lM0t UALEIGII, TUESDAY, JULY 1!). 1S!)2. NO. 74 VOL. XXVII. w iv m - ,rv if -nn ? ptii ami 11 w .itci i' TUf Weather Today. Nor North Carolfna: Fair, slightly warmer Jn the northern portion. I ocal forecast for Rale'gh till 8 p. u tomorrow: Fair weather, slightly warmer; west to Boutbwest wiods. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. iu today: Maximum temperature, 83; mini mam temperatuie 69; rainfall 0.C0. CUT IN 15 K IFF. We are pleased to learn that Mas. ter Claude Denson is stili improving. The excursion train from Winston to Morehead will pais through Ral eigh tonight. Call at Dughi's and see those rare specimens of the fathered tribe that he brought from Ba'timore. When weak, wee-y and worn out, Hood's Saraparillia is just the med icine to restore yor strength and give you a goo appetite. During thin week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights, tickets on the Switchback will be S.ceats for a round trip. As street cp tickets can be had at the rate of six for 25 cents, (he.an is within the reach of A gentleman of a very observant mind remarked today that a ride in the suburbs on ine street cars these delightful evenings was equal to visit to the seaside or uioimta'D so far as health was concerned. It Is lust supfrb and invigorating. Try it. Mr. I. N. Harvard, who 'or some time past has been employed by the Raleigh Street Railway Company, left yesterday afternoon to accept a position on one of the leclric lines in Baltimore, tor Harwar is a most efficient elect rician and we most slm cerelv wish him succes in bis new sphere. i We print a communication to day from a well known, intelligent citi zen, which, to some extent, defeuis the action of the Board of A'dermen, on the light question. This is as it should be. We want a free and full discussion of the matter from all staudpoiuts. We have given what we believe the' cont rolling soutiment of the community, but we like for a'l sides to be heard. In a "multitude cf council there is wisdom." A Lawn Party. The ladies of the Tabernacle B i 1 id r church will have on Friday niirht a lawn party and furnish i:e cream cake, fruit, &c, at the premises, cor ner of Blood worth and Hargett Sts Everybody invited to come and have a pleasant time. Programme'. The following is the programme of the Joint PicDic of the Masonic and Odd Fellows Fraternities at Wake Forest July 23rd Memorial Hall, 11 a. in Prayer by Rev. William Royall. D. D Wake Forest. Address of welcome and introduc tion of first speaker by O. K. Holding, Wake Forest. Address, I. O. O F., by Hon. G. W. SanderUn, Raleigh. Introduction of second speaker by J. W. WoodMf, Youngsville. Address, A F. and A. M , by W. R. Henry, Esq., Henderson. Invitation to dinner by Dr. W. C. Lankford, Wake Forest. Memorial Hall, 8 p. m. -Prayer by Rev. P. T. Klapp, Youngsville. Introduction of first speaker by H. H. Harris, M. D., Wake Forest. Address, A. F. and A. M., by R T. GrayEsq., Raleigh. , ; " Introduction of second speaker by Dr. P. R. Hatch, Youngsville. ; Address, I. O. O. F., by W. W. Kitchin, Esq., Roxboro. Benediction by Rev. J. J. Hall, D. D , Kaleigh. Bay Magnolia hams, Magnolia shoulders and E. 0. shoulders at ' D. T. Johnson's.. A Few Suggestions. We are pleased to note that the ad ditions to our adyertMng columns duiiug the past few days, evince a disposition on the part of our be si- ness men to push matters daring w!it uity be termed th "dull sea sor " l nis is lu accordance wuu our vie job of what constitutes strictly busmec9 energy and push. I Is ab surd to suppose that our mercnants can sit idly and expect at a time of lethargy to have trade rushed to them with a'l the competition now in existence in .'the various callings. Now, above all others, Is the time to exercise energy aiu ijc aua mere carnot possibly be any better mode to tide over