The Bailg Eneninjj Visitor. VDFU8HXD BVBU1 AWTlaHOQB, Except Sunday, 1HS VISITOR Is served by carriers In the eity at 25 cenig per month, payable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing f per year, or 5 cents per month. Communications appearing in these columns are bo the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A or on mark X after your name nforms yoa that yonr time is oat. Address all orders and communica tions to BItOWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N 0 Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. L4R3R8T OXTT. CIRCULATION. BALE1UII, AUGUST 26, 1892. THE MESSENGERS POOR GUE83 Brother Kingsbury certainly can not be very fond of figures, or he would not have guessed at big nam bers as he did yesterday. Inane if torial on the proposition that the Government buy all the transpor tation lines &c, he states th9 prob able cost at fourteen thousand mil lion dollars, and then estimates that If this sum, in silver dollars were laid down edge to edge in a straight line, It would reach San Francisco, or per haps would almost belt the earth. Just a little figuring will show how badly he misled it. fluch a sum of silver dollars laid down in a straight line edge to edge, would reach twelve times around. the globe and still leave enough to give every mau woman and child in the city of Wilmington $5,005 and a full fine fashionable go to meet 'in rig apiece, and a baby car riage for each of the babies thrown in. The fight in South Carolina differs from that in Georgia in that it is a contest between factions of the De mocracy over the party nominations for state offices. Governor Tillman says thai, the only issue of the cam paign is whether he has given the state a good, orderly and efficient government. The conservatives claim that the issues are whether the meth ods of abuse and slander and elan deroas insinuations and appeals to class prejudice introduced into the state's politics by Governor Tillman shall be Indorsed by the people. ' The NewBern e Journal says : Ite. Thomas F. Wood, one of the most prominent ph j s'cians in North Caro lina, died in Wilmington on Monday of heart disease. He was secretary of the North Carolina board of Health and editor of the Medical Journal published iu Wilmington. It is plain to every fellow who is not a millionaire that one of the most dangerous tendencies of the time is the rapid increase of that breed. Still, it would be different, if not im possible, to fiud a man who would decline becoming a millionaire, if given an opportunity to do so. The old dispute as to whether art can improve on nature has received an answer.An artist sketched a clump of beeches in a Maine pasture and sold the picture for $280, while the farmer who owned the pasture sold it, beeches and all.for $150. It is said the farmer is angry at the discre pancy. Green Nichols, colored, who has been employed at a station hand for 22 years on the Wilmington and Wel don railroad at Rocky Mount, was knocked down and badly injured yes terday by the "shoo fly" train on the Norfolk and Carolina railroad His head was considerably mashed, and his jaw bone 1 roken in two places. He is not expected to live Wilming -ton Messenger. If the price of silver keeps tumb ling it will soon be cheaper than tin The steady fall in the price has caused the Saxon government to e ban Jon work in the Friedsburg silver mines, which have been pro fitably worked for nearly seven han dred ) ears. FIFTY CENTS SAVED HI CORN. Forim.ny years in sucseatio i I had my iu the bin mure or less ruin ed by weevils. From my own xpe rlence in this line, and what I know from c.Hmt eourcoa, I should j'idge that t" is an annual loss of over a million f dollars from weevils in Texas t'oue Last fall in putting up luy co'u, I placed two open bottles containing bisulphide of carbon about four feet at art on the floor of the bin The mouths of there bot ties were covered with a single layer of chees cloth, and each bottle coh ered with an old broken box. The corn wis thrown on these boxes aid the bin tilled to its full capacity. The result of th s experiment was highly successful. What live weevils were admitted from the field were destroyod and none further appear ed Thus at the cost of 50 cents with very little trouble, I effectually pro tectly 500 bushels of corn against the weevils Another feature about this experiment is that I have noticed neither mouse nor rat in the bin nor any traces of them, which was not the case before, for in previous years they to had done great damage tothecora. (Or. P. Hackenberg, M. D., This, J .nuary 28, 1893.) -Ex change. AGAINST THE WALKING DELE GATES. