7 7 JIAI HIGH POST-OFFICE MAIL BCHKDULit. Ciom at I.C'ios d OLTQOINQ MAJL8. Ex lTtTrll For Grm- boro, H.. 8. and West, xFt a)-For cihort Cut North & Uoldaboro R i O it 13 For Keys- Tille.HitUiud and way SPuli 3 tfor Wel- don.Nor.c4k N ana K EFUXrlO-For Short Out 8 and Uoldjboro ;7FfS4mi700am 15 " I 8 45 V I7l5pta 81fpm l06iatulH25am' 049pa; 128pm 3 40 ' f415 " Mffl ' I 500 " R e O lr 41 For At lanta iK & A A L) Jtx Ft l'r 84 Ki-r vVe!- Uon, Norfolk, N and 6 K f O f r i -For (JreriUi boro, N, 8 and W : 5 31) " 6 15 a. It RIVAL. At Depot S'OUani " 9 4!aii "11 10 aui 123 pm 4 00 pm 6 00 pm 11 30 pa 10 40 am A' P. O Nl'OMINU MAILS. 3 13a iu Ex Ft Tr 12 F'ui Ur'ns- j boro, S, 6 and vV 10 Oia m'Ex Fr ft 4o From Wel- I don, North and East 11 2 am Ji t O Tr 38 From At lanta (K it A A L 1 40 ptn ft i O Tr 10-F'm tfr'ns- ' boro, N, 8 and west 4 15 pm K f O Tr 41 FroruVVsl- doj, N and 8 1 15 pa ft e O Tr a- F'm Golds, . and Short Cut.N and d 11 45 pm Jx Ft Tr 21 t or ti'ds- I boro 10 55 am ft P O Tr 14 F'm Keys- vil'e, Kicuni'd and N Trains marked thus, do net move on dun oay. Miuln (or train 9 going west close at 3 p n on Hut day. 8TAB R07TES. Outooikq Mail Dkpabtb ftaleigh via B.iotwell. JUgle Rook and Wakeneld to ' Unionhope, Tuesday and Friday 6 am. Kaleigh via Myatt's Mills to Dunn, Tues 0 ty and Friday bam. Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton to Fit b Dam, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6 a ra. Raloigh via Six Forks and Bai gor to Rogers' storeTuesday and Friday 1 pm Rale'qh to Maasey, Tuesday and Frday 12 m. - 'noomi Mails ARBifxUDionhope r Watetield, Kagle Rock and 8hotweli to Pal nigh, Wednesday and Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh, Mon day and Ihursday 7 pm. Jftih. Dam via Dayton and Kelvyn Gro-e hi Raleigh, Yonday, Wednesday and Friday 7 pm. Rogers' stow via Bangor and Six Forks to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 m Maasey to Raleigh Tuesday and Friday t ') am. if Olose at 3 p m a ate. Dual dxijivmx tiYBTisc. Free deliveriet at 8:30 a m, and 2:30 and 4:45 p m, ex 8undays. Uo'leaions made at sanj hoiu-s. Sunday, 6:3') to V:30 am. Free de liver)' windows open on Sundays from 3:0C 'a 3 30 o'clock p m. A. W. SHAFFER, Postmaster. Superior Jouri off Nortb Caro . II ua. JUDGES. Name. District. Residence. Go 11 brown, 1 Beaufort, .Hem it Hryan, 8 New-Beroe, H G Connor, 8 Wilson, Spier Whicaker, 4 Wake, h, W Winston, 5 Granville, E T Boy tin, 6 Sampson, J D Mclver, 7 Garcnage, K F Armtield, 8 Iredell, J esse J? Graves, 9 Surry, join G Bynum. 10 Morgan ton, W A Hoke, 11 Lincolnton, Geo A lihuford, 12 SOLICITORS. Name. District. : John H Blount, 1 !!. White, (col) 9 t J R.Woodard, 6 ,iiWjiou, Jr., 4 Ed ti Parker, 5 U ti Allen, fS Frank McNeill, 7 B F Lou 8 " a Qouiaa Settle, 9 WOiSe viand, 10 Jj'rank L Osborn, 11 Heo A Jones, 12 Residence. Perquim'e, Halifax, Wilson, Johnston, brranaoi, Duplin, Richm'nd lreuell, Kock'Uain Caldwell, Me Jt'U'g, Mat on. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTHIOT. Spring Term Judge Shuford. 5W0OND. Spring Term J udge Brown. THIRD. Spring Term Judge Bryau. FOURTH. Spring l'erm Judge Conner. FIFTH. Spring Term J udge Whitaker. SIXTH. Spring Term Judge WiDMtoc. SKVUNTH. Spring Term Judge Boy kin. Spring Term J mage Mclver. Sjring Term Judge Armtield. - ,r TBSTTH. . l- ; Spring Term Judge Graves. i. ' - VLSVB.NTK. '- ' Spring Term J udge Bynum. .