the t'ght times thau by a judicious system of advertising. In order to place matter of this k! id in as favorable light as possible before our bus' less community, the Visit R is read to co-operate upon as len ient torais as possible, and meich .nts and business men of a'.l callings will find that its column can be secu 'ed now with mutual advantage. We staud ready to meet the business community at least half way, so thai, there may be as li'tle ps possi be of lagging in trade between now aud the f'liopeuingof the fall season We cordially invite the merchants to flunk over the matter. Of course there is a certain amount of self in terest among a)' classes of people,and we purely do not claim to be entirely exempt from it, but we can assure the people of Kaleigh that we are willing to lunke all reus mable sacrifices to aid i he public. We need uot re iteiate the claim of the visitor to trie largest local cir hink I ' if culation 'A'h's is conceded we I on all sidi.3. Whenever tliereiore,; advertisements 8 re de.vred for affect in the city of R'e!gh or vicinity we do not hesiiate to assert that through the columns of this paper they will be as productive of: good as bv any other means that can oe adopted t We vite a special call at our offioe from the business men generally or a conference with oi:r loyal reprasenta- I; V W Llr . ffcLJ y'K " tr l uiwvou tin au 1 tune on liis anv runuus.- vvemra th'nk that mutual bdOPliti ea be 8cored. - Think and act upon these 8UK;-tior i A .Wfterj'. . There s an o'd grave y- d west of Federal cemetery, on the . ock quarry j road There has long been a nruor . that there wc- money br ed thee. It was d us up aboi't f we ty yeais ao. Wbodooei!, or wiiat va'uab'es they g"t. was nrtver knowj. Lately a i old colored li-m nam d Henderson, who keeps a n'o e, claims that he hus talks with God and that God 'iformed hiia that there was money buried there Henderson went to Wash'i'vfcon to get permis sioufodig up t!e tro'U")i buiied tho-e They re 'erred bim to t he State authorities who refer ed h''n to the shoriff GeU:ng no si.t'-faction or peiiuicf;io.i from any of them he coutiuued to talk about his couver- h t ioiiw'lhGou about the treasures that were bi "ied. Saturday night sMue peuplo went to the grave yar', and placed a, guard around the grave while others dug It up. Wnat treasure they got for their trouble is not known. Several colored men passed by while they were at work. One stopped and a gun was ponted at him, and ha was told if he didn't leave there would be a hole shot through which a buzzard could fly! The man left, and there the tale comes to an end. ' There is a mystery somewhere. What is it? Are ton Heady ? Have You Money? If you have money on hand take it down to Swindell's and invest. Don't I wait the probabilities, and that you ' wttl not get another such opportun I ity to buy goods at wholesale cost, ( with a tremendous stock to select fro ai and all goods at exactly cost, ia S a thing not often found. This sale wUl 40 dayB but those who come flt will get first pick. ' I). T. Swindell. A LHre Tomato We have been tlnwii a toiuat that wad raU'd ly Mr K M Uiz-nan who reside at U7. n roer of Dawson and Jones stret If N the finest speci meu e h t e -en, nitauitlovr. elg'i teen iuches in circmufeieuce and weighing one pound and eight ounces. Mr. UUtnao bason sale the finest vegetables to b i mud in the city, cut fresh uu 1 In e every iuoru:ng, to. J18. and sells them on moderate Hold Tbiil At Pprhaui. last Thursday, a col ored man named Dink Uohues stole a hand trrok (rem lenry Rogers, aioo colored, and gave it to a tra'n hsud directing him to bring it to Beiiy Hiutou in Ra'eijh. II in too returned ,'ie trunk to Rogtrs who upon exaiii- ! inaMon found thai the t'ink had ! eeu broken open and eoudry pr I tides taken therefrom, ine'ed'ner a nice hat