HA1EIUH POST OFFICE ilAILSOHKDULli- Rlchrond & Danville RRCo LOVE. UlJM al p.o I Clow iu 6 30ml 7iWm S15 " OLTGOISQ MAILS. ExFtrr'll Kof Gieeua ooro, N., 8. and West, KxrtA)-For Shortcut N'UtU M;ll'LDoro 7 to u a o If i ukt f u r 13 Fo' keys j ville.Kiuuiu d an4 way 10 6) am 1 1125ni U 1' ir 3 rr Wel Uon.Nor'o'k N end ti 0 45 piu 1 llMpui UPu lrlO-Kor eShort J Cut 6 aud Uoldsboro 30 i 415 " Kl'U l'r 41 For At lanta iKJiliL) b.x Ft l'r 31 Fri vV'e' don, Norfolk, N aud b tt F U f r -For Oreeus boro, N, 8 and W 110 " I 500 5 30 " I 13 At llepot 3 0 an) i 9 45 a a 11 10 811)- 1 23 pm 4 00 pic 6 00 pin 1130pa- 10 40 am I P. 0 3 Ida in 10 Old in 11 2) am 1 40 puij 4 15 piu fc 15 pn 11 45 P1U; 10 55 am .'.NfOMlNtJ ilAlLS. Ex Kt Trli F'wUr' a boro, , a and W Ex Fr l'r 45 From Wel- uon, Norm and Eist & r O ft 38 From At- lauU (f.iKA&L K F U l'r 10 r 'ui Ur'ns- boro, N, 8 ud west K F U l'r 41 From vVj1- dj , N and s R P O l'r 0 F'm Golds, fi.l SliortCut.N and S aK tr21 'rr U'tla- boro KP ij Ir It F'm Keys- vil.e, Kiehin d and A "Trains marked tnus, ao ua move on dun aay. Mails for train 9 going weat close at 3 1 xu c 'iutds v. BTAR RO'JTES. OowoiHa MajiJ)epabts- Raleigh via S.iotweU. Eagle Rock and WakeheM to Uuionhope, Tuesday and Friday 6 a m. ilaleigVvi Myatt's ililla to Dunn, Tues e i, and Friday 6 a in. Raleigh vin Kelvyn Grove and Dayton t Fif Uam, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6 Rakiixh via Six Forks and Bargor to Rora ' store.Tuesday and Friday I Rale sh to Maasev, Caeday and Fay W'TOMU1 rf.AlLB-ABBIV-UDiOnUOP l V ' Watetield, Eagle Rock and Shot well to Pal oieh. Wednesday and Saturday 7 p m. Dunn via Myitis Mills to Raleigh, Mai. day and Thursday 7 p m. 'sh Oain via Dayton and Kelvyn Urv. toR deign, V'onday, Wednesday and Fndsy 7 Rogers' stow via Bangor and Six Forks v Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 k ttaSsey to RaHigb Tuesday end Friuv i 10 a m. -01ose ar 9 p o a ito. Fheb Duuvmu jmrica.-Free delivnp at 8:30 1 m, and 2:30 vu I 4:4o p m, e v..; Sundays. Co'lections made at m. hou Sunday, 6:30 to 7:30 am Freed, livery windows open on Sundayi tro-n 3 0 ',i ,i-30 o'clock p m. A.. W. i tl A re hB, Tiia TGning Visitor 1,3 P11B!jI9HD IMF RY EVENING EXOKPf UND vY AT $3 PER a ANNUM. -OR Twsaty-five Ceats'Fer Month -BY W, 1. Brown, Sr., RALEIGH, JH. C. A BIT OF GOM3JBNT. 8t. rouis Globe Deicocrar.. The beef cauiuoiit on grasshop perd (is a dint was made by an old farmer of Ksiusas, who, when told by an entomologist fiat grasshoppers could be eatec for John the Baptist lived on locuft and wild honey re plied : ' Well, Tohn the Baptist mia;ht hae done tbat, for those were d iys of uiiracles, and I recon a man 5uld jat a'most any thing theu, but 'f hi novd tvs he would have to be firti'd o it with a different kind of a ftomach to enj y thse 'lioppers. MOr I1H STEPFiTHE't. Greprsboro Record, simd.iv nirht in the astern eub iIks if '-itfh Point, 8 Hoi brooks m fht in tire al.ulou ou by a young lu in "HUifrt Kmmit Ea rs Holbrooks marri d t.h mother of Eairs and it is ii I Eairs sai 1 after th slioot- di i what 1 wanted to he linn b-at my mother." Yonnjr Eairs w!8 at Holbrnoks' house when a fues c 'ini'ieneed and was ordered away by him He went to a neighboring house oecaoie 1 by a negro, bn rowed a gun Riid returne d 6hooting Hoi brooks It is thought he will die. Life is Misery To thousands of people who have the taint of scrofula In their hlood. There is no remedy equal to Hood's Sarsapavilla for scrofula, salt rheum, and every form of blood disease. It is reasonably sure to benefit all who give it a lair trial. Hood's Pills cure Constipation by restor ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. They are the best family cathartic. SUIDB AS 4 VlLit'UE. Sfc Liiis Republic There is a la v now