i Sad Death. Mr. Walter L. Chamberlain, con ductor of the Richmond Division of the Mantle Coast line, met with a sad death last Tuesday moroli-sr. He w s looking out of hie caboose car nar Petersburg as the tralu was rnuninir, when his head struck apraiust the bridge at Ream Station, killing hiin instantly He whs well known In Railroad circles in North Carolina, and very highly esteemed. Died. A dispatch was received In this city today of the death of Mr J. N. How ho died in Purbam last night. His remains were brought to this city this afternoon for interment. Mr. Howard was paraljzd some time since and never recovered from it. He has a good many friends in Raleigh -ho will rfgret to learn of his death. Premium List. We have seen a pamphlet copv of the premium lifct potter up and issued by Mr. H. W Ayer. secretary of the agricultural fair It contains, besides the list, a complete program of the arrangements for the coming fair and has fine cuts of the Governor's man sion, Commerciu' and Farmers' bank, the Park hotel, opera house, switch baca railway, thecruiser Raleigh &c. County Superintendents. in Ma remarks before the.Wake Couuty Teachers' Institute, yeBter dav Prof. M elver favored a change in the law so that there would le superintend nts of district? cooposed of several counties and. that they be required to devote their eatlre time to the duties. Fo- inst-mce, a district composed of the counties of Wake Johnston and Harnett with $1.?00 to $t,50 salary for the superintendent would be a good idea. In Wake, the superintendent gets $614 which is about the best pay of any of the counties Chamber oi Commerce. This body met last night, but there wis comparatively a small atten dance. Outside of the proposition to devote the sam of i'O for a write up in the Baltimore Record by F B. Arendell, there was but little done. A resolution was passed requesting the various Chambeis of Commerce, Boards of Trade aud other similar or ganizations in the State to meet the Raleteh Board of Commerce in Mo; e Viaari at nnniA designated lime. A committee was appointed to carry oat the provisions of the resolufion A Pevtiuent inquiry. We are not chronic growlers, by any means, but we cannot refrain from producing with approbation the fol lowing from the.Wilmingtoi Messeu ger: We have received copies o' the cat alogues of the University of North Carolina, Davidson College and Hor ner's Military and Classical school They all make good reports and show good attendance. The University had 248 students. Davidson hail 150 students. Uorner hid 141 8tu deats. The Davidson and Horner catalogues are handsomely illueti fa ted. Whera Jwere ;sll these print, ed ? They have the imprint of no North Carolina printing house. Were they sent abroad to be published ? If so, we ask if that is treating borne printing offices fairly ? What would the colleges do if the newspapers failed to give theiu so much free a yertising ? We call attention to the notice of Maj C. D. Heartt, Chief of Poiice, relative to the Vox Tax. Every per son owning 4 dog who shall fail to pay the tax during the month of J uly, or who shall keepup-n their premi ses an unlisted dog after tho 1st of August shall be lined, &$. Reat1 tie notice. Sold It's Tloine. In view of the fact that Mr. P. P. Pender, in a recent speech, stated that the Stronach's bad informed the inmates of the home that if they failed to vote the straightcnt Demo-1 cratlo ticket there would be no fur ther use for them, a meeting of the inmates was held yesterday to con sider the matter. The following resolutions were adopted, which were eigned by all the inmates present: Whereas, There appeared in the New and Observer this morning a communication from Mr. J. P. Ar rington, stating that' Mr. P. 8. Pon der, in an address before the People's party conention, in Nash county, stated "that the Stronachs had in" formed the i. mates of the Home that if they failed to vote the stralghtout Democratic ticktt in the coming election, they would have do further use for them." And