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 24 In the mail tl at reached the Mayor's office this morning was this letter from the J wives of the striking coat makers who have been out of employment six weeks: Mayor F. O. Latrobe: Dkai Sir: The writers of this let ter are about two hundred women. Our husbands are til ttrktis We have small children aiv' n rll starving. The greeds mu Lumbers will not trust us any more and if it keeps on longer you will And us all starved to death. It is almost nine weeks that this strike has been gojng on, and in the winter we hardly have work. Each one of us talks the matter over with our husbands, and they say that the General Secretary, Reichers, came to Baltimore from New York and took the law in his own hands acd will not have them work Our husbands can get a glass of beer for five cents and can go around with that all day, but we caDnot do that. When our hus bands conae borne we scold them so that they get discouraged and walk out. We have pawned our things; we owe rent for two or three months. Please, dear sir, take pity on us and looK into the matter. See what can be done to this Mr. Reichers. We think you are the only one that can help vs. Yours, respectfully, Wives ok Strikers. The Mayor was touched with the appeal, and extended his sincerest sympathy to the writers, but he is powerless to act. It is said that there will be a con ferenee soon between strikers and manufacturers, and a settlement may then bo agreed upon. Eu iretic editors are now gather iogHD'l repolishing old war stories, whic i i heir papers will print as spec ial din iff.hea from Washington dur ing G A. R. en.ct moment. . The newspaper enterprise of the present day is phenomenal. Nr. "Robert W. Denvtr An Exempt Fireman of Jackson Engine Co., long Island City, N. Y., says that at Christmas, 1890, he could only take a smell of dinner, as he was in a fearful condition from Dyepepaia. The next summer he went to Europe for his health, but came home uncured. In the fall he decided upon a thorough trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla And by Christmas had a hearty appetite, healthy digestion, and was perfectly well. His cure was due wholly to Hood's Sarsaparilla. HOOD'8 PILL8 cure liver ills, constipation, feWouvuessJaundlce.andsiclclieadaobe. Try them. Do Yon Drink Soda. Water, Milk Shake or ? Miine so Refreshes a Person .on a Hct Summer Day as a Cool Drink at J. HAL BOBBITT'S Mammoth Another New and Pfiime Applle A full stock of Fresh arways on hand. Buist's Prizs Medal Turnip Seed. Cropn:w!on satyat lowest prices. J Hal Bobbitt Druggist. Gulley's Old Stand, G A R. NATIONAL ENCAMP MENT, WASHI-SCrr-OND. O. For above occasion, the Richmond and Danville tt. U will sell tickets to Washington, D. O , and return from important coupon stations ou its lines at following, rates for round trip from points named : Hot Springs. N O $ 4.DV Asheville, N. C U 9 btntesviile, N O. 1 .'i Charlotte, N. C. . 11.76 Salisbury, N O. Iu 3j (ireensboro, 8 75 RuidBville, N. J. 7 'J . Winston tialeui, N. U. i 0 Durham, N. U. Henderson, N. C. Kaleign N. C. uu (ioidsuoro, NO U 8i Tickets on sale Sept lMitua h, inclusive; limited returning Ociuuer luth, lbU4; stop-overs allowed iu either direction at stations between Danville and Washington. Tickets good on Washington and south wes tern vestibuled limited trains Low rate round trip tickets can be purchased' during Encampment from Washington to various battle fields in Virginia via Richmond and Dan villeK K REDUCED RATES TO ATHLETI CONXE T SULLIVAN COR BET. FIGHf, NEW OR . I EANS. For the above oacasion the Rlch m .nd & Danille K. R., will sell ti kets to New Orleans, La., and re turn at rates of one first class fare for the round-trip, from important coupon stations on its line: Tickets on sale Sept. 2nd to 5th, in elusive; good returning until and in cluding September 15th, 1691. MEETING OF THE DEMOCRATIC CLUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Account of the above occasion the Richmond & Danville R R Co , will sell tickets to Raleigh, N. O , and return, at following rates from points named, viz : Chariot te, N. 0., V $7 45 Durham, 1 6J . Greens'uoro, 4 3 foldsbo-o, 2 75 Liaco'nton, 8 40 Ma ion, 0.40 Rural Hall, 6 95 Belma, 1 6i Winston Salem, 5 60 Rates from intermediate points in same" proportion. Tickets on sale Aug. 2U, 30 and 31; final limit Sept. 4. 