v State Hoard of tte&Uli There Is do more Important Instltd tion for good in oar midst than the ST. O. BUte of Health and every, thing In connection with It is of the utmost Important to oor people. By the death of Dr. ThomaF. Wood, of Wilmington, the State lost a most effi cient public servant and a most useful man. Dr. Richard H. Lewis, our well known fellow citizen was appointed secretary in placof Dr. Wood and hs has thought proper efter paylog a beautiful tribute to his predecessor, to print the following: In taking up this work I frel that It would be well to remind the people of the State that the Bo ird of Health was created for their benefit for the purpose of acquiriog and distributing as thoroughly as possible, inforiua. tlon and instruction as to the best means of preventing disease Au citizen of the State therefore desiring such Information woulc' confer a fa vor by writing to the secretary, who would cheerfully answer his Inquiries The subject of pre-eminent, interest at present is the epi lernlc of cholera threatening oar country. The boar-1 has watched he indications with sleepless eyes, and bi8 given the sub ject the most thoughtful coneid rt tiou, but it'has not deemed the dan ger Imminent enough at any time to justify pu lications which wn'ilci probably excite and alarm unne cea sarily many of our people. The dan ger is daily growing less, and the board does not anticipate any trouble during the coming wiuter, but fears the awakening in warm weather of spring of the germs which may slip into the country during the cold weather, when the vigilance ot the health officers at our ports is liable to be relaxed Should its fears b justi fled, the people ma rest, satisfied that it will exhaust every uieaus within its power to keep it out, of our State. From time to time tin- secretary pro poses to publish ia all the papers in the State kind enough 10 print them, short practical articles on oiatters re lating to the preservation of health. Ia the meantime, if yon need infor mation or advice on such subjects write to Richard H. Lkwis, Heo , Raleigh, N. 0. The Centennial. The cotrmittee on program have agreed on the following: TUK8DAY, OCT: 18 10:00 a. m. Grand Civic and Indus trial Procession to 8tate Fair Grounds, Col. J. M. Heck. Chief Marshal. 7:33 p m. Centennial exrcises at the hall of the House of Repre sentativee, including read ing of the Centennial Prize Poem, by Capt. C. B. Den son. Oration by Hon. Kemp P. Battle, LL. D WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19. m. Grand Display of Fir s works. THURSDAY, OCT. 20. 7:00 p 4 00 p. m. Laying the Corner Stone of the Uoniedsrate monu ment (if circumstances per' mit). FRIDAY, OCT. 21. 10:00 a. m Grand Military Parade and Prize Drill. 8:00 p. m. Centennial Ball,costumes of "Ye Olden Times." By order of the committee on pro gram. J. B. POGUE, A. A.. THOMPSON, N. B BROUGHTON, C. G. LA TA, S. A ASHE. LOCATION OF ALARM BOX. No. 12. Folk and East Streets. 13- Johnson and Halifax Streecs. 14. North and Person Streets. 15. Elenton and East Streets. 21. Morgan and Blount Streets. 23. Wilmington and Martin Streets 24: Davie and Bloodworth Streets. 25. Wilmington' and South Streets. 26. Hargett and Swain Streets. 27. Blount and Cabarrus Streets. 212. Fayetteville and Harge t Sts. . 214. Hargett and Bloodworth Sts 31. Davie and Dawson Streets. 82. Hillsboro and West 8treets. 84. Lenoir and McDowell Streets. 35. Hargett and Dawson Streets. 86. South and Harrington Streets. 87. Hargett and West Streets. 4. Water Tower. 41. Dawson Street, between Jones and Lane Streets. 42. Halifax and Edenton Streets. 43. Jones and Saunders Streets. 45. Firwood Avenue opposite Cot ton Mill. 47. florth Street, West of Salisbury. Don't let political matter! engage all our attention to the detriment of the SUte Fair and Centennial. It has been suggested that our la dles put on the Centennial colors. This will cause a general interest In the matter The Raleifh wheelmen have been iuvited to join the grand Centennial .recession in a body. The boys will ui.keaQne show with their wheels trimmed in Centennial colors. Mr. Peter A. Wilson 8r. who died in Winston last Sunday morning was on two ocean ons chosen a member of the General Assembly from Forsyth county. He was a munh loved citi z n and 66 years old. lIO OTHER Sarsaparilla has the careful personal supervision of the proprietor in all the details of its prepa ration as has HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. Fish ''ealer : "Can I sell you a nice preen turtle today, mam f Mrs. Newbride: "No; but if you've any ripe ones Til take a couple 11 ' Did you see Mr. Legbread, the cricketer, gazing so intently at his ki hsr of whiskey last night?" "Yes; I hupp 'se he was trying to get his eye on the ball." "Mothers Friend" makes child birth easy. Colvin, La., Sec. 2, 1886. My wife used MOTHER'S FRIEND before her third confinement, and says she would not be without it for hundreds of dollars. SOCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of price, 1,50 per bot tle. Book " To Mothers " mailed free. BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., ron W jT ALL DRUdaiSTS. ATLANTA, OA, MP.W ADVERTISEMENTS. METROPOLITAN HILL, ONE NIGHT ONLY, SATURDAY, OC1. 