I. O. O. P. Regular meeting of Beaton Gales Lodge, No. 64, I. O. O. toUnd Mrs .night at 8 o'clock, sharp. Memh'fa of the lodg" are earnestly requested to attend. A. cordial invitation to all Odd Fellows. Fogs la August., For every fog ia August it is sal 1. there will be a snow Id wtuter If there I anv tin 'd ! there will be ooe b'g spow next winter there was a tremendous f"g this ruoruinx. Watch out for theiu this mouth. Ulad of It. The 8tate Chronicle says 'Some important matters are under cou slderatioD relative to the construction of a handsome and wide Macadamized road or boulevard from Hillsboro rokd to Pullen Park The road lead ing past the park is to be graded and Macadamized " The Chamber of Com niece. The Chamber of Commerce an I in dust'y will meet this evening, at 8:30 o'clock. Let every member be on hand. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected, and the matter of representation at Morehead on the 10th instant will be considered, and It is important that every member be present. C G Latta, Pres. New Professor. We are delighted to know that the trustees of our 8tate University at Chapel Hill have selected for the chair of geology and mineralogy Prof. Collier Cobb, a son of the Rev. N. B. Cobb, author of a most exceh lent and useful tchool map of North Carolina. Mr. lobb has been a most successful teacher in Harvard and is a gentleman of the highest literary excellence. His many friends in Ral eigh and other points in the state will be delighted to hear of his elet, tion to the position named aud feel that he will do honor alike to him self and our noble university. Getting Heady. The executive commitreu of the State Association of Democratic clubs have made arrangements for the meeting to take plaoe in this city 011 the 31st. Messrs. B C. Beckwith, E. C. Smith and John W. Thompson, are the committee, with powei to ap point local committees, to arrange for the meeting of the convention. It is intended to meet Gen. Adlai E Stevenson on the border of North Carolina and Virginia and escort him to Raleigh. The executive commit. tee will meet at the Yarboro House on August 80th Old Soldiers. In anbwer to enquiries we can say that, so far as we have learned, no special time has yet been set for the old veterans re union at Wrightsvilie, but presume it will be determined es soon es the next encampment is over, which commences next week. These re unions should be made ns eomfor table as possible for the old soldiers, and w have no doubt a good time can be anticipated. '1 hey need all the attention our people can afford They deserve it. Outfit that very properly contains a supply of 1 111 C25 Beer irhich adds to the enjoyment of all the other dainties, and makes a picnic a picnic indeed. A 25 cent package makes 5 gallons of this very popular beverage. Don't be deceived if dealer, for the sak of larger profit, tells you some other kind , U "just at good "'tis false. No imitation ia as good as the genuine Hires' FREE Trial. Why suffer ease?, when Electricity will cure you and keep you in health. ( Headache relieved in one minute.) To prove this I will send Tm JljHfi'fi Eltrir Rflt to any one on trial, free Prices: 13. l-r O UQH 9 EiieCiriU DCll 6 10 and tl5 if satisfied. Also. Electric 'rmsseb and Box Batteries. Costa nothing to try them. Can be regulated to suit, and guaranteed to last for years. A. Belt and Battery combined, and produces sufficient Electricity to shook. Free Medical advice. Write to day - Give waist measure, pros and full particulars. Agent Wanted jitay 28) Addroa Dc. Jiddt Petroit, Mich. Personal Mention. I Mter Joseph Bogan " son of Mr J. B. Hogan, is very sick with fever Mr. Thomas Farmer's little daugh ter, Hat'ie, is