Registrars. The following are the registrar for the several towns! p la Wake county for the eoming eleetloo: Barton's Oreek Hatehloi stoe, O. H Moneybara, Roger' store. W Blwisoe. Buckhorn J. B Council. Cary E. D. Yates. Cedar Fork Pollard's. A. 8. Pollard. MorrisTille, J H. Gibson. Hclly Springs -J C. Bllentlne. House's Creek Harris1 store Hiil Ma-wey. Edwards1, 8ion H 8mith. Little River Wakefleld, J. A. Kemp, Mitchell's Mills, R. C. Mitchell. Mark's Creek W. H. Hood. Middle Oreek-J D. Ballentine. Nense Rier B P. Harp. New Light-Robertson's- John P. Beck Stony Hill W. H Lassiter. Oak Grove -Sol J. Alln. Panther Branch Myatt's m Us, M A. Partio Township House Q. P. Partin St. Mary's Thos Johns. St Matthews Wilder's Grove, P. P. Williams, Milbarnie, O. L Hinton Swift Or 'ek-P R Gray. Wake Forest Forest ille. G E. Gill, Rolesville, Dr. L B. Young. White Oak Apax, J L Burns, Hillard's, A. C. Council. Raleigh 1st Ward, Frank Stronach, 21 " B F. Woijble, 3d ' J Y MacRae. 4th W. W Parish, 5'h " Robt. Simpson, Outside East, G F. Kennedy, Outside West, T. D. Watson. Died. Yesterday afternoon at 5:45 o'c'ock after a long rinesp, Mr Benjamin J. Parkinson, in the 61th year of his ae The remains were taken to the family burial pl ue in tli9 couDtry for interment At the residence of Mrs J F Jor dan, ffi5 East Hargett street, at 5 o'clock this morning, Miss Sallie J Jordan, sister of the late Mr. James F. Jordan, in the 75th year of her age. The funeral will take place from the residence at 9:30 a. m to morrow. Annulled. Last December Davidson county held an election which was carried to issue bonds for the extension of the Roanoke and Southern Railroad from Winston Salem via Lexington. At the last session of the Davidson com missioners the bonds wore annulled on the grounds that the rail-oad au thorities had failed to comply with their part of the contract of not Luiidiog the road. errtredB&reg SiGOOH seq sb nopti -udajd sji josrrejap qj uj jojaudoid aqj jo noisiAjadns reuo&isd mjaro -aqj wqeni-redKLres U3HJLO OlVl Tj the Public. Correspondence of Visitor. Unfortunately for oar cause most of our speakers are billed for Satur day. Our nominee here for Vice President Dr J B Cranflil will speak here next Saturday night Sept 24th in Metropolitan Hall at 8 o'clock p m All persons however that appreciate a good speech for temperance moral ity and the cause of home, peace and prosperity will avail themselves of this opportunity; the cDuuty candi dates will speak at the Court House Saturday night Oct. 1st at 8 o'clock After this from time to time we will have speaking bv our nominee for Governor Dr. J M Templeton and others aud especially the fij&x of North Carolina that distinguished gentleman J H South gate of Dur ham The publ c cordially invited to all these speakings Especially ladies. H. J. DOWRLIi. Chairman. Voung Mothers! We Offer Tou a Itemed which Xneuree Safety to 1 Zife of Mother and Child. 1 I SI MOTHER'S FRIEND XLobe Confinement of its Pain, Horror and HUk. Attnrualngnnebottioof " Mother's Friend I Buffered but little puiu.uud liiduotexperlenaMiat wo"ki! afterward UHual 1 uch caiefc-HEl. Akkiu Oaob, Lamar, Mo., Jan. 15th, UVL ' Bent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt ot Drtoe, $IM per bottle. Book to Mothers mailed tree. BBADFIELD JtEGCIiATOO CO., ATLANTA OA, fOW 6V AU. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Coal & Wood. We have ntly coming '.Vc0 COALS! the tuoit POPULAR AND ECONOMICAL kinds including RD88KLL CREEK 0 GAYTON 0 LUMP - 0 EGG 0 The best coal for domestic use for the prices to be hand in ihe country. Pocahontas Steam Coal is universally acknowledged to be the beat ever produced in reach of this section. Car loads to any depot direct from nines i Having been in the oal business for the past fifteen years and studying the subject and the wants of the customers, we have se cured the best and cheapest. OAK AD PINE WOOD, long and cut, at bottom prices. JONES&POWELL Telephones 41 and 71, RALEIGH, N. C. C. H. AHDERSOH, NO. 5 HARQETT STREET LOW PRICES TELL THE NEWS SHOES 8 HOES SHOES SHOES Our sales in Ladie-', Misses and Children's Fine Shoes for the past week have been entirely satisfactory. NEW GOO D3 N1W GOODS NEW GOODS S&WGOOD3 NEWGO'D3 NEW GOODS I am opening new goods in this line daily, but I will continue these special sales for one week longer as I need the room for ne v stuffs. SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL. SH)E SHOE! SHOES SHOES 8HOE3 SHOES --v "uuM see ui ii..o o School SUon n.'ore buying else viiere as I am pre pare I in this line to save you big money. SCHOOL DRESS PRINTS I A beautiful lin9 of