8TH. W. C. ANDERSON'S UNIQHK COMEDIANS IN THE GREAT- . US run AL.L MUBJUAL. COMEDIES 6$;two old cronies 99 Uunder the management of Geo 8 Sydney. An entire flew company. V. M Ryan. ) Two Old The Professor JohnSheehan, ) Ceonies. O'DonovanDuff GDSSIE HART, as Pelly Bristles, Supported by a First Class Company. NEW SCENERY! NEW COSTUMES! New Songs! New Music! NEW JOKES! NEW DANCES! Everything New and Sparkling! Dress Goods. Knf C Are displaying an elegant line PfT7 "oinneana medium U U -ZEPALL - TlILLINERY- which cannot fail to attract your attention We also have a saperb stock of Dress Goods consisting of TKOAD Cloths, Storm Serges, ladies JjCloth. Sacking, Plaids, Flannels, Robes, T?ANCY Suitings, Camels Hair, Tricots, X and black Henrietta uioths and Trim mings to match. A great bargain in White Blankets, at 99c a pair. All our goods will be sold at the lowest prevailing market prices. Buy ing as we do all our goods for cash only we are connaent tnat we can save you money by doing your dealings with us. N.Y. Dry Fools & Millinery Bazar oo3 211 Fayetteville street. Noticed Saleoi Land By virtue of power conferred in a deed of trust executed bv Edward Smith aud bis wife, Susan, I will sell for cash at public auction, at the court house door of Wake county, at 12 o'clock m, on Monday, the 7th. day oi Novemoer, iyz, a certain tract oi land in Raleigh township, lying on the east side of Beaver Dam road and running back 200 feet, adjoining the lands of Larkin 8 Hall and Bib Matthews and fully described in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake county, book 100, page 760 ocftds J N HOLDING, Trustees. NoticeoiSaleof Land Under and by virtue of power conferred in a deed of trust executed by S P Gill and wife, Virginia N Gill, recorded in the office of the Reeister of Deeds of Wake county. ook 68, page 596, I will sell for cash, at public auction, at the court house door in Raleigh, N C, at 12 o'clock m, on Monday, the 7th dav of November. 1892, a certain tract of land in Raleigh towrship, Wake county, and fully described in sa'd I'eedof trust, and lying between the Triboro road and the road leading by the Oakwood ceme tery, and adjoin! lg the lands of Mrs Marga ret Ferrall, N V Dei-ton and J M Heck, con taining 92 acres. W H PACE, oc5tds Atty of Mortgagees, J!!- WiL EIIVItAIINIISH; RALEIGH, N. C. Successor to Evans & Martin. MANUFACTURER OF Baggies, Specia' attention given to repairing of all kinds' Tbe best work la always the cheapest. And this can be found at the northwest corner of Morgan and Blount FRAlZEft Cart Shafts In stock. For the Legislature. I am an Independent canlidate for a seat in the Senate in the next Genrril As sembly from Wake county. oc3't G 8 PATTERSON Notice. The stockholders of the North Carolina . Watron Companv. are hereby called to mee. 1 at the factory of said company in the city of j Kateieh, on Monday, tne wtn day oi Ucto- : ber. 18U2. at 10 o clock a m. The said meet ing U called for the purpoe of consultation about the affairs and best interest of the com pany. W G UPCHURCH. uct 1st, 1832. resident. Don't be a Goose And buy elsewhere before vou look around you might lose money by not looking over our Stock of LADIES, MISSES, CHILDREN'S, MEN'S, AND BOYS SHOES. Olir Strtfilr ia Vraah nnr flftrlna "Katwr Prices low down and our sales greater this season than ever before. Childrens School Shoes a specialty. WHITING BMS. A NEW STORE. Ceo. H. Sears & Co. No. 14 East Hargett Street, This dav open a Commission House for the sale at. wholesale and retail of all kinds' of gieengroceries, including vegetable, fruits, Ac, and will make FISH, '.OYSTERS, POULTRY, ASfD GAME IN hEASON Specialties. The first oysters of the sea son arrive today, fresh aad tine Special at tention will be given to all orders for goods in these lines. Prices are to be moderate. both wholesale and retail, and consignments of goods for sale are solicited. sepllm CONFECTIONS AND OMR - Slid. Our Confections all fresh. Our Oyster Saloon for ladies end gentle men is a cosey retreat where the best oys ters are served in the most attractive styles. Families supplied with fresh oysters on short notice. ATelephono No 102. se23tf fjll AG TW ffTSHTT v-LL-c-rV i'Xl JU X KJ vJLi TV RICI BAKERY m mmn Wagons, rtc. streets. C. H. ANDERSON, NO. 5 HARGETT STREET, v Si LI 11 I? Si My .entire stocK oi Bnoes UJLJlskj wr tne iau ana winter nas arrived. O TTVTO Mv Drices are very low. LaOXJLWJLJOdiea nice fine XAi Button Shoes CTjrM7C for $1 35 to $2 3.. These I goods are worth I' 7o to $3 00. and children's shoes CTJYVCC Miss kJJLLVjL'O pro portionately cheap. I alsoO TT"T? C! sell the best $3 gntlemen'sOXlVy JliO IN THE CITY. I sell Miles' hand sewed shoes at 15. Also hue of Gents Furnishing Goods, nice Lamb's Wool Socks Country knit. Bii PRINTS and GINC t assortment of DRESS til AM. Latest styles C. H. ANDERSON, No. 5 Hargett Street. Coal & Wood. We have in stock and constantly coming HAEDpA T of all sizes. SOFT Vjii.li of the most POPULAR AND ECONOMICAL kinds, including -RUSSELL CREEK 0 GAYTON LUMP ESQ 0 The best coal for domestic use for the prices to be hand in the country. Pocahontas Steam Coal is universally acknowledged to be the best ever produced in reach oi this section Car loads to any depot direct from nines. Having been in the ioal. business for the past fifteen years and studying the subject and tne wants oi tne customers, we nave se cured the best and cheapest. OAK AND PISE WOOD, long and cut, atbottom prices. JONESPOVfVELtx? Telephones 41 and 71, RALEIGH, N . O. F. B. Q. trade mark registered. II We have placed the above Celebrated Tailor-made clothing on sale. It is the best made goods modern skill and science can accom plish. There is no superior to them We have them in all grades from 815.00 TO 830.00 In HAT3 we have the latest shapes, prices for Nobby Goods are from II 53 to 85 00. Our In neukwjcar our 25 and ou cents am, beauties. Theieare yet some left v; to be closed at 17 cents. iy. m Hdve neuiKiuuQi'fiu lub mm 'm TIT LM.L1 1 fW Damh TTIbT-ITifn n . VTrtvV fl which will be told at 29, 39, 49 and . J 89 cents These goods are worth twice the monev. . . ; t Boy's and Children's 8DIT3 in abundance. I Prices from II 2! to 110. ROSENTHAL CL0TBING CO' : 305 Fayetteville St. opp Postoffloe. I, t FII1ESTBEYQHD QUESTIO Everybody- : Everybody who sells Flour cla!mj to sell the oew out E VERYB0DY Can rot make the Best Prices for the Best Flour. WE CAN And will give you the Best Floar and Best rnoes Price and Quality Guatanteed. W C A B f-TRONACU Miller's Agents- Famous alley City Mill Flours. Roller Champion, L.UV wmie, Snow Flake, Reliance. $4.50, $5, 35.50, 86 Bbbla, J, i, 1-8 and 1-16 bbl scks. Sole Agents also for Famous Lucile and Satisfaction B-ands of Bbls, 1-2, 1-8 and 1-16 bbl scks. HECKER'S New Self-Raising Graham and Buckwheat Flour. 31b pekgs 25c, 61b pckgs40c HECKER'S New Partly Cooked Oatmeal, Tbe Best and Cheapest 2Cc pekgs, 3 pekgs 60c Hecker s Farina. LEGCETT'S New Wheat and Oat Flakes Cracked Whent and Oats 21b Pekgs- W.C. k 0. ST1M, a QROOBES Bakers and Candy Manufacturers Best Bread in tbe State, Only Purest and Best Materials Used. Groceries. In addition to a general stock of first class goods, where you can get anything in the grocery line at reasonable figures, dolivered . at your door, we (call you attention to one cgIc b r&tccl Fin jjamsBRKAKFA8TStr1P8L Our lai ?e assortment of SUCH AS ' Mullets, Mackerel, Cut and Roe Herring, -and Farnilv Flour from 12 25 up. FOR A NICE BSEA KF AST try some of onr Prepared Buckwheat. 'A. r oi an tne aoove as weu as au your FEJS, CHEESE. CRACKERS, BUTTER. SALT, MEAL, and all the little condiments to season a ' first class breakfast, dinner or supper, call and have your groceries-promptly delivered at your residence. ' , W; R. NEWSOM. sel3 - ZLl Soutn Wilmington St. I lit. Faviri made all the. money necessary to reduce pi ce ior tne penent or our customers. we will sell a lot of nice ine wood for 81 per cord on yard, or II where in the city. , delivered any LIME II 10 barrel. . LATHS II per 1,000. Best on market. Lumber in plank, 0. Framine from I , pro 19 to miscuous width. 18 N). . Ill per l.noo. Flooring and ceiling 112 50, 114, 115 per 100. Sash,- Doo.F3;- ' Blinds, and Moulding reduced in same proportion. Choice Family Urea Hie Best Wl' Shingles-' ' '" r ".-' ;, f. r, i - .i ' - :. alvays on hand We manufacture our own material which enables us to sell at bottom prices. Our motto is quick sales and small . profits. ,-A , , jvlottj Ellington Royster Co. :