convalescing. Mr. Oregon Royeter, of Colnmbia, 8. C, ie in the city, stopping with his brother on Hillsboro street. Mrs. O. P. Weddon, formerly of this city but now of Norfolk, Va , Is in the city visiting relatives and friends. Bo B. H. Bunn left this morning for Washington Citv. A Good One. The following is from the Greens boro Record : "We hear a right good story a drummer got off on some Durham boys the other day. The ucomraer cial tourist" took dinner in Durham, and happened to get at a table us ually occupied exclusively by Dur hamites. He had to move to another, and in joking with the party, asked if they 'filled up" the table. They replied that they did, and that Dor ham always filled np everything wherever she went. The drummer said he believed it in fact he knew of one case of his own knowledge Asked where, he replied "the Keeley Institute at Greensboro." The bovs let him alone then, and he finished his dinner in silence ; but he don' know whether he had better stop in Durham any more or not." A gentleman who was in a position to know, told us this morning that there was not as much liquor drink ing in Raleigh now, by at least one half, as there was ten years ago To be pla n, he said th ,t there was twice as much spiiits nsed hero ten years ago R8 now. The Granville drays, of Oxford, passed through the city today on their way to attend the encampment at Wrightsvilie. NO BOGUS testimonials, no bo gus Doctors1 letters used to sell HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. Every one of its advertisements is absolutely true. NEW AnVJiltTlNIIMENTS. Fur Rent. The desirable d-wellin house, 50 Fay-ette-'ille stref t, is for rent by Sptember 1st. For further informtuion apply to LFOSENTHAL, aul tf Greeaville, 8 C. Sale of Land, On Monday, the f th day of September, 1892, I will sell bv virtue of a mortgage hereinafter Famed, at the court house door in Raleigh, a certain tract of land situated in Wake county, Panther Branch township, adjoining lands of J J Young, Troy Britts, Simeon Turner and others, known as Lvnn B Parish laud and said to :ont in 100 acres. Ako said Parish's interest in 12 acres ad joining above named tract, both of which are fully described in a mortjrage from Lynn B Parish and wife, recorded in book 79, at page 240, Register's oilice of Wake county- Terms of s ue cash. Time of sale, 12 o'clock m. W H PAUK, uultds A tty for Mortgagee. lust Ms Sale. We will 'dose nur- ou entire line of Sum mer Goods. Deieares and visitors to the Convention will do el.', to call at our store and examine our goo U and prices. AT f7C. A pair of Soys Knee Pants or II Sbirt Waist. 2C. A Nice Office Coat. 3 QO. A fine Negligee Shirt reduced ' from 50c. AC. Will buy any Straw Hat in the f)f House, no matter the cost. OftC. Will buy any Light . Colored ' Stiff Hat, no matter the cost QQC. Will buy a Child's Suit, former J V price 2 50 and $2. (2 "I QO Will buy a tine pair 8hoes, forni tfH L .O J er price $3, 2 60 and J 2f O O K Will buy any Suit, former price OJ,Jt) 20, 18 and 15. R0SEN1 HAL CL0TDING COT, 305 Fay etteville St, opp Post Office. from the b-ad effects of the Li Grippe THIS WEEK FfilCB LIST Lame Back. Kidnev and Liver disease. Rheumatism, Iu dierestion. Dyspepsia, anv kind of weakness, or other di?- J!!