whereas, Knowing the high christian character and integrity of Mr. Stronftch, we, the inmates of the Home, do hereby pronounce such statement as utterly false In fact and malicious in design, and do declare that Mr Stronach has never directly or indirectly tried to influence, indi vidually or collectively, any of the inmates of the Home as to the polit ical opinions we may hold, therefore Resolved, That we do hereby de nounce the statement false in every particular and without the shadow of truth . Resolved further, That each inmate of the Home do sign this paper, and that a copy be furnished Mr J. P, Arriugtou, Mr. W. (J. Stronach and the News and ( -bBerver for publica tiou, aDd the papers of the State be requested to copv the same. An Appeal. Mr. Arthur T. Abernethy, of the department of Latin and Greek at Rutherford College is seadin? out a card to various persons of which the foMowiug is a copy: Rdthfffopd Collkor. N. C, July 12th, 1892. There 's a young man here study iDg for the ministry. He is to devote his life to (he gospel. He is uuable to pay his tuition. - he faculty has agreed to sell him a scholarship for graduation in classical and complete courses for $135 I desire to make this a general scholarship- and 135 cirds like this are mailed to 135 peo pie of a!' colleges and creeds, who, like yourself, we believe are able and willing to educate this man. One dollar each is asked. A great number with small burdsns A list of the 135 addressed will be given this young man and the names of those giving $1 will be marked. He only wants small help. May I expect $1 irom your l nave addressed none but those able. Answer at once. Arthur T. Abkrnkthy, Department Latin and Greek. PAN A (DIB A WATEBfi. An Unsurnnscprf Tnnir. Armntl7Ar nnrl - -WW ' g " W J J W W 1 r Blood Purifier. Pay the city taxes on yqur dogs and avoid trouble .The law cannot De i va d with impunity Grand Encampment. TVi? G-ani Encan pment of Odd F.-I'ovrf f North 0"lina convened r "irf'o" rfi-v affrronon.' The at:i.odai e, i I .ll.-t?. offljrs and T .' t ' t1, '' The' are re' c.';Vtd -ti.ua tn.t.i::. d y iSa'em vH )frdlllMYMIIdll Health for the Baby, Pleasure for the Parents, .New Life for the Old Folks Root Beer THE GREAT .TEMPERANCE DRINX 'is a family affair a requiiite of the homo. A 23 cent package makes 5 galloni of a ' delicious, strengthening, effervescent beverage. I Don't be deceived if a dealer, for 'the saku of larger Droflt. tells vnn some other kind is " Just as good 'tis false. No Imitation to as good as the genuine Hi bigs'. Hires For Dyspepsia. General Debit . ity, Loss of Appetite, Kid ney and IJver Diseases, Chronic Diarrhoea, Pcrof ulaand Eczema, its virtues are extraordinary. Pleas ant, harmless, reliable. m23ff . McKIMMON &Co.. SoJe Agents for Kale'gh, X. U. J II- Wii. EiiVilAiiiiS 1 1 FREE Trial. Why suffer from the bad effects of the Li GriDDe Lame Bdck, Kidney and Liver disease. Rheumatism. In digestion. Dyspepsia, any kind of weakness, or other dis eases, when Electr.citv will cure yoa and keep yon in health. (Headache relieved in one LSSSlf1! Dr. J udd's Electric Belt ft! $10 and f 15 if satisfied. AJso. Kleitrio iVisses anl Box Batteries. Costs nothing to try them. Can be regulated to suit, an 1 e;uiranteed to last for yrare. A Belt and Battery c jrabinel, au1 produces "utfl jient Electricity to shock. Free Medical advice Write to day Give waist measure, pr-ce and full particulars. -Lgems IV anted. nay 23) Address Dr. Judd, Detroit, Miaa, -- "- ' : :.