it Sneniti a rov VOL. XXVII. RALEIGH, MONDAY, AUGUST 15. 181)2. NO. 97 9 tig II IP V II n The Weather Today. For North Carolina : - Fair, except bowers on tbe eout. local forecast for this On Tuesday: Occasional vicinity: bowers, stationary temperature. I Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. .Ttodayi ' ' - Maximum temperature, 89; mini mntn temperature 63; rainfall 0.00. CITYIH BRIEF. Cooler. ' Tbe races all the talk today. Tbe cold wave did not last long. Weather prophets Bay that tbis la our hut heated term. We hope so. Grand opening at Brookelde Park tomorrow afternoon. . Miss Letha Howell returned to her home in Durham yesterday. Tbe sum of $300 has been secured towards the erection of the Horner monument. '-Jf . :;i i j Delegates to the Congreeek nal and State Conventions of the People's Party, fast arrMng. From now out let us boom up tbe State fair and the Raleigh Centen nial. Regular communication of Hiram Lodge 9o. 40 this evening at 8:15. o'clock. Brethren of other lodges cordially invited. It is now understood that Hon. Ad lal Stevenson will not visit North Car olina until about the middle of IsP teinber. ;'. When weak, weary and worn out, Hood's Sarsaparillia Is just the med icineto restore your strength and give you a good appetite. Persons desiring tickets to the races can secure the in at McKimmon's drug store after 9 o'clock tomorrow morning Mrs. Chas. Allen and the Misses Murray who have been spending some time at Connelly Springs, have re turned to the city Miss Florence Blalock, of Raleigh. went on a visit to Durham yesterday, where she will spend" a few weeks with friends. It Is said that the hot weather breaks' the mainsprings of watches. but do not know the why nor the wherefore. 1 r - - Such persons as received invitations to seats upon tbe speaker's stand at Brookside Park July 4th will be wel comed on tbe stand on , tomorrow afternoon. I The choice of a candidate for Gov ernor on the side of the Third party seems to be between Mr. Worth and M36l.Tho8. ft. Longi-BO says Gov Jar- ViS. The dancing pavilion at Brookside Park can be had for a normal sum for dancing purposes by application at the office of the Street Railway Com -pany. At presedt there , will be no general dancing in the pavillion. '. ' K -of P. Regular meeting i f Centre Lodge, No. 8, tonight at 8:80 o'clock. Work ' in . the first and third ranks. Full attendance specially desired. 1 ' Shkbwood Hatwood, - - Chancellor Com. W.' W. Willsoh, K. of R. and S. Robins have been opened in the ' Bagley building as headquarters for the State Association of Democratic Clubs " Mr. i B, ,C Beckwith who vis the Secretary can be found there at lill times and a handsome banner wTIt j L J . . 1 mmt be stretched across the sidewalk at the entrance bearing tbe portraits of, niavnlnnri and fttevenson." There was a wonderful uniformity , ,vof temperature throughout the Uni ? ted States thW jaaorhlnghej ther- points at 6'cTock, ; Little Rook, Des Moines and Bis - mark, while at Chic 'go, 'New York, i ,Wahlogton, Norfolk, Charlotte and . St, Louis it was 73. At Sti j Paul, ' Louisville i and Memphis! It stood at .68. At Oharleston it was 80 with the p wind als14 miles an hoor. v ' Sudden Death. A named gentleman W. N. Phillips frooc Franklin county, died suddenly at night at the Moseley House.There were circumstances attend mar tne ease which it was thought required a egal Investigation and a coroners Ins quest was held today at which a ver dict was rendered to the effect that he came to bis death from congestion brought about by the use of alcoholic liqnors. A CARD TO THB PUBLIC. Mr W. N. Phillips, of tbis county, entered tbe Bedal Gold Cure Institue on Friday, August 13th, about 1 p. m. afcd died Sunday, August 14th at 10 p. m. Dr. J. H. Baker, our physician in charge, ud the other officers as well as companions in the institute, say tbat his condition was bad when he entered, but there was no reason for suspecting any organic trouble or any reason suggested for his not tak ing the Gold Cure Treatment. He passed a good night and on Saturday gave every indication of Improve ment. Towards evening be refused the offer of whlskev and said be no 1 lonr wanted it. Simdav h smd J still better. He was at supper with the others and er joyed the meal. Soon after this he took a bath, and Immediately after coming out of the bath room became delirious and in two hours died Desiring a most thorough invest! gation i at once asked for same from Dr. A J. Buffa'oe, county coroner He summoned a jury and also Dr. James McKee, 'ounty Superintend ent of Health. Thoir verdict is that Mr. Phillips died from overwhelming congestion of the