Encampment Ground Good progret s Is being made by the Quart ermater Oeueral In the ar rangement of the ground at Vrlfrh's Tllle, for the otniug encampment The camp grounds bare a frontsfre of some 1.40 feet. There are foar large pavilions, and in rear of these the tent are pitched The tents Cor the officers of the general staff who will be on duty are at the front and centre. There will be three officers of the regular army and a detachment of regular artillery men. The battery of heavy goos and mortars is at the centre of the camp in front of Wrights vi'le inlet. The elevation is the highest for a great many miles along the coast, and the view is a most ad mirable one. Piscatorial. There is now no place within easy striking distance of Raleigh where a successful day's fishing can be eDjoyed Nearly all the ponds in the vicinity have either been drawn off or broken. We should think, that a Piscatorial Association, on a cheap plan, would be a convenience of a highly appreciative character. A pond in some locality near the city, well stocked with fish would afford our people fond of the amuseuent a good chance to indulge in the pastime. Several cities and towns, within ou knowledge have such ponds, notably Richmond and Petersburg, and they are very liberally patronized. Let us hope that, by next season, some of our disciples of Isaac Walton will get the scheme. Personal Mention. lir. and Mrs. B.C. Woodall, of Dnr ham are visiting friends in this city. Mrs. T. B. Moseley, who has been visiting friends in Durham has re turned home. Mrs. J J Bernard has returned from a pleasant visit to Durham. Mr. Charles Fendt is in the city visiting his father in law, Maj W El Martin. Miss Mary Young has returned f r in a visit to Chapel Hill. Mrs J P. Riddle, of Columbia, S C , is viBiting relatives in this city. A MistaKe. Gentlemen of the Board of Alder men: We are disposed to give prompt praise in all that you do for the wel fare of the city of Raleigh. We be lieve that your intentions are good, but like all other mortals you some times make mistakes. In substitut ing gas for electric lights in some cases you have committed an error It is a retrograde movement Dot at all in keeping with the progress of the times, and we are candid enough to tell you, that our people do not en dorse it. In fact your course in this respect, has in some instances created indignation. If it is possible to do so, your action should be reversed. The people of the city demand the most approved system of light, such as are in operation in all the important cities and towns of the country. There is no mistaking the tone of publ'c sen tiuient in this matter. Will get you the choice cf any of our former $20, $18 aud 15 Suits $l745 Will get you a fine Nobby and Stylish Derby of any of our former $3,$2 50 and $1 Hats. $1.89 Will get you a fine pair of Shoes, former price $3, $2 7iand $2f0. We are trving o close out our entire sum mer line; we therefore quote unusually low prices. We call your attention to Office Coats at 24 Cents. B jys Knee Pante and Shirt Waists at 1 7 Cents. All Straw Hats, no matter the Jcost, your choice at 50 Cents. Gents' FurniPhing Goods at reduced prices. Yours for Bargains, jyl8 ROSENTHAL CLOTBING CO'Y, 305 Fayetteville St, opp Post Office. F awg ng Trial. Why suffi r from the bad effects of the L Grippe ICy IW Lame Back, Kidn y and Liver disease, Rheumatism, In yUlQ digestion, Dyspepi-ia. anv Kind of weakness, or other dis eases when Electncitv will cure yotl and kcq vou in health. Jeadache relieved! in one to pro Dr. Judd's Electric Belt i5 XS!SS?-i M 'satisfied Also Electric f-usses and Box Batteries. Costs nothing to 10. $10 and $15, Bj a.iso a, . t d f0T Belt and Ba(f 33E& SSS ' Pree Medical "idnce. Write to- TOffiSdL1 w r IO OTHER Sarsaparffla com- j bines economy and strength like HOOD'S. It is the only one of which can truly be said " loo Doses Jl.n Hires Do you p Root Drink w Beer? BOLD AND ENJOYED EVERYWHERE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Y.L- Eberhardt, (Successor to Phil H. Andrews), DKALRR IN AND Yard, West End Hargett Street. Telephone 140 Office, 131 Fayetteville Street. jyl8 , Raieigh, N. C. PANACEA SPRINGS HOTEL The ol Harris mansion has been thoroughly cleaned and newly f urn ished and nicely adap ed for a quiet, homelike resting place for invalids. The curative properties of the water is unsurpassed by any in the country. If ailing frorr. any diseases of 3( THE SKIN, f f STOMACH, LIVER I OR KIDNEYS, o o this is the place to come and be cured ,7htre the fare is good and prices luoderat . A, J JOES, Proprietor, P nipm Ppriujjs, N O. SALE OF MOTES, Accounts, Books, Claims and Demands by an Assignee By virtue of authority conferredtby a cer tain deed of assignment executed by John W Walker, trading under the