The Batlu Eeninj tfisitoi. V0U8HD BTKRV AFTEckSOOB, lExcept oonday, Iff VISITOR U erved by carriers In the elty At 25 ceuis per month, payable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing' fo per year, or 43 etnt per mooch. Commnnlr:tioua appearing in these eolomua are ba. the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writing the same, and they alone are rftjponalble. A cross mark X after your name v lutorins yoa that your time is oat. Address all orders and communica tions to ,W. ft. BltOWX, Sr., Kaleigh, N 0 , Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. 04P3B9T OlTY ClROULATIOSf. "a a a HALKIUll, NOV. 20, 8S'i7 CITY IN UK IFF. Mr. B. F. Montague is somewhat better this morning. The next term of the Federul Court will be held at Charlotte, corninenc log Deo. 13th. The offerings at the Church of the Good Shepherd on Thanksgiving Day, amounted to $70.40 Mr Josiah Jones "ho has been in Concord for a few weeks past has re returned home, in quite feeble health. We learn that the new arrangement of the street car system is working well, so far. See advertisement of a new corner store for rent near the Union depot, also one large office and six nice rooms for offices or bed rooms. The papers in different sections of the country give accounts of th me teoric display last Wednesday night. It seems to have been general. It is not what its proprietors say but what Hood's Sarsapatilla does that tells the ftory of its merit. Hood's Sarsapatilla curks. Attention is directed to the adver tisement of Mr. John A. Mills, who announces oak wood at $3 25 per cord Let those needing fuel take notice. Let the merchants remember that Christmas will soon be here, and, in order to let people know what they have it will be necessary to advertise. Don't hide your lights under a meas ure. Can't the house in which Andrew Johnson was born be definitely fixed and be removed to World's Fair at Chicago. It would, at least, cause some sensation. We hope our friend, the Superin tendent of the capitol, will use ef forts to have another bell, placed in capitol square, for use on all proper occasions. It used to work well in old times. Some of our Brooklyn friends are anxiously looking to the day when a belt line of electric railway will ruu through that suburb. It wou!d be a great benefit to the inhabitants of that, locality which is growing each year in population. It is hoped that the ladies will have better luck in raising funds for the Virginia Dare monument building than they did for the North Carolina building at the World's Fair. The "Dare" fund is to be raised from ap peals to the ladies of the entire na tion. There was a conference at the Ag ricultural department, yesterday af ternoon concerniug the matter of the State's exhibit at the World's Fair. Gov. Holt presided. We hope that something definite was agreed on, and we hope fcrther, that ov. Holt will press upon the General Assembly the necessity for a considerable ap propriation. We still further hope, that the appropriation will be made direct, with no whipping around about it. Our tax payers should remember that schools are to be taken care of. In order that this should be properly done, a prompt collection of taxes for the purpose is necessary. Those lia ble to taxes are not coming forward promptly as they should as it is stated that oat of $12,085 assessed in this township, only about $1,500 has, so far, been collected. Sheriff Page is desirous to turn over funds to the schools, and we hope our tax payers 'Will realize the situation. 