1 The Bailg Keening Visitor. fUPUBHID BVCKT AITKStffOOB, l Except Sunday, r 1 a B VISITOR U served by carriers In the eity at 25 cents per month, payable to the earrierg In advance. Prices for mailing b per year, or 5 cents per month. Communications appearing in these eoluiuns are bu. the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A crost mark X after your name Informs yon that your time is oat. Address all orders and communion Moos to 11KOWN tf WILLIAMS, Raleigh, JN 0 Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. LAR3&8T OlTT CIKG0LA.TION. HALE1UII, AUGUST 10, 1892. THE GREAT AMERICAN DESERT The effect of building railroads across this desolate and deadly re- gion has been to almost blot it out of public notice. The school boy of 10 years ago knew a great deal more of it than the average school teacher of today In the days wlien California gold digging was at its zenith, and the highly colored stories attracted thou sands of the hardy argonauts of the country thither, in traversing that fearful waste hundreds of them with their famished ox teams left their bones to bleach upon the burning sands. The sun Ivors of those awful journeys had very vivid ideas of what that desert was, but now you can roll across it in palace cars, and its real and still existing horrors and dangers are lost sight of and largely forgotten except locally. Says C. F. Lnmnies in St. Nicholas: I have walked its hideous length alone and wounded, rfnd realize some thing more of it from that than a great many railroad journeys across it have told me. Now every trans continental railroad crosses the great desert which stretches np and down the continent, west of the Rocky Mountains, for nearly 2,000 miles The northern routes cut its least ter. rlble parts ; but the two railroads which traverse its southern half-tb9 AUantic and Pacific allroad and the Southern Pacific pierce some of its grimmest recesses. The first scientific exploration of this region was Lent. Wheeler's Uni ted States survey, about 18S0, and be was first to give secien title assurances that we had here a desert as absolute as the Sahara. If its parched sands could speak their record, what a sto ry they might tell of sufferings and death ; of slow plodding caravans whose patient oxen lifted their feet ceaselessly from the blistering grav el ; of drawn human faces t hat pe;r ed at some image of a placid lake and toiled frantically on, to sink at la?t, hopeless and strengthless, in the hot dust which the mirage had painted with the hues of the very waves of water. Even people at the railroad station sometimes rove off, lured by the strange fascination of the desert, and never come back ; and of the ad venturous mineis who seek to probe the golden secrets of those barren and singled hoed ranges, there are couneless victims. The Great American desert is full of strange, burned ragged mountain ranges, with deceptive, sloping broad valleys between though it is said, near its southern end the mountains becomes somewhat less numerous, and the candy wastes more promi nent. There are many extinct vol canoes upon It, and hundreds of square miles of black, bristling lava flows. A large part of it is sparsely clothed with the hardy grease wood, but in places not a plant of any sort breaks the surface as far as the eye can reach. : . LOVER CAUGHT ON A SCYTHE. Ralvj&h, N. C, Aug. 7 A youcg lover named Wyttt, in Gaston county, was in the habit of meeting bis sweet heart at night, he crawling through the window. The father Friday night fixed a sharp pointed mowing scythe in the window and Wyatt was horribly cut. Philadelphia Record. Wilmington 8tr: Some of the boys who rode their biyccles down to ' Wrightsville Sunday afternoon miss ed the train from Ocean View, an 1 in consequence did not reach the city on their return trip until about 2 o'clock Monday morning. The New Berne Journal tells this: Th re is a hen iu James City which has just laid four eggs in two days a Urge one in the morning and a small one in the afternoon. They are on exhibition at the fair. Goldsboro Argus: Col. A. C. Dvis, of the vull known Davis School, of Wiuston, was in the city for a few hours between trains yesterday. He has hosts ot friends throughout this st ctiou who will be pleased to learn thut 1 is excellent school is assured of a large attendance