Che tig a VOL. XXVII. RALEIGH, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2. 1892. NO. 80 Thf Weather Today. For North Carolina: W Arm and breeiy. I ocal forecast for tbii vicinity : On Wednesday, fair, Blightly warmer. Local data for 4 hours ending 8 a. Hi. today: Maximum temperature, 84; mini" inn in temperature 70; rainfall 0.00. VITY IN IS It IFF Slightly cooler. They are here in force. Politics all the rage today. There was a considerable crowd at Brookslde Parte last night. The merry laugh of the school girlH will soon be hnard in our midst again. Several ladies enjoyed the bath at Brookslde Purk last night. Cool weather is predicted for the full moon in this mouth. There is a marked improvement in the taeaUh of the city during the past few days, so it is stated. Mr. W 8 Uzr.le.the music and sew lug machine man, has opened a branch office in Goldsboro. T The North Durham Pants Factory is doing a fine business and furnishes employment to a number ot families The Naval reserves of Charlotte will attend the encampment this month at Asheville. Senato Vance and wife have ar rived at Gouabroom, his home in Bud. comb county. Our friends from the country re port fire rain in different sections. More, however, is needed. Bobbitt's new drink called claret sherbert had full sway today amoDg the delegates to the convention and citizens generally. The Signal, edited by Mr.. J. O L. Harris,' will this week contain a red hot letttr from Hon. D. L. Russell, againbt a State Republican ticket. The . State Lodge of the Legion of Honor met here today. Mr. w. B Boyd, of New Berne, 1b Grand Mas ter. When weak, weary and worn out, Hood's Barsaparillia is just the med icine to restore your strength and give yon a good appetite. There are lots of people who have not yet paid their dog tax. It would be prudent for them to attend to the mattt r at once. Mrs. Senator Vance while bathing at the seaside last week, came in con tact with a jelly fish which wrapped one of its tendrills about her left wrist stinging her severely. Mr. Van Alston who for a long time has been a salesman at the store of Messrs. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co., has gone to the State of Washing ton to locate. We stated yesterday that Mrs. 8 M. Richardson was sick. We were in e-ror. It is Mr. S. M. Richardson who is sick and we regret to say, that his illness is serious. His many friends will deeply regret to hear this an nouncement. It has been suggested to as to state that persons having watermelons, cantaloupes, etc , to sell would often find it to their advantage to go out occasionally on the suburbs. It is rare that any ' can be found on the western suburbs, beyond St. Mary's. The electric railroad track on Har igett street has been much improved. We hope that the company may find it to their Interest to put down new -rails at an early day. When the line 5s extended as we hear is contempla ted, It will be one of the ipost impor tn l. 1U U... The apuamose wajfuu wwbu una been needing repairs, has been placed ia the shops of Mr. J. W. ifivans ror thorough overhauling. Mr. Evans ' has the reputation of doing first class work, therefore oar City Fathers may A.nonf m crnnA nA&t iob. . , Boom up the business ceettng at Morehead on the 10th Inst. Let there be a tremendous attendance. A further extension of the Blount Street line of railway is, we hear, un der consideration. A big pony penning will take place on the Banks, near d City, on August 12th. Hundreds of beau tiful penies will be penned. .Don't forget the entertainment of the ladies Auxiliary ,at the Young M-n's Christian Association hall, to night. The entertainment to be given at the Young Men's Christian Associa tlon rooms tonight will be a most at tractive one. It is free to all mem bers. See the programme. The mallet used by Mayor Badger is made from wood taken from the Governor's old palace, on the site of the present Centennial school. It had just received a touch of paint in red, green and black, by "Tobe" Marshall, who is pretty much of an artist in that line. Tobe" says the colors represent the different classes who come before his honor. The green is the chao who occasionally visits the city to see the sights and becomes f o elated as to get in the cilabooBe The red represents the noses of the d and d's, and the black represents the Ethiopian portion of onr city who frequently resort to the mayor's court iu search of justice. New Advertisements. S wind all 8hoes, &c W. 8 Dzz'e Removal. Jones & Poweli Kennebec Ice. Koi'gu ou Fats. A big lot Campaign Caps, beauties at 10 cents each at Swindell's. Wake County Democratic Cou vei'tioa. ! This body met at Metropolitan Hall at noon, today for the purpose of nominating a legislative and county ticket, and other purposes j The convention was called to order by W. C Stronach. Esq , Chairman of the Wake Corwty Ex Committee The representatives of the Demo cratic Press were chosen secretaries. A committee on credentials was dis pensed with as it was found that all the townships were