1 ODD FET.LO 'B COLUMN. Grand Secretary Woodell will be absent from his offloa for two weeks after Tuesday morning next. He goes to Eastern N 0. viltiur Knotts Is land, Coiojock, Moyock Belcrons "hiloh, K lenton, and then crotsiDg Albemarle S und will visit lodges in Hyde and Tyrrell counties. It is very gratifying tj note that our Orphnu Home at Goideboro was remembered t-ul s'antially by many of the brethren sisters and lodges on Thanksgiving Day. Wilmington, Raleigh Mt. Airy and other cities sent in nice contribution for the comfort of the orphans. The three words that constitute the three golden linl-sof Odd Fellowship, Friendship. Love, Truth, have some thing in them that tenches a man's heart. No man becmes so well off that he can dispense with bis friends. We can have too few friends but we can never have too mmy. True friendship will aid as on in lif more than anything else. The golden chain is complete, uniting us in broth erly love, helping us to fight the bat tles of life side by side and binding ns to the throne of the Eternal. Three Links. The Fix largest. Odd Fellow lodges in the world are in the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, and their membership is as follows: Bay State, of Lynn, 737; Howard, of Charlestown, 32; Tarap ton, of Springfield, 6l; Bunker Dill, of Cbariestwn, 641; Quninsipaujonri, of Worcester, 601, and DeSoto, of 8pringfield, 50. I. O O. F. Record , Tribute of Respect Adopted by Soaton Gales Lodsre.Vu. 4 I. O O F. Let us pause a few momentp A feqrful reality deadens our seDsihiM ties and our eys rpinc'antly opn to the sad truth that our beloved Broth er, Past Grand Donald W. Bain i dead. Peacefully and calmlv he passed away, on the evenii g of No vember the 16th fit 6:31 o'clock, leav in? behind a precious legacy a good name. Not a living soul on earth bap aught against our departed Brother An honest man, the noblest work of God. The church of his choice; the great state of his nativity; the fraternities in which he held membership all loved, trusted and delighted to honor him. We rejoice that he lived among us; but we mourn his early demise, ac our quivering lips attempt to pay a slight tribute to his memory. "And he has left, as priceless legacy. A spot'ess fame, a tender love and pure, A deep devotion to our noble cause And iving faith tlat sight shall eV? end are " Our heartt) go out iu tenlerest gyiru pathy to all who are. bv this dispen sation of divide X'rovideuc, so porel fflictod, and w tender to them our heartfelt condolence As we all drink from this cup of sorrow, we will realize that while '-His ways are past finding out," that he also, "doet h all things well," And that one by one we shall soon be called to follow ou departed Brother. We know how much he will be missed as a citizen, state o.Ti er in his church and in his lodges; but wt bow in humble submission, knowir full well that he h 8 only exchanged this life for one which is far bet or There is no death; the stars go uown. To rise upon some fairer shore; Aua nngnt in Heavens jeweled crown. They shine forever more " May the gentle spirit of our depart ed Brother linger loving y near us; whisper to us sweet words of comfort and hope; becon us onward to a do- o'er life here below, ani upward t' that home "not made with hands eternal in the heavens." Resolved, That tbia tribute be spread np n our records and a copy sent to the family o! our decea --ed Brother, and also furnished our city papers for publication. B. H Woodkll, K. D. Ho'mks, A. M Powrli., Committee. City papers pleaee CDpy. A Ralkj ioVse. A writer says that whenever ahorse driven by him hat balked, be has got oat of h's carriage, gin to the horse's forefoot, li'ted It f ro n the ground, and struck