The Rally Keening Hi el tor, (Except Donday, liff flSITOR It ervcd by carriers -oceui. permoDin, I'riues for mailing i per year, or 13 roatt per auuv.ii Conimanitiousappearing in these -i t : the opinion or the correspondents writing the same, and they alone arc responsible. A cro$ mark X after your n&iue Inform yon that yoar time Is oat.. Address all orders and communica tions to IV. Ft. BRO(YXi Sr., tUlelgh, K 0 r . Local notices In this paper will be fire Cents per line each Insertion. LtRSBST CXTT ClROULATIOfr. KALEIGII, DEC. 3, 1892. VITY IH BRIEF. The death of Jay Gould has had a bad effect on the cotton market which i3r at her Weak today. It iSflHfd that toe tools with which ..uit robbery of Wyatt & Co's Btbm in this city, wasatteuip ed, wert stolen from a machine ebop. Scrofula, whether he editary or ac quired, is thoroughly expelled from the blood by Hood's SarsapariUa, toe great blood purifier. Rev. Dr. 8. 8. Lauibetb, brother of pity clerk Lambeth is here. He Is a resident of Richmond and a promt nent minister of the M. E Church. The coma ercial dealers are rapidly registering their brands Of these there will be over three hundred. A milliou tags have been received at 4Ka A - I 1 A . 1 t-w x . ud Agricultural uep&rtuinui. Mr. Battle hit the nail ou the head last night when he said that'if the city lines are to be extended to last a generation theft sould be extended in every direction- and with tbe fame eqtiity if not, whyxiot? State Geologist. Prof. Holmes, our State peo!og;st is now at Chapel Hill, and will prob ably remain there for a month or so preparing special reports for publi cation. The development of some the minerals in the western c will be looked for with much in and the search for iron ores has been rery successful. It is probable that tbe coming legislature will increase the appropriation for geological pur?, poses. " Important Case. A ca6eofmuch importance is new before the 8upreafe Court of th"s State. It comes up from the couoiy of Duplin and is to defiua the q.ies tion as to whether the ten for schao's shall be made sufficient to keep them Open four months in tbe year ss re quired by the constitution, no matter if it does exceed the 6GJ cents on the $100 valuation of property and $3 03 on the poll. Another question is to settle the matter as to whether the school taxes shall be disbursed as now in the counties where they are raised, or shall be sect to the State Treasury and thence disbursed pro rata among the population. The matter has been before the Legisla ture twice. When Baby was sick, we gave her CaOorfa. "When she was a Chad, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she nad Children, she gave them Castoria. Complimentary. The following are the compl linen tary resolutions submitted at the Board of Aldermen last night by Mr. Pogne U t the fire committee : . Whereas, Captain J R. FerreK, h cause of the press of business, dil tender his resignation as assistant oulef or the are depar meat end th same having been accepted by the Board of Aldermen; therefore, be it McowTcu, uau tuo jouaru 01 aiaer' men and the fire committee express to Captain J. R Ferrell their appre elation of the interest always shown the city and the fire department, and the zeal and ability displayed in the prformarot4uty. ijresi ,v . U. 8. Clrcnit Court. ' .The following cun were disposed tl yesterday afternoon: . Btate of North Carolina ys Zek Fbodes, from the 8oprlor Couit of n,K ,iQ coont fo mnrd.r;,et ior edrsday nx at f o'clock U U i saroiiDtans, flrthcountr; ! doaler !q l-qucr without aj log &P- cl tai ni rv Nil I J ii inn 'U.'iiiltliint od line. U. vs filbert Warren: d-ra urine U. & itrfc; jadguieut iig;.iust de f ndant for costs. D. 8. vs Henry Bond and surety; jjdgiuent according to sci fa to be discharged upon the payment of costs U. S. vs W. A. Messer, George Stan ell, Duke Sexton, Dol 8tephenson,Ull Johnson; sci fa cases; defaulting U.S witness; sci fas dismissed. W. O Vvlnslow