" FREE l Trial. Why suffer from the bad effects of the L& Grlpp a Lame Bnk. Kidney and Liver disease, Rheumatism, In digestion. UvsoeDsla. anr kind of wt&kness. or other dis eases, whea Kiectricitr will care vaj and keen vou in hetlth. f Headache relieved in on e SSSaS Dr. JudcTs Electric Bolt HOaaJUS, itsatialieJ. Also. Electric Trusses and Box Batteries. Costs nothing to try them. Can be regulated to suit, and gutrtntoed to Un tor years. A Belt and Battery 'combine i, and produces uHi'aent Electricity to shock, free Medical advice. Write to day. Give waist measure, price and full particulars. Agent V anted. nay 83) Address Dr. Judd, Detroit, Mich THE WORLD OP LABOR. Iceland has 71,000 people. Japan has 650 newspapers. A machine washes dishes. The electric boat is coming, 'lauvass is made waterproof. r0al mines employ 1 BOO.OTO. Vanderbllt has a $16000 whip. Uucle 8au has 800 silk mills. Iceland has only two lawyers. There is one $10,0' 0 greenback. London eats Australian batter. There are counterfeit almonds. There are 17,000 styles of silk. Copper is refined by electricity. Algeria furnishes the best cork. Chicago, 111., has 1000 peddlers New York has 80,0 0 cash girls Russia uses iron telegraph poles. Black glass was ustd for mirrors. There are 4,000,000 metal miners Chicago hss the biggest creamery. Germany has automatic bootblacks Japan is building two electric roads. A year's matches are worth $100, 000,00') Kussia's woolen industry employs 5000 Paint is made from Egyptian mum niies. Britons own 20,001,000 American acres. A Paris barometer is 41 feet 5 inches hig". Nickel steel does oof, corrode in salt water. Gatling guns are now fired by elee tricity. The Western Union clears $5,000, 000 a year California has a 112 pound water melon September increased pig iron pro duction. London, Ont., cars go over Bnow on runners Decatar, Mich., has six peppermint distilleries. Hopkins University has a $10,000 thermometer. Newark, N. J. has a woman par asol manufacturer. Worlds Pair buildings will seat 200, 000 visitors. Florida fig trees have yielded three crops this season. Cigar stubs bring about a shilling a pound in London. Iowa ranks fifth among the States of the Union in railway mileage THE NIGHT EXPRESS. Sale of Real Estate Rv authority of a iudement of the Supe rior Court of Wafce county, made at April term 1892. in an action enticieu iwvaaa Bunn vi M Q Todd, admr, and others, as commissioner annotated in said ac ion, I will, on Monday, Oct jber 24th, 1892, at 12 o'clock m, at the court house door of Wake county, sell at public auction to highest bid- J .1 J 1 1 . nDA.;ka l.nrTa in tl vr a creek to wnshiD. wake county: First tract Lot No 2, in the division of : the lands ot the late James Todd bv his heirs-at-law. as shown in book A, partition of lands at page 354, clerk's office Supertax dour? of Wake county, containing 47 acies, and which was alio v ted in said division to F H Hobinson. Second lot Lot No 3. in the aforesaid di vision, which adjoins lot No 2 above de scribed, contains 47 acres, being the lot al lotted to M A Nowell in said division. Third tract lot No 4,in said div.'sion.con tains 381 acres, and the same that was allot ted to James, Corinna and John Fearce in said division. Fourth tract Lot No 5. adjoins lot No 4 above mentioned, contains 39 acres, and is the same that was allotted to Z. Todd and others in said division. Raid sale will be made one-half cash, bal ance in s'x months from sale with interest at 8 Der cent per annum. Title reserved un- til purchase money is paiu.wNjoNE;() seWtds Commissioner. BLISS CARMAN. Out through the hills of midnight. Hurtling