(1 IP RALEIGH, THURSDAY, JULY 28. 185)2. NO. 82 VOL. XXVII. X Th Weather Today, onal forecast for this vicinity : Fair, coutinaed warm ; becoiniug : threatening Friday ' evening. Kaln on Saturday ; mnch cooler." - Local data for U boars ending 8 a. Li. today: Maximum temperature, 99; mini" mnin temperature 75; rainfall 0.00. CITY IN BRIE'. Look oat for a cool wave, and be grateful when it comes. . Electric lights will be placed in the post office building. Work on the third flwr of the new Park Hotel has commenced. We learn that the sick list in the city is on the decrease. Gav. Vance has so far Improved in health as to be able to visit the en campment at Wrightsville. . - Mr. John C George, President- of the Raleigh street railway, is in the city. A'new hotel is talked of near More- head, the cost of which will be about $160,000. . Many factories' and mills through routtae.conntry hare ait at down on account of the heat. ' A considerable number of promt nent Republicans are in the city to day. ' The switchback was largely pat rouized by the colored people last night. Travel at ci tint on the street earn continues 'to bo enormous. It is splendid recreation these 'nights, es pecially for ladies and children. Mr J G Oorrie, of the secret ser vice, of the Unitrd States Treasury Department was iu the city yester day. ' 1 .:- A colored convict at work in the brick yard of the penitentiary was overcome by the heat and died yes terday. '. -. V"'--.- . The ladles of the Brooklyn M. church congregation will give a lawn party at the grounds of the church tonight. Let there bo a large atten dance. w The Guilford county Institute closed last Tuesday. It was con , ducted by Prof Alderman who de livered a most admirable address. A ' great deal of interest was manifested . Q He an interesting debating ho eiety has been inaugurated - in th Marvin Chapter of Epworth League, which is composed of youthful meir ' bSrs. This is highly creditable and will prove interesting and instroc tive. We have been requested to state Y that the' Democratic primaries will take place next Saturday at the same time and places as before. The meet' ings in Raleigh, Township will be held at night; in the country in the Although the fifteen minutes ached nle was run on the electric railway last night, the cars were crowded up to a late hour. Brookside Park and ' the fair grounds had a large number of visitors. ;On August 23rd and 24th, the third annual tournament of the Greens . boro Gun Glob will take plac at Greensboro. The. premium list will , amounV to over $200. All organized - clubs in this and other- States are ins vited to take part. Cot. W. A. Boy kin, of the Fifth , Maryland Regiment, who is so well ;,nd favorably- remembered by onr I) people, was in tie city yesterday af rvdon bn his way from Morehead to ;flaltimore. He -met with a cordial '. reception -. from hla many friends in j a; - ttalelga..v-." V;?1'; ; , . . . Te,re, dre a 'arKe number of editors in council . at ; Charlotte and a good time generally is being had. Ma C " Dowd delivered the ' address of wel .-eome yesterday;, which was most highly Commended..':. The citizens of. The farmers are clamoring for rain. The political excitement is getting on. As the prlmarii s approach there is much speculation and any quantity of predictions. The weather folks promises us rain on Saturday next, with cooler weath. er. We are hoping the prophecy will turn out correct. No other arsaparllla has the merit in it by which Hood's Sarsaparilla has won such a firm hold upon the conn denoe of the people. The Republican State Executive Committee were in session here to day. One of the main subjects d is cussed concerns the holding of a con vention for the purpose of nominating a State ticket. We hear that there is much 'diversity of opinion about the matter. , We noticed several cases of fast driving on the outskirts of the city, yesterday. In one case the poor ani uial seemed almost ready to drop from fatigue and heat. Horses should not be over-driven this weather, and we think the person who has so little mercy for the brutes should be se verely dealt with. . Mr. Win. Boy lan, Sr., who is one of our o aest ana most ODservam cm - . . A I A. J zone, said this morning, that the spell of weather we are now having, 'is the hottest he had ever seen in Raleigh There are other citizens who express the same opinion. Coutracts as a rule should be held inviolate. We do not advocate, of course, their wanton verinrow, un less it can be clearly shown that un due steps had been taken to procure them. We, how ver, do insist and shall continue to do so, that when our people are put to the most serious inconvenience from a bad arrange tne'nt entered into by their agents that if there is a remedy it should be applied at the earliest moment. In the case of the