vs 8. Q. Collins; mo tion for new trial denied. c flow to Put It. An exchange has the following, v hieh Is the whole t'uth . Did you ever 'h'uk of it? Suppose eery buR Inegu man in the town took as much interest in the upbuilding of the t)o fs the neTFimofr in' n. He works for the railroula, uiannfcto ries, se'iooU. churches, good stree8, b? 1 er i''-a la and a hundred and ce other thing ifor the pem-i-il -joo '; he urges, deads, scolds. badM'8 anil covort.a around gpnp.:"y until b 5;eta what be pete out for. Iin '"i"p bin fel'tica. thpn.' wIipu so'io !., in. spring hu'td kind of a fellnw ih pioachea him bw?ui he den" boom hiD;?8 enoi'gh. nnd nino tj.-ue oct of ten that aaiu 'el'o-v hs uft-er p id one CPnt toward euppori inc ihc paper, aud the paper h re'ds with marked regularity is either bovrowed from his u 'it door neighbor or p!cked up from the couuter in the stoe at which he trades. lio:fl oJ- Aldermen. The T-pgn'pr month! v tnfPMne: o' the Board of AMeiuientook fla .j lpst niiht, at whic-h the uua.l i o" tine hnsineuR wis trans-ictei The street committee report fa vora'ilv unon the proposition to extend t he Union depot shed bc 'oss Harrington ntrert, uud the cloain? of that thor oughfai;., After discussion tbe mafc ier wadereferred. Theyommi'tee on extension of tbe pni rt'porimi in iavor 01 top sion to CVx Avenne ou the west. . Mordeeai's on be north and jst beyond the -Soldiers Home n the east a quarter of a mile all around except on the south. . w fwhv the commitrpe refused ex ten sion on. he south, is not exactly ap parent, j The re port ofj th committee wa copised by Measrs Eaftle a"d Ashley, and 't was 1 i 1 on th tabU Alderman Pogne oPrPrt r sl-itions sugFstinc that the fl.-e comrni tAo he pntliorize t to Imve fonr tap bcl'flfor eah eompany.'itfe'liiBpp of snob members n may fj?( f Rjke.rm 1 pd and od bell in the bouer oi' the engineer Mr josenhns Danie's wa.i electpd t- fill he vacancy on the township scb ol committee. Tomrorowal the Churches. FIRST BAPTIST REV. DR. J. W. CARTER. PASTOR. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 1. m. Prayer Wednesdav night 7:30. All seats free. Polite ushers at church services. Sunday school 9:30. Thos. H.Brimrs. Runt Sunday school at West End Mission at a:du p m. All are cordially invited to these services. TABERNACLE BAPTIST BEV. SB. J. J. HALL. PASTOB. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Bronghton, Sunt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 8:00 p. m. Public invited. Fayetevtlle Stbeet Baptist. Preachins at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. 8unday School at 3:30 n. m.. .Tohn T Pnl. len. Superintendent. BROOKLYN M. E.EEV. KTNNETH D. HOLMFS. PASTOB Sunday school 3 p. m. J, B. Youn Sup Preachiutr 1 8:00 p m Prayer meeting every Wednesday nih 7:30. KDENTON PT. M. E . EV. J. N. CO: E P ..:; Sunday school 0:30 a.m. V ,J.Yonnc,Sutt. i icnvuiiiir uu i i u. iu. ail'l a.l p n) CENTRAL M. E. REV. 3. '. HURLEY, PASTOR. Sunday school9:30a.m.'y.N.Si)elliti!r Suot i iciuihiik ml 11 a. m uuu a;w p. in CHRIST CHURCH REV. DK. MARSHALL. l'.ICCT OP.. Second Sunday in Advent. Divine service and Hoiy Communion at. 11 a ra. Sunday school at 4.00 p. m. Evening iraver at 5.0 p, in. Services nt riug the week: Wednesday 3 p tn ard Friday l.o a r. Free seats. All invited. . CKUKOH OP TJ1E OOOt) SHEPHERD. Rev. I McK. P.'TtiN(Jer, .Rector. Second Snndav iu Ad -nt. Sunday school at 3. HO p. m. Morning Prayer an Se' inon at H a m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. Evning Pra-'er an'4 s rman rt 7 SO p m Services daring the week; Uedtesdwat 1') a m and Friday at - p m. Seats free. All cordially invited. christian rkv j. l. foster, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a. m Preaching at 11 m. -And 7 SO p. m. All cordially invited. FIRST PRESDYTE'-IAN RSV EUGENE DANIEL, D I), PASTOR Services at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. Services at Mission Cbarel at 4 p m. Polite ushers. Beats fre. Alf mr.itniiw jvtwifaH . 