tb shoe a few blows with a a'one. He las never fll-d to start a balky horse in this very elo pie way. OUH CITY AOVI.UTIS ItS. This is the solium when fuel be comes a necessity and everbodyis looking aro ind for the best place to secure it. Mffra. Jones & Powell are veterans iu the business and car ry at all times the rnist popular grades of coal an J woo. Iu the matter of cca , people have different ideas, soce baviair a partiality to one kind and one to another. Thev, therefore, can suit you in a'l era 'es Call and tnnke nnr selection, or you can order by telephone. Miss Magtfie Reese is now prep red to furnish the ladles with a'l the latest, novelties in the. miUinerv line. Never before has she had a better Btoek to select from. A Christmas is coming on there is no better place at which to procure handsome pres ents for your wivep, daughters, sis ters, cousins, aunts, and sweethearts. Remember the place, 29 Fayette ville street. Don't, forget, when you are hungry to find ont the sup-rh restaurant of Mr Ohas Bretsch His oyRter saloon is unsurpassed for e!ecoc3 ani the freshest bivalves can always be oh tained done no in the style that suits von Fami'ies will h snpplM at all times on short notice. Telephone 102. The colored fair has endd The at'endame was slim and the exhibits small. The stop.kho'ders of the In dustrial Association have elected the following fifficars : President, i3. E Smith, of flrpensboro; Vice PresU dent Thomas Donaldson ; Treasurer, C. N. Hunter ; Secretary, John H Williamson. Mrs Havf s says the friends a the disposal of the mission are very low, and they are much in need of artic Rev. William Hollinshed Of Sparta, N. J., voluntarily says: "o "Whom it May Concern: " Unasked I deem it my duty to a suffering humanity whose bodies and souls I vould have healthy, to tell them of the value of Hood's Sarsap-irilln. While living in Ohio one of my children was greatly Afflicted With Boils having 30 on her limbs, and being unable to walk. I had heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and bought a bottle, half of which cured en tirely. Two years after, another child was afflicted as badly. I used the other hall bottle of nood's Sarsaparilla with, like re sults. About four years after, the child first afflicted was again tormented like Job, and I bought a bottle (on Sunday at that) and again a cure. I gave some of the medicine to a poor woman and two children ; they were helped as were mine. Through a testimo nial sent to C. 1. Hood & Co., inquiries came from all the country, asking if it was a 'bona fide' testimonial, and of course I wrote all that it was, and have the knowledge of Scores and Scores Of persons helped or cured by Hood's Sarsa parilla. Mild cases of rheumatism have yielded to it. Biliousness and bad liver have been corrected in my own family. This is ! the only patent medicine I have felt like j praising. I speak not for C. I. Hood, but for the Jobs who are impatient and are tor- ! mented beyond endurance. Nothing I know of will cleanse the blood, stimulate the liver, or clean the stomach so perfectly as Hood's Sarsaparilla Any person wishing to know more, enclosing a stamp will be informed. Yours for the health, happiness and virtue of humanity." . William Hollinshed, pastor of Presby terian ohurch, Sparta, N. J. Hood's Fills cure habitual constipation. L- A.ll.tfc:riKIUi.n l)rfcTf, I (Moat Nl I ClGab III 1 i ft oLTQoiNu MAim. 0 ik iu i 7uoauiii, iillr'or (iieeua- buiu, V. d. aud Weal, 6 " mnw-Fur aaortVut I iiUi xtl.Uocro (l.'iuil(ru.r 13 Ko' K.eys- 15 7 Vpui viUe,Kicuui a auu wat W5iam 1 112iaai 11 k' It 3 er Wel- 1) kipui 31J 1 0 " 1 S i ru U i' J irlO-ror bnort , Cut t uj ouliUburo Uj ' H1'U Ir 41 r ot At I luuUl ibftAiL) 500 ri ir4 ftr VW- Hon, Nor. oik, N and b li I j u 1' j ir - -t or Orecua burvi, N, b aud W ' aC I '"' At"- l Deyot t. O INTUMIMi MAILS. 