and otter wearing apparel. ' It seems that the thief nad been to ( Wilmington and ivtnrued going , 'hvough Raleigh where he livos, to Durham He wits arresred at, the depot here this morning and some of the stolen property found in his pos session. As the crime was com ' mitted in D'lrham the mthoii'.ies "ere uot.lue.ii of Holmes' arrest and he will be sent .to that place for trial About the tro-vtl of Cities. The following article is front the IpenofDr E L. Perkins, written for i the Morehead City vews. It is so miie'j to the point that we reproduce it as told for reflection among our ' people. The g; owth of any town or city de Peu8 uPn enterprises by which such ft place h sustaine1 (Jilies that grow are always busy places. A city of vdlers wou'd te a curiosity. Places th,t have stopped growing funish such characters as those who "'lounge around" in idleness. As you travel about in the wold notice carefully the towns yon pass tnrougu If every ' body is busy the place isthriviDg,and j m be Uke to ow but lf there are many idlers, ' loafing around" the place is done growing T or grov mg sma'ler. To boom a place successfully the people must increase the number of its enterprises. One permanent en erprise which employs 20 operatives will support 103 population. D ive en terprises, employing . 20 operatives each, will support a population of 500 ' neoDle So as new enterprises are planted they call for Increased num bers of abiding citizens. Whenever the popula" ion overruns the demand for operatives in the various brauches of business, there will be idle p- ople, or else the surplus labor will seek iiu p'oyment elsewhere There will be houses "to rent" instead of houses to be erected. The ma'u reason why so many booming towns have ceased to boom is that enterprises have not kept pace with iucoming population A little reflection will teach any one that every new enterprise adds to the chances for increase population that makes a successful boom. Education at enterprise, always at tracts the best population. When tbeie in most intellectual developmen t there you will find the greatest and th grandest physical results. Let educational enterprise take the lead, and not a place In the rear. The school house in any neighborhooi is an index to the thrift and taste of the people near by. A shabby school house is a pretty sure bigi- of an indo lent people. Grand peiwati-ns for educating the childrenvts indicative of a boom that is likely to be perma nent. Seed for canaries aud mocking bird food. Birds are like blind men they won't sing unless for a nickel or so. Feed the birds and they will en tertain you. A. Dughi. "Triplett" and "8now Drift" flour gives universal satisfaction. Try a sack D. T. Johnson.' Phone 28. For Sale A one horse power Bhipman engine, good order. Cheap, j 19 A. Duuhi. I)i.sHpoiutel Once. Many people who eaioo in Swin dell'ri stor today exprescil tin in selves as being disappointed. Paid they really did not believe this pale was a genuine selling at cost sale, but had fond the goods as low as they wanted tbem, and if we were making anything on them we were welcome; that they did uot want them for any less Don't hold back. This thing Is all right and you a re to be bene fitted. IV T Swindell. Keu:i'l3c At Sori'tlTs old Kivcr Ice si i:d, rcur of the market Opt u fpui 5 o'clock a. ui until 9 o'clock . in. Fresh water melons on ice every day. Eu Stkiuikhh Velinesap box enuff, Dental chew ing gum, lump starch, aud "Hub"' and "Tarheel" smoking tobpeco at 'actory prices at I). T. Johnson's. i'hotogra p. I have opened a tirst clans gallery at 113. Fayetteville street, over the Singer enice, where I am prepared to Iittt iiiru wiii?n v ti i ai ri iucp lj uit t the times. Satisf action guarantee I. i B S. Ma'vtocks. j-i.'y oot. Nio brown su,:ar fio lb at D. T. Johnson's. For