and thundering on, The night exprees from the outer world Speeds for the open dawn. Out of the past and gloom wreck, Out of the dim and yore. Freighted as train or cravan Was never freighted before; Built when the Sphin's query Was new on the lips of peace: t Hurled through the aching and hoi low years Till time shall have release; Stealing and swift as a shadow, Sinuous, urging, and blind, Unsrent as a joy or the flight of a bird, With oblivion behind; Down to the morrow country, Into the unknown land! And the Driver grips the throttle bar; Our lives are in His hand. The Bleeping hills awake; A tremor, a dread, a roar; The terror is flying, is come, is past; The hills can sleep once more. A moment the silence throbs. The dark has a poise of fire; And then the wonder of time is gone, A wrath and a desire. Demonish, toiling, grim. In the ready furnace flare, While the Driver fingers the throttle bar, Who stands at his elbow there? Can it be. this thing like a shred Of the firmament torn awaj. Is a boarded train that Death and his cow Consorted to waylay ? His wreckers grinning and lean, Are lurking at every curve; But the Driver plays with the throt tie bar; He has the iron nerve. We are travelllng'safe and warm, With our little baggage of cares; Why tease the peril that yet would come Unbidden and unawares? The lonely are lonely stil'; And the friend has another friend; Only the idle heart inquires The distance and the end. We pant up the climbing grade, And coast on the tangent mile. While the Driver toys with the throt tle bar. And gathers the track in His smile. The dreamer wear of dreams, The lover by love releastd. Stricken and whole, and eager and sad Beauty and waif and priest. All these adventure forth, Strangers, tho' Bide by sida, With the tramp of time in the roar ing wheels, And haite in their shadowy stride The star that races the hills Shows yet the night is deeD: But the Driver humors the throttle bar; So, you end I may sleep. For He of the sleepless hand Will drive till the nitrh is done- Will watch till morning spriDgs from tne sea. And the rails grow geld in the sun. Then He will slow to stop The tread of the driving rod. When the night express rolls into the dawn; For the Driver's name is God. The Independent. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Harriet Wilson, Pl'ff Wake Sup'r vs. 1 Court to John W. Wilson et al deft's Octob'rTerm To John W. Wilson, delend't J 1892. You are hereby notified that the above en titled action has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Wake county; that the put pose of said action ia to enforce the equitable rights of the plaintui in and to a certain tract of land in Barton's Creek township, in said countydescri bed in a certain deed to said John W. Wilson from L Woodlief and wife; to have the land sold to disoharge cer tain mortgage indebtedness to George W Norwood and the residue paid to plaintiff. The said John W Wilson is hereby noti fied to appear at the next term of said court to be held m tne court nouse an ivaie'Ku, ou the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday in September. 