1992. v ' Popular Drink, herbeit Drus and New RjQeirii, EL C. JJemington $TANDA.RD rPYPE Triters. More Remington s art used in Raleigh thai all other makes combined. For catalogues or information, apply to the undersigned. WM EA80ALK, J B CULPEPPER, Raleigh. N P- lltf Riohmond, a. QALlIttHit OAKTOX R R. To take effect Scnday Aug. 7 oh, 192 Trains moving North. No 88, No 84, Stations. Vail train. Fas & Mail. Le Raleigh. 1125 am 5 00 pm Wake, 12 04 6 88 Franklinton. 12 26 ' 6 58 Klttrell, 12 48 614 Henderson M59 6 80 Littleton, 2 07 7 85 pm Ar Weldon, 2 45 8 16 a m Train moving Soma. ' No 41, No 45, Stations. Mall train. Past &Mail. Le Weldon. 1215 pm 6 80am Littleton, 12 52 7 08 Henderson, 2 16 8 14 Klttrell, 2 43 8 29 Franklinton, 8 00 8 45 Wake. "8 21 Q n 1 Ar Raleigh, 4 1.5 p m 9 45a n Louisburg Ra'iroad Trains moving North No 88, Pass, Not Stations. Mail ft Express Le Franklint'n, 810 pm 9 20am Ar Louisburg, 8 4 p m 9 55 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 9, Stations. Mail Kxprest Le Louisburg, 12 f 6 a m 6 85pn Ar Franlint'n, 11 30 p m 5 00pm SMITH. Snpt Ckiterta Cry to Rtctief c Ck&Si K. You Want Mom , A k. A pttftne tif A servant girl. To sell a I arm, To sell m. hiue. lobuy or sell slock, Good Loardiug hoU To sell p:aLt or kraiu, b.'ll groueiiesor drugs, Bell household f urtdtur,, : To make any farm loans. Sell or trade lor anything, Find customer for anything, ht ad and advertise in the lUleiii. EVENING VISITUR, Adveiiikiug dbUiinaiifcw cuaiOintrs. Advtrtibii g keeps old iuiiueiM. Aavertuiug tiberuliy will pay, ' Advertising mak( ucci- . Advertibing exhibi.. pluck. Advertising means "bis.". Advertise hiiinediateh Advertise coustantl, Advertibe regularly, advertise Ach'ertise well. ADVERTISE, AT ON OK, NO W .1 The uet tMnsr 10 t.e Tnl ' UaUs tot ONE CENT Is the Philadelphia RECORD 1 per year. dV-r $8 pr year, omltt'ng Hunday . For the Farmers 1 nd huoiness man the Record has to equal. Address '.The Record ' PhilaiJ hia, Pa. Pa. The treat National Paw fte Brightev-i. bes Oumtft t THE WASHINGTON a EEKLY POST a Paper from the Nations lanital sbonl ' 3o into every Fsmi.'y in ib Country I INHERE is nootlier pape. in the Tlnitei' . states that is win so rHpi'v in circu as the Washitigton Wekly Poet. This ! bescause neither nbor uore qnns- is sp ueel .imkeithe be- .as well ac cnearvt. tper puthsl!. 'tis v Natiunui Paper! emg printed at the seat of government,The yVeekly Post contains special feature no round .in any other publication.- Every mat would first subscribe for his home paper To ft you Dwe your lint alltgiance. If ter that is done, if able U take another paper, the oest one printed a the Capital of the coun try a the one that will prove most prontab Mid entertaining. The Weekly Post wiii contam: A full resume of tht proceedings of Oongrea. xa epitome of all the ners from the ?Uon al Capital, Holit.lPJll nova an4 ..v:n t- li . . rials and abort storjes by ihe best 'writers.' The latest telegrapic newsi from every section of the globe, ... interesting Capita' chat, interviews with leading men from aL rsrts of the country ' , ther features not oontiitd in aovot'iei ihe Post is an absolutely incepf dent papet pages, 66 columns. The price of The Weekly Post is 70 cents ffie AddrlV" Pl" COp,M,C' TBK WfiEKLI f-OST, Washintrton Post. 1 Cavetts, and TnuloMarkt obtained, and all Pat ent butiinest conducted tor Modcratc Fcks. Our ornct ie OfPesrrc U. . atent Officc and we can eecure patent ia lees time taan tneee remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with desciip- uwu. . wuv.w. umnuuillig vi nut, i I CO VIA charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. I A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patente." with J cost 01 tame la the U. S. aad fvieiga countrieat sent free. Addrut. C.A.SrJOW&p.j Opp. PATerr irwcc, Wam'-

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