- ' KALEIGII, N. C, Fucoessor to Evans & Martin. MANUFACTURER OP ' Carriages, Boggles, Delivery Wagons, etc, ValnaHe Property for fale. HsvlnR obUine.1 an oruer o f court to s ell Publicly any portion of the rl UU. of notice o any who may desi to purcfiaie J ; -- ' w Fr1 j m maunder signed. If aaurhcientoll r ia made to insti. IV Uie niacin? nf anv nf aai.i 1 . the markf i tiie same will be dona ftr due auvci iux uieut oi ine une and place of aai -r vn t iiTf i l-vi 3e"2m Admr.e . Special attention given to repairing of al! kiadp, The best work is always the cheapest. And this can be found at the northwest corner of Morgan and Blount fctreets. FRAIZER Cart Shafrs in Stock. v V NO OTHER Sarsaparilla has ef fected such remarkable cures as HOOD'S Sarsaparilla, of Scrofula, Salt Rheuns and other blood diseases. N V " V I ) V KKT 1 f I M E. Tt hot iif)fit itul CbttR'c. Caatoria proroucca Ptgps-clog, and i vomes Flatulency, Constipation, rfoui i ach Diarrhieii ami Feverishaesa lhuf the child is rendon x) bealth; and its leei natural ' Castcrla coiiuiijh no Morphine or other iiar;otic piopprty "ttoiorm if so well adapted u children that I recommend ir aaf "Kirior to any prescript) knowcto ine '" H. A. AnnuaH, M D.. IV Sonib ( lord St., Brooklyn. N. i 1 m CasiiriiB a my practice, and And II specially adapted laffectionH of ch ldren." ucz. Robertson, M. D., 1067 s!d Are., New York "lYon Dersona. Knowlertffo and observation I can sav hat Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative i relieving the pent up bowels anf grenerai "system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex (client effect upon their children. " 3& O.C. Osgood, Lowell, jriaaa fcr -t.AU O - takt V Mttiw Stet M. 1 That Tired Feeling Is a dangerous condition due directly to de pleted or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as in its debility the system is especially liable to serious attacks of illness. It is remarkable how beneficial Hood's Sarsaparilla is in this enervating state. Possessing ust those ele ments which the system needs and readily seizes, this medicine purifies the blood, and imparts a feeling of serene strength which is comforting and satisfying. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best remedy for that weakness which prevails at change of season, climate or life. "I have been convinced that Hood's Sarsaparilla Is one of the greatest medi cines in the world. I say this for the benefit of all other th-ed out, run down, hard-working women. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not only ex cellent as a blood purifier, but for all other female complaints, even If of long standing." Mas. M. A. ScabIKtt, IJprthvlUe P. 0., Mich. Hood's Makes the Weak Strong Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by U druggUt. fl; six f orgs. Prepared only by 0. 1. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Hats. IOO Doses One Dollar DOG TAX. A tax uiHvi every dog kent in tne city lim its is due and payable to tu" ' hief of Polv on the first day of .Tnly in each year Every person owning a dog who shall fail to ray the tax during the moiiMi of July, or who shall keep upon their premises an unlicensed dog after the 1st day of A nuust. shall be n l ject o a finp, and all persons wbo shall fail to give n th ?ir ds sh 11 be demed guil'v of a misdemeanor ard live dollars for each dog so omitted. All unlicensed dogs will be taken up and impounded after the 1st day of August, 1890. CD HEARTT, jyl4 6t Chief of Police Mortgage Sale. RY VIRTUE of a mortgage executed iy Tshatn 8niith and wife, recorded in the of fine of the Register of Dee s of Wak coun ty in book 110, page 2-14, I will sell at pu'ilir auction for cash, at the court house door h the city of Raleigh, N. n on the 9th day o August, 1892, at 12 o'clock m- the lot of hi ml situated on Elm street in said city, adjoin, ing the lois of Dr J mes McKee, A. B. Foi rest ard T. L Love, fronting 52 feet on H street and extending back 210 feet. T R. PURVKLL Assignee and attorney for Mortgagef HATS. IHI ATS HATS We conscientiously beheyp we are head quirters for IIAT8. WHY? This season we bought from a large man ufacturer a big stock at such prices that wo are able to sell them at wliat they cost !o make them and then n-ake s iraetbing for ourselves. We have sold many a one too WHITirJG BROS UniYersity nfjjr Carolina. Instruction is offered in four genera courtes of Btudv, six brief courses a large number of special course, and in law. med icine and engineeerii g. The Faculty in cludes twenty teachers. 