12 ODD FELLOW'S C0LUM5. Klsetloo time is eomlD agaia- Be ffin to east about for the Try bt inen you'v zo and aj far a possl- M-j, cb:os vt.lv5 m-u h fi-1 Ij tli r-innnTii v i ii i 0 .. arndfuc to e'e.a t Is a oJ? i theeyraofihr r-ulilio. Vote for no LQH't ii .1 r'xonil prouu it nn'y. Tb er :Ud eeoirtarr ii oi husl oes nip 'o Uveas' -workiui; up new points and carrying wo d of en cour.euient and ood those who sie working in old fields He always meets with a warm reception in tuose parts. An old maid was neaily drowned because she refuted to embrace a buoy thrown over to her. Hhe was so modest that she would not eta brace even an opportunity. This does not bear specially upon Odd Fellowship-but we think it well enough to keep our members posted as to the l ige amount of modesty that still exists. Even some of the more sedate sitters have a small modi cum left. The Voik of our order is one of hui:. nity aud this fact should be evil bornd iD mind If the aching hearts that need a kiud word, or a miile, or th weary bodies i h ' t oe l rest and sh sit , were vis it'e to ih eve as they are pissinz to and fro, we would realize how much our syupathv if ne-ded eud how htlrlul kiuil expressions aud tiud'y auts may he We s re gla to note that ?dt G: and Si"e Basbe is taking his wonted in tevest in the Order He never was an Odd Fellow for revenue, or for of fie, but has always borne bii part in th9 subordinate lod ?e and t he camp work. Siuae his retirement uom the Grand Sireship he is going to be as firmly a fixture in our lodge work, pot objecting to take the lowest po jsulon as he ever was. 8och timber as that ou?ht to be the kind always fiO'ii which to select, not only Grand SJi ei, but Grand Masters and Noble Grands, too. It is no wonder his ad ministration as Grand 81re should have been crowned with such an par al'eled success. . v : We are pleased to learn that af fairs at the Orphan's Home in Golds- boro are moving along nicely. Q iite a number of contributions Were re ceived theia aa Thanksgiving offer ings. . j With al.' iii tr ultitudinous works of lovo in rbis sate. Odd Fellowship has never ivderiaken" a fTeater than the t of earn g for thesb orphan chil dren Jt is the best expression that has been given to the public of th9 real, practical benevolence of our or d.r, and It gives a definite purpose to set before our members. Grand me our principles, and most beautiful are they taught and impressed on our hearts aud minds in our progress into the order. Most beautiful is our les son of fraternity, bat let as not fail to remember that unless it oe b9 em bodied in its acts of humanity. fra rerntty is but an empty name. This is scriptural doctrine, enforced by onr teachings If a brother be naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto h!m, Depart, in peace! be ye wanned and -' "filled! Not with s'anding j e giv him not those thiojrs which are u-e for the body, what doMi it prof! ? 1 hese veflsctions are ail drawn out by the thought tliat during fio cold and dreary winter season thvse little ones at Goldsbro a:- joing f n ed many things to inoUf" th tu comfortable and happy, nd e, ho are more fortunate are r,o gee that they are provided for. Lpt, ns then b liberal, and no, only pray for tlni but, pcy toe them gh itg to them not, grudgingly but ar God has prospered us. K! cl?d. ' ' he followinar officers have been elected by th Knicrh's Templar. W. A, V'ithrsi k O ; Tno W. Thomp son, G ; W. H. Bain, O G; Wm. Simpson, P ; T W. Black, T.; John C. Drewry, R The appointive offi cers are :W R. Blake, . B; D. L. Adams. S B ; Thos. Badffer. W.: R. TT X J1 t 001 Cm MIISERS I w . D. T. Johnson. 