on the statute books of Ne v York making attempt eisun'i i! a misdfmeauor. A fine is impos d fo- bungling an effort at self immolati n A bill hi;s been intro diie d into the legislature to repeal this 'aw Tu t - uthor of the bill in his b i 'f snpparting it bee mos quife classical and quotes many modern au thrr. Chief of them is Hume, the historian, who claim thrt scripture does not expressiy prohibit suicide, ajd that if Cato, Brutus, Avooa and Portia acted heroically those who now imitate their example ought to receive timilar praise from posterity. Hume says that suicide can be shown to be free from every imputation of blame or guilt, according to the sen timenta of all ancieDt philosophers. "What in point of fact," asks the historian, "is t he life of man any more than the life of an oysier? A hair, a fly, an insect can des'roy human life, and if thid be so, as unquestionably is, why may not human prudence dis pose of what depends upon such in significant causes? Assuming that there would be no crime in diverting the Nile or the Danube, from its course, there can be no crime in turn ing a few ounces of blood out of their natural chaanel." i i F. H. LXTXAl t. BtraDge are his moods, and strange j is lie, A child of dit-rs wnys; He letdii y u on tti.igh flowery 1 hr uif(i brilit rwi g ldrn tl iy; Aud guiv.d by liin gnutle httiid, Aud iihtfijiti to hisoiig Anil wi K in Ms !ov y eyes. You Ik forever ou 1 Aud uiHuy piss you by, and they 1 M retch our their bauds iu vain; 'ciue g witu Death and Sorrow, Walk hand i i baud with Pain; And soui with soru go laughing by Au 4 i who w-ep aiid nio Bu h!I of th-in yr.nug Ijve Ignores, i And on Itif y pMBS ulotie j Aud through the pthwy8 where ; tlcy uo j No nv of litfht appear?; ' No Kle iui of sui'bhiue ever comes, j The vav i wet with tear dad for a moment, too, you grow, And bfg Ir ve tke them ion; He smiles and shtk-s his goldtMi curls "They cannot come with you " utiamhers' journal. 'SP. r.' n 11 11 IJJ M r 1 tl I - for Infants and Children. " Castorlalsso well adapted to children that I ivcoiamend it as superior to any prescription Laown to me." n. A Aacnsa, SL D., Ill Sa Oxford Gt, ErooUyn, N. Y. "TUo uj of 'Castoria U so universal and i's i:;cril so known that it seems a work o( Pipcn'roation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not kcepCostoria wi:hin eaty reach." Cab los JUktyji, D. D., Kew York City. Caotorla cuns Cu!i;', C'nsti;iati'in, Sour Stomal li, Iiiarrhua, Ij-.i -tatinri, Killit Woruu, gives tleep, and iroiaot.-s Ci- gestion. Without injurious mication. "For several ycarj I havo rit-ornrr.i-ndi-d your 'Castoria,' and hhu'.l always (-ontin;::- to do so as it has invariably produced U;n(.r.i.l..l results." TDWIS F. FiRDEr, M. P., 12ith Struct aud Tth Ave., New York City. Thb Cektacr Cokpant, 77 Mihray Stoeet, Kew Yohk City. Coal & Wood. We have in stock and constantly coming HARD fr A T of all sizes. 80FT VJJtlJot the most POPULAR AND ECONOMICAL kinds, including RUSSELL CREEK GAYTON r.UMP EGG ' The bfist col for domestic use for the prices to be hand in the country. Pocahontas Steam Coal is universally acknowledged to be the best ever proHuctti in raih of this section. Car lo ids to any depot direct from Tiines. j Having been in the oil business for the ' past fifteen yers and studying the subject ! and the wants of the customers, we have se cured the best and cheapest. 0K AND PINE WOOD, ' long and cut, atjbottom prices. i Anti- ;o nt JAn. Wllmlngr i Brar'h '- '-.iil-OB Failroai and dc.i Seaednl Dated Jn 4 N 3 .SOUTH. No 27 No 41 im Le Wei -ion, ArRo;skv Jit Ar Tarb-ro Le Tarhr . Ar Wilson ! Le Wilson Ar Selma Ar Pay'tviUe Le G'dno-o Le Wi,n iT, Le Mavr'ioMn. D-vUv i V.:pm I 40pu "USom t-2 S-1n 1 rwm Kpcn .7nra P't m'l Daily. 