--r. .. xwklkth. , ', Spring ferm Judge Hoke, i -. Wake Jan 11th, tFeb 29, March 28tu, f April 25th, ept 25th, Hlct Him. Wayne Jan 25th, Ap'l 18th,' Sept. 12th Oct 17th. ' . H fiett Jb'eb 8th, Aug 8th, ITov , JohuatiQ Feb 15th Aug 15th, Nor For criminal cases. . v x fFor oirlt eases alone. UaifefsiU (of Nartb Carolina. Instruction is offered in four general courses of Btudv, six urief courses a large - number of special cours, and in law, mei lcine and-'engineeeriitg. The Faculty in cludes twenty teachers. Scholarships and loau fundi are' available 'for needy young men of talentjand cnaractar. The next ses sion begins Sept. 1. For catalogue with full information, address Preaiden Wi 4tout Chapel Hill, N U - " ' ; ', LOVE'S DECLINE. There cooies to moat of us perhaps to all. A d& when love is at It- bright, its , bt, And iu a star that floU adown the west. O'er the horizon's rim, beyond recall. Steals all the jowels from the lily's breast. And leaves it shrouded in its dewy thrall. We watch the glow lp passion's life decline. A doll, dead terror seizes us; we try To fao the flame, with zealous heart and eye; We will not yet believa the surest figu; The d iy love doubts, it then begins to die; Though chillfd with rhaDge, our hearts till not divine. And yet it pales and dimmer g rows, the frost That sears th flowers less cruel seems to me Thou slow dfcay and blight in umuier. We Who would have given the world, or any cost, For love's sweet passion once, look back and see Its bloom and fragrance are forever lost. Mother 3' Friend" makes child birth easy. Colvin, La., Dec. S, 1886. My wife used MOTfTKB'a , FBIEND before her third conflAemeat, and saya she would not be without it'for hundreds of dollars. " . DOCK MILLS. Sent by express c receipt of price, $1.50 per bot tle. Book " To Mothers " mailed free. BRADFIELD REQULATOR CO., ron K r ull ORuaaiT. ATLANTA. OA. A BOSINES3 WOMAN'S TEMPT. CON- A certain business woman often akes letters and packages to the postofflce to be weighed. As often as she had done so she had been impress ed anew with the weak and trivial curiosity of the male mind, for every time she handed in something to be weighed the busy man in charge stopped to tnrn it over and read the address. "And they talk of the curiosity of women," she scornfully thought. A few days ago she repeated this experience up to a certain point The variation began when the exam' ining male said cheerfully: "It would be a g'ood idea, wouldn't it, for you to put on here the town these papers are going to? : Yes,, cer tainly; I'll write it for you. I've saved five hundred laiMes' letters from being lost in the last three weeks by looking to see if they were directed all right, about the men, but the ladies1 letters." I don't bother I always look at And the crushed business woman walked away with all the sad dignity she could master. Boston ttlobe. Life Is Misery To thousands of people who have the taint of scrofula in their blood. There is no remedy equal to Hoad's , Sarsaparllla for scrofula, salt rhouin, and every form of blood disease. It Is reasonably sure to benefit all who give it a fair trial. Hood's Fills cure Constipation by restor ing the perlstaltlo action of the alimentary caual. They are the best family cathartic SQUAW AND KODAK. A Denver paper relates an amusing episode in the recent visit of a Pres byterian clergyman in that city. One day on the street he thought it would be a fine thing to shoot his kodak at a Ute squaw, but when the pquaw saw the kodak pointed toward her she thought she was being bewitched, and, pulling a large knife from under her dress, made a desperate lunge for the dominie. He saw what was