1 r. Bellini -1 VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1S92. NO. 6 i . IT - I. .6 CITY IN LUI IFF. Fine. healthy weather. Heavy froBt this morning. Meeting of Phalanx Lodge tonight "Little Nugget" captivates all classes. Mr. J. 8. Wynne has a little boy quite sick Gen. W. ?. Roberts of Gates county is in the city. Hog killing time is looming up in the near future. Very heavy frosts are reported in the surronnding country. The marriage license market is lookii g np Five were issued yester day, Gov. Holt has returned from Chi cago and gives an interesting account of his trip. Rev Dr. Black who was injured some time since, is now able to walk ! without crutch. The Acid Chamber house of the Caraleigh Mills that was burned last ; euui'uer has been rebuilt. j The Greensboro North 8 'ate has. been sold to satisfy a mortgage. It was purchased by J. T. Wray; Esq., j of Reideville. 1 The committer appointed to pre pare suitable resolutions relative to the late Justiae Divis will report on the 16th oi November. i It in not what its proprietors say but what Hood's Barsapaiilla dote that tells the Mory of its merit. Hood's Harsapatilla cuKS. ) The Wellon fair will opn uext Tuesday anl will continue foarda,"8 j The attendance is expected to be quite large, nd the exhibits numer OU9 Rev. W. G. Clements and Rev. J. A. Jones will leave in a few days to at tend the Eastern Virginia Conference of the Cnrisiian Church so says the Durham 8uu. "Little Nugget" is a farce comedy which appears here tomorrow night. The Pittsburg Teader, April 21st, says: "Its power to please is ex haustless and is heaCed by the most noted and favorite Irish comedian, ' Herbert Dawthorn." i The exercises at the Agricultural ' and Mechanical college to night will , be of an interesting character. Prof. ' D. 1. Hill will deliver a lecture en titled : "An attempt at an analysis of laughter, or the diasecnon of a jo e." Public invited. Tha EMonnmh f4iiar la la nrnnti- n " cally a thing of the past With ut otcersani without men it cannot have even a paper existence much longer unless His Excellency Gov. Holt finds that two men, one a cap tain and the other a corporal, make a legal company. Attention is called to the advertises jnent of the "Lyon Racket Store" in ithis isRue. This establishment has on hand one of the most superb lines of millinery ever offer el in this city. ii addition to the inducements of-, fered in the way of bargains. 'The ' American Magazine ' is given to every tady that spends $1 at the store This is a splendid offer Let the ladies turn out in force and inspect the stock. There is none better in the State. i We invite the special attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr W. R Newsom, one of the leading grocers in our city. Mr Newsom has in store and constantly arriving one ; of the finest and most sehot lines of everything pertaining oo th grocery business ever brought to Raleigh that he is offering either to the trad t r retail customers at such prices as are rarely mat with. Here can be found the most tempting array for the table And housekeepers would do well to C1.U before buying elsewhere. There is no better house of the kind in the State and none at which more accom modations can be had. Call, and see (or yourselves. The Wealhir Today. Local, forecast for this vicinity: On 8aturday: Fair, Warmer. Local data for 21 hours ending 8 ft m. today: Maximum temperature, 51; mini mnin temperature 38; rainfall 0 00. Epworth I-ieagne. The regular meeting ef Epworth League will be held tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the 8. 8. rooms of Edentop Street Methodist church. All the meuihers are requested to be present promptly as committees are expected to have full written reports. Chrysauthemum Show. It has been decided to have the annual chrysanthemum show this year to take place next month at Strcuaeh's warehouse and will be hel l for the benefit of St. John's Hos-. pital It is hoped that our people will take an interest in the matter and Bee that the exhibition comes up to the highest expectation. The pre cise dae will be m ide known here after A New Train It is rumored in railroad circles that about November 15th next a vestibuled train will be put on be tween Jersey City and Chattanooga, '-nn., running ovr the W. N C. railroad through Asheville. The train will be mane up of four care, combination bagggn and dining cr, dav coach and two sleepers. It will be the fastest train ever run over the road, the time from Salisbury to P iint Rock, 190 miles, being less than six hours