lighting of the city there is a proper step to pursue. It is for the "Board of Aldermen to con tr?ct for additional electric lights to take the place of those removed Ua til this Is done, the indiguation of the people will not subside Our Alder men may rest assured of this. Awarded The following scholarships have been awarded by the State Superin tendent of Public Instruction . in North Carolina in the Nashville Pea body Norma' School :. Miss Mary A. Ren'lrick end Miss Battle Jackson, Shelby. N. C ; A. E Hendley, Anson- vllle. N C ; Robt B Brown. Sandy Mush, N. C ; M. LaFayette, Solitude, n. o: I O O - Regular meeting of Seaton Gales Lodge, No. 61, I. O. O. F. to night at 8 o'clock. Work in the initia tory degree a nd other important business to be transacted, uemoers of the lodge are earnestly requested to attend. A cordial invitation to ail Odd Fellows. I. O O. F. Charters and supplies were forward. ed yesterday by the Grand Secretary, for two new lodges of Odd Fellows. One to be located at Wilmington and the other at Laurinburg. Wilmington will then have, four lodges and near , five hundred mem bers of this order. Ladles Meeting. All mer bers of the Ladies' Auxil iary of the Young Men's Christian Association wi'l please meet at the Association building Friday after noon at 6 o'clock for the purpose of making final arrangements for recep tion to be given to the members of the Association Tuesday evening 4 a gust 8d. c. This is important, ladies. Please attend.". - Fure Cider Vinegar ' Is what you want for pickling &c. a " cheap' Dy tne gallon at v. x. jonn- Iltd. Th i ui'M-nin it 2 o'clock, at t he rest dene ot her mother on South Wll- oiintou street. Mitts Auuie B. Htron aoh. daughter of th late Mr Geroge r Strooach aed ahut 21 years. Miss Strouach had baen for many years an invalid aod, although her death wa not entirely nnexpected, it has cast a sad ifloom Over her Imme diate relatives aud frin 'g with whom we most deeply sytupnthlzs The funur d services will held at d'denton Street M E Church tomor row morning at 10 o'clock tW Citv papers please copy. At his residence in Mark's Creek Township on Wedneadav, Julv 27th, Mr. Ashley Wilder iu his 71th year. Mr. Wilder was a big hearted chris tian gentleman and beloved by all that knew him. He leaves a wife and a large family of children and grand children to mourn his loss. Blessed are they that die in the Lord. B. A Curiosity. We saw on the premises of Mr. T. H Briggs this morning a curiosity in the shape of a fine banana tree, which seems to be in a flourishing condition and has in sight about thirty young bananas The plant was brought from Mexico by a lady and deposited with the celebrated fruit raiser, Mr. Van Lindley, of Guilford for a year. Last year It was brought here and set out. In the winter, it is kept at the store of Mr. Briggs in a box, and removed to his premises on Edenton street in hot weather. It Is well worth seeing "by all lovers of the rare and curious. JtllalelKb Male Academy. ; Wa are in receipt of the catalogue of the Ra'eigh Male Academy for the session of 1891-92. The total number of students in attendance was 129, which shows a steady increase. The principals of the school are Messrs Hugh Morson and O B Denson, the former a graduate of the Univers'ty of Virginia and the latter the founder of the first military school in North Carolina. These gentlemen are as Bis'ed by Mr. Perrin Busbee. whose culture and experience render him a most valuable auxiliary. In the way of afforJing a first class business edu cation for boys and rendering them proficient in studies suitable for en tering college, there is no better school in the (south. It is a source of pride to our people and we note its success with sincere pleasure. KC"lved Today A consignment of N. C. cut and roe herriog in barrels and half harrels. Will make low prices to the trade at D. T. Johnson's. How Happy ti e Little Busy Bee In the words of Socrates, "why is he happy .i' In the words of D. T, Swindell, "because he has something to do." Hence it is. we are deter mined to keep doing a good big rush lag business all the time as it is hap piness we are looking for and not money. Hence, in dull seasons we think it pays us to sell out all goods in our store at exactly what the goods costs us rather than carry any of them over. We must do a big busi ness if it is a losing business. Can not and will not be idle. Hence it is we are selling envelopes at one cent a pack and six papers of , pins for five cents, and ladies' Oxford tie shoes for fifty cents a pair, and men's coats and vests for fifty cents, and nice lawns dress goods at three cents a yard, and nice quality dress calico at four cents a yard, and organdses at six cents, and Parisian mull at six cen's, and ink two : cents a bottle, and novels five cents. Thus it is we walk