6 Wpm '6 OOp.ii 7'pm d'y. ex Snnd'y 840am 7 47an 817aro 1 40pm tJiiam 10 OOaro 8 40pm 10 '4an.t 9 r)5ptn 11 4au; Tin TVS '1N'4 N03TH. JOrJSSPOVELL Telephones 41 and 71, RALEIGH, N. O. ), tot latefflit Having mide all the money necessary to reduce pr'ce for the benefit of our customers, we will sell a lit of nice pine wood for ti per cor.i on yard, or $1 50 delivered any where in the city. LIVfE 1 10 per barrel. Li AT Ha $i 'At per i,ojo. Best on market, ljurnberin plank, pro miscuous width $S P0. Framing from & to f'l per i, 00. Flooring and ceiling 112 50, 111, J5 per 1OJ. Sasly Doonr Blinds, and Moulding reduced in same proportion. B33L Heart Slimries al vays on hand Ve manufacture our nwn material which enable- us tos 11 at bottom prices. Our motto is quick sales aud small profits. jy 5 tf EiliaMtou Royster k Co. Lv WW; Lv Ma" Le Wa? Ar GW-LcFaf'.' , Lv Selruft Ar WUsoo , Lv Wllcon Ar Rock v Mi. Ar Tarb.M-o. Tjv T.trboi'o Ar WeM i .iiv ' ?0am 3 H'- 4 KiU'TI M4 NTo 79, '1 J ' y ? 1 5am to 57am 11 11am 10i.m 1 nc- Cti;n 2 'i8p- No 40, d'y. ex Snnd'y. 4 00pm 5 40pm 55 5pm 56pTO 7 48pm 21u J V. r4 fi w. o 85pm i A .r.d vv lem-rl J-"io1'ri5at. ' Ti . t -s Ti;n Table To 15. Goiar No Ar THE WASHINGTON Some idea of the iuswet exhibit at the world's fair may be gleaned from a recent official announcement from Pennsylvania which says that that state alonrf will s ud 150 00f mouut-d bUGteili.es. K LY PO?T A Paper from tbe Nstiona. Capital shoul J 'Jo into eery FsmL'y in the Country! '"INHERE is no other paper in the TTnitei X States that is growing so rapidly in circu, lation as the Washington Wekly Post. This is bocause neither abor nor e iptns is sp v to make it he best, as well as th cieapKt, paper pubhsbed. It is A National Paper I Bemg printed at the seat of government,! he Weekly Post contains special features no found in any other publication. Every raaE should first subscribe for his home paper To it you owe your lirst alltgiance. After that is done, if able U- take another paper, the best one printed at the Capital of tbe conn try is the one that will prove most profitab.V and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: A full resume of tht proceedings of CongreA, An epitome of all tbe nevs from the Uition al Capital, Political news and gossip impartially told, Serials and short stories by ;ne best writers, Gems of literature,art and selected raiscellanj The latest teiegrapk- new.i from every setrtior oi the globe, Interesting Capita' chat Interviews with leading men from aL rrt? of the country Other features not contit'id in auyoVie) paper, The Post is an absolutely inaependat p ipi 8 pages, 66 columns. The price of .Che 'Weekly Post is 75 per annum in advance. Samvln copift fre Addrecj, TaSf- WEEKLY x'OSV. V asiittigion Pat. 4 4J iS i -XV I't'-J. 1-tlsdviM Gill? Tft:f No 50 1 1 35 .'1 ir. Soientlsic Ans.'Ic?-R Agency for r 4 CAVEATS, DESIGN PATENTS COPVPI1HTS, eto For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 861 Broadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken oirt by us is brought before tbe public by a notice given free of charge u thp Larpest circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man oould be without it. Weekly. 83.00 year; 11.50 six months. Address MUNN A COfar If You Want Monev, A cook, A partner, A fcituatiou, A eervant glri, To sell a farm, To seli a housa, i o buy or sell etock, Good boarding house , 'iy plants or graiu, b!l r cedes or drugs, He's! Luiifroboid furniturfc. To m.kf any farm loans, Soil r tr da for anything, 3fi-t t easl -morn for anything, Ri .i,d aiid iiiivertiseinthbllalei . venins mim, Aivwrt ;siug outaiius new customers, Adveriiig keeps old custometx, Ad vrtis!ug liberally will pay, Advertising makes success Advertising exhibits plucK, Advertising ineaus "biz." Advertise imjnt-t!'''ti -Advertise ''jnsuui;.lj, Advcrtirio rs'Uiarly, Advertise nlwav. Adxyrtiso v.eii. ADvEVi'lwb-. AT OM)E. O tv i I la effect Oct. v, iova. ricathtcond. Lt R!chmor d, Bsrktviilc, Keyfvillt-. A' LHnvill A (irrorisocro. L ' Golusboro, Ar Raleigh. Ll lUlelgt Pnrbsm, Ar Greenf bo" O, iiv .lalcm. Gr nrborc. Ar Salisbury, o 9 8 OTpm 6C3pm & 4pm ,8 (Opm i!' O'ipm 6 tOpm 6 45pm ' 6 10, 7 07 9 40 T8 00 40 15pa. 12 12sm At Statosville, 12 35 Ar Abbeville, Ar Hot Bprings, Lt Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg. Greenville, Atlanta, l v Charlotte. A r Columb' Augusta, Northtnon' Lv Auprnsta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta. Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Spring" A?heville, Statteville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greccbboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville EeysviUe, Burkeville, LP.icbmnr.d, 7 50a ip 10 SO 12 23 900 500 310 11 25 pm 210 am 6 45 12 00 n'n Dally. No!ll 8 "aai SfOanr 8 team 10 Cam 7 00p in 7 68am 10 'Kara 8 45 10 15 12 :0u l ovpm srs 717 12 P 8pm 1 80pm 4 IS 5 24 10 30pm 1 iOi D ftCOpm f 25pn Tally. No 10 'eoo pm 11 30 6 00 am 8 5C pm f 30am 8 48am 814 7 25 pm P 00 am 2 50 am 4 COam 8 2P 10 00 KoU 8 15aiu 11 15pm 4 30 8 05 am 6 10 pro 6 3Cpm 8 00 12 39pm 2 80 7 01 7 51pm 8 11 9 50pm It 30 am 112 30 am 10 20 HC5am 19 l'.pm 1 02am 1 10pm 2 00 1 2 F VI 1( 2Qmi. 10 20pm 12 01pm 1 40 am 2 4Gpns. 3 30 am 8 28 4 15 .) SO C 18 BKTWEKH WEST POINT AM RICIIMOINP. t7 60 am Lv West Point.Lv T8 50am 9 05 am Ar Richmond Ar 10 40 am 8 10 pm Lv Richmond Lv 4 45pm 5 OODin Ar West Point Ar 6 OOpm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL E1GH via Kevville, 1Sr,i l.vr Holalcrh Ar 1(1 2(1 ft m tDaily except. Sunday. !l ily. iDaily, except Uon"w E. BERKLEY, W. A. TURK, Superintendent, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Richmond. Va. Washington, D. C. S. H. HARD WD IK, Ass't Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, lia. V. H. GRE EN , SOL HAAS, Geu'l Manager, Traffic Manager, WHshiutfton.D.O. Washington,DC. To take effect 9 am, Sunday, Aug. 26. Trains mov- Trains mov ing South. lng North. No 41, No 88, Pars and Mail. Pass and MaiL Daily ex 8u" Daily ox Sun Lve. i 20 p n 4 4 " 4 64 " ;! 6 00 " 6 24 " G :4 " 7 :-0 " 5 13 " Rale.n, Gary, Apex, Moncure, San ford, Cameron, Soritherii Pioes, Hamlet, Gibonn, Lv Arrive. 11 17 am 10 57 am 10 45 am 10 11 am 9 47 am 9 12 am 8 41 am 7 40 am 00 am Northbound Trains, Thro Frt aud Pass 3d, D.iilv exct y-Ma j . y Lv Southbound Trains. -Thro Prt and Paee 22, - Statl-ins- Daily exct Bund ay. 7 iU 7 43am S ;3am 9 27pm I) 10pm U OOpii, .fi 45pss' ir pm Raleigh Cary , . 5 46 Apes 5 W Moneore 4 20 Saniord 8 4'J Cameron j 2 45 Southern Pinen 1 65 Ar Hamlet Laave Piitsboro, irrive Moncure. Leave Moncure A.rriv Pittsboro, JARTHAefc, R R. Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron. Arrive Carthage, Leave Carthage, Arrive Cameron, Leave Cameron, arrive (.lanhage, Lv 12 80 9 10 am 9 55 510pm 5 55 8 00 a m 8 45 9 45 10 80 4 00pm 4 45 p m 5 50 6 85 WM WITH, Supt. URSOLK AND CAROLINA R.R South Bound Praia. No. 101. V. M, 9 50 1015 10 27 11 02 1120 11 37 1152 12 31 12 53 120 P. M. CONDENSBD SCHEDULB. Dated August th, 1891. 8TATIOW8. L've Pinner's Point Arrive L've L've L'e L've L've L've L've Ar Drivers. Suffolk Gates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tar boro. iiocky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've : No-th Bound Train. No. 100 P. M. 5 25 2 01 4 47 414 354 3 36 3 21 2 39 217 15o A. No 101 makes connection at Rockv Moun. with W W Train No 23 for all points louth, and No 78 train for all points North, i 41 Ssapst., J R Kknly, Gea'l iltat??- d apt Trans T M fim!,) Gaa l Paijeaiar Aj

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