'leimnris onon tnato,,t" If ;v . . -i iv th" ST v 1 tb!l7 f 'if MDd f ; i (,'''io thn, you iuuot loot iron i l Ni Ob'lxtmtii l'l oon b . here ih i its ccoincnvlug iood or ?. " h befroen all houtkeo. ertolooi up iOTirthio t -r the oo cislo u the frcv id havv gro ci'v' lire thre nre muv aefnl and Or dwl to t iirt-i rx mid tn I lln list with IhA tliiiaa An a.kfiaf bavtttxeru. In ravkine oor purch ceu sidi.okp you ctll at. the we knnwn ecthili,hmeut of D T John son. Kast Hirgert street Mere yoa mo 8p In tbe greatest profoslou all tbe jrood tblrgs of I if nod at tbe mort moderate rates. Call and see for yourselves. WC.&A.B.Stronach Cti-istiuan i getting here at, a rapid iMm, sod ll who r looking out tor th- good ihiugs of 1 fe should not fall to cast an eyi towards tbe celebrated groiery entibHshmeut of Messrs. W '). & A. B. Stmnaeh wbre tbey will tin t a tempth g array to uit tbe pal a's an 1 pnr8 of all I'woaldre qii e a Ure zBd pamphlet to eno u;"ite all the luxuries to b found Mil house which may, with the gr-it,ti,t propriety, be called the Kplcu'-e's House' There is certain ly no piic f the WaA Iu North Car oMna w''er all the varieties and nov el i 8 in thuir line cn he procured. (jy. d tnte ie,ectioo8 at once. Wcollcott & Sons. HTe vou h en to Woollcott & Sons. If ' or. whv not. Thev have one of to most hHutiful as '"rtmeoe of ev ervt hiovr suitable for brisfmas pres en cs ever brought to this market, and it wouM h wtll to oil before the stock is picked over Don't forget Ellington, Royst r&Co The houie should be fixed up to suit the times. If-ir is nut of repair, thingo don't look right Ketuen.ber that K.Uiogt.on Rovster & Oo. have at all times, sash, doors, blinds, shin "fls, laths Ac. Don't forget also that tbey are furnishing firstrite lumber, wood for fuel and lime, cheaper than it can be purchased elsewhere in the city. Rosenthal Ciothinn CoJ Don't, forcet in your rouudp the landslide at the Rosenthal clothing house, of which Dave Rosenthal, is the leading spirit Remember it won't do to. appear during th holi days in a shabby suit, of clothes Go to the emporium and let "Dave" fii you up in tine 6tyl at a most reason able cost. J. W- Eyans. The attention of the public is called to the advertisement of Mr. J. W Evaus wbos4 p'aca of businet is t corner of Morgm and B'onn' Streets. H pays special attention to the rep i.irs of cirriag s. buggies de livery wHgocis. &o , and his work at : tim-H will bn found net aiddu rvMtt fi'rsous naving wotK in hlf ipomnotdo better than give him a can. 'Whitina Brothers. ossr? Whiting iros. are tltorcugh lv abrrast of the times in ever tuiu t- their line In the iuwt. t.B'. of shos, ladies,' tales and cbii dr" '8 ho'-isrv rubtei-coats nd o'lm onveninw-fs itteldent. to vh" wtnt season thn are uos,iro'"d hi an honse iu the citv Look over .r1 ft t ck now, and prepare for Chrit mas v WHlRSJuckerciCo The preparations of Messrs W. H. St U. 8 Tucker St "0 , for the Christ nws hoitdavs .r immense unit at no time in bs hisfcorv hts hls eelebra-' "d estahnshment nafl a n ore com plete s!e;'.tion 4.1 read y crwd are bM'iniog to look over the stock to finrl un.i.ut liinc atiitn hl far i)n-pnta !il th fami'y circle. Let all who are on the eroh f'T genuine novel ii"K ent mse . seotion. ;ne vHvieiy to choose from is' composed, of ail the novelties of the day. Charlas BratscSf : - Don't forget,, when you are hungry to find oot the superii restaurant of Mr. 'has. Brt,sch H1b oyster saloon is nosurpasifd for elearance and the frsheFt bi 'alves can always ,be ob twined done uo in the style t.hVt suits you Fniui ies will be supplied at all times ou short notice. Telephone 102. ;' Mi?s Macrcr.e Rees?. Alifs Megie Rese is now prepared to fnrni-h the ladies with all the latest novelties in tbe millinery line. Never before has she had a better stop.k to select from. As Christmas Is corainir on there is no better place at which to procure handsome pres ents for yoar wives, daughters, sis ters, cousins, aunts, and sweethearts. Remember the 'place, 299 Fayette vi-f:-8treett - ( ' V ftson Oarfer. Anepoiut .! iktlractiou lor ifao desiring furniture of every desert aeeiribST lernitnr of avrv m w - u wv . tion and of in latest mint.,.. I P-oved piuro, co be sali to centre in lb e-tabllshaifot