1892, (being October 21th, 1892,; and answer or demur to the complaint in said action which has been duly filed. v JOHN W THOMPSON, Clerk Wake Superior Court. J5USBEE & BVSBEB, P.'ffs Attys, gel 6w "I Can't Eat," Is often heard. Teoplo who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla highly recommend it for loss of appetite, indigestion, sick headache, and similar troubles. This medicine gently tones the stomach, assists digestion, and makes you "real hungry." Constipation, and all troubles with the digestive organs and the liver are cured by Hood' Pill. Price 25c. per box. Two years ago a rich merchant of Dayton, Ohio, had a kidney removed by a Oincinnatti surgeon. Recently, after a critical examination, his phy sician decided that the surgeon had removed the sound kidney instead of the diseased one. The surgeon ad mits he has the kidney preserved, but refuses to return it, and resource will be hid to replevin suit, if the much-wanted kidney proves to have been sound a damage suit will fol low. JL:WII. MM EIIVItAIINIISII-i Richmond & Danville B B Co'y. M RALEIGH, N. C. Condensed Schedule In effect Oct. 9, 1892. Southbound, Dau fiucsessor to Evans A Martin. MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, Baggies, (IT f ITS? Hp Wagons, itc. Rpecial attention given to repairing of all kinds- The best work is always the cheapest. And this cao be found at the northwest corner of Morgan and Blount streets. FRAIZER Cart Shafts in stock. Coal & Wood. We have in stock and constantly coming HARD f( A T ofM sizes. SOFT J VJIYlJ of the most POPULAR AND ECONOMICAL kinds, including RUSSELL CREEK GAYTON LUMP EGG 0 The best coal for domstic use for the prices to be hand in the country. Pocahontas Steam Coal is universally acknowledged to be the best ever produced in reach of this section. Car loads to any depot direct from mines. Having been "in the oal business for tue past fifteen ye&rs and studying the subject and the wants of the customers, we have se cured the best and cheapest. OAK AND PINE WOOD, long and cut, atjbottoni prices. JOIMES&POWELL Telephones 41 and 71, RALEIGH, N. O. A boy in Michigan has written 206 words per minute on a typewriter. Nearly 00,000,000 rose plants are an nually produced. In this country. Noticed Sale ol Land Under and bv virtue of power conferred in a dee i of trust executed by 8 P Gill and wife, Virginia N Gill, recorded in the omce of the Keeister of Deeds of Wake county, t ook 08, page 596, T. will sell for cash, at Sublic auctiou, at tne court house door in ialeigh, N C, at 12 o'clock m, on Monday, the 7th day of November, 1892, a certain tract of land in Raltigh towr ship, Wake county, and fully described in said ieed of trust, and lying between the Tarboro road and the roaa leading by tbe Oakwood ceme tery, and adjoining the lands of Mrs Marga ret Ferrall, V Dei-ton and J M Heck, con taining 9i acres. WHPACE, oc5 tds Atty of Mortgagees. WOhLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSI TION. For above occasion, the Richmond & Danville R. R. will sell tickets to Chicago, 111., and return at follow ing rates from points named : Tickets on sale October 18, 19 and 20, limited returning Oct. 26, 1893. From Charlotte, Asheville, Greensboro, Durham, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Henderson, Danville, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, $31 45 27 15 27 45 29 85 81 00 81 80 29 85 25 35 23 65 22 61 NORTH CAROL! NA AGRICULTU R AL FAIR, RALEIGH N. C. For above occasion, the Richmond & Danville R. R. Co., will sell tickets to Raleigh, N. C, and return at fol lowing rates from points named : Tickets include one admission 10 fair erounds. and must be stamped by proper agent at fair grounds be fore being valid for return passage. Charlotte, $4 10 Oxford, $1 70 Concord, 8 70 Lincolnton, 4 50 Salisbury, 3 dO As&evuie, o iu Hieh Point. 2 50 Marion, 510 Greensboro, 2 70 Statesville, 3 70 Burlington, 1 70 Winston, 2 70 Durham. 