4' 1 1 i : 1. it i i ( Yha BaUg Evening Visitor. Except Sunday, 1US VISITOR Is aervod by carrier lathe eitynt -5 ceati per month, payable to the carriers la advance. 1'rices for mailing' fit per year, or ti cunts per uijutu. Coaimunirtioue appearing ia theue columns are bu". the expression ot the opinion of the correspondent writing the same, and they lon &re f uponsible. A cros$ mark JLJ after your n&ino uiorma you that your time Is oat. Address all orders and commonlca Mons to 1SUOW3 Ot WIL LIAMS, Raleigh, M U Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. LRJSJT OlTI ClROOLATIOB. RALEIGH, SEPT. 17, 1892. OUR CITY WATER A.GAIJN. We understand that some of the city and ater works officials are dis pleased at something we had to say about the city water a few daya since We were not after the officials as in dividuals; we were efter the water We said it wus bad, and we stick to it. We did not then know what was the matter with it, or who was to blame for it, but we knew the people are paying for good water and were not getting it and said so, in sub stance. We have looked into it since, however and find that it all comes from a probibly unexpected source, ror which the officials, v hoever else may be, are doubtless not to blame. A gentleman who understands the trouble, informs us that the large terra coJta piping that brings the water from the main stream passes directly under where the phosphate mills stood, and that the mills had in them when they were burned down rectntly, about on hundred tons of ac.d. This, of course, was left on the earth iu the debris of the fire, and when the rain came a few days ago, some of this acid was dissolved and found its way into thes pipes and coming in contact with the iron in the city piping, it formed sulphate of Iron, or coperas, which, though not dangerous, does not taste very good The rain we had since the fire, was light or doubtless we should have had much more complaint of the wa ter. When the rains of the approach ing winter se1: in we shall have a full supply of copperas water unless our water works people just take the pipes up and move them away from the bed of acid. Indeed this will have to be done, as it will no doubt effect the water for yearsj.for 100 tons of acid will last a long time. And in moving the pipes it would be well to remember that it will gradually spread to considerable distance. We make the suggestion that they move the pipes, if possible before any more rain falls, as they will no doubt be compelled to do so sooner or later. WISE AND OTHtK WISE. If money could be as easily bor rowed as trouble, this world would be full of round shouldered men. They who are over anxious to know how the world values them, will sel dom be set down at their own price. To get angryjs to become unhappy Somebody has said that an incor rigible office seeker out West, died notions iaoe, and! his friends appli ed to a journalitt for,an epitaph for his tomb he suggested this, "Here lies John Smith in the only place which he never sought. A Western exchange says, a" rattle snake was killed in a saloon in bis town. The Bnafce was bilten.in a light with another snake, and went to the saloon for some antidote and was killed:' ";v , :. : s r Gov. Flower, of New Tork, has shown by his conduct during the fight against the cholera, that he is the right man in the right place, for such an emergency. An enterprising Individual has bid $ia0,C00 for the exclusive privilege of selling peanuts at the World's Pair. He'laVo slleil back.', " ' ' t$kM98M.MW:,hM been asked to send an, exhibit to the Chicago Pair, and will, probably forward a few of his sacred white elephants If there la an assurance driven that the circus men will not try to palut their own animal lu the saie whitewash ed c dors ard advertise theiu as be ing w ol ded. If this country ever hat a king or emperor it will probably be a success ful prize fighter. See the willingness of all classes of our people to bo down to the new champion. The ' Monroe doctrine" once more confronts our British cousins: this time in Venezaela. Now that Lieut. Peary has been rescued, why would it not be a good idea to put a stop to this Arctic ex pedition foolishness ? The statistician is yet unhcin who can turn out statistics to please all political parties. The republicans quote commissioner Peck as "an em inent statistician," while the demo crate accuse him of being an ordiuary everyday liar, and they have appoint ed a committee t he duty of which is to prove the accusation. A New York daily disinfected the paper upon which a recent issue was printed. It is a great pity that some of the matter printed in the New York papers could not be disiufected before it gets before the public. A clever swindler was frustrated trying to pass a forged draft for $3000 