DRESS PRINTS I Dr ss Prints jnst ar- DRESS PRINTS rived. Gentj Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, &c, &o . C. H. ANDERSON, No. 5 Hargett Street. s7 Next to W B Mann & Co s Grocery Store. Don't think we can't fit you. Just give us a trial and we will open your eyes. See our 11 19 Derby Hats. They are a hummer. It is hard for us to keep the sizes in stock WHITINC BROS. A NEW STORE ! Geo. H. Sears & Co. No. H East Hargett Street, This day open a Commission House for the sale at wholesale and retail of all kinds of gieengroceries, including vegetable, fruits, &c, and will make FISH, JOYSTEBS, POULTRY, AND GAME IN Specialties. The first oysters of the sea son arrive today, fresh and fine Special at tention will be given to all orders for goods in thee lines. Prices are to be moderate, both wholesale and retail, and consignments of eoods for Bale are solicited. ' ' sepllm 1 . J!!- Wis. E!!Vi!A)iW!!S t RALEIGH, N. C. Successor to Evans Martin. MANUFACTURER OP Carriages. Baggies, Special attention given to repairing of all kinds, The best work is always the cheapest. And this can be fonnd at th northwest corner of Morgan and Blount P K&lZEK Cart Shafts in Stock. LOOK AT THESE PRICES, Befoie Yob Spand Your Mow Elsewhere AT -J and of our former 25 or 35 cents Scarts 1 1 or Pour-in-Hand. (Look at window display.) 070 any of our former 50 or 75 cents Neg O i ligee Shirts. -I any of our former $2 50 Boy's ltiSuits. OO any of our former 20, $i7 50 or J J $ '5 Suits. We call especial attention to "ur new in- I coming Children and Boy's uits. PA.RESTS will do w-11 t" examine our stock. . It is complete in every repp t Thousands of peonle will testify to our merits of selling sterling qualities at low prices. Our Mr Rosenthal is new in New York to complete the fall purchases. EMhEN'HlL CLOTHING CO Y, 305 Fdyetteville 8t. onp Postoffice. Sale of YaluaMe Real Estate, By authority of a consent ju igment of the Superior Court of Wake county in an acMon entitled W K Davis and N P Jones, Ex' n, and others vs Louisa L 'osby ana others, entered for the purpose of making 'isaets to pay oerain legacies and charges st forth in a judgment in cue af oresaid action. I will, as adminis'rator of Mary ; A Morehea, d ceased, and as comrnbsioner on Monday, 3d day of October, 1892, at twelve o'clock n., at ttie court house door of Wake county, sell Is the highest bidder the following described real rotate belonging to the estate of said Mary 1. MoreheaV, deceased, tc-wit: First The lot on Payetteville street, now occupied b John S Pescud as a drug store fronting 28 feet on Favftteville street and running buck 210 feet to Salisbury street, be ing part of lot No. 163 in the plan of the city of fiaieigh. 8econd That city block in --he city of Baleigh, bounded on the North by Jones street, on the East by East street, on the South by Edenton street and on the West by Blood worth street, and now occupied by Morson & Deoson's school, containing two acrea. Third A tract of land, four miles north of the cfty of Raleigh, adj fining the lands of Mrs Kimborough Jones' heirs and others, and known as the Crabtree or Tavern tract, containg 663 acres, according to survey, and is particularly described in a deed from B. S. King to R Smith, book 12. page 454, Register of Deeds' office for vVake county. This tract of land contains a large quantity of timber, original growth. Fourth A tract of la d lying near the western corporate limits of the city of Ral eigh, on the south side 0 Rocky branch, known s the Williams tract, adjoining the land of PnllAn PnrV I M Uimlr .nrf nthon containing 277i acres', according to survey of r oeyers, surveyor, in isa. rarncumriy described in a deed from James L Williams and others to B Pmith, bo-)kl7, page 171, Register of Deeds' office for Wake county. The last three parcels of the above described lands will be divided to suit pnrcb is ts Maps of the property Bbowing aivisions can be seen by applying to undersigned. Terms of sale, one-third cash, balance six months from sain dav. with interest ai 8 ntr cent. Title reserved until purchase money ; is pan. JUHB X. rvitLiKZt, Adm'r and Com'r. RALEIGH MALE ACADEMY, MORSON & DENSON, Principals. O. L. HAYWOOD, Assistant The fourteenth annual session beu.a Mondav, August 29th, 1892. Pupils thoroughly prepared for codege or for business life. For particulars address Principals for catalogue. Augl83w : I! i Delivery Wagons, etc, streets. STOP 111 : tiFOttE IT 18 TOO LATE ! THE BEDAL GOLD CURE INSTITUTF, AT RALEIGH, If. C, is now open for the treatment of Liquor, Opium, Morphine or Tobacco Habit. Core Guaranteed in Three Weeks. The Safest, Surest and Best. IFJRICIE $60 Board and Rooui $5 per Week To'mcco Habit Cure only $5. N. B Bhcuwhton. v I Dr. J. H. Bakes, President Pnyaician iu Ch'ge. BE! V I. GOLD CURE INSIITDTE, llalfigl-, N. C. UIZ- 111 """'6 i"3 .r. a., it. csmnn, a com petent machine man. am prepared to do til kinds of repairing and cleaning of Sewing Machines Orders left at my i.ffice 21fl Fayptieville street, will have. m y. PROMPT ATTEjNffJON. v: ' -Hi v-- r,; i , writ til ..i'l I'.