name and style of the Oak rity Manufacturing Com pany to H H Crocker, on the 23d day of June, 1890. and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, N C, in book 111, i ages 727 et seq, I will, on Mon day. August 8th, 1892. sell at public auction to the hiehest bidder for cash, a lot of notes. accounts, books and claims formerly belong ing to the said John W Walker. A full and complete list of these notes and account! can be seen by calling on the undersigned at his place of business, No 9 East Hargett street, in the city of Rale'gb, N C, at any time be fore tne nay ol sale. 1 Place of sale, county court house door.Ral eigli, N 0 Time of sale, 12 o'clock m. H H CROCKER. Afsigree. Haywood & Haywood, Attorneys. jl8 td The process may be disguised, but it is a fact that a good many men carve out their fortunes by hard chiseling." . ; COAL WOOD "d4re88 Dr. Judd, Detroit, Mich. ! PAN A D1E3 A An Unsurpassed Tonic, Appotize and Blood Purifier. For Dyspepsia, General Debil ity, Loss of Appetite, Kid ney and Liver Diseases, Chronic Diarrheal, Bcrof ula and Eczema, its virtues are extraordinary. Pleas ant, harmless, reliable. AS. McKIM MON & Co., ni23ff JiU WIS. EIIVIIAIINIISII RALEIGH, N. C, Successor to Evans & Martin. MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, Baggies, Special attention given to repairing of all kinds. The best work is always the cheapest. An l this can be found at the northwest corner of Morgan and Blount streets. FRAIZER Oart Khafra in 8tock Grea mm Favir g mide all the money necessary to reduce price for the benefit of our customers, we will sell a lot of nice pi"e wood for $1 per cord on yard, or $1 50 delivered any where in the city. LIME SI 10 per barrel. LATHS II fiO per 1,000. Best on market. Lumber in plank, pro miscuous width. $ ). Framing from $9 to til per1,r00. Flooring and ceiling $12 50. f 14, f 15 per 101. ' Sash.- Door:,- Bi nds, and Moulding reduced in same proportion. Best Heart Shinales alvays on hand Ve manufacture our on material which enables us to f 11 at bottom prices, far motto is quick sales an1 small profits. jyl5 tf Ellwgton Royster Co. For InfanU and Chlidroffi Caatorla promote. Dlgertfo, and i voomes Flatulency, Constipation, dour I v- tech Diarrhoea, and Feverisbness. lhu the child is rendered healthy and its slee natural. Caatorla contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria a so well adapted to children that 1 recommeDd it as r ")erior to any prescripti'xt known to me." "H. A. Archer, M. j.. 11! South f ford St., Brooklyn, N. x. "1 ..se Castorik h my practice, and And II specially adapted .affections of children." lbx. Robertson, M. D., 1067 ad Ave., New York. Fron Xirsona. mow ledg-6 and observatlOB I can sav hat Castoria to an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and re)ieiaa the pent up bowels an4 general system very much. Many mothers have told ma of its e client effect upon their children.'1 Da, Q. C. Osoood. Lowell, Haas lw vAtm a - wun , V Murrav Bot, Jl. T. Cfeltewi CnJor Frtcneri Ce WATTIEHS. Sole Agents fo Raleigh, IV. C. Wagons, etc. DOC TAX. A tax uoon every dog kept in the city lim its is due and payable to thi Chief of Polio on tbe firs day of July in each veir. Every I person owning a dog wno shall tail to puy the tax during the month of July, or who .1.-11 1 i. . ,. Buau Keep upuu uieir prenutes an uuuueusu dog after the 1st day of aneust, shall he u ' jeel to a Hne, and all persons who shl) f to give m th ir dTS sh il' be demedguil of a misdemeanor ar d five dollars for eac dog so omitted. All unlicensed dogs will l taken up Pnd impounded after the 1st 'day August, 1892. CDHEARTT, jyl4 6t Chief of Police ortgase Sale. BY VIRTUE of a mortgage executed l v Tsham 8mith and wife, recorded in the o fice of the Register of Dee s of Wak coun ty in book 110, page 244, 1 will sell .at publ auction for cash, at the court house door i the city of Raleigh, N. O. on the 9th day August, 1892, at 12 o'clock m. the lot of lan situated on Elm street in said city, adjoi ing the lois of Dr J mes McKee, A. B. F rest ard T. L Love, fronting 52 feet on El street and extending back 210 feet. T R. I'URNELL Assignee and attorney for Mortgagee Ml. IHiATS HAf We conscientiously believe we are head quarters for HATS. WHY? This season we bought from a large man ufacturer a big stock at such prices that we are able to sell them at what they cost to make them and then make something for ourselves. We have sold many a one too. WHITING BROS, OBiyersity of North Carolina Instruction is offered in four genera courtes of studv, six brief courses a large number of special courses, and in law, med icine and engineeering. The Faculty in cludes twenty teachers. So) olarships and 1 an funds are available for nee y young men of talent and character. The