The Oaily iieninj iisitor. A BACK POKT. uir;,isao ayfs.uos. j iKlCept odDdf,l lifts riStV.m it aerved lyoarrlerii la tha city at -5 ceutt pr mouth, payable to the 9arrter in 'ilvAuid. ) 'rice j for wlii'i,r- fa par ye-ir, or 1 ih nat par ton n CommunWtious appearing to these eolaraus are ba. the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent, writing the same, and they aloue tre : sponsible, i A erott Mark X after your annua lurormB yoa that your time la oat. Address all orders and souHaanio Mons to ;r. yt. cuotv.v, sr., Kalelgh, N O Local notices la this paper will be Five Cents per Hue each insertion LBtr JiTj UutcuiiVriON. ilAXKIGU. NOV. 4, 1892. Eight States hive already well equipped naval militia; and Penn sylvania and Vermont will soon in crease the number to ten. According to the Chicago papers Col. Ingersoll has been off ere 1 the princely sum of $lM),O10 on signing the contract for 150 lectures to be de livered in different cities in the Uni ted States. He declined the offer. U. S. war vessels are again in Charleston harbor. They are cot there, however, to fight, but to par ticipate in the ceremonies attending the annual rejoicing over the preser vation of that cit? from earthquakes There is no doubt about the iutel. lectual progress this country is mak tag. The number of fool election bets is smaller thau in ny previous campaign. either Americans are not open to the charge of clanishness, or the Nw York Herald circulates widely among Russians. The Herald arranged i prize competition between the Rus sian cartoonist De Grim and Tom Nast, who for theee many years has been known as king of cartoonists, its readers being the judges, and the Bussian got 863 votes more votes than Nast, and the prize, 12,000. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, the clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Luther Springer, of Hancock, Me , owns a horse, whose days of useful ness being over, he hired a man to till him. The man, taking an axe, started to lead the horse into the woods, but after going some discance the animal suddenly attacked the would be slayer and, throwing him down, trampled upon him and injur ed him so badly that it is feared he will not recover. At last accounts the horse's prospects of living were much better than the man's. STATE NEWS Dr. Templeton, the prohibition candidate for Governor speaks at Goldsboro Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The Goldsboro Storage and Ware house Company, are erecting an ad dltional large cotton warehouse to supply their Increasing demand. The Goldsboro Cotton Mill recent, ly purchased by Mr L D Guiley, will be started up the 10th inst , and kept on full running Hire. The Goldsboro Headlight says there is considerable uneasiness emong our farmers about their corn crops, as there are many bugs inside the rhuck that are completely destroying the grain. Dnring the month of October more fish were sbippel over the A. & N. C R. R. than ever during any one month in the history of the road. The fith industry at Moreheaa City and New Berne has reached mammoth propor tions says the Goldsboro Argus It is now said that the ' ruction" on the moon has something to do with tbe warm weal hen Th. r et taste and ability of a you-g colored man of Diyton, O , at tr c'e 1 the attention cf members cf Hi vWfrttru Imociatloo of Writers At the kt meeting there,, and Dr Jvjis ewtou Uatthews, of Mason, It's , write rourning him In the fol lo v g appreciative Vt-io: A in t.i h or two ago, wuile in D&y ton, O , I Atteu'fed a meeting of the western au:.ors. About half way down the hufcrmal programme, the presi iug i IB ;er announced the read ing of poem by Paul Dunbar. Just ttip name for a poet, tuojght I. Great the surprise of the audi ence to see stepping lightly down the aisl, between the rows of fluttering fans am) the assembled b anty and of Dayton, a slender negro lad, as black as ihe core of Cheopx' p rauiid He ascended the rostrum with the conloefg and diguity of a cultured en t rttluer, and delivered a poem iu a tone 