next session. Berkely News: Secretary Foster of i he Treasury department has award ed the contract for the poles for the telephone line along the Virginia coast from Cape Charles to Assatea gue Island, for the use of the life sav ing station, to Charles S. Colonna, of Berkley, Va. A Connecticut man who wanted to put a water pipe through a drain sev eral feet below the surface without digging up the drain. He tied a string to a cat's leg, thrust her into one end of the drain and gave a ter rific "scat." The scared feline quick ly appeared at the,; other end. By meaus of the string which was carried through by the c it, the pipe was soon drawn through nod an ex pense of about ten dollars saved by the operation. HK POPPED, THEN SHOT Columbus, O., Aug. 7. A cold blooded murder took place in Clinton towrship, near North Columbus, last night. James Cameron had been courting Mary Smith, a divorced woman, and he wanted her to marry him. but she refused and added the galling information that she would soon be married to a man hy the name of Kilver. Last night Cameron met her in the road and shoe her dead. A s t ranger, when dining at a f oreig n hotel, was accosted by a detective who said to him: "Beg your pardon, we are in search of an escaped convict and as a matter of form, you will oblige us with your passport." "Do I look like a convict?" "Possibly not In any case I shall require to see your passport " The stranger, feeling annoyed, presented the officer with a bill of fare, and the latter commenced to read: "Sheep'shead neck of mut ton, pier's feet." "Very good," he ob served, ' the description tallies. You will piease come along with us-" Dundee Weekly flews. In Russia the plague of cholera in steadily advancing westward, and may at any time reach the sections from which are drawn the contingent of Ruesian emigrants to this country The authorities of the Marine Hos nital Service in our seaports have al ready hflld consultations as to the host means for keeping out conta trion diseasesdoringthe critical com ing months, and the public will re- j i io t he ass re nee that nothing wi I i left undone to secure immu nitv from the dread d plague. Willie Ttllbrook . . .". Son of ' ayorTillbrook of McKeesport, Pa., had a Scrofula bunch under one ear which the physlcan lanced and then it became a running sore, and was followed by erysipelas. Mrs. TlUbrook gave him : Hood's Sarsaparilla the sore healed up, he became perfectly well and Is now a lively, robust boy. Other parents whose children suffer from Impure blood thould profit by this example. HOOD'8 PlLLS cnr Habitual Constipation br storing peristaltic aotlonot the alimentary canal. lo You Drink Soda Water, Shake or Limema.de ? Hothinor so Refreshes a Person .on a Hot Summer Day as a Cool Drink at J. HAL BQBBBTT'S Mammoth So dm FoMBiitainiie Another New and Pine Apple A full stock of Fresh Drws and Medicines always on hand. Buist's Prize Medal Turnip Seed. Hew Crop now on sa1 e, at lowest prices. J Hal Bobbitt Druggist Gullev's Old Stand: W - I ... NORTH CAROLINA. PHARMA CEUTICAL ASSOCIATION. Account of above occasion, the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Raleigh, N C, and return at reduced raes for round trip. Tickets on sale August 9 10 and 11th, limited returning August 15tb, 1892. All bhades of intelligent opinion on questions of f inauce an i currency are fairly represented iu ha in tubers of the International Monetary Con fere uce selected by President llarri. son There cm be uo oubt thai American interests and g ni nt ir regard to tbe various points nt isnie will be zeal usl. guarded and proper 1)' presented in tbe coherence by such able men as Senators Allison and Jones, Representative McCreary General Walker and Hon Henry W. Cannon. Whatever may be -the ouc com of the proposed Conferent e, the distinctively American side of the currency ques ion is certain to be clearly and cogently set forth in its proceedings. CONFEDERATE VETERANS' RE UNIO , WRI9HTSVILLE, N.C. For above occasion, the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Wilmington, N. C, and return, at following rates from point" named. Tickets on sale August 14, 15, and 16th ; limited returning August 23rd, 1892: ' From Way nesville, $1175 Statesville, 6 60 Salisbury, 6 80 Greensboro, 4 75 Reidsville, r 7) Winston-Salem, 