3"Uaiii 3 Ida ui Kk M ir 12 F'ui Ur" j Uiro, N, b and W a 15 a u 1 10 oj a in IU ti lro r iu Wtl- I Uon, North ana Kant ll iOa-ll it aiu U O Tj 06 k:jui At- I lutiU (hiKAAL 1 J3 ia 40 lujKl' u ir 10 r'uiur'ns- i 00 IJlU 1 1j piu li 00 pm j C 1 J pu dfv ir41- rrouiyVil do . iN aud b Ul'Uir U- l-'ui tiolds, aud bUorltUUM aud b ii ao i-iL-Ji io pmi i.x Ft ir 21 b a U'oa- ioro 10 40 am DL'O am K 1' O Tr 11 F'm Keys- vu:e, liicnui u aud x Trains tnnried trma, do uci move on Suo jay . Mails for train H going west close at 8 1 a. o lJuLdiv. bTAK Ku'JXtb. OnooiHu Mail Dipabts Raleigh via S iotweil. E,igle Kock and Wakefielc4 o Ouiouiiope, ruesday and Friday 6 am. lUleigli via My att's Mills to Dunn, Tues o t.) and Friday b a in. Y Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton t if Uam, Sfecdey. Wednesday and ridaj j a in. Uahugii via S.x FjritB and Bai gor to .iuerf store, inesday and Friday 1 did Kale lx to Matsev Tuesday and iff ay tnm. 'kcomino Mailh Abbiv Ucionhope v Wa&elield, Kagle Kock and Shot wen to Pal oigh, W'ednesiay and Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via My att's Mills to KaleiKh, Moi Jay and laursiiay 7 pm. Mi Dan via Dayton aud Kelvyn tirm-e m Kaieign, A onoay, Wednesday and jrior 7 pm. Rogers' store via Bangor and Six Fut ka u, Raleigh, Tuesday una Friday 12 n A'auaey to Ka'ngb luesduy and Friojy t rJvm. i"Close at y p a aute. tmx DKUvcBi bi 8'iJcM. Free del pent il a m, and 2:60 nd 4:46 p ui, n Sundays. Collections made at Ban) aula's, bunday, b:30 to '. :o0 am. irreedt I j v er j windows open on bundays 1om 3:0 i.'vdO o'clock p ui. A., Hostoiasu- , Jl.ljJ lt .t J ldui vy.'f .. ,1 tutit erfeot bouuu.Aug. 7ttT,- lbb Tralnu uio aig i- us th iMobb, -JNo84, stations. 1h i,rin. as&Maii. j KaieigD. Iiomui 6 00 p Wake, UU4 6a franklin ton. li ao 6 6S Kwlttrell, '43 m 14 Henderson U 5tf 6 80 Littleton, 07 7 Bo p.. ir Weldon, a 45 8 U a Tratpit moving tioniA. Ho 41, Ho 4 itations. Mall train. Past ifcMaij. 'us Weldon.. li 15 p u tJ 8o tt n Littleton, 12 63 7 lU Henderson, alb 8 14 Klttrell, 2 43 8 aU FrankltUn, 3 00 8 45 Wake, 3 a. 9 06 iT Kalelgn, 4 10 p ii. U 4ia. ; Locisburg Ka''road. Jr-il-o- moving JNortb.' 38, rass, io itioue. Mail 4 liixpruoi -u.'.'.i'u1'u, a pin .; y .i r : Ar fjf'? in, ii 4 p 6) Trai ? uiovini.; douth. No 41, Pass, No 9, statioaj alai) Kxprest. us L -bn .-. ia 5 a u. 5 35r,! Ar Fraa'int a, loom oil 8MTTH, Sapt. At my mill, west end Harnett street, on rail- oad; will be pleased to sell se21 :im - L H ADAMS. Administrator's N tice. HaviiiK this diy qualitied as administra tor of theest ite of Tihitha Mangum, this ic to notify all persons having claims against the said estate 1 1 present the same to me oi or bef.ire October i9th, 18U3, or this notic will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All pers ms indebted to said est.tte will make payment at once. .. . J&SS MAiNUUM, Admr bf Tibitha Mangum, dte'd. Oct 29! h, 1892 , Caveats, and T rr'ic-Marks obtained, tad all Pat. ! ent business conducted lor mooeratc Fees. S OURFFICE IS OPPOSITE O. S. PATENT OFFICE f and we can secure patent i" less time tUau those' remote from iislungton. Send model, diuwiug or photo., with descrip- tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee -not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, '' How to Obtain lJatem?J"'nrith cost of same in tiie U. S. and wteicn countries: sent free. Address. Opp. Pte:-t C-ffice, Was"- j. c. iai euji rosr oft icE WOODWDRTH CITY! .4 L.c ron and GoaL'Dis- trictut Tennessee." ' hn.u Mth.Ltiious, uter Lot t,nd Lever cola luud uufcjUrtileJ for ancultuial puriooca, ud nuiituai iefemu t itlimi.