from the State Bank of Wis consin, on the fark national cans of New York. THE KILLING OF BROWN. Winston Sentinel. Mr. W. H. Allison, or Btatesvtiie, a brother of Thos Allison, was in the city today on his war to Dobso-i to carry home the re-t t ius of his brother for interment. Bein -i -' "ed by a representatives of the Sentinel, Mr Allison gave the following account of the killing of Brown, which he heard from a preliminary examination of witnesses, both for the State and tLe defence, while he was attending the recent session of Dobson court: Tho difficulty began over a foot race. They were to meet and run this race but Mr. Brown did not come to the appointment. Allison met him later that evening and asked him for the forfeit of money. They had up a forfeit. Thereupon Brown made some insulting remark and then they went from one word to another until Brown struck at Allison with his fist, grazing his had, aad knocking Alii son from the sidewalk where they were standing He then followed Al lison into the gutter. Allison had a stick in his hand which Brown jerked awy from him. It was then that Allison drew his pistol. Brown ad vanced upon him and struck at him with the stick, knocking Allison's hat off. 'It was then that Allison fired the first shot. He was backing at the time down the street and warned Brown not to come any further to wards him, or he would shoot again Brown defied the pistol and still ad' vanced with his stick raised, when Allison fired the second shot which pro ed f ita'. AHnon'8 friends never entertainel the idea of removing the trial from Surry county, and neither he nor bis friends for a moment had any fears oi lynchiug." Willie Tillbroolc ay or Til lb rook i f McKeesport, Pa., had a Scrofula bunch under one ear which the physlcan lanced and then It became a running sore, and waa followed by1 erysipelas. Mrs. Tlllbrook gave himo- Hood's Sarsaparilla the sore healed up, he became pesfeotly- well and 19 now a lively, robust hoy. Other parents whose children suffer from impure blood should profit y this -example. 1 I- HOOO'8 PlLLS cure Habitual Constipation br storing ywutolUo action ot the alimentary eanaL Dn'iiinls. fl)tterbiuii ILUhia Water. FOR SALE HY J. HAL BOBBITT, SOLE AGENT FOR RALEIGH. On Draught at 5c a glass or 4"1 cents a gallon, delivered to any part of eity. The IFiwiest AND BEST ASSORTED L'ne of Toilet -:- Articles IN RALEIGH. For Sale by JTr Hal Botataitt Smoke Sabarosa CICT.A.IRS - STRICTLY 5 CENTS, AT HIA-Xj BOBBITT'S: DDK Ppescripfloi&s Filled promptly and accurately at a'l hours, day or night, at J HAL BOBBITT'S. The GREAT SO DA FO Winter For sale by CATAWBA COUNTY FAIR, NEW TON, N. C. For above occasion, the Richmond & Danville R R. will sell tickets to Newton, N C, and return at follow ing rates from points named : Tickets on sale Sept. 26th to 30th, inclusive, limited returning until and including Oct. 1, 1893 From Charlotte, $1 40 " Greensboro, 2.00 " Marion, 1 10 " Asheville, 1 90 " Durham, 8.20 " Raleigh, 3 60 " Winston Salem, 2.60 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. A BAD BREAK. A doctor, who was treating one of his patients for a simple but tedious disorder, found the man io . such an irritable condition that he began to cneer mm up. But ins words rell on deaf ears, for the man had been -lit n . . . ... housed up so long that he was firmly convinced that his time had come. "Tut, tut," said the doctor. "I'll have you round again In a few days if you'll keep quiet and take the med icine. Why, man, I suffer from the same complaint as you icyself." There was a look of compassion fn the patient's eyes as he reached out the bottle and said: .. "In that case, doctor, do take some of this medicine you prescribed for me." . The man had grown almost hope ful under the influence of the doe tor's reassuring words, tut his hopes were cruelly dashed the next moment as the medic al man drew back from the bottle with a shudder and repli ed, "No thanks." Ne fork Even ing Sun. V A new steel process which Is being tested at works in Chattanooga is ex pected to solve the steel problem for the South. Byv this method the mpltep-lron is passed through basic slag, which removes the silicon and prepars the metal for subsequent treatment In the basio converter. A FULL STOCK OF fT AL' AYS ON HAND, AT J. Hal Bobbin's. and Reioa Maria UHTAIH BtYERAGE, Summer HAL BOBBITT. Remington Standard 'Pype. yRITER8. More Remington s are used in Raleigh than all other makes combined. For catalogues or information, apply to the undersigned. WM EASRALE, J B CULPEPPER, Raleigh, NP- 1ltf Richmond, a QALXWHA 9A8T0W R R. To take effect Sunday,Aug. 7th, 1898 rrauu moving fiortn; No 88. - No 84. Stations. Mall train. Fas & Mail. Le Raleigh. It 25 am 5 00 r. to wake,. 18 04 .. 5 88 Frankllnton. 18 88 5 58 A 14 680 7 85 p m Kittrell. 