1 80 Wilkesboro, 4 80 Se'ma, 130 Rural Hall 810 Goldsboro, 1 60 Reidsville 8 70 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion : Dates of Bale, Oct. 17th, to 21st, inclusive limits, return ing, Oct. 24, 1892. N. C. CONFERENCE M. E.CHURCH For above occasion, the Richmond and Danville R. R., wi'l sell tickets to Reidsville, N. 0., and return at following rates from points named Tickets on sale uotooer istn to sum inclusive, limited returning October 24th, 1892. From Raleigh, $a.4U u Henderson 5.95 Durham, 4 05 Greensboro, 1 30 " Winston-Salem, 2.95 " Asheville, 8 60 " Charlotte, 5 75 " Golsbcro, 6 90 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. The rent of land in England 800 years ago was about I shilling an acre Gn at wm urn Favi'g mide all the money necessary to reduce ppce for the benefit of our customers, we will sell a lot of nice pine wool for f 1 per cord on yard, or 1 ul) delivered any where in the city. LIME 1 10 per barrel. LATHS SlfiO per 1,000. Beaton market. Luniberin plank, pro miscuous width. 8 P0. Framintr from S9 to $11 per l,r.0O. Flooring and ceiling $12 50 $14, 15 per Sash,- Door.;- Blinds, and Moulding reduced in same proportion. Best Heart Shingles al vays on hand We manufacture our own material which enables us to s. 11 at bottom prices. Our motto is quick sales and small profits. jyl5 tf Eiliaston Royster 4 Co, NoticeofSaleof Land By virtue of Dower conferred in a deed of trust executed bv Howard Smith and his wife, Susan, I will sell for cash at public auction, at the court house door of Wake county, at 12 o clock m, on Monday, the 7th day of November, 18112, a certain tract of land in Kaleigh township, lying on the east side of Beaver Dam road and running back 200 feet.adpiuiiig the lands of Larkin 8 Hall and Bib Matthews and fully described in the ofliie of the Kegister of Deeds of Wake county, boo It 10.1. page 700 ocf tds J N HOLDING, Trusteee. At untie Doast flint. Wilm'nt.n Vidoa tf-vlra?wi and !mstt j flenvlul. DateO. Jan. 4. No 23 18Vi D-iily SOUTH. No 27 No 41 P'tm'l d'y, ex Daily. 143pm 6 86pm LeWeldon, l3Cpm Ar Rocky Mt, 140pm Ar Tarboro. i 18pm Le Tarboro, 12 58pm 6 OOp.k Ar Wilson, 2 18pm 7 00pm Le Wilson. 12 80pm Ar Selma. 8 80pm Ar Fay'tville 580pm Le G'dsboro, 8 15pm 7 40pm Le Warsaw, 4 14pm Le Magnolia, 4 27pm ArWU'gton. 6 00pm 8und'y 640am 747am 817am a utiam 10 00am 8 40pm 1014am 9 55pm 1145am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 14 dtilly LvWil'gton, 810am Lv Magnolia, 8 U Le Warsaw, Ar G'dsboro, 4 Silam Le Fay'tville, Lv Selma, Ar Wilson, Lv Wilson, Ar RockyMt, Ar Tarboro, Lv Tarboro, Ar Weldjn, No 78, daily. 915am 10 57am 11 11am 12 05am 9 10am HOPem 1210pm 514m 12 58pm 5 37 1 30pm 6 30am2 18pra No 40, d'y. ex Snnd'y. 400pm 5 40pm 55 5pm 56pm 7 48pm 21nm 12 58pm 6 85am 2 55pm 9 35pm "ally except ounaay. JOHH F DlVIUB, General SnDorlD'-findent. J R Kwhly, Sup't Trans. T M Emmfsow. Gnra! Pass Agfc. ATLANTIC k IV. C. R It , Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. No 51 Ar- m ,49 Lve 8 80 4 20 4 54 6 48 p m Schedule, Pass grains Stations Goldsboro La Grange Kington New Berne MoreheadCitv Going west No 50 Ar 11 28 10 46 10 08 8 27 a to Lve a ti1 1C48 10 14 8 44 SHINGLES. Lv Richmond, Hurkeville, Keyeville, Ar Danville, Ar Greensboro, Lv Goldsboro, Ar Raleigh. Le Raleigb Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Salem, Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, A) btatosville, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, I.v Charlotte, ArColumb'; Augusta, Northbotn. Lv August;, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta. . Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Salisbury,.,; Lv Hot Spring Ashevillo,a j Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv Raloigh Ar Goldsboro, Lv Greens bore, Ar Danvil'.c Keysville, Burkeville. Richmond, No 9 8 00pm 5 03pm 5 4.'pm 8 OUpm 10 05pm 3 50pm 6 45pm 6 CO 707 9 40 t8 00 10 15pm 12 I2ain 12 85 7 50aiP 10 12 22 200 500 010. 