- Wll. EjiVilAiiNi'Sil:- RALEIGH, N. C, Fucsesaor to Evans A Martin. MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, Baggies, Special attention given to repairing of all kinds, The best work is always the cheapest. And this can be found at the northwest corner of Morgan and Blount FRAIZER Cart Shaft in Stock. X. I EBERHARDT, (Successor to Phil. H Andrews), Dealer in (Coal aind Wood, Co ;t II annul Wood, Yard west end Harsrett street. Telepbon 140. Offlce, 133 Fayetteville street. RALEIGH, N, STOP HOI1 nici oitr. IT IS TOO LATE! THE BEDAL GOLD CURE INSTITUTF, AT RALKICH, N C, is now open for the treatment of Liquor, Opium, Morphine or Tobacco Habit. Cure Guaranteed in Three Weeks. The Safest, Sun-si and Best. PRICE $60 Board and Itoom $5 per WeeK. Tobacco Habit Cure only $5. N. B Broughton, I Dr. J. H. Baker, President Pnysician iu Ch'ge. IBEDAL GOLD CURE INSTITUTE, Rakig , N. C. Jul29-lm BID BARGAINS! . -AT- - WHITING BROS. 89 Pair Slippers for Ladies, in odls and ends, to be closed at and below cost. 95 Pairs Men shoes, worth from 13.50 to fO.Orf', oldsand ends, to be closed out at 2.50 and 13.00. UMBRELi AS CHEAP ! BOYS' AND OHILDRhN'8 CLOTHING at cost for the next 60 wya, to make room and clean up for fall stock. Some B g Bargins Men's Suits to lose out odd lots. STRAW HATS chei-, from 5 cents a-piece up to f 1.50. Boys' Fur and Wool Hats from ."5 cents up. Our r J9 Stiff Hats are the best 01. the mar ket for the 1 rice. Our f J .49 Shoe for Men is still ahead. We can save yon some money. Call and see for yon rself. NO 110 EAST MARTIN STriEET RALEIGH, N. C. To take effect 8c.nday,Jnne,26th,189a Traixxa moving Bortb. No 88, No 84, Stations. Mall train. Pas tf Mall. Le Raleigh. It 26 am 5 00 pm Wake. 18 04 5 88 Frankllotocu 12 28 5 58 Kittxell, 2 A 15 14 59 6 80 2 07 7 85 pm 2 45 815.am Henderson jLittleton, Ar Weldon, Traip movinc Sonta. No 41, No 45, Stations. Mail train. Past &Mail. Le Weldon, Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, PrankHnton, Wake, Ar Raleigh. 12 80 p m 6 80 a m 110 7 09 2 18 8H r 2 84 8 29 . , 2 51 8 45 . 815 9 06 4 00pm 9 85a no Louisbnrg Ra'iroad . Train moving North . No 88, Pass, No 8, Stations Mail Bxpress. Le Frankllnt'n, 8 00 pm 9 20am Ar Louisbnrg, 8285 p m 9.55 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 9, Stations. Mail A Ktpress. Le LAnisbTiri?. t1 8' a m 5 00pm Ar Franllnt'n, 12 05 p m 5 im w SMITH, flupt Wagons, etc. streets. Favirg mide all the money necessary to reduce prce for the benefit of our customers, we will sell a lot of nice pine wood for 1 per cord on yard, or II 50 delivered any where in the city. LIME SI 10 per bam-l. LATHS 1 6i per 1,000. Best on market. Lumber in plank, pro miscuous width. $S M). Framing from $9 to $'i per ', 00. Flooring and ceiling 112 Oti 14, 115 er 100. Sash,- Door:,- Binds, and Moulding reduced in same proportion. B63t Heart Shinples ' al vays on hand We manufacture our own material which enablei us to s. 11 at bottom prices. Our motto is quick sales and suiuil profits. jylf- if Ellison Roy&ter Co, SALE OF NOTES, Accounts, Books, Claims and Demands by an Ashigi.ee. By virtue of authority conferredtbv a c r- tain deed of assignment executed by Join" VV Walker, trading under the name a:id I stylt of the Oak ' lty Mai-utacturiag Com-1 puuy to ju 1 (.TocKer, on tne day oc Juiie, 181X). aud duly recorded iu the odice of the Register of 1'eeds lor Wake county, IM (', in book 111, rages 727 et seu, 1 will, 011 .Mon day, August 8U1, 18J2, sell at public auciion to the highest bidder for casft, a lot of notes, accounts, books and claims formerly belong ing to the safd John W Walker. A lull and complete li.-.t of these notes aud accounts can be seen by calling on the undersigned at his place of business, jso 9 East Hargett street, in the city of Raleigh, N C, at any time be fore the day of sale. Place of sale, county court house door,Rol eigli, N C Time of sale, 12 o'clock m H H CROCKER, Assignee. Haywood & Haywood, Attorneys. J 18 td Mortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE of a mortgage executed by Isham Smith and wife, recorded in the ot fice of the Register of Dee is of Wake coun ty in book 110, page 244, 1 will sell at public auction for cash, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C. on the 9th day of August. 