Wale. Horse, carriage and harness on easy teuns. H F. Smith, lGGp Cor. Fayetteville and Mania sts Special Sale of Liwns, challins and calicoes. Uu Thursday J uly 21, we will sell a lot of Lawns, challies and calicoes At 4u a yard. This sale will be well worth your attendance. WOOLLCOTT & 30NS. Cleveland Beavers. We have the correct shape in Cleve land beavers, and respectfully tall the attention of political clubs to these hats and the campaign hand kerchiefs W. H & R. S. Tucker. For iteut. House with four rooms and kitchen. Apply to Dr. J. H. Crawford. je30 tf MY gQOMnQRE! SPECIAL SfiQB MDSLIPPEB SALS THIS WEEK. Asktosseour $1.50 & $2.00 LADIES' BUTTON BOOTS Also our GENTS' $3 25 FRENCH CALF SHOES They would he cheap at double the price. Norris' Dry Goods Stork, 213 Fayetteville street. man, I I I RUN IN ON WE Hammock Wagon THI8 MORNING THAT WAS OVER LOADED AND COULD NOT GETTHERli, We prized them out and they gave us their load. Now we have hammocks at 45, 67, 78, 87, up to $1 ..18. 10 cases of shoes and slippers in to day; we will sell shoes and slip pers 35 per cent, cheaper than any other house in Raleigh. . If you want a trunk we have them at 37c to $!) 00 Lap robes 4Sc up Buggy whips 6c up, A. A. Sheeting yard wide, 5c If you want a clock, accordeon, Rug, Hat, Tinware, Hardware : Stationery fans or a doll go to the HAMMQCKS LiiRiCKlSI()fil For all you want. 86 Centre Street, Qoldsboro, and 129 Fuvetfcville St.. If ale ij; hi. UardHHre, &c. FRUIT JARS, QREANf TREZht!3, URCKr.AIX J TNED 1 RESERVING ETT LES. STEEL PRESERVING KETTLES GKANIT12 IKON KUTTLKS, DAISY CAKUIAGKS. CHO(ilinT SF.TS. beadtifolTgl&sswa. PAIXf IN SM VT.L CANS. JSjTXuW IS THE TIMg TO t -:S THESE 'iOOPi mmi U 881G6S H sons, RALEIGH, N. C. AWfBESUIB. muffoiuSuim Mpv'-c th faci. Ae will move our estab Miiiienton the 1st of August to A G Rhodes' old slant', on Exchange flace. oly lifteen mre ilys to take advantage of our spleiu'kl oTeis in e'eryMn'iis; in our liue. which we ire making at about cost. LOOK AT THIS SPECIALTY. A beautiful Chamber Suit of teu nieces, in Sixteenth century sty'e, at only H Nothing Like This ever helore onerea in iraJeisn. uoilanil icok at ihem, an'l yon will be sine to pui clmie. Itenie.uber now that vour time is slio'-t. Ouly l.o n?ore (Uivs We want oiu citizens to look tbi'ou'jh the Splendid Stock. ft is too numerous and varied to nnblish in deta". It embraces evervtliinar ia and be- louij.ns to the furniture line. UEMKMBER THE PLACE. TBItttMViU. Exchange Place, SOUTH SIDE MARKET. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualilied as the admin -rator ot the estate of the late W W Ho( ,lt"n, this i- to uolx-.y all persons Laving claims against the estate to present tbo saaie to me for payment on or before the lull day of May, 18D3, or this notice will be pleiU in bar of recovery. Ad persons indebted to the estate will "'ease settle w ithout delay. C ASH RR WOOD, niy.'.7 6w Administrator. Dry Uoo&s, Noiloua, &e. lirtiTiaa-ca. CGXTH FURNISUIiVQS' HOT WEATrtElt Cool underwear. Gents Nainsook Shires ami Pi bj'rgan Shi''is and Daw i.j, 'n(0- -m ni.d domestic, Q.oize Sbi i. siioH 'ti.f o. l' sleeves. Lisle Shirts, Elastic Sean D.awe i, hi roi.l'ju and linen, Suir.M '-.e.iin I) av.en, in cotton ami lineu, buuoa and balbd'iM ankles. KiGLlOEKSUlUTiS. Upon our comiiers are "do ii Hie in.si il'1 siraole texiu.es in Nea':gee 8Ui.-, an ; i-s--' in ni ices from 0c up. JQltliSS SiiiUlcJ. Gents Diflss Shirts, metiiuiu ano lon I- ) soms, open back, open iront, aud o,i i.t. k ami l:in,it, piaiu and ihu.cd; U'uep m, piuo aud embroidered I'ron , ior ' all evej mt; dress. Our line of Dres3 Shirts for this season is larger aud the variety ot stvles greater tuan ever. In our Genls Pur li-.hiny; Goods Depaif ruent liny be found at ad umcs oodavf high graae at lesi tuan "cky luices." W. B. R,S. Tucker t Co