lungs, brought on by excessive and continued use of strong drink, and his death was n no way due to .the treatment adminis tered in our institute. Words cannot express how1huch we deplore the sudden death of this gentleman and the circumstances that affect ns Seven persons seriously afflicted with the liquor h . bit have been successfully treated during the past thirty days, and others are now passing through the course. We are trying to rescue a class of fellow men that are exposed to death at any hour. Many of them are be yond hope of restoration. Looking over the record of cures that have been made by the Bedal treatment in cities elsewhere, and those under our care during our short career, we believe it our duty to press on in the work and save from destruction every one that we can reach. They are going down at a fearful rate as they are. Some of thos already eured have said to us, "If I cannot be cured I had rather die than live as I am." :; We ask for the Bedal Gold Cure In stitute conservative judgment, an ex animation into its record or cures, and challenge a comparison of results with any similar treatment In the United States This we are author ized to ao ry tne Home company at Blair, Nebraska. "For the Bedal Gold Cure Company of Noith Carolina. N. B. BROrGHTOH, ; . President. Are Von Going? . Tn excursion from Goldsboro to Ashe ville on next Wednesday will be the cheapest and most; enjoyable ever seen to the mountains of North Carolina. Remember the train wil ii . . i. ri . i . pass inrougn naieign aDout lUo clock at night, so that it is important you should be ready Oaly $1 for the round trip. Hotel fare only $1,50 per day. Scenery by daylight and two entire uays ana nignis oi rural en joyment. Are you going ? It is the best and last chance th is season; At her residence on South Salisbury street last night at 10:80 o'clock, Mnr Joseph Cray ton aged 87 years, of eurlnuo poisoning. She leaves a has nana ana tnree cmiaren to mourn their loss. Maaonic. Hiraui Lodge, No 40, will meet In regular communication this eve ning Auk 13tb at 8 15 o'clock. All Masons of other lodge6 cordially in vited E. B. omas, See. Death of Mrs. S. A. Ashe. It la with the deepest regret that we announce tbe death of this most esti mable and highly esteemed IpJ. which took place last Saturday after, noon at her resideuce on Hillsboro street, after a long and painful illness. Mrs. Ashe was the wife of our fel low citizen, Capt. S. A. Ashe, editor of tbe News and Observer, and the only child of Wm. H. Willard Esq. At tbe time of her decease she was 43 years of age. She was a lady of tbe most loveable character, endearing all by her gentle ness, amiability and Christian quali ties. By her death a devoted hus baud an aged father and a large household of children are bereft of wife, daughter and mother. We ten dertothem our most heartfelt sym Pathy Io tnis hour of thel Bad affllc t,0Q trusting that He may temper ll. 1 i 1 A 1 . 1 1 me great sorrow mat nas uorne mem down. The funeral services took place yes terday afternoon from Christ church, and was attended by a very large crowd of ralatlvee, friends and clti zens generally, The following gtnde men acted as pa!lbearers:DrV. E. Tnr- ner. Dr. James McKee, Charles Root, William Boylan, W. H. Bragg, George Sn w. A Penny a Pound. One hundred per cent, on eternal time does not enhance the value of the credit ledger at the junk shop- ALL THB SAME A PKtiNY A POUHJ) along this old turnpike the common place; merchant of mediocrity strug gle and struggle without one grain of hard horse sense, or an ounce of res. olution to stop before it Is everlast ingly too late. Ah me I .bow easy for those who know, and how bard for those who think they know and never stop to read the hand writing on the wall. Our sledge hammer bar gains are plaintive lends quietly trugging at the springs of your pocket books Each purchaser, at Swindell's should be used as stepping stones to happiness and prosperity. When you spend a dollar in our store you can rest assured you have gotten a dollar's worth of goods. Unless yon are like a lady who came In our store tbis morning complaining that tbe shoes she bought of us five months since are not what they should be. She paid $1.75 cents; the shoes lasted five montiis. Well, thanking God this kind areTew, we are fixing some fine cannonading to begin in September, and will write you often. D T. Swindell. Beautiful High Bred Horses. Fifty beautiful trotters are now in the Fair ground stables that will compete for the premiums on ved nesday and Thursday next 17th, and 18th. All lovers of beautiful high olass horses, should see these trials of speed, and show by their