represented, there being no contests. Mr. R H. Battle was elected per manent chairman, who being escorted to the chair, made an appropriate ad dress. Mr W W. Wilson was selected as Absistant Secretary. Mr. M. W. Page was nominated for the office of sheriff by acclamation. The nomination of a Register of Deeds was proceeded with 'i he name of Millard Mial was pre sented. Messrs F. K Williams, Wil lie G. Riddick and T. S. Lynn were also presented. A ballot being taken Mr. Mial was declared to be the nominee. Mr. Louis O. Lougee was nonr inated for Treasurer by acclamation. Dr. Buffalo was nominated . for uoroner Dy acclamation. Mr. Jos. Blake was nominated for Surveyor by acclamation. Mr. H. 0. Olive was nominated for the Senate by acclamation. The following gentlemen were nom inated foi the House of Representa live : Maj. C. H.Clark, Walter Grimes and F. L. Marriott. The delegates to the Congressional Convention were instructed to vote for A. D. Jones as long as there ap . V J ' Lt- -I . 1 J beared a reasonable chance for his nomination. Tin Ice Famine Over. We have just received a telegram announcing the arrival of a vessel load of ice fro-n Maine. We expect a car load tomorrow mornW and Dlen ty from now ou of part, hard, cold Kennebec ice without medicine in it. Lookout for white covered wagons. Jones & Powell, , Fayetteville st. and Centra) depot. Phones 41 and 71. au2 Our Re;io.s Oiily. We are selliug all our goods at whoUtmln cj-t Our purport is to put in t he lar'HBt nock potxln ia our Store in riept ember that was ever brought to KnUkh Aud we must have n ore room Our plans have succeeded well All our goods are being rapHly sold. This fall we will show you soiue lnony uisneuvr'ngs. e are fixing for bupinesB. Remem ber thid. D. T. Swisdbll. Personal Meutiou. Mrs. P. C. Ennis and children have returned to the city from a trip to the eastern part of the 8tate Hon. B.EL Bunn.CongresHuian from this district, is at the Yarboro. Mr. H. H. Martindale of Bal imore, tIb in the city. Mrs. Belle Foster, of Norfolk. Va., is in the city, visiting the family of Mr. C. F. Debnam. Capt. John Smith, of Marks Creek Township, is in the city. Mr. R M. Casey, of Lynchburg, Va., is visicing relatives and friends in the city Mrs. Wm. M. Brown, Sr., 1b in the country on a visit to hor daughter, Mrs. M M. Shaw, who is very sick. Dr. Sorrell of Barton's Creek town ship was in the city today. We are glad to state that Master Claude Denson is still improving. Mr. Henry 1'ouug has Pa nacea Springs. Marian But'er, Esq., President of tin State Farmers Alliance, is in the city. Messrs. C. F. Lumsden and Chas. A. Fendt left yesterday evening for Chapel Hill with a pquad of bands where they will do an extensive piece of work for the University. The many friends of J. Wayland Jones from Holly Springs, this coun ty will be glad to know he has acsep ted a position with the well known and popular clothing firm of Messrs. Whiting Bros. Mr Jones has held. a similar position for several years in this city and in that length of time has made a favorable impress on on an witn wnom lie lias come in coo- a(Jj. W. S Uzzle has moved his office to the store occupied by Jones & Pow ell All in need of sewing machines, pianos and organs can be furnished there. au2 W. 8. Uzzle. Photographs. Go to B. 8. Mattock's for your pho tograpb.3 113i Fayetteville st. al tf The Oak City Steam Laundry is now UDder the management of Mr. E W. Band, a skillful and competent laundryman of Troy. N. Y. First . class work guaranteed in every re ! spect and customers will be served promptly. al tf L R. VVTATT. Kennebec Kiver Ice At Sorrcll's old stand, rear of the marKet. Open from 5 o'clock a. m until 9 o'clock p. m. Fresh water melons on ice every day. Ed Stephens. Ladles Flue Sl-oes. We are preparing for a fine shoe trade In ladies, misses and men's shoes. Hence we have taken lots of tronhle to seen re the fonr,rrl nf Rn r lne Bro8 ; Cincinnatl 8hob8 foP ,ft1ins which druitl.e(1 hv i, shon mnnil facturers to be the most beautiful I fitting shoe and the most durable shoe made in America. Our first shipment of Baring shoes have ar rived. D. T. Swindell. Weather Report. The bulletin issued by the Agricul tural Bureau for the. month ending August. 1st, 1892, represents the weather through ut the State during ' the past week as usually warm and dry. The maximum temperature h s been above 90 degrees It has been one of the longest continued dry spells experienced in this State for a longtime Notwithstanding the crops ' . . . A r ! Beem to hftTe mPrvei- Corn and Tooacoo sugniiy lojurea. xnresnmg whett and oats seems to be over. Making hay continues a ad, in some sections curing tobacco has com U'unted to Morrow A niual' amount of money on good security. Aoy pi-rson having the inoif v to loan will please add rets B., jy 33 3t Raleigh, N. O. cor. Harriusjton and Jouesnts On Monday we will mote our ladies, misses and child's shoe department to our first 11 or. We have cow a complete stock in this depart ireut and will be pleased to show them to our customers