1 i RALEIGH, FHIDAY, OCTOBER 7. 185)2. NO. 142 VOL. XXVII. . ( 7 7 ft it. Notice. There bu been some change in the news boye of the Visitor, and we would take It as a favor if any of oar pations falling to receive their pa per should inform ns of it. The "Weather Today. rAf Nnrth Carolina : Forecast not received. , Local forecast for this vicinity: On Saturday: FAlr.warmer.followed by threatening weather, with rain. TjvtaI data for 24 hoars ending 8a! m today: .Maximum temperatnre, 60; minl mnm temperature 41; rainfall 0.00. CITY IN BBIBf. . Tuesday, Oct. 13th Is the day II The sheriff Is ready to collect taxes The election Is one month off from tomorrow ; A cold snap Is predicted by next Sunday night. Secure voui scats at John Y. Mac R&e's for the "Two Old Oronles " Work on the acid Louse at Oaral elgh mills, which was recently burned, is progressing well. The receipts of cotton here today Wnnnmb&blT to 400 bales. Prices ranged at about 8 cts. Qall at Centennial headquarters 840 TPfctville street for information regarding the Rreat celebration.' The Fayetteville Gasette, a new Miur. Iirb made its aDDarance. It f 1 absorbed the Cumberland Democrat 'Joseph Ruby, of Columbia Pa suffered from birth with scrofula hu mor, till he was perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. The big sale of blooded stock by runt. R. P. Williamson next month r is attracting much attention, going to be a big thing. It Is Attention Is directed to the adver tlsement of Messrs. Thomas H. Briggs & Sons. These gentlemen have of the largest stocks of everything to ta found In the cltv. Oall and see them, ' :j At a meeting of the stockholders of the Cape Fear and Yadkin valley Railroad, held in Fayettevllle yester day, it was reported by the president that there had been a large increase of business for the past year. Messrs. Burkhead and Briggs of this city, and Pritchtt and young of the Agricultural and Mechanical Jol lege had a tennis contest yesterday at which the former were victorious Mr. Rosooe Nunn acted at umpire. We notice from an exchange that Mr. Albert Magnin, who figured here some years since as a Republican pol itiolan In Wake county, is a candidate of the People's party for the legisla tare, in Delaware county, Pennsyl vania. The absence of the street cars at the close of the performance last night was greatly missed, and to use a common phrase, "they missed a irood chance." There were crowds of persons from the northern and west jr.,1 era sections of the city who "footed" it from necessity. As we understand it, the rules of the street car '-company now require r- that persons desiring to get on the oars shall be at the side of the track and wave down the car. When this is done it is expected that the motor man will stop the car at the point w here the passenger is standing This is a good rule, as it should not be expected that the conductor should wait for parties to come from their houses, as it would cause too much delay in the schedule. On the other hand, when the cars run by the place at which they are hailed, it is not the duty of passengers to run after them. The rules are good, and conductors and motormen should strictly abide by them. This is due both to the company and the public. Fresh oysters by measure at A. E. Jordan's restaurant, opp. post office. Fire. uween i nu cum... uim uiw.m Ing an alarm was turned In from box 23 at Macule's corner caused from a I fl tw. .tutiul In th kitchen of the Tarboro House. The blase from the roof attracted the attention of the night clerk, Mr. Ellis, who requested Mr. D. B. Averato send in the alarm. The fire department responded with their usual promptness and the flames were soon extinguished thereby avoid ing an extensive conflagration. Personal. Treasurer Bain Is still quite feeble. Dr. D. A. Costa a noted specialist in kidney troubles has been in atten dance on Chief Justice Merrimon. Chief Justice Merrimon is now con sidered out of daDger. This will be good news to thousands of his friends throughout North 3arclina. Miss Maggie Rea, one of the finest Milliners in Baltimore has arrived and taken charge of the millinery department at the Lyon Racket store. Mr. Chas. M. Busbee has returned from Portland, Oregon, where he went to attend the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. He was accompanied by Mrs. Busbee. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Edwards have returned fronr Portland, Oregon, and other western points. Mr. Edwards was a representative to the Sovereign rand Lodge of Odd Fellows, which mt at Portland Messengers of Hope. Seventy fife dollars is all that is re quired to complete the twenty five hundred dollar endowment of the Bbhop Atkinson memorial cot fund, established at St John's hospital, Raleigh, N. C , for children. There are some things we would like the friends to contribute to f urn ish this child's cot room, in kind, bed furniture, (sheets, blankets, comfort ers, linens, &c), towels, rugs, table, lamp.crockery or any articles of need, useful and for the comfort of the lit tle sick ones. This personal appeal is made to you individually, to come up to our help, so the work may be completed by All Saints Day, November 1st, '93. It is sincerely hoped that this, the last appeal will meet with a generous response. Faithfully yours, Rkbkoca Cambron, Hillsboro, N. 0. Persons wishing to contribute either money or articles of furniture towards the above purpose may report the same to Mrs. Jo F. Ferrall, 121 South McDowell street, city. AMUSEMENTS. Deshoa Opera Co. A very large and fashionable audi ence attended tne performance of "Erminie" at Metropolitan Hall last night, and ! it is but just to say that no better performancejin the operatic line was ever given in this city. The singing was excellent and the acting throughout admirable. The troupe is a first class one in all particulars and we most heartily commend it to the public. Two Old Cronies. The N. Y. Evening Telegraph says: ' Two Old Cronies" drew a large au dience to the Windsor Theatre last evening. E. M. Ryan and John Shee han ere the central figures in the mirth provoking sketch, and were surrounded by a strong company of specialists, principal among whom are Will Ahern, Frederick Carberry Sussie Hart, Elvira Frencilli, Lotta Hollywood, the Sisters Hollywood, ! and Minnie Lay ton . A little more dialogue would add greatly to the -strength of the sketch and would serve to enhance the effectiveness of - the specialties, which crowded, upon one another so fast that the audience was not afforded a breathicg spell. Elvira Frencelli's pretty soprano voice made a hit rarely heard on any stage. The typical song, "He never come back," by Ryan and Sheehan, encored again and again, ' Wheie do von buy your shoes? At Sherwood's They please me better anil . . .atisfact- rv: be. 8lde8 they ten me exactly what they are and guarantee every pair as rep- resented. They Have the best l nave seen and most complete assortment. I can always get what I want at pnerwooa'B. Have You 8een Tbem? If not, go at once to the North State Music Store and see the beautiful "Extension Organ Pedals." If you have a large organ at your home your little daughter cannot use it yet. Hut if a pair of the extension pedals are attached to it they put the organ pe dais, knee swells and key boards ua der perfect control of email ladies and little children. They can be attach ed or removed in an instant, and all the family can play with perfect ease the same cabinet parlor org in. uau and see them. Respectfully, oc7 6t R. B. Shaw & Co. Solely on Merit. Don't mind whac others say about low prices; You can't afford to buy until vou have seen the goods any kiDd you want examine the quali ties and heard the prices at Sherwood's. Fresh Norfolk oysters every even ing at A. E. Jordan's restaurant. They Will Wink the Other Eye at Swindell's prices. Men's wool hats, 10c each Bov'b wool hats. 10c each Ladies' felt hats, all colors, 10c each Sailor has, felt, 25c each Real heavy undershirts, soc each Heavv bed aullts. 75c each Wool blankets, 75c each Worsted dress goods, 10c yard Double width dress goods, 124c yard Long buggy whips, 7c each I-ong buggy whips, 6o each Ladies' Sunday shoes, Hoc pair Men's Sunday shoes, 98o pair All wool drees suitings, 43c Beautiful dress suiting?, 25c Beautiful lace curtains, 50c pair Writing paper, gilt edge, 2c quire White sauare envelopes, 2c pack Nice needles 1" paper Machine thread, 2 spools for do Pins. 6 naners for 5o Rags, 15c each Rags, $10 00 each Carpet, 15c yard Carpet, 20c yard Carpet, 25c yard Wool carnat. 40c yard Wool carpet. 50c yard N. O Plai.!s. 3fc yard Nice pants cloth, 10c yard Heavv keraev nants cloth. 20c yard Winter sox, 8c pair Winter sox, - 10c pair Yard lone towels. Kc each A $1.25 umbrella for 75 Chenele curtains, $1 50c pair We could go right on and fill this paper up with articles cheaper than anv one else can sell and then the half would not be told by D. T. Swi UDELL. Mr. Ed V. Denton.the proprietor of the Central saloon, bas fitted up tne nicest and most complete oyster and lunch counter in the city. Jj'resn oys sters received every day. Solid oys titers for sale by the measure. oc6 Ladies' Coats. Our mammoth stock of fashionable coats for ladies have arrived. A deo scrlption is impossible. D. T. Swindell. For Kent Seven room house on West Jones street. No. 313 -Well of water and garden. Possession given next Mon day. Apply to, MILES GOODWIN. 