No 51 rasa trams no ou Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 28 a u (7 4 20 La Grange 10 48 10 48 49 4 54 Klnston 10 09 10 14 18 6 4t? New Berne 8 87 8 44 26 p m Morehead City am 83 Dally. S-ir tiff PIfefegffJB?tt?fg 3 Siipiu Totae effect Trams mov ing South. No 41, Pass and Mail. Daily ex Sw Leave. 4 15 p m 4 85 " flam. Sunday, June 2(5. T-ra.'aa mov lotr North No 38, f as ?.nd Mail. Diiily ex 8m: Arri. 4 47 5 2J 5 49 89 7 09 8 05 S18 Rale Cary, Apex, Moncure, Santord, Cameron, Southern Piues, Hamlet, Gibson, Lv 11 13 am 10 Oil am 10 41 am 10 04 am 9 4' am 9 .12 am 8 41 am 7 40 am 00 RTO Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23, Daily exct Sunday, p M Lv Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 22, Stations- Daily oxct Suaday. 7 21 7 41am 8 "3am 9 27ptn 10 lOotn 11 0 pm .2 45pm Ar Raleigh Cary Apex Moncrre Sftnford Caui'-ron Southern fiaes Uo let 5 36 5 19 8 30 'MA': ? 4 i a- PI?T3Tor.O H H, Leave Piitsboro, 9 10 a m Arrive Moncure, 9 55 Tjeavo Moncue 5 10pa Arriv P.ittsiv,ro, " 5& aAUTIIAQi. R B. Leave Carthage, 8 00am Arrive Cameron, 8 45 Leave Cameron. . 9 45 Arrive Carthage,, 10 80 Leave Carthage, : , 4 00pm Arrive Cameron, 4 45 p m Leave Cameron, 5 60,: Arrive Carthage, 6 85 WM SMITH, Supt, m .- ii KSELF! Ark vour Drnctrist for a bottle of Bin . The only non voitonous remedv for all 1 tbe unnatural dischareeei and Srivate diseases of men and tho ebilitating weakness peculiar to women, ii cures in a lew days without tbe aid or puDiicity Oi a doctor. M universal American cure. ;actured by ma Ohcmical ( Cincinnati, a .0. . A. EVFRY EVENINV A ' PER ANNCTM BB0WN WiCUViS, R VLftfQH. . C. Mimi Aaeuw for CAVEAT3, TRAOU M1PK.S. nccru d a .r w t a COPYRIGHT'S. tm Jvr?aS.'2n "to free Hau(5ok write to -.MUNN ft CO.. 361 Broadway, Nhw York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. S7erT Patent taken oirt oy us is brought before tbe public by a notioe given free of charge 1 tho Mtimtiiw mtkm Rawest Mrcnlattoo of any sdenUfio paper In the 25d. e?'ndWJy illustrated. NolfitelliBent 5iSi 4J1biOoiit It. Weekly, S3.00 a rear; 11.50 slisniontbs. Address uifsW Jk UX. POBUaasBsTSQ Broadway. Mw Tort. Ml SWldren Cry for Pitcher's Casto.'Ja, t ia Baby was tick, we gtirt her CutosU. sue was a CbDd, the crted for CMtorla, en aha became Miss, she clung to Oastccia .ii ; l,ii.Cj,'Pl,i , r