presence. an . appreciation of the effort m ade to bring these great norses nere. Congressional Convention. A convention oi tne reopuvs or Third party, assembled in Metropol itan Hall today at 2 oclock, called for the purpose of nominating a can didate for Congress. We noticed among tht delegates men who have recently acted with both the Repub lican and Democratic parties. vf, jr. otroua, oi unatnani, was nominated for Congress. We are pleased to see Mr. Harry H. Roberts who has been for some months in Washington D. O. as clerk Of a committee of the House of Rep resentatives, in the city. He is look ing remarkably well. . : A large.crowd was in attendance at Brookside Park yesterday afternoon Ho! For Iticliraond! The last atd grandest exeursion of tbe season will be run frou Raleigh to Richmond, Va .leaving Raleigh at 7:33 a. m on August 24th and arriving at Richmond at 4 30 p. m. This train will reach Richmond in ample time to take the steamer or train for Wash ington. Baltimore and Philadelphia, returning in time for train which leaves Richmond for home Friday, tbe 26th at 11 a. m. Special cars tor the benefit of oar white friends will be attached, and every attention given to insure them a pleasant trip No pains wi.l be spared to make this the grandest excursion of the season. The refreshment car will be well supplied and ice water in every car. Tbis excursion Is run aider the au spices of the colored Odd Fellows the same as last year and year before. The price of round trip tickets is $2 75. Children under 12 years, half price. Tickets can be obtained from the committee. Short Talk About Furniture. The short talk about furniture Is this New stock will be coming in the first of September; until then we are glad to place every piece possible. There are some chamber suits and a good many individual pieces which are fcr sale, and no one should buy furniture, no matter what kind, until they see what we.have atd will do for them iu this line. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. On Monday we will move our ladies, misses and child's shoe department to our urst it or. we nave now a complete stock in this department and will be pleased to show tnem to our customers Wo are closing our stock of summer fabrics out at great ly reduced prices. WOOLLCOTT St tJONB. The Oak City Steam Laundry is now under the management of Mr, E. W. Band, a skillful and competent lanndryman of Troy, N. Y. First class work guaranteed in every re spect. and customers will be served promptly. al tt L,. a. wyatt. Photographs. Go to B. S. Mattock's for your pho tograptw 113 Fayetteville st. al tf DRY GD0J1S STORE OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP FINE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. From Now Until the First of September. K0QRIS' DRY GOODS STORE, 213 Fayetteville strict. TELLTMaS BUT DON'T SAY THAT I TOLD YOU ! THE LYON RACKET STORE Is selling goods cheaper than any hooso in Haleigh. Don't take my ord for it, but OO A M T) SFVR w ""' VUMJ. You win nna Dargains inert. A full line of L every depart- of Curtain Net, Lace Curtains and Scrim. A full line of Table SHOES 10 Linens, Towels and Crash, Umbrellas and Fans. Hose and Shoes we maks a specialty and will save you 35 per cent, on every pair you buy. Hardware, &c 55.85 3685 $8 10 $9.25 $12.69 $1460 $15.60 $18.10 -LOOK- AT THESE PRICES AND DO NOT FORGET TO CALL AM) LO K AT THIS LINE OF FRESH, NEW BABY CARRAIGES. Every one marked at cost with freight added. We offer these goods at cost so as to clear our floor for another line of goods. Now is the time for a bargain. THOMAS H. BRIGGS SONS RALEIGH, N. O. AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE ! Until September we will close out, regard less of cost, all trimmed and untrimraed Millinery, all Fancy Ribbons, Flow ers, and everything in AT PRESENT IN STOCK. A NICE LINE OF STAMPED LINEN VERY CHEAP. A full assortment of Embroidery, Silks and Cottons. GERM&NT0WN WOOL AND ZEPHYRS NOW IN STOCK. MISS MAGGIt REESE 209 Fayetteville Street. Dry Goods, Notions, &e. W H s B SJUCKER i CO. FURNITURE, CHAMBER SUITS A.ND INDIVIDUAL PIECES. Early in September begins the Furniture business for Fall. No v it is quiet in this de partment and preparaiions are being made receive new stock. We have several inexpensive Chamber Suits and many individual nieces whiVh w jwi8h 8010 efore the FaU work Tiegins. Intending purchasers of Furniture, of any kind whatever, should see what we hava tn offer before hnvino nlu.K.m . SI IU.1BY UI D Rr ' D 0 ThaI. 9, fl U . Di it. A, 10016" III) 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street,

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