18 48 U 50 807 8 45 Henderson. jLittleton, Ar weidon, p lo, a m Train moving Soma. 1 No 41, No 45, Stations. ' Mail train. Past bMail. Le Weidon. 12 15 pm 6 30am 7 09 ' 814 ' 889 8 45 ; 906 9 45am .Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, Franklinton, Wake, Ar Raleigh, 8 18 8 43 8 00 ' 8 at 4 05 p m ' Loolsbnrg Ra'iroad ' Trains moving North. No 88, Pass, No 8, Stations. ' - Mall cV Express. Le Franklint'n, 8 10 pm 9 80am Ar LoniBburg, 8 41 pn ,, 9 55 Trains moving South. ' NoPasV Nod; Stations. ,. - Mail Express. Le Louisbnrg,. 18 C5 a m - ' 5 85pm Ar Franlint'n, 11 80 p m , 6 00pm u Smith. 8upf , Nil ID FRESH DRUGS J ill QiTf! Id Cm heart of the ' Iron and Goal Dis trict of Tennessee; ' hn.ate ealubrioua, utter hot tad Lever oolft Land unequalled lo. axncultuial pur oaes, and mineral reauuioea itnhmited. 1,000 Lota al....... ...... ti ihj ur Lot ,ww ...... OIK o.'J .0 4,000 1,000 4,V0 4 CO low 1 .uo 0.lU to 0 WOODWOKlllCJl Y lie about 30 miles i orth ot ChUaii.to6, wauin a few uiilea ot uluiruoul, the county ,m.i ot uiu.id oouu tj , id biwreu Xracey Cit au.i tue cei-i-eul Beenhtba op iug, the rjuratoa of tue 6ouh It u ua tue ventre ot the rapidly developing ooai and uou Uiatria of leu.e bee, ua within ita LorUtaa ara touud xmU, lruu, nac, marhle aud aabedto.. wuh vanoua hard wooda, such aa oar, chestnut, lunie, each, locuht, hickury, ash, puie, cherry auiu outck walnut in abuudauce. The vUloga of uruetn, wiiu several nuuurcd uiUaDUUints, coutaiua Churches, ochoom, b tores, -uot-omce and telegraph station, aud a num. er of manufacturing imiuatr ec, oi which are located on the property ana lorm part oi Woodworm Ci'y. ..i The proceeds of the sale ot these lots will be used to develop tne mineral resources of the property and build up a large ana thriv ing city Quuk appuk.tion lor these lots should oe made, aa the rigut is reserved to advance the price without notice. i'or further particulars apply to R. C. LIVINGSTON, Agent, 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Parties desiroua of visitirnj- nH !ni.!.in this property can obtain special rat on tne now Miu moat couiioiwoie vessel anoat, ot the Uceau meamshin innuung 'i i.. steamers leave Jew lork, Mouuays, Wed Lesdsys, Friuays and Saturdays, uiaking a deligntf ul sea trip of rWY UUUKS 10 SAVANNAH, Where immediate connnminna iiro mu.lo in Chattanooga and VVUUDWUKTH OilY LiVItiSXON & StOS, Agents, Ocean Steamship Co. of Bavanuah, o. 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. The ureal Nauunai The Brighten best wi 1 Onnp t THB WASHINGTON WtEKLY POST A Paper from the Nations. Capital shonJc o into every r amuy in to Country 1 X ''HERE is no other paper in the Unite' . states that is trrowiiuf so ranidlv in drew. lation as the Washington Weekly Post. Thia labiicaufle neither abor noretpens nspweS to niake it ihe Deti, as well a cneai -vt, paper pubusbed. itis A ationa Paper! being prinUH- al .he seatol government,! he Weekly Post uuilaiu& special feature net found in anv OlLur oubluuiLion. JCvrv mar dhould hrst subf ti iue loi his home paper To it you jwe your aiugianoe. Alter that is done, if able u lake another raDer. the oest one priiited ai the (Jauital of the mnn. try is the one that will prove most protitab.V Mid entertaining. The Weekly Post win contain: . , A full resume of tht proceedings of Congress Xn epitome of all the uers from the Nstiori al Camtal. Political hews and ttossb irn'oartiallt told. derials and short stories by the bestvriters, mum oi urerature,art and seirwed miaceilany xur iawi vtuegrapic news rrora every Motion of the eiobe. . - Interesting Capita' chat, interviews with leading men from a"L farts of the country : .mj iv, Other features not contiwd in arrofiei '-paper, - ; . . The Post is an absolutely incepfPrtent ppei 8 pages, 68 columns. " The price of The Weekly Post ia 75 eenta per annum in adranoe. Sample oopiee wcl frea Addreu. TB B WEEKLX VOBT,' " ;- Washtneton Post. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- j cui 0umnes3 coiiaucica lor MODCRATC FCC. Ooa Omct is OMoarrt O. . atikt ornet and we can s-cure patent, ia leu tuna than tKoaa; remote from Washington, ,, , , Send model, drawing or phbtix. With desbHp- Hon. We advise, tf patenuble or not, tree ot' cnarge. vut tee not due till patent IS secured. A Piuhlit. ''How to Obtain Paten' ".with i cost of tame in' the U. S.'an4 foreign countries j tent nee.' i Adoraaa, T..-f'ii:f ,iil vl i c.A.sripwco. Op. lATtsrr '.fne't, waW-v. ew nee.' i Aaoresa. Tofvutrr tnii vi c. W0DDI70I mm 0Piu:.iHdtlp(fiiiuS IUSERfO ' A"d Chu0 80 Fe or aar eaae TT II to care 9 MjfjOPmin'ja It called tne "OPIUM HABIll.,in ln eladee the ha4tul aae of Opium Vorphlne, Ooealae, and other kindred aareoth. Addreae

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