-t-', ! !..('. :j: I alsrhave the lteit. improved Noj 9 i Wheeler -""Wiri AND ALSO THE CELEBRATKD J White Machines For sale on EasyTvms. ' h. R. VYATT. IT Pavirg msde all the money necessary to reduce price for the benefit of our customer we will sell a lot of nice pine wood for l per cord on yard, or $1 50 delivered any where in the city. LIME 1 10 per barrel. LATHS fl6t) per 1,000. j Beaton iniirU Tumk..:. .1 i ! Sash,- Dxr:,- Blinds, and Moulding educed in same proportion. B33i Haari Shinak al vays on hand "Ve manufacture our own material which enablei us to s 11 at bottom pricta. Our motto is quick sales and small profits. jy6M Eiliton Rojster (Co, iiWlfU ma Inancem THE BEST, THE PUREST AND THE CHEAPE8T CO"W FE3J3D Dairvmen and Cattle Feeders can nse. and which will give mor- general satisfaction than any other is Combination Cooked Cow Fed. As a milk and bolter Droducr. it stands without a rival. It imparts a fine flavor to the milk and improves the quality. Tt gives 25 tt 40 per cent, better results than bran and other feed s'nffs. Bran makes thin, watery milk, our f ed, tesides Increasing the quantity, enriches it also almost cream it- slf. ' Cattle eat it with relish, and it keeps the cow health v ar & in good condition. xnu leea is j ut np in no id ana lou id. bags, and branded with our trade mark. Full directions for use furnished. GET THE GENUINE ! DO NOT BE DE CEIVED ! BEWARE OF CHEAP SUBSTITUTES ! OUR COMBINATION HORSE FEED STEAM COOK ED Is in hieh favor and raining considerable reputation as the HEbT FEED for Horses. We nave many strou? testun -mala, but have not space to insert here v DO. YOU WANT TO ECONOMIZE? Do you want to keep your etock in good, thriving condition on less cost? Dj you want to tave money? It is a waste of money t j feed whole grain. No experienced ana thrifty stock feeder will do it if hi can get good feed. Your howe will keep fat, healthy, and do n ore work on Combination (Ground Feed, stean cooked, composed of corn, oats, bailey and flaxseed meaL at a considerable saving over anything else It is guaranteed to be sou' d, pure and whole some. Your stock will soon prefer it to any thing else. Give it a fair trial. FOR SALE BY- w.c. k o. imm, o-eociORS Mm and Candy Manufacturers In additi n to a gc -.era I stock of first class good, where you can t? t' anything in the grocery line at rtasouable figures delivered at your dor o we call yn attention to our celebrated FRS 11 1M813 REAKFASTgTRIPa. Our large assortment of 8UCH AS Mullets, Mackerel, Cut and Roe Herring, ... and s. v Flour from 12 25 up. ' FOR A NICE B SEA KFAST try some of onr Prepared Buckwheat. For all the above as well as all your LARD, BACON, 8UG A tt.TBA, (X)F FEh;, CHEESE. OK ACKERS, BUTTER. 8ATT. Mo,L. and all the little condiments to season a first class breakfast, dinner or supper, call and have your groceries promptly delivered at your residence. i.s u, , W. R. NEWSOM, se!3 21 ( South Wilmington St. NOTICE OF PDfilMilON. Harriet Wilson, PI ff VWake Bup'r i vs. . . . . 1 .Court to John W. Wilson et al deft's ; Octoh'rTerm To John W. Wilson. deiend"t j 1892. You are hereby notified that tbe above en titled action Las been commenced in the 8a perior Court of Wake county; that the pu. pose of stdd action is to enforce the equitable J rights of the plaintL in and to a certain tract of land in Barton's Creek township, in said county described in a ceitain dedto said John W Wilson from L Woodlief nd wife; to have the land sold to discharge cer tain mortgxge indebtedness to George W Norwood and the residue paid to plaintiff. " " The said John W Wilson is hereby notl- dei to appear a the next term of Mid court to. be held to the. court house at Raleigh, ou -'he 7th Monday after , the , 1st Monday in September, 1892, (being October 2Uh, 1992,) 1 ind answer , or demur to the. complaint in. .aid action which has been duly filed. ... JOHN W THOMPSON, ' Olerlr Wake Superior Oonrt. BU8BEB A BUSBEE, Pl'ffs Attys. ael Choice Family Groceries i -. , ' '''' -T T" ' .1. .J '" 111 'II " I " 1 1 nr 'I "' ' ' I ' '"'.--rrTirTiiin-iTiii 1 1 1 -' ' .'miI'mmii

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