A Dandy Design. Our friend Mr. A B. Stronach is usually up to the times in ali kinds of novel arrangements His latest 'get up' is a memento of the political furore now agitating the country. It consists of an insi nia, surmounted by a gay looking rooster, which is seemingly ready to flap his wings over a victory. Just beneath the rooster is a fl jwer of pure white with a yellow boll in the centre Then comes the centennial badge, follow ing which is a fine picture of Grover Cleveland. The bottom of the de sign is finished up with the left hind leg of a graveyard rabbit, which "Alec" declares is to give tone and good luck to the entire 1 make up " It has been suggested to 'Alec" that the rooster is in a too confident atti tude and should b so arranged that, if necesfity requires it, he can hang his head in disappointment, mortifi cation and shame, but our friend won't hear to any such change. He sasthatif the fortunes of political warfare should CMise him to down his colors, he will "go the whole hog" and take the rooster off alto gether He confidently expects that by Wednesday morning, November 9th, at day break, j ist about sunrise, t e nes will be such as to cause the inanimate bird to t-nuff the breeze of life and crow so loud as to cause a general rush of police, to the estate lisbment At any rate "Alec" says he will fly his colors until the last tick of the telegraph shall be tmBhed "Will" shares all the enthusiasm, but looks on in silent wonder. We nearly forgot the Tammany button which occupies the space be tween Cleveland's picture and the rabbit's foot. "Alex" says this "caps the climax" of success. As the election da approaches, the excitement gets greater. Next week the woods will be full of applicants for the dear People's favor. , A large number ot people have gone out today to attend the Demo cratic barbecue at Leesbarg. It is the general remark that we have never had a prettier fall in this section than the present. The roads generally are in good eond itlon to stand the winter. Ban anno, oranges and lenione very I cheap at C. O. Brll & Co's. SI llll n err. Millinery. When you get a bat from a milli nery establishment you want style combined with quality, and style and qudity you will have; but at the same time you do not object to get ting the style and quality a dollar or two leES than you have been in the habit of paying. We are doing a rat tling good business at Swindell's millinery, and it is because we are prepared to sell flue millinery at a lower price than any other millinery house in Raleigh Our trimmer from Baltimore thoroughly understands millinery and the new stvles. D. T. Swindell. Frankfurt and Bologna sausage at 0. 0. Ball & Co's. New Restaurant. Just opened over W. T. Mabry'e, on East Hargett street. FineBt oysters always served in the best styles and at short notice. All the delicacies of the market. Oysters prepared or in measure. Polite attention. Call and see. o27 F. M. Gbah&m & Co. Uncanvassed hams and shoulders at C. O Ball & Oo's. Clothing Offer. We have eight or ten thousand dol- l lars worth of men's clothing which we are endeavoring to sell out at wholesale cost as we are determined to stop keeping clothing. A beauti ful lot men's nice pants are in this ' stock. Now it will pay you hand soujely to try us for a suit, and if you can get suited in our stock it means a saving for you. D. T. timsDith. mM Kent. Cottage on McDowell street, be , tween Hargett and Morgan, for rent. Apply to Mrs Julia Fisher. oc27 6t O ir dress goods and millinery de partments are full of the latest, nov elties and we have some rare bar gains in these lines Woollcott & Sons. Sherwood's. We have been painstaking iu our selections. Our stock is composed mainly of good, serviceable, medium priced goods. Not the cheapest nor j the highest, but just that class of gee ds so largely used, yet so hard to get when you want it. Tailor made coats the best fitting and lowest priced. Two stocks sold. An order is out for third. We are rushing the dress goods, at close prices. Second stock of underwear i expected every day. The manufac , turers have put out styles never so attractive, and we are ever on the ! alert to get the best for our people. u. a., anerwooa et vo. Lost. At the fair grounds, on the 21st of October, I69i.a gentleman's open face English gold watch, key winder, poll dial and plain case. Suitable reward . will be paid for its return to the store of W. B. Mann & Co.. Fayetteville street. oc264t m m We have some very stylish over coats and we are offering them cheap. Woollcott & Sons. Get a Carpet. While the opportunity offers you should get a carpet for each of your .isYia MS A Vi nWA naf A fan. vxAAAa a! : that wool carpet at 50 cents a yard; and we tell you in good faith that when this is gone you won't get any more such carpet at 50 cents a yard. Besides this line we are fully prepared to suit you in any style carpet you j may want and at same time have a few dollars in your pocket. Velvci carpet, Brussels carpet, Moquit car pet, Ingrain carpet, Hemp carpet, Coco carpet, Oil carpet and rugs to match all the carpets. D. T. SWIHDELIi. We close our store at 7 p. m. except Saturday. Woollcotc St Sons. Photographs. Go to B. 8. Mattock's for your pho tographs 113J Fayetteville st. al tf For Sale for Cash or for Credit. One second hand doctor's coupe in good order. oc8 E. Burke Hmwood, m;, p. lr. Frnuk Harvey, V. H . i Ha pi iced on sale with J. Hl Bob ' ., rrrr: bitt, drngKl-t. of thi city. tw.. ve ry ;rP A it LJU valuable hone remedies. One U foi j -- aV.Vj'JVCj"" th-i cure of pueumouia, coughs, dis- j A temper, pink ey. :hil colic, &c, t-r-price and the ot'ier is for splints, 1 ( epaviui. lameut-Mi, vu , hlh is cauea i AntioHtine. rrir.a tip. IV Rurvai-i was very sucxfal in the treatment C of horses when located here Trv!1 them. oc25 6t ' TC7U .. 1 1 .1 'l i - r it ujr juu nuuu'u uuy rnutn Ul lis j because you pet ood shoes at a small I price. Every pair is m .rk d in plaiD 'i hgures and sold it :oarKed prices only wooucott s cons Boarders Wanted. With or without, rooms. Terms moderate. Mrs w T. Woodward, oc25 6t C48 Eist Hargett. Overshoes. ruhD r coats and ladies and mi-srt8 f.'ossatuer't cheap as the cheapest t Woollcott & Sons. Lioug Wearing Shoes. Our school shoes for boys and girls possess two qualities which are wor thy of every parents attention. First, they are mad from strong stock to stand hstrd wear. Second, the prices are very lw as low as reliable goods cvn be sold. Resides school shoes, we have shoes to suit every one. J his stock is complete and the prices are always rihht. W H. & R S Tucker & Co. my mi mm OUE ENTIRE STOCK OF FINE AT GREATLY REDUCEDPEICEC From Now Until the First of September. kobris' nay goods store, 213 Fayetteville strnet. Jylllliiiei'j! ZMHllXLez?y , We feel ssfe in saying we can please any lady or child who wishes a nice and stylish hat in quality, price and work. Our milli ner is one of the best money would com mand in Baltimore. Every lart that spends a dollar at the Lyon Racket Stare will be given "The American Magazine." It is fnll of nice reading matter, and is worth 25 cts. We will give you big bargains in every de partment. Prices tell quality rells. To look is to buy Come and look LyonRacketSt re NEW ARRIVALS. The Centennial & Fair Proved a Bonanza. Why? Because we had the right stock and the people saw and appreciated it. They came, they saw, and they purchased, we were compelled to order A Brand New Stuck which is now in store, and arriving, of tlie prettiest, best, most modern and chenpe't ofall UlljNlTUKE scripMons ever offered in this market. Come ana least your eyes on Deauutia T ZZZ. . A.JNM JJUiJJKUUM tU ITS, BUREAUS FRENCH BE 7KLKD LOOKING GLASSES, LOflNOKS, W1LLO.VAND RATTAN CHAIRS, WAUDKOBEa. MATTRESSES, &o. Also a splendid selection of CHINAWARE. Don't fail tc call at the grand emporium. New arrivals daily. Too numerous and va rious to mention. Can save you at least $10 to '5 on a set of furniture at the grand em porium. THOMAS & MAXWELL, Exchange Place. SHOES M9 LI TWELVE GR0S3 KEGS OF TACK8. i IV K lT?! T-TT? VJ X O 1 JJll IVIUJU AND THS KEG 13 WORTH THE MONEY AFTER TACKS ARE USED. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS. A c K RALEIGH, N- C. II EW MILLINERY. The - Latest Novelties. ;The mosf Desiiable; iSbades and Shapes;;; BOY'S CAPS, CHILDREN'S 'SCHOOL AND DRESS HATS' ::::lnfants' Silk Caps and:;;;;; ; Shirred Hats - We have Millinery to suit every-,..,. ...... body in style and price. Orders from a , distance will re- . , cMve prompt at- tention. iss ..... V3ACGIE REESE r ,9 209 Fatktte villkSt Dry Qooda, iVotions, V.ll. , R S.TUCKER CO. LAIHE 1...... ...... AND CHILDREN'S ..... Attention is invited to our ... new iioos of Ladies', Misses ... and Children's Wraps for this ... season, embracing the newest ... stylee aud textures in ... jackets, ;;; THK.K.SQUARTER AND ... LOlSOi GARMENTS. . In inexpensive Wraps for .... chil iren,our display is worthy of special .... consideration w.R IS. H. R. S. Tnfiker 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street 4 . r-: :'tf 'J my?. ID ID TIVTIT