CLEAN ! Y i. Cleanliness is akin to godliness' and in order to show to the world that you enjoy this Bless ing, rely , upon Nature to furnish The WATER -AND BUY- Toilet Soaps OF J. HM. BABBITT. As'ooko! the following brands of Soaps ALWAYS on hand: Lnbin's Soap, 50c Eaa da Cologne Soap, 85c Pinaud's 8oap, 25c Violet 8oap, 25c Roses and Glrceriae Soap, 26o Gold Cream Soup, 25o Benzoin and Glycerine Soap, 25c New Mown Hay Soap, ?5c Cashmere Bouquet Soap, 2oc Oa.De Mav Bouauet Soap. 25o 4711. White Roso Glycerine Soap, 25c Rose Geranium Soap, 25c Tooth Soaos. 25c Oaticura Soap, .5c Carbblie Soap, 2"o and 10c Tar Soap, 'A 2o and 10c SulDhur Soap. 25o and 10c Ichtbyol Soap,! 25o Borax Soap, 25c Boracio Acid Soap, 25c Thymoliue Poip, 25c Germicide Soap, Arc Viola 8kin Soap, 2?c Pears' Soap, ' 20c Rosadora Soao, 20c Bay Leaf Soap, 15c Transparent Soap, , 10c and 15e ButcermilkSoap, 10c Oatmeal So p, lOo Peach and Honey Soap, lOe Handworker's Soap, 1' c Cottou Saed Oil Soap, 10c Shaving Soap, 10c and 25c Turkish Bath Soap, 05c Palm Oil Soap, 0"5e White Castile Soap, 05c and 10c Red Castile Soap, 05c Blue Castile Soap, 05c A reduced price on any of the above by the box or dozer. j m mm. JDRTTG-O-IST THE PARTING HOUR. The following exquisite poem, tavi the Portland Evening Commercial, was written by the late Edward Pol lock, the gifted California poet, on the Cth of January, 18.7. It was friveo by the poet to a friend who was about to depart on a steamer for Ore gon, Pollock saying: "Take this; you mar ptrhapa read and appreci ate the sentiment long after I bare ceased to be amorg the living There's something In the parting honr Will chill the warmest heart Yet kindred, eomradee.lovers,friends. Are fatd all to part; Rot this Pre seen and many a pang Hs prted It on my mind The one who goes is happier Than those he leaves behind. No matter what the Journey be. Adventurous, dangerous tar. To the wild deep or hUck frontier, To solitude or war; Still something cbeeis the heart that dans In all of human kind. n1 tbev who go are happier Than those they leave behind. The bride iroVfl to her husband's home With doubting and wrh tear, But does not hope her rainbow spread Across her eloudy fears? Alas! fie mother who remains, What comfort can she flod? But this, the gone is happier Than ontt she leaves behind. Have rou friend a comrade dear? An old and valued friend? Be sure your term of sweet concourse At length will hive an endl And when you part is part you will, O, take it not cukind, If he who goes is h ppler Than you he leaves behindl God wills it so. ao ro it is; The pilgrims on their way. Though weak and worn raore cheer ful are Thin all the rest who stay; And whn it last, poor man subdued, Li.s down to )iath ieigoed, Mav be not. still be happier far Thin thoce he lev h'nd? fciSm 'nations for ion ores have n w been uide in about firty coun of the state. Having unde all the money necessary to reduc price for the benefit of our customers, we will sell a lot of nice pine wood for SI per com on yard, or $1 50 delivered any where in the city. LIMB II 10 perbarrel. LiTHStlW per 1,000. Rest on market. Lumbe in plank, pro naiacuooa width fSPO. Framing from $9 to fMperi.m Flooring and ceiling $12 60 $14, $15 per 10. Sash,- Door.;- Blinds, und Moulding reduced in same proportion. Bast Hsart SMncdes il vays on hand Ve manufacture our own material which enables us to s 11 at bottom prices. Our motto is ouick sales and small profits. jylfitf Ellison "Royster 4 Co, RALEIGH. tteew N.O CURE YOURSELF! AMU U . T r nn?' nniftynmi . MmiJ 1ew all 1 -. j M VU.UJ .V. 1 r thft UDnn.tlir.1 lh.tirM mnA ! private diseases of men and the debilitating weakness peculiar to women. It cures in a tew days with oat the aid or i publicity ol a doctor. 1 ine ctuvema American Curt. Aiannactured by l im. c i .factored by fmmmimm ana Chemical (h. J kjinnati.o y. i 'o taki effect Sunday, Aug. 7th, 1899 Crams inlying north No 88. No 84. Utiuos Mail train. Fas & Mail. Raleigh. 11 83 am 8 00 p m Wake, 12 04 5 88 Fmnkllntoa. 12 28 5 68 Kittrell, '2 43 A 14 Henderson U 59 6 80 Littleton, 2 07 7 85 pm Ar Weldon, 2 45 8 l'a m Train moving Soma. No 41, NoS45. Stations. Mull train. Past iMail. Le Weldon, Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, Franklin ton, Wake, Ar Raleigh, 12 15 p m 6 30 a m 12 53 7 09 2 16 814 2 43 8 29, 8 00 8 45 8 21 9 06 4115pm 9 45a m Louisburg Ra'lroad Trains moving North No 88, Pass, No8, Btatlous. Mall ft Express. Le Prankllnt'n, 8 10 pm 9 20am At Louisburg, 8 45 p m 9 55 Trains moving South. t No 41, Pass, No 9, Stations. Mall Express. Le Tioaisbnrfif, 12 C5 a m 1 6 85pm Ar Franlint'n, 11 80 p m 6 00pm WMMITE,Bupi .w . w ... for Infants and Children. M CaatorU la ao well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.n IL