next ses sion begins Sept. 1. For catalogue with full information, address President Winston, Chapel Hill, NC. . ' ValnaHe Property for f tie. Haring obtained an oror of court to sal u burly any portion of the Mai estate of I.ry V. Morehead, deceased, this ia to give Wfflte.ri signed. If a sufficient off r ia made to Just. the markfi Hie same ill be done fur dua advertiM oitut of the true and place ot . ! JNO. T. tUILKN, 1 2m Admr. e KENNEBEC RIVP Wo have made arrangements by which we receive car loads every few day of the celebrated KFNNEBEC ICE FROM MAINS. This is hard, pure, tasteless, odorless and much mora durable than any ice frozen at a lower temperature, ana is really worth more mnnpv. hut in nnni ui- vun ...n-: j any quantity, Irom 5 lbs. to 1 00 lbs. to aiy Uepot direct, on very tjhort notice by J0MES&P0WLL Hue of Valuable Real Estate. TIME Al GUST 1st, 1892. By authority of a consent judgment of the Superior Court nl W t PAI infv in an nt-i,.tm entitled W K Davis and M t Joues, ex'rs . . .1 U i i .... , . I ai-u uuicis vs j-uuibtt u ioauy ana oiners.en U red for the purpose of making assetato pay certain legacies and charges set forth ia a judgment in the aforesaid action, I will, as administrator of Mary A Morehead, dee'd, and as commissioner, on Monday, 1st day tf August, 1882, at 12 o'clock m, at the court house door of Wake county, sell to the high est bidder for cash a certain parcel of lund in the city of Raleigh, situate on South Blount -treet, being part of lot Ho 77ft in the plan of said city, bounded on the north by J TJfill ington and Killebrew lots, east and south by rtagley and Batchelor and west by Blounfc ireet; contains two ncres and is particularly described in a deed from Spier Whiuker,, oom'r, to J B Wynne, guardian, book 91 pge ms, Register of Dds office for Waket county. Also at the same time and place and by .uthority ol the judgment mentioned above, i will sell to the highest bidder the follow ing other parcels of land: First A tract lyii.g aoout four miles nortu .f the city of Raleirfi. adjoining Mrs Kiu jrough Jones and; others, known an the Urabtree trat, formerly Tavern tract, con tains (KB acres, according lo survey by F .ieyers, surveyor, iu 1870. and is described ia i deed fro uB 8. King to K. Smith, book. 12, page 451, Register ot Deeds office, Wake: jounty. This tract contains a large amount. if excellent timber original growth, and. .vili be divided into u to 100 acre parcels, to. luitpurchaseis. Second A city lot kn wn as lot No 180 im .he plan of the city o. j.vleigh, and contaiua one acre, and is bounded, on the north by dillaboro street, on tne ea.t i-y Salisbury itreet. on the south by Morgan stieet, and vest by Mr J M Fool's lot. This lot em races several splendid building lots, and ame will be divi led to suit purchasers. ihird Being parts of lota Hoa i32 and 116 u tbe plan ot the city of Raleigh, and is oundedon the north by Mrs. Wheaton's A, on the east by Salisoury street, on the outh by Mr G lea son and others, and on tie west by '.V G Upchurch and others, and. routs about 2lu ft on Salisbury st and runsi -ack west aoout.210 ft. This lot is valuablei ,roperty, in the center of the city, and w: 111 oe divided iufo several lots Buildings on chis property excepted from sale. - Maps of all the above described properly, showing the divisions, can be seen by ap plyilUT to the undersigned. The term- of sale for the last three parcels jf land will be one-third cash, balance six months from of sale. Title reserved until purchase money is fully paid. J TPULLEN, Adm'r and Com'r. That I CIE. I C ICE. Tired Feeling Is a dangerous condition due directly to de pleted or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as in its debility the system is especially liable to serious attacks of illness. It is remarkable how beneficial Hood's Sarsaparlllais in this enervating state. j Possessing just those ele- HOOu 8 ments which the system Sarsapa need3 and readily seizes,. ... this medicine purifies the rilia blood, and imparts a feeling -of serene strength which Is comforting and. satisfying. Hood's SarsapariUft'ls the best: remedy for that weakness which prevails at. change ot season, climate or life. '-' "I have been convinced 4apunflik that Hood's Sarsaparllla Is ' w1"" one of the greatest medi- the Weak cines In the world. I say crrftnty this for the benefit of all OHOn5 other tired out, run down, hard-working women. Hood's Sarsaparllla is not only ex cellent as a blood purifier, but for all other female complaints, even If of longstanding." Mrs. M. A. Scarlett, IJprthvllle P. 0.,Mlch. Hood's Sarsaparllla gold by aU druggist. f"l)ilxforf5. Praparedonljr bjCl. HOOD A CO Apothecaries, Lowell, Haas, IOO Doses One Poller fW W www - . .

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