couiing and dropped the kodak in bis fright and made a very urdigniQed d'ei for the other side of the street. The equaw captured the instrument, and, after demolishing it, replaced her knife with a satisfactory grunt and marched triumphantly away. REDUCED RATE 3, KNIGHT8 OF PYTHIAS, UtffFOKM RANK SU PREME GRAND LODGE AND RI ENNIAL ENCAMPMENT, AT i r KANSAS CI TY, MO. ' F.ir above occasion, the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tick ets to Kansas City and return from important coupon stations, at one first class fare for the round trip. ' Tickets on sale August 18th to 20th iBo'astre ; limited returning, Septem ber 15th, 1892. Another bank is proposed for Char lotte. - ' I 1 plTLOCiRICHMOND,VM Uailroaf Schedules. Rlchoiond & Danville R R Co'y Condensed Schedule In effect July 24, 1892. ' Scuthbound. Daily. Noll 3 Warn 5 COan. 5 4ianj 8 06im 10 Uaa 17 15pa 11 30pm '7 00am 7 58arx 10 0U8TO 8 60 10 20 laoojj 1 0pm 5 58, 7b7 . 130pn 4 18 5 24 10 30pm 1 SOpir 6 00pm No 9 Lv Richmond, 2Burkeville, Keysville, Ar Danville. Ar Wreeueooro. Lv Ooldsboro, Ar Raleigh. Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Salem, Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, A StatoBville, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte, ArColumbu. Augusta, Korthbounr1 Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs Asheville, Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv Raloigh Ar Goldsboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville Keyaville, Burkeville, 3 00pm 5 03pm 5 42pm 8 01pm 10 10pm 4 Ojpm 6 00pm 6 15 " 7 22 10 00 t8 25 10 20pm 12 12am 2 3 7 60an 10 80 12 22 200 5 00 310 11 25 pm 2 10 a m 6 07 9 37 am V 25pn Dally. Wo 10 7 00 pm 10 fO 810 am 8 6Cpm 6 40am 7 0' am 8 27 7 25 pm 9 00 am 2 50 am 4 00am 8 37 No IS 8 15anu 11 85pm 4 80 8 05 am 6 00 pn 6 30pm 8 10 12 39pm 2 .0 701 7 51pm 8 2i 10 20 10 20pm 1140am 11210 am in an 1105 am 12 24pm 1 Oim 2 00 t8 45am 12 30pxp 10 40pm If 45 am 8 3':n 419 6 20 1 23pm 1 2 1 8 0t 1C 80mu 12 10pm 2 50pm 8 31 4 30 Ricbronnd, BBTWBKN WEST POINT AM u RICHMOND. t7 50 am Lv West Point,Lv t7 50am 9 05 am Ar Richmond Ar 10 40 ait 8 10 pm Lv Richmond Lv 4 45pm 5 OOurn Ar West I'oint Ar 6 00pm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL. E1GH via Kevsville, 8 15p m Lv Raleigh Ar 10 40 am t Daily except Sunday. Daily, IDaily, except vtonv E. BERKLEY, W. A. TURK, (Superintendent, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. S. H. HARD IK, Ass't Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. W.H.GREEN, SOL HAAS, Gen'l Manager, Traffic Manager, Waehing-on.D.C. Washington,DO. N OREOLK AND CAROLINA R.R CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated August 9th, 1891. South Noh Bound Train. No. 100 Bound Train. No. 101. STATIONS. A. M. 950 -P.M. L've Pinner's Point Arrive 525 1015 10 27 1102 1120 11 37 L've, Urivers, Arrive 2 01 4 47 414 3 54 3 36 3 21 2'M 2 17 15o L ve L've, L've L've L've BatEoltr, Uates, Tums, Ahosfcey, Aulauder, Hobgood, TarDoro. Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've 11 52 12 31 12 53 I'? 120 Ar ;Kocky Mount, P. M. A. Mo No 101 makes connection at Roc.y Moun , with W & W Train jno 'i6 ior au poinis South, and No 78 train for all .points flortn. Gen'l Manage . oupt irans T M Embrsob, GenT Passenger Ag ATLANTIC & JV. C. It, , Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going west No 51 Pass trains No 50 Ar Lve 3 80 4 20 4 54 6 48 pm Stations Goldsboro La Grange . Klnston Nerr Berne MoreaeadOlty Daily. u in 4 17 4 49 618 9 86 A TOPIC OF INTEREST. How you can get five first- f class Kmo1cp; for whnf Y,'. are paying for one. THE HOW: Buy five Oli Virginia f, Cheroots for ten cents. ' THE WHY: Made only of choice old k leaf by skilled workmen, t THE RESULT: I Smokes sweet and fragrant t to the last. JtaiMoAd Scheduler, &c. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington Weldon Bailrood and Branches. Condensed Scaedale. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 4. No 23 No 27 No 41 F't m'l d'y, ex Daily. 8und'y 5 43pm 640am 6 86pm 747aro 1892. Daily. Le Weldon, U3Cpm Ar Rocky Mt, 1 10pm Ar Tarhoro. ilNnrn Le Tarboro, 12 58pm "6 OOp l Ar Wilson, 2 18pm 7 00pm Le Wilson, U 30pm Ar Selma, 8 30pm Ar Fay'tville 5 80pm Le G'dsboro, 3 15pm 7 40pm Le Warsaw. 4 14nm 817am v warn inCOam Le Magnolia, i 27pra ArWil'gton, 6Wpm 8 40pm I" 11am 9 55pm 11 45am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 14 No 73, daily. No 40, d'y, ex Sund'y. 4 00pm 5 40pm 55 5pm 56pm daily LvWil'gton, Z 10am 915am Lv Magnolia, 3 8 10 57am Le Warsaw, 11 11am Ar G'dsboro, 4 3.1am 12 05am Le Fay'tville, 9 10am LvSelma, 110?pm Ar Wilson, 1210pm Lv Wilson, 5 lUm 12 58pm Ar RockyMt, 5 37 1 80pm Ar Tarboro, H 80am "2 18pm Lv Tarboro, 12 58pm ArWeldii., 635am 2 65piu 7 48pm S21nm 9 35pm w,auy except Sunday. John F Dxvin, General Siperii)i'endent. J R KbnIiT, Sup't T'ans. T M KwF80S. Ganeral Pass Agt. Baleiffh Hud Atf&utita A-Ii Rli To take effeat Trains mov ing South. No 41, Pass and Mail. Daily ex Su 9 am, Sunday, Juqb 26. Trains mov ing North. No 88, fass and MaiL Daily ox Sun Leave. 15 p m 14 35 " Arrive. Rale.n, 11 13 em Oary, 10 53 am 4 47 " Apex, 10.41am .5 23 " Moneure, 10 04 am 5 49 " Sanford, 9 4P am 6 89 " Camerou, 9 12 am 7 09 " Southern Pioes, 8 41 ana 8 05 " Hamlet, 7 40 am S 18 " Gibson, Lv 00 am Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23, Daily exct Sundaj. PM Lv Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 22, Stations - Daily exct Sunday. ' Ar pa Raleigh Cary Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron Southern Pin Hamlet 7 21 7 43am 8 43am 9 27pm 10 10pm 11 0 pit. 1 2 45pm 5 36 5 19 8 30 8 4 2 45 4 U 12 30 Ar pitts oao r ijt Pittsboro, i 10 a m Moncure. 9 55 Leave Arrive Leave Moncure 5 10 p m Arriv Pittsboro, 55. 3AR.T11 ik a 8. Carthage, 00 a m Leave Arrive Cameron 9 46 Leave Cameroo. 9 45 1 Arrive Carthage. 10 30 : Leave Carthage, 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron. 4 45 d m Leave Cameron, BOJ ! Arrive Uarthage, 6i5 WM SMITH, Supt, CURE YOURSELF! Ask Tour Drumrist Cor bottle of Big U. The only non-ttoitonoui reinedv for all ' the unnatural dischanrct and Srivate diseases oi inenaaa me . ebilitating weakaess peculiar to women. It cures in a few days withoat the aid or publicity o a doctor. im LinwersM American vure. Manufactured by ,iijjiim"11 s.Tliilvans Chemical ri.3f rJ CINCINNATI , o JF 1 f B 18 li IS P"RL1fiHT EVFRY EVENINP At PRK ANNH1MS1J Solenthio AnnrtCE-n Agency for CAVEATS, rtfUT COPYRIGHTS, ato 'I.'?0J,naHSn 81111 free Hantfbook write to . MUNN & CO.. w. Broaowat, New ontt Oldest bureau for seouriri patents in America. fS7ery Patent taken ovr Dy us Is brought before tne public by not ic given tree ot cbirge 1 tho EISi oTiml5,Rn or.M,7 sctentlUe neper tn tbe wll beJitbout It. WeeM year; tUO Blriinth. Addreu M Nn IntAlliirnrtf eekly, 93.00 TUSI.M.a8l BroIwwr N9W ret. i mem . ChHdreo Cry for Pitcher's Ctstorlu. Tijsp Baby ytiM Jck, we gr her CanorU. (Then the waa a Child, aba cried for Outorir, Whx ihe beoauie HIM, she clung to OaMofV, BebCbildwilcwtt0Mrtri,