rough shod over the ene-ny. .Thus it is we will keep up this march of. victory and triumph until we restfSeneath the beautiful shades in the silent city of Oakwood. Yours truly, i P. T. Swindell. JNioe small size N. O. hams, sides Straw Matting tor Summer. Ptraw mattiugs, the cleanest and cooloc t of ail floor coverings for num. tuer. We oiler reliable grades, from $5 per roll (41 srd) up. One wn not fail to get suited from our stock. We show more new designs this sen sou than ever before and prices have never been l"wer. We also have a lot of short lengths, wlii'h will be sold much under valna. No better time than July to buy straw mattings W. H & R. 5. Tucker & Co. Selliug Oat at Cont. Wool chhllie drees goods, 8c yard. Envelopes, lc pack. Cotton cballie, 3o yard. Bottles ink, 2c bottle. Maohire thread, 21c spool. Men's bleached drawers, 10c pair. All linen towels, 9o each. Ladies' Oxford tie shoes, 50c pair. Boys nice laundried shirts, 23c each. Nice pins, 6 papers for 6c. No use for ou to waste mocey by trading all over town. You will save money at Swjkdkll's. For Sale. A small black horse any child or lady can drive "ith perfect safety. A good horse cheap. W. S Uzzlb. Fresh pasturage, shade and wate. Apply to jy2i A. B Stronaxm. A lot of white quilts at 75c, $1 and $1.25 each, very cheap. 1,000 ladies gauze vests at 10c each. Silk mits and gloves 25c a pair. We will continue our sale of calico. challie atd lawns at 4c a yard until the stock is sold out. WooJjUG itt St Sons. Kennebec Itiver Ice At Sorrell's old stand, roar of the market. Open from 5 o'clock a. m. until 9 o'clock p. ui. Fresh water melons on ice every day. ED HTRPHKN0. l'liotograps. ' I have opened a first cla.su gallery at U3i, Fayetteville. street- over the Singer office, where I am prepared to give first class work at prices to uir the times. Satisfaction guarantee. B. "S. Mattocks. jaly 5vfit. NHIEM9 MY UOOJIS STORE! SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Ask tos3e Our $t 50 & $2 00 L4DIES BUTTON BOOTS Also our GENTS' $3.25 FRENCH CALF SHOES. They would be cheap at double t,he price. Norbis' Dry Goods Stork, . . 213 Fayetteville str-iet, it - WE RUN IN ON A Hammock- Wagon THIS MORNING THAT WAS OVER LOADED AND COULD NOT GET THERE, We prized them oat and they Rare us their load. ISow we have hammocss at, 45, 07, 78, 87, up to $1.38 10 eases of shoes and slippers in to day; we will sell shoes and, slip pars 35 per cent, cheaper than any other house in Raleigh. If yon want a trunk we have them at 3Jc to $9 00 Lap robes 4So up Baggy whips 6c up, A. A. Sheeting, yard wide, 5e. If you want a clock, accordeon. Rag, ' Hat, Tinware, Hardware , Stationery fans or a doll go' to the G4Y0II NET STORE i . Forallyou want. ' .J . HAMMOCKS Hardware, &c. $5.85 $6.85 $8 10 $9.25 $12.69 $1460 $15.60 $1810 -LOOK- AT TIJE8E PRICES AND DO NOT FORGET TO CALL AND LO K AT THIS LINE OF ' FRESH, NEW BABY CARRAIGES. Every ono marked at cost with freight addel. We offer these goods at cost so as to clear our floor for another line of goods. Now is the time for a bargain. THOMAS H. BRIGGS SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. 1 Mark tin fact. ATewill move ourestab- lifhrneiit on the 1st of August to A G Rhodes' old stand, on Exchange Place. o!y fifteen more d.'iys to lake advantage of our splendid offers in everything iu our line, which we are m.iamg at about cost. LOOK AT THIS f PE31ALTY. A beautiful Chamber Suit of ten pieces, in Sixteenth century style, at only tl Nothing Like This ever before oiierea in tcaieign. uaii ana look at them, and you will be suie to pur chase. Remember now that your time is short. Ouly 1 more days. We want our citizens to look through the Splendid Stock. It is too numerous and varied to Dublish in detail. It embraces evervthine in and be longing to tbe furniture hue. REMEMBER THE PLACE. Exchange Place, SOUTH SIDE MARKFT. Administrator's Ntic8. Having this day qualified as the adminiw- j-ator of the estate of the lata W W Hol- len, thw u to notify all persons havine claims against the estate to present the same to me for payment on or before the 16th day of May, 1893, or this notice will be plead in bar or recovnry. AU persons uidebtec to the estate will "lease settle without delay. GASH UK WOOD. rayl7 6w Administrator. Dry Goods, Notion, &c. I II. STOCKERi CO. Best on Earth ! By this we mean the "Ttoat Shoe bn Earth' j . - for ladies at Oxford Tie At 75c, II, $1 25 and 11.60 psr pair. No better shoe or more stylish shoes were ever offered in llaleiga , at these prices. - We carry the largest stock of shoes in the state and our prices are as low, qual- -y ity considereu, as any house '. in the country. AIM HR I 0 T ONE TIM& 1XML $2.- ana snoaiaers at p. T. Johnson's. f , most cordial welcome. . son's.

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