500 children's suits. Each suit is a bargain. Woollcotfc & Sons. 300 overcoats. Good bargains at Woollcott & Sons. Writing pads, pencil boxes at pencils, slates and Woollcott & Sons, Dolls dressed by the members of St. Aenes Guild. Apply to Miss Mar garet Susan Marshall, rectory.l3tw4w Photographs. Go to B. S. Mattock's for your pho tographs 1134 Fayetteville st. al tf t Inexpensive Dress Goods. For children's dresses we are show ing two lines of dress materials at 25c i r 1 1 i j i l - l per yaru. uoe, an wooi uouuio wwm suiting in Bolid colors.the other double width, fancy mixtures, xnese a e tne slightest and, best values shown at I the price. Also new gingnams in small pat terns and dark colo-s. New lines of 1 printed cotton dress goods, fast col ! ore, at 10c and 12 lo per yard W.J1.9K. 0. XUCKSB 6f UO. Wanted. A good frecond hand piauo Ad Ami M at ManBion HoWflarimtt street. oul 4tn 200 ladies and niitmeg cloaks at Woollcott & Sous. For Kent. Store No. It. Fayettevllle 8freet. Apply to Dr. J H. Crawford. sepl tr First Class ll-8tauraut. Mr. liihi's new restiurtnt for la dies and gentlemen, which he has fixed up in such style and taste, on h ayetteville street, just south of Bob bitt's drug Btcre, is fa6t gaining pop. ularity, and is becoming one of the famous resorts of the city. Itisdes tined to become to Raleigh what has long ben n"" !H in the way of a first class eatabliNhinebt where all the del icacies of tli kh-imiu cau be procured at short notico ami in a style to suit the niogr. f 8tidiouR epicure. The following bill of fare is offered: Oysters (12 in a fr), 35c Oysters, stewed, 25c Beef and pork steak, 25c Ham and eggn, 25c Lamb chops, 25c Tripe, 25c Chicken fried or broiled, 35c lime establishment is not open on Sundays) Fried oysters, or oysters by the me sure, will be delivered at residences at any time on notice. my Jims nog I OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FINK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE" From Now Until the First of September. N03RIS' DRY GOODS STORE, 213 Fayetteville stroet. To DBsisy Reof iving aud marking goods for our Two 120 Fayetteville Street Stores and lb raartin Street, Adams Building, to write an advertisement, hear from us in few days, but will let you Eyery Department will be full and complete. In SHOES we can give you bigger bargains than ever. A'so InMen's Hats and Suspenders. Our MilUnery Department is full. All we. get our prices. ask is to see our work and Lvon Racket Store. Do You Know Your interest? If you do, visit the great furniture empo- rium of Raleigh and see what they have in I stock. Everything in our line of goods that can possibly be desired. Novelties of all kinds and splendid new arrivals of PARLOR SUITS, Marble-top Bureau. French Beveled Look irg Glass at the unprecedented price of i3. This is below cost. Alotof line Chinavar, all kinds of novelties and modern dewsns. Bed Ininges.something new and superior. Ji splendid hue of Willow aud Rattan Chairs, Settees, Wardrobes. Mattresses kc. We cn save vou from 810 to ?15 on a set of rumiture. New goods arrivm? every ilay. We do a furniture business stric;iy. It is no side line with us. Eemember the fashionable and popular emporium THOMAS & MAXWELL, Exchange Place, SHOES 19 S Hardware, &c. irn A mrC -TWELVE G.03S KKGS OF -TACKS. ii-V-lV.O""" A C K S. 5 CTS PER KEG, AND THE KEG 18 WORTH THE MONEY AFTER TACKS ARE USED. T THOMAS H. BUIGGS & SONS. A c K "S. RALEIGH, EW &3ILLINIERY. The - Latest . Novelties. The mos Desiiable. Shades and Shapes; BOY'S CAPS, CHILDREN'S 'SCHOOL AND DRESS HATS' Infants1. Silk Caps Shirred Hats, and- ;..We have Millinery to suit every body in style and price. Orders from a distance will re- I ceive prompt at tention. MISS i :.maooIe:: :::::::::::::reese: 309 FatkttevillbSt : Dry Goods, Notions, &c. SERVICEABLE DRESS GOODS. I In addition to our high class Dress Fabrics we are show inO fllll liHS Cif SerVlCflShTh Dress Materials in ali the new colorings and in tha latest styles for this fall. ..'fflaay-o! these inexpensive dress goos closely ressmbla the higher priced fabric?. '.These'; range in price from 25c U 50c pr yard. 1. B. & S, S. Tacw t(Io 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street -

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