-d. 1,000 LotatM -r. ptr Lot a.ioo ' 3,01-0 4,000 4.UWJ 4.OV0 " 30 4 CO 0 00 10 00 lft.00 tO.lO "0 4,0t0 " Ml " 8iC " 100 0U WOODWOKtU CJTY lies about 30 miles r.jrtn of thatuaioKa, within a few miles of aliaiuont, tlie county beat of Oru:idy coun ty, and be.wceu liaoey tit an. I Uie ce'e orauu lieiehtba bp mgs, tne Saratoga of Uie Bou-li. it w iu tue tntre of trie rapidly deveiopiuscjati.udirouuitiin.1 of ien;e. aee, una iuiiu its iwde g ai loundcoa' irou, zinc. 11 le Mnd abbtoto. wnjj various hard wtodf, Buci. as oak, chestnut, nuple. r-eacli. locust, lickory, asli, pine, cherry Ld black walnut in tbuudauce. Xbe VilWe of Uruetli, with ae.eral hundred inh.bitauta. couiaiu ui urdics. schools, btores, Fost omce and telerbpU statiou. and u numter ot mauufacturin,, mau-trea, ill 01 which Wcwi? " 10fm Part 0t lhe prooteds oi the sale ot these lots will be uued to develop tne mineral resources of the properly und build up a large and thriv ing city yui.k ajplic tiou lor thtse lots iv!,fJ1h1J1"ue " Uie riKht is served to advance the price wnhcut notice. J or further particulars apply to R.C. LiVlhGoTOA, Agent, 712 DeKalb Avenue, lirouklyn, N. Y. Parties desirous of viaiting and inspectine this property can obtain sptcial ratee on the newauu most comfoi table vessel afloat of the oean Steamship Company. These steamers leave JSew xork, Alouaays. V ed Ltsdajs, Friduys and Saturdajs, makiLK a delightful sea tup of b flFIY HOUliS TO SAVANNAH JSSSSaf- C0UneCtin8 "e maflet WOOD WOltTH CITY LIVIKUSTO & jo Agents, Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah, ho. 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Land Sale. ir uE OUlN J Y lu tne superior Court. C i Horton and wUe auu otuers vs M X Joyuer ana wile. liy virtue or ull order of the Superior Court of Wake cuuMy m the above entitltd special proeuii g, 1 win, on Thursday, the 1st day wi DeoiflWr next, ai 12.o clock, m, offer for 1"ru.tB1l Aatiuelu, Vke i.ounty, A C, the IoIiowuk ctecribeu tract of land in . tr lownship, V ake county, bound- ed on the north b lieny carroll;' on the T hyM lk lut. on ii-e south and west by Mrs Martha Horton, coiaainina 814 a-res, on the liartxro Road, aud known as the Gaaton Haip iract." Terms of sale. cath. 'lime tf tale, Thurs day, Dee 1st, 'M2, 12 o'clock n . Flaceof aaie, vv nkeheld, IS c. u n u -HAKLtS THORToN, Com'r. Gao H Saow, Atiy. Sale of Rtal Estate. HntyuVi'Ue of a mo,tge, executed by Hut auu wHe.anu by request of WCV Wi". loa BaturulyrDec 10th, ifeyj, s.t pubhc a icuon, attheoourt "Oue m Raleigh, the realestaie describe" iu su-.d rn-rvgage winch is recorded in book 76 P o'eoD ot Registers wince oi Wakecoun .y. fraia l u. s a e suuaie ia VN ake Forest lownsii.o, (i,ke couiny, oUd adj"ius.the luiidoi., a ma Matkiis, Wtney citell?de-cei-.3u una others, ioutinmg i 19 acres. 1. : ins o. baie, cash. T une, 1 ' o clock m. uo9tcl - N ixvLDJNu, irustee. 9A '.5rSW CURE YOURS PI Cf Aslt your Drncro-iot for , ,u.ujju. xne only l i ' .7wmi remeay Jorall I I Srl,ftt.e d.iLase of men and the I debll)ttme WeAlcIPu nuniH.. - .w umiaiutHi aisnn&rirpir unit to women. It cures In a i'ew days with ovit the aid or iruoiicity ot a doctor. , - -amcrican uurt. 9 vus uaemical Q CINCINNATI, O A. The Inst thiuir ui t.e TJnitfl. States fo" E CENT s the Philariftlphi $1 per year, pr ?., omJtt'ng Hnnda For the Farmers fori hntnes6 mauth Record has no equal. Addresb 'Tie Record' Phlladel pbia, jpa. .Pa,