1892, at 12 o'clock m. the lot of land situated on Elm street in said city, adjoin ing the lots of Dr James McKee, A. B. For rest and T. L Love, fronting 52 feet on El. 11 street and extending back 210 feet. T K. PURMKLL. Assignee and attorney for Mortgagee. Valuable Property lor hale. Having obtained an Oraer of court to sel publicly -any portion "of the red estate of Mary Morehead, deceased, this is to give notice to any who may desire to purchase any of toid real estate to "apply to the undezj signed. If a sufficient off .r is made to justi fy the placing of any of saia real estate upon the market tne same will be done ff - due advertisement; of the ti ne and place 0. sam. JNO T. PUJ LKS: el4 2m' s ' H . ' Admr. $ , ; "mn MW WewlllTHUl bills, ,1 OPIUWHOT SPRIIiGS iifirnfl 1 AndChtraeaoFet It elnedto WPIVM HABIT,5 which In eTd thi Ljnl ot Opium, Jtorphtoe. Seem Grea r NOT EXACTLY, BDT ALUOST , AToyeT, Valley City fHillrg Co's . FAMOUS B BAUDS Pafent- Roller- P.ocess- Flour. w.c. & y. mm. GROOEES Bakers and Gindj Mannfactnreis To Thoroughly'Introcracei- Offer t the Consumer one car load of th Valley City Milling s lamous brands of Flour at the following LOW PRICES: Roller Champion Highest Grade Flour Made Bbls. Special Price f 6 Oil Regular Price t6 50 i BDl Belts. " ' 13 00 ' "13 25 1-16 BblScks. it 4o .. goo LILY WHITE. Better than the Best Flour sold on this mar ket. Bbls. Special Price 5 75 Regular Price 16 25 i bbl bcks. " " 2 90 ' t315 i Bbl Scka. " " 150 " " 1160 116 Bbbl 8cks. " " 4L)c " " 45o SHOWFLAKE. The Equal of the Best brands. Strength and Whiteness Combined. Bbls. 8pecial Prices $5 25 Regular Price i Bbl Sacks. .. . 265 " " 1-16 Bbl Bcks, 11 ti it it f75 12 90 40c RELIANCE Standard Family Flour Bbls. Specinl Price $ 75 Regular Price $5 00 i Bbls Scks. " " $2 40 " 1 2 50 1)6 Bbl Scks. . 80c " " 35o REMEMBER 1 We guarantee the quality better and the Prici s Lower than any Flour sold on this market. REMEMBER I We gu ran tee evry package of Flour sold by us of the Valley City Mil a brands to prove entirely satisfactory to the customer. REMKMBER1 These prices hold good for one car load only. Jy22tf PAHACtA SPBIUGS HOTEL The oil harris mansion has been thoroughly cleaned and newly furn ished and nicely adap ed for a quiet in 11.. t . m t 1 1 a Domeuae restiux piace lor lnvauoa. The curative properties of the water' is unsurpassed by any in the country. If ailing from any diseases of I THE HKIN, f -1- : ' STOMACH, j I LIVES I o o OR KIDNEYS, o o this is the place to come and be cured where the fare is good and prices moderate. A, J. JONES, Proprietor, Panacea Springs, N. O. For Infant and Chlldrwa. Caatoria promotes TOgeaitoa, and vcomes Flatulency, Constipation, dour I ch Diarrhoea, and Feverishneaa, X1raf the child is rendered health; and Its tleer natural. Castoriav contains no tf orpnine or other narcotic property. . -Oastorla so well adapted to ehlMrin tU I reoommend it Mf Terior toany prescript known to me." ' . H. A. AaoHaa, M. V. -w 111 8outh f ford 8t, Brooklyu, S. T.' "1 aOMtiorl iA mr. practJoe, and find H cMcialbr adapted . affecfloBfc of children. " .TTATr"rrr-lljji RofclRTSOK, M. D- Jata Ave., ew tot. ' ' FTon . )crsi)nsu now ieagv svnu iimuu 1 I oata aa) ihat.Castoria b an excellent medlcin for children, acting a a laxative and relievinft the pent up bowel anf general! system Tery ir cnuur much. Many mower nave toki iu im - -.11- tinA ltAl Ah(Mmn.n ft.'1-, r-.tui O-vunr . tl Murrav Bt t, t 1. " 11111

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