11 25 pm 2 10 a m 0 45 12 00 n'n 6 .Daily. oil 5CO0OI 5 F J in 8 COam 10 05am 7 01am 7 5?&:u 10" am o 4f ; 10 15 I 'X U 00 in 1 OKpm 6 r4 7 67 laObpm 1 30pn 418 P 24 0 30pm j 5o-n 6 00pm P 25un No 10 '0 "0 pm 11 30 ,6 00 am 8 5C pm ;t 3'Jam i.8 48am ; 8 It - 7 25 pm 9 00 am 2 50 am 4 COam 8 2P 10 00 No 12 8 15an, IT 15 pm 4 30, 6 05 am 6 10 pm i 3Vpm l 10 12 39pm 2 30 7 01 7 51pm 8 15 9 50pm 11 30 am 1 12 33 am 10 20 12 Upm i 10pm 12) 8 0C 1C 20am. 1105 am 1 02am 2 00 10 20pm IV 40 am 330 am 4 15. 0 18 12 01pm 2 4Gpnx 3 28 .i SO BETWKKH WEST POINT AN U RICHMOND. t7 50 am Lv West Point,Lv t8 50am 9 05 am Ar Richmond Ar 10 40 am 810 pm Lv Richmond., Lv 4 45pm 5 00pm Ar West i'oint Ar 6 00pm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL EIGH via Kevsville, 815pmLv Raleigh . Ar J 0 20 am tDaily except Sunday. 1 aily. IDaily, except Moni,'T' E. BERKLEY, W. A. TURK, Superintendent, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. S. fl. HARD WICK, Ass't Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. W. H. GREEN, SOL HAAS, Gen'l Manager, Traffic Manager, Was hington.D.C. Washington.DC. Ilaleiftl aud Augusta A-Li 161. To take effect 9 am, Sunday, Aug. 26. 18P?. Trains mcv- Trains mov ing South. ing North. No 41, No 88, Pass and Mail. Pass and Mail. Daily ex Son Daily ex Sun liaave. 4 20 pm 4 41 " 4 54 " . 5 31" COO " 6 24 " 6 54 " 7 50 " Raleif), Cary, Apex, Moncure, Sanford, Cameron, Southern Pines, Hamlet, Arrive. 11 17 am 10 57 am 10 45 am 10411 am 9 47 am 9 12 am 8 41 am 7 40 am Nortnbonnd Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23, Daily exct - Sunday. P M Lv Gibson, Lv 00 am Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 22, u Stations- Dally exct Sunday. Ar F M Raleltrh 7 21 Cary.f 7 43am Apex 8 43am Moncore 9 27pm Sanford 10 10pm Cameron I 11 00pn; Southern Pines 12 45pm Ar Hamlet Lv 5 46 5 80 4 20 a 40 2 45 1 65 12 80 PTTTSBORO Jl R. Leave Pittsboro, Arrive Moncure, Leave Moncure Arriv Pittsboro, OARTHAQ R R. Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron. Arrive Carthage, Leave Carthaqe, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron, Arrive Carthage, 9 10 am 9 55 5 10pm 5 55 8 00 a m 8 45 9 45 10 30 4 00pm 4 45 p m 5 50 6 85 WM SMITH, Supt, ORSOLK AJSD CAROL INA R.R CONDHN8EP SCHEDULE. Dated AuguEt 9th, 1891. LUMBER & W OOD. I A 1 111 tiTAti nn1 tTnn4-4- 4-HAni- 11 3 at iuy mill, ncot cu4 naitciu oticcii. j.3iu- ; in in ,:ll k lo cr.ll f IU 10 se21 3m L H ADAM South Bound Train. Wo. 101. A. M. 950 Noth Boind stations. Train. No. 100 p M. L've Pinner's PointlArrive 5 25 I ' rra I tmirnM A . Administratrix Notice. 10 27 11.02 11 20 11 37 1152 12 31 12 53 120 P. M. L've L've L'ap L've L've L've L've I.'v Ar Drivers. 8uffollr, Oates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro. Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Kocky Mount, LL've 2 01 4 47 414 3 54 3 36 3 21 2 39 217 15o Having this day qualified as executrix of the late ' 'avid B Avera, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against tha estate to present the same to me for payment n am kAfnva 1 'till ,1 .1 t. P 1 .L 1 T 1 onD or this notice vill be plead in barofrecov' ;- afes m?ectipn at RocKyMoun. ery. All persons indebted to the estate will J" ? vv -Tain f , Ior. u points please settle without further demand. S'a&nd No 78 tram for JPS0" orth. MARTHA M AVERA. I G M SKRPKL, , J R KjtNLT, Executrix of Lavid B Avera. dec' d. i Gen'l Manage : . Supt Trans Vaimnh Nil I lir 1 l 1WUJ " T M Emer9qh, Qeo'l Passenger A J