A. iicim, M. D., Ill So. Oxford 6t, Brooklyn, N. T. "The use ot 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Caslos Hjumra, D. D., New York City. Castortat cure Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gires sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. Tor several years I havo reconmomii your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue t do so as It has invariably produoed N-ueUi L.l results.' Enwnr F. Fakdes, L D., ISSth Street and 7th Ave., New York City. BE Th Csirrara Compawt, 77 Murray Stbkt, New Yor.F. Crrt. J I i 1 IBJMJJUmqae Coal & Wood. We have in stock and constantly coming HARD COALS! all sizes, the most POPULAR AND EOOVOMIOAL kinds incl tiding RTTSlSRLL CREEK 9YTON I.UIP KRQ The bst coal for domstic use foT the prices to be hand in the country. . Pocahontas Steam "oal is universally acknowledged to be the Sest ever pro'lucjd in rah of this section. Car loda to any depot direct from -nines. HivinK been ia the o.-)! business for the past fifteen yeurs and studieg the subject and the wants of the customers, we have se cured the bst and cheapet. OAK AU rllNJbj WUUU, loDg and cut, at bottom prices. JOSSPOWELL Telephones 41 and 7 1 , RALEIGH, N. O . WflQDWQRTE CITY I In the heartjof the Iran and Coal Dis trict of Tennessee- nimate salubrious, never hot andr.ever cold. Land unequalled for agricultural purs oses, and mineral resources unlimited. 1,000 Lots at......... ...... $310 per Lot ,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,0?0 4,000 601 8C0 eetaeeeee am .esse 3.00 4 00 600 10 00 15.00 20.00 50 no 100.00 WOOD WORTH CITY lies about 30 miles north of Chattanwga, within a few miles of altaniont, the county seat of Grundy coun tv. and between Tracev Cit and the cele brated Beereheba Bp ings, the Saratoga of toe Sou'h It is in the centre of the rapidly developing coal and iron district of Tennes see, and within its borders are found coal. iron, zinc, marble and asbestos, with various hard woods, such as oak, chestnut, maple, beach, locust, hickory, ash, pine, cherry and black walnut m abundance, xne vuiagu o Gruetli, with several hundred inhabitants. fnntftinq f'l.nrnhfta. Schools. Stores. Fost- otflce and toleeraoh station, and a number of Tnanfaitiirini? indu"tres. til Op. which are located on the property and form part of woodworm uty. . , , . Th nronpfida of the sale of these lots will be used to develop the mineral resources of the property and buna up a large ami uinv inv r.i,v bnick aDDlication for these lots should be made, as the right is reserved to advance tne price wimont uouub. Por further particulars apply to R.C. LIVINGSTON, Agent, 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Parties desirous of visiting and inspecting this property can obtain special Tates on the new and most comfortable vessel afloit, of the Ocean Steamship uompany. inesp steamers leave New York, Mondays, Wed tesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, making a delightful sea trip of FIFTY HOUKS TO SAVANNAH Where immediate connections are made to Chattanooga and WOOD WORTH CITY LIVINGSTOV & HON, Agents, Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah, No. 712 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Notice oiSaleci Land By virtue of a mortgage deed exe to me by John Wynne and wife, on22d ci ,of November. 1890. and recorded in book 114, on page 297, 1 will sell for cash,' by auction, at tni court house door1 in fr.leigti, at 12 m, on Tuesday, the 20th day of December, 1892, the interest in the lot of land described in said mo-tgage. consisting of one sixth pnrt of a three and one half acre lot of land in Raleigu township, known as the Caroline Wynne place. LFSORBELL, Kov 10th, vm td . Mortgagee. i Wilminron Branoh. O- V-i -vs i Pa'lroftd and rdT.cwi Scoedul Dated Jan. 4. No 93 18U2 Daily. Le Weldon, liffpm ArRouhyMt. 140pm Ar Tarboro. 18pm Le Tarboro. 12 58pm 00p,ii Ar Wilson. 9 13pra 7 OOpw lie Wilson t9 Spni Ar Selma it 80pm Ar Fay'tviUe ftSOpra lie G'dsboro. 8 lom 7 40pm Le Wars". 4 14rra Le Masmolia, 4 S,7pra 8 40pm ArWil'ir N)pm 55pai (30TJTH. No 27 No 41 F'tm'l d'y, ex Sund'y 640am 747aro Dally. K48pm 6R6pm 817am (Mam 1" 00am 10 Ham 11 45aT TR4 JN8 OTN NOFTJT Lt WU'gtn. Si9 Magnolia, I-e Warse,", Ar G'dsboro, LeFay'tvillA. Lv Selma, Ar Wilson, Lv WilFon. ij RoekvMt, Ar Tarboro, Lt Tarboro, Ar Weldr. daily 9 10am- 3ir. No 78. da'lT 0 lr.m 10 5?sun n 11am 4 oMaro I1 Ofiam J 10s ra 4 11 0?w 18 lOpro 514m 59 5ow R 87 ' ''Opto soainpro 12 .18pm 6 ftftim 2 55nra No 0, d'y. Sund'y. 4 00pm fi 40rro 55 5pm 66pin 7 48pm 21nm fl3Ppia Tailv Tcept 8md .Torv v Dtvt:7, filAnral RrHoAfindent. J R Kwt.t Sup't 'Rn ATLVXT1CA . C.BB, Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. T Going w No 61 Ar m 4.17 4 49 618 0 96 Lve 8 30 4 30 