of Mestrs John so & Htrbrr. on Ent Mtrtia street. Theti" gentlemen crry a most superb lioe, too uumeront to mention In de tail and can only be realized by a visit. Call and make selections now for Pbrlstniat before the stock Is picked over. i Thos.H. Bricrffs & Sons. inyourivuDds looking ior some thiui; of use and interest for the Christmas don't fail to eall on Messrs. Thomas H. Brlggs & Sons. It would be a poor holiday season in1 dMd f hunting were not a part,of the program and these gentlemen can g've yoa complete outfit in that di. rectionof the best quality for a rea sonable price Their siock of goods embrace a great variety that is use. ful iu the family circle Ca'l and look over the stocK. Yoa can rely on being pleased. Thomas & Maxwell. Christmas will be here in quick time. J out about, four weeks off, and, It will run down before yoa think of w ow yoa Bnoa'd prepare to give the household a surprise, and yoa cannot do so in a more effective or reasonable way than by going to Thomas & Maxwell's furniture em porium and purchasing a nice parlor or bed room salt, a beautiful reolin ing chair, a set of uhina, or some of the other novelties that are so much in demand in every family and which are too numerous to mention. It would be well to cll early and make selections before the stock is over hauled. There is no place In North Carolina that carries a more complete stock in their liue. Don't forget the place. South side of Exchange Place opposite the market. Jones & Powell- This is tne season when fuel be comes a necessity and everybody is b'oking aro'ind for the beet place to secure it. Messrs. Jones & Powell are veterans in the business and car ry at all times the most popular grades of coal and wood. In the matter of coat, people have different ideas, soc?e having a partiality to one kind and one (o another. They, therefore, can suit yoa in all grades. Call and make your selections, or yoa -jan order by telephone. The increase in the strength of the Stete Guird during the past fiscal year has beeu 25 per cent. The totf 1 of the force is now about 2,0C0 Worth $1,000 The Good Derived from Sarsaparilla All Run Down With la The peculiar combination of stomach tonics and alterative remedies in Hood's Sarsaparilla cannot be equalled, and this superiority explains the wonderful success of This Great Medicine in cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion and similar troubles. Mr. T. A. Wheelock, a well known citizen of Burlington, Vt., writes: "Six months ago I was badly run down and unable to attend to business. -.'The principal trouble seemed to be due to indigestion and aggravated dyspepsia. I bad no appetite, Nothing Tasted Good and what I did eat distressed me. Adtied to this was a nervous disturbance. Physicians that I employed failed to reach my case. I grew worse, lest fleah and almost hope. One day I ran across a testimonial for Hood's Sarsaparilla stating what it had done in what seemed to be a case similar to mine. I got a bottle and In three or four days saw that I felt better. Before I had finished the first bottle, was greatly improved. Bested better, felt better, and knew I was better All Over I continued with the medicine, and have taken two bottles and now feel better than at any time for the past five years. Feel as hearty as when a boy. Have regained my flesh, have good appetite, can sleep well, and my nerrc are in excellent condition. I would not value a thousand dollars for what it did for me." T. A. Wheelock, Burlington, Vt Fully Indorsed "We have sold Mr. T. A. Wheelock several bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and have heard him tell in high terms of com mendation what it has done for him. I know that he has recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla v to many others here. Our customers gener ally speak well of it." F. L. Tait & Co., Pharmacists, Burlington, Vt Hood's Liver .Will Cure All Pills Ilia rUlJlr univy'vy'LSsy Dyspeps 1