5 9 Wilkesboro, 8 15 rurhain, 4 7j Henderson, 6 25 Oxford, 25 Kaleigh, 4 75 Selma. -i Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. R U I IM ft! F Q and Stove Wood TT . - i 7-- ror oaie. WMt n n H m rautt. at root nn H T? of mill. k.t w For Sale. heart shingles. Also a cheap lotforpatch- ft.01" na covering sneicers, dec. u u APAMS. Office Adams B'n'g and mill, t'i Milk Popular Drink, - Slier beit . Meiffh. H. G. Remington $tandrd 'PypAV "YVRITKR8- I More Remington a are used in Raleigh thai all other makes combined. , For catalogues or information, apply to the undersigned. WM EA8DALE, J B GULPEPPRR. Raleigh, N f lltf Richmond, Va TMnaCordid CUBES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES. NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM IT it InviEoraV TT gives NEW LIFE to the whole 8YSTEM by Strengthening the Musck-a.Ton. ing the NERVES & completely Dl miM Hthtful to take And of great va aa Medicine Weak mnA Allln Wontes and Cbil Iren. - getting tne tood. - no hu r tf n tflnerala.ia com foaoa oi caelull elected Verati ing bow to treat diaeaaea at Hocre, mailed, together withaaetofhaaT aomecadabyne Heliotype procear on receipt of to bltMedlcioea combined skill. fullv. tnakinir Safe and Fleaaan Kemedy. , naleay8 ra M kMB TOUlA COBDIAk watt C 0, aMauii W!n Drug ndCfeemlcal conoinv gutjtx r . V- dul a VWiSTM QfJ . teJN&tftJkAtfif IT'S ..frtSla': ' WW nUHTAIH Sa? it A Boofc'VnIIn.' A I t v.. . . . a i 1 if I phvaiciana. telfi Ilon Want 1 i If on r,f ! A par toe A sliua, Ion, A servant girl. To aell a I arm. To sell htuse, To buy or sell stock. Wood boarding Lous To sell p.auUor gralu, bMI groceiles or drus, 1 ;' Bell household f uri.iturti, To make any fariu loans. Sell or trade for anything, Find custom r- for anything. Rtad and advertise in the Ufcleig EVENING VISITOR. Advertising obtains new cusiomers. Advertising keepb old vustomoia. Advertising literally will pay. Advertising xuakti gueceet Advertising exhibits pluck. Advertising means "bu." Advertise immodiatelt Advertise constant!), Advertiso regularly, Advertise alwas Advertise well, ADVKV1IHE, AT 04 C, The'bet thing ui t.i Mni ' t fo ONE CENT s the PbiladAiphla RECORD $1 per year. di!-. - $8 pr year, omilt'ng Sunday .For tbe Farmer? t ud hvtness mau the Record ha t o equal. Address Tie RecoH " Philad obia. Pa. Pa The treat National Pa " The Bright,, hea.1 ivi 1 Uimp THE WASHlA3TO WEEKLY POST A Paper from the National Capital shonl 3o into every FemL'y in ib Country I i ' PHERE is nootl er paper in theTJniteV A States jliHi is xr wing so rapidly in ohru; latdon as the Waahiiii'tmi Wl. t, tu'. . . . ; O . . v ..j jo. 4UU is because neither abor nor etptne? i sp u ed H (i.c ub . iu weji hs m Ciiearvt. paper publini.etl. It is A Nati jnai Paper ! Being printed at the seat of governmenl,lhe Weekly Post contain a special feature nc round in anvnihitr mihlinainv, v,. . should hrst subscribe for his home paper To .juuuwjgui uo aiiegiance. Alter that IS done, if able tr inta ATinfliai. .u best one printed ai the Capital of tieooun try is the one that will prove most profitabV and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: ... , A f uU resume of tht proceedings of Congree. An An.tstma nf all .... x... v. . al llnnitAl Political news and gossip impartiall. told, denals and short stories by .he best writers, tiema of literature, art and selrotedmisceuaiiv Interesting Capita1' chat, uiKUYwws wiui leaning men from aL rsrts . of the nrtnnr.,-v ' Other featrres not contitd in any otter fhe Poet fa an absolutelv fnrnnwt n.. S pages, 66 columns. ' r ' Tr" The Drice Of Tha VCaalrln D,i 1-T . "tt . . vat ,w iu veiiiaj per annum m advance. Samnle copies wet fre AddreiE. TF WEEKLY VOST, Washington Post. Caveats, tad Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat. ent business couducted for moderate Fcca. . . Ouh Omei is Opposite U.S. Patent Ornci and we can secure patent ia leas time than tboae remote from Washington. . uon. we advise, II patenuble or not, free of I charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. S Pamphlet, ' How to Obtain Patente.? with J v wua in ma w. 9. aoo Mieigneoiuunes sent free. Address, ; .1 , .., . . , i C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. patent smct, Wa""- 0. c.

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