8dl olarships and 1 an funds are available for. "wy young men of talent and character: The next ss sion begins 8ept. 1. For catalogue witWfull Chapel Hill, N 0. ) ' KENNEBEC filVB ICE. B C CE. Wo have made arrangements by whicl1 we rece'vH car loads every lew day of fie celt;br.itei KFNNEBEC ICE FROM B3A1NF. This is hard, pure, tasteless, odorless and much mors durable than any i. frozen at a lower temperature, ana is really worth more money, but is sold at very nuiall margin in any quantity, Irom 5 II. to 10U lbs, to aty pu-toi theuty to a lu ton car load to any .epot duec:, on very short notice by J0NES& POWELL wits u Vaiu i) 6 heal Estate. TIM IT-AUGUST 1st, 1892. By authority of a consent judgment of the &Uraru Urt,of Wake coumy in an action entitled WK Jj.vis and M t Jones, and others vs louisa L Cosby and o3ers.en! tredfor the purpose of making assets to pay certain legacies and charge set forth in a judgment in the aforesaid action, 1 will, as -uluunistraior of Mary A forehead, dee'd. and as commissioner, on Monday, 1st day oi Aug st, 188a, at 12 o'clock m, it thecdurt house .-ooi of Wake county, seU to the high est bidder for cash a certain parcel of land la the city of Raleigh, situate on South Blount treet, being part of lot Ho 77b in the plan of said city, bounded on the north by J T Jtll lngtpn and Killebrew lots, east andsouth, by Bagley and Batchelor and west by Blount sirtet; contains two acres ai.u uaiticulariy described ma detd from Spier WhitakeX UOml0o Wynn?. guardian, book9l! page M, Register ot Deeds office for Wak county. iso ut the same time and place and by authority oi the judgment mentioned above-. I will sell to the highest bidder the follow ing otlr parcels ol land: First A tract iyit g about 'our miles Mrtu .f the city ot Raleivh, adjoining Mrs Kini rough Junes and; others, known as the Crabtree tract, formerly Tavern tract, con tains WJ3 acres, according to survey by P Beyers, surveyor, i IhVu. and ia described ia a deed tro ti B. S. , iK to R. Smith, book 12, page 454, RegiM, 1 o. Deeds otfice, Wake county. This tract ion uina a large amount of excellent timber original growth, and will be divided into 5U to 100 acre parcels, to suitpurchaseis. 8econd a city lot known as lot No 180 in ihe plan of the city of liai, igh, and contains on.e acre, and is bound d on the north by riillsboro strt et, on tne eut y Salisbury itreet, on the south by Morgan st.eet, and vest by Mr J M Pool's lot. This lot em )racvb several splendid building lots, and ame will be divi led to suit purchasers. v i.ird Being parts ,f lots Hoa 132 and 116 n the plan of the city of Raleigh, and is touiidedon the north by Mrs. Wheaton's lot, on th2 east by Palisuury street, on the south by Mr Glen son and o hi rs, and on the west by W G L'pchurcb. and others, and trouts about 21n ft on Salisbury st and runs back wext aoout 210 ft. This lot ia valuable property, in the center of the city, and will be divided in o several lota Buildings on. propeny McePtd from tale. Maps of ail the above described prope-ty. showing the divisions, can be seen by ap plying to the undersigned. The term- of sale for the last three parcels ot land will be one-third cash, balance six months lrom ot sale. Title reserved until purchase money is fully paid. JTPULLEN, Adiu'r and Com'r, I -F0R SALE- 21 6 Fayette vi lie St. VVY liOl.. Dry 1,ipe Wood, cut in u ' tJU any length, delivered to uxy part of the city. Ill iVI W VC i of -ny dimeusioM Xu KJ IHJJXjIV funrnished on short notice. Also shingles, laths, Ac--. U M My Peoi1! " Horse and - WvJL , Cow food is gaining quit t-eputation wherever used. It will pay you to give it a trial. , , Y . .. . at-lowest piricai rtuOaLy ' Cor n( Oats, Kye, both for seed and feed. Also Bran, Corn Meal Pea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choice Timothy Hay, Wheat and Rice Straw. '. SUtiKj FERTILIZERS--, awu i ertilizers, Pure ione Meal, Land Plas ter, Acid Phosphate Shell Lime in any quan titles. - S 1? I Choice Grass and Ch,- EUjr U 0""ver Seeds of every kind? JU- Jrtm WYATT, .