We are cloning our stock of summer fabrics out, at great ly reduced prices. Woollctt & o$s. Bargains in Sewing Machine One New r ome 3 drawer (good order, $ 7 (P One New Hone 1 ' (prime) 12 00 One Wheeler and Wilfvi No 1 (good order, 3 drawer 4 (P One Secor (3 drawer) good order 0 0 The above machines are warranted and will be sold by the close of Aug. 1st. W. 8 Uzzlk, jj29 3t 114 Fayetteville St. For Sale. A small black horse any child or lady can drive ith perfect safety. A good horse cheap. W. S Uzzlk. At The Fayetteville St. Door. Just as one enters from Fayetteville street can be found the following in teresting things iu the dry goods line. A table of towels from 7i cents up ; table of napkins ranging in price from 40 cents per dozen, up ; a line of ingrain carpets in lengths of about 1 to 30 yards at marked down prices ; a line ci Brussels carpets at loss than mill cost ; a line of white nklrtinirf marked at less than half N. Y . cost These goods we wish eery ladv in Keieign to notice, because thoy are expected to be so'd before new stuff for fall comes in. W. H. & R. e. Tuckrr & Co, Derma Royale OURES Any case of moth-patches, brown spots.l'ver spots, blackheaua, ugly or muddy skin un natural redness, freckles, tan or otaer cuta neous discolorations. We also agree to for feit Five Hundred Tollars to any person wuwe sum cau va uijureu in iu uiguwi possible manDer, or to anyone whose com i. . i i i 1 1 . i r i j. plexion (no matter in how bad condition it may oe), mil not be cleared, wniteneu, im proved and beautified by the use of Derma Royale, Price fl per b !tle and can be obtained only from MRS P H SHI 7BRS, aul tf Cor Wilmington and Morgan st1) DBY IMS STfllll OUR ENTI8B STOCK OF FINK i AT GREATLY REDUCEDPRICES. From now ULtil the first of September, in order to make room for the enormous stock we are having made up for the fall. -DOS'T MISS THISSALEJ Nor his' Dry. Goods Stork, 213 Fayetteville striet A LOOSE LION ON THE STREET As we said when we first opened, if you would note the prices you have been pay ing, you will buy your goods cheaper after we openoa. The high price concerns are tumbling, an WHY? There is a "LTON" after them If thev don't run their prices to to the low water mark tie will Catch Them ! He is in sight. You can see his head at 139 FAYETTEVILLE STREET Campaign Caps for 19 cents, flats for ev ervbodv. We will sae you 35 per cent, on every pair oi auues yuu ouy. A. A. Sheeting, a yard wide, 5 cents. 8mm 4 cents. Lace 1 to 33 cents. Hose 5 to 39. bilk Mus 19 to SO.MosquitA Nets ; 3 cents. Dress Shields 9 cents. Dolls 4 to 98 cents. Writing Paper2 cents quire. Envelopes 1 cunt a pack. - " ink 2 cents o bottle. Slate Pen ; c'ls 4 for 1 cent. Blank Books , at all prices. Umbrellas 41 cents up. Fans 2 cents up. We clakn this cut in prices as our credit, We drove the old Uaiera to it. SHOES P Hardware, &c. S5.85 $6.85 $810 $9.25 -LOOK- AT TDESE PRICES AND DO NOT FORGET TO CALL AM) $12.61 $14 60 L0 'K AT THIS LINE sislio FRE8H' KEW BABY CARRAIGES. Every one marked at cost with freight added. We offer tfese goods at cost so as to clear our floor for another line of goods. Now is the time for a bargain. THOMAS H. BRI66S & SOHS, RALEIGH, N. O. Mark thi fait. ewill move our estab lishment on the 1st of August to A G Rhodes' lid stand, on Exchange Place. Only tifteeu mre days to take advantage of our splendid offers in everything in our line, which we are malting at about cost. LOOK IT THIS SPECIALTY. A hpant.ifiil fihnmher Sn it. nf tn tiipppa. in Sixteenth century style, at only $1 Nothing Like This ever before ottered in Kaieign.. Uall and look at them, and you will be sme to pur chase. Remember now that your time is short. Ouly It more days. We want our citizens to look through the Splendid Stock. ft is too numerous and varied to publish in detail. It embraces evervthins in ami hn. longing to tbe furniture line. REMMBERTHS PLACE. THDM&S k MEM, Exchange Place, SOUTH STDifi MARKET. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as the adminis ,rator of the estate of the late W W Hot len, this i to notifv all persons havinir claims against the estate to present the same to me for payment on or befo-e the Kith day of May, 1803, or this notice will be plead m Dar oi recovery, ah persons indebted to che estate will "lease settle without delay. UABUB'KWWW, rayl7 6w Administrator. Dry Goods, Notions, &v. SUHMER SHIRTS Sheer Puff Bosoms. The SB.KKR TUF' BOSOM SHIRT is the coolest of all sniumer shirts, and may be had in either wh.te or colored fronts NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. VEGLIQEE SHIRTcJ are presented tui$ season diuerent in slyle from those of previous years, being more dressy than ever before One feature WHICH COMMENDS itself is the soft unlaundried fronts, whUe the cuffs and collais are laund'ied, same as for a dress sh'rt. So house shows a better line than ours. Prices From 50c Up. llTISuLIiCHEu n o iiim GSNTS' THIN UDEaiyfiAR of every description. IS. H. R. S. Tucker

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