'as musical as is Apollo's lute." He was applauded to the echo be twpfu the stanzes, and heartily en cored at the conclusion. He then disappeared from the hall as sudden ly as he had enterred it, and many were the whispered conjectures as to the personality of the man aod the originality of his.verses, none believ ing it possible that one of his age and coljr c uld produce a thing of such evident merit. After repeated inquiries I succeed ed in locating the rising laureate of the colored i'ace, and called upon him. He was an elevator boy in one of the down towu business blocks. I found him seated in the chair on the .lower landing, hastily glancing at the July Century and jotting down notes on a handy pencil tablet. Not having time to converse with me there, he invited me into the elevator, and du ring a few excursions from floor to floor, I gathered from him the fol lowing facts : His parents were both slaves his father having escaped into Canada from the south. His mother is living in Dayton, and he is supporting her and himself on the pitiful fum of four dollars per week. He is nineteen years ot age. In reply to a question, he stated that he had been writing rhymes since he was thirteen. His favorite authors are WhUtier and James Whitcomb Riley. Indianapolis Journal. ONE OP HAM'S JOKES. Babe Boston's mule was sick and a neighbor advised him to administer calomel. "How will I get it into bid ?" asked Babe. "Put it in a quill in his mouth and blow it down his throat," responded the neighbor. The neighbor met him two or three days afterwards. But was as thin as a rail, looked right green, end was all doubled up. "What's the matter with you ?" asked the neighbor, Babe placed his hand pathetically over his stomach, gave a sigh like a blacksmith's bellows with a hole in it and said : "The darn mule blowed fust." Mrs. Amanda Paisley" V.tx many years an esteemed communicant of Trinity Episcopal church, Newburgh, N. Y., nl'.vnys says ' Thank You" to Hood's Sar fianlla. She sullered for years from Eczema and Scrnfuln sores on her face, head and ear-t. makinc; her deaf nearly a year, and affect ing her sight. To the surprise of her friends Hood's Sarsaparilla Has effected a cure and she can now hear and see as weil as ever. For full particulars of her case send to C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. HOOD'8 PlLLS are hand made, and are per. feet in condition, proportion and appearance. iti m i 1 rgS" Young: Man j J; t-"M-;y&i-lf'sjt& If you expect to keep ; I; up with the procession if i lE5122SSH' , . and make friends, keep i i m VIRGINIA - i j fJif CHEROOTS I I are the PASSP0RT T0 ,dSgg5S GOOD SOCIETY. I POTT10CHH0W Rve mild, pure smokes ! for ten cents. 19 jj 1 lftlaia, Water. FOR SALE BY J. HAL BOBBITT, SOLE AGENT FOR RALEIGH. On Draught at 5o a glass or 40 cents a gallon, delivered to any part of citv. -AND- BEST ASSORTED Line of Toiiet -:- Articles IN RALEIGH. For Sale by JVHal Bofrbitt Smoke Sabarosa and Reina fflaria OIG-AES . STRICTLY 5 OENTS, AT J. H AL BOBBITT'S: Filled promptly and accurately at a'l hours, day or nisht, at! J, HAL BOBBITT'S The GR EAT SO DA FO winter fhcftri For sale by Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as administra tor of the estite of Tibitha Mangum, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to me on or before October 29th. 1893, or this notice will be pleadpd in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment at once. i3 JAS S MANGUM, Oct 29IM892f TiWtha MangUm' deC'd- SI1IMGLES. Wi? At my mill, west end Hargett streeton rail road; will be pleased to sell se21 am . LH ADAMS. Caveats, and Tra'ie-Marks obtained, and all Pat- v.. uui.uuciea lor moderate Fees ?rJLFct 18 opPosiTE.u. S. Patent ornce and we can secure patent w less time than those remnrn from nfr(nn Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of - uo im patent is securea, ( A Pamphlet, ' How to Obtain Pateo' " with? cost of same in the V. S. and feign countries i sent free. Address, , . J C.A.SNOW&COJ Opp. Patekt Orricc, Wtc ,, d. C. A FULL STOCK OF Pill Ai Fill i ALWAYS ON HAND, AT J. Hal Bobbin's. UHTAIK B iYEE A (E Summer J. HAL BOBBITT. E AZgfffHii 9 A STOW U B, To take-eTect Sunday. Aug. 7th, 18S? Traina miwlnp Kortb No 88. No fl4, Btatiuns. Mall trein. Fr & Mail. Le Raleigh. 11 85 am 5 00 n w Wake, 12 04 5 88 Frauklintoti. 12 28 5 58 KittrelL ,2 43 14 59 2 or 2 45 14 6 80 7 85 p n? Henderson Littleton, Ar weidon, 8 15 e ir Train movioc South. No 41, No 45. Stations. Mail train. Past &MaiI. Le Weidon. 12 15 p ra 12 52 2 16 2 43 -8 00 8 21 4 05 p m 6 83 a id Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, Franklin ton, Wake, At Ralelgb4 7 09. 814 8 29 8 45 9 06 0 45a n Looistrarff Raroad. Train j moving Nrfrth x , No 83, Pass, No 8 Statiouf. Mail & Kxpresp Le Franklint'n, 3 10 pm 9 2ian Ar Ixulsbur(?, 8 45 p m ' 955 Trains moving South. No 41, PaBB, No 9, Stations. Mail A Express Le TuiibTirar, 12 5 a m 5 85prr Ar Franlint'n, 11 80 p m 5 00pm W00DWORTH CITY ! In Cm liert ol the Iron and Coal Dis trictof Tennessee. Tin;ate salubrious, rtver hot and tever clit Umd unequalled loi ngticuiluial p.rjosts, and imiiezal reacuroea unutilised. 1,'XX) Lu(bat fJOoper Lot 8 O.. 4 CO " 10 00 " 15.00 SO.tO 60 0 " 100 00 " J5,XW " WOODWOKTIK'JTY lies about 30 miles rorth ot t'huiuu of. withiu a few iui!ea of a Uuwou', the couuiy teat ot Oru.idy cvuu ty, and ociwvea lracey Ut auit tue ccle uratta ixeiehtba bp"iug, the batulOK" of t ue buuh. It is iu tie ceiiue of the rapidly developing coal aud irou uittrict tf leiie sea, aui witiiLu its borde s are found coal, iron, zinc, marble and aabfcjtoi. uh various hard woods, such as oaic. chestnut, maple, r-eacu, locust, hickory, ash, pine, cherry and b ack walnut in abu joauce. The Village of orueili, with several hundred inhabitant, couiains Churches, fcchools, btorcs, kwt v.ticebnd telegraph staiion, and a number ot uiauufacturiug in(iutre, all "Ot which 0. j located on the proptriy and form part of VV ood worth CUy. The proceeds of the sale of these lots will be usea to develop the mineral i&ourcee of t ie property and build up a large and thriv ing city Quuk apphction tor these lots should oe Liude, as the right is reserved to advance the price wiibont notice. 1'or further particulars apply to R. C. LIVINGSTON, Agent, 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Parties desirous of visiting and inspecting this property can obtain special rat on the new and most comf citable vetjsel afloat, of ine Ocean bteamship Company. These steamers leave JNew iork, Mondays, Wed- 1. t8days, Fridays and Baturdaj s, making a delightful sea trip of am houks 10 savannah, VVhere immediate connections are made to Chattanooga and WOOD WORTH CITY LIVINGSTON & SOX, Agents, Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah, .No. 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. s it You Want Money. A cook, A partner, r-.r A bitua ion, A servant girl, v To sell a tarm, To eeli a he use, lo buy or sell etocK, i ood board ing house, To sell plantB or grain, b-ll grocer es or drugs, Sell household furniture To make any farm loans', Sell or trade for anything Find customers for an v thing Read and advertise? tht. Italeiga EVENING VISITOR. Alvertising obtains new cuscomers, Advertising keeps old customers, Advertising lioerally will pay, , Advertising makes euceeet Advertising exhibits piucK, Advertising means "biz," i Advertise immediateit Advertise constantly," v. Advertise regularly, Advertise alwaya, . -Advertise well, AUVJiitTISE, AT OiNUE, NO WJI mm CURE YOURSELF! V17 -Ask your Drnmdaf . DOtue of Bie il. Tha fion-voiafmnu.a rA.. r .11 1 ' the nnnatnrH'i'"'" ' private discuses of icen and the debilitating weakness peculiar to women. It cures in a. i'aw I aa' without the aid or .Klidtj o! a doctor. hi . " 4mon Curt. unuumuiurea by j ivang memical P CINCINNATI, a 8. At The Det thins; in the Inl4 . Hats foi QUE CENT in the Philadelphia RECORD 1 . at4 $1 per year, di!-, $8 pr year, omitt'ng Pundaya For the Farmers rnd buRlness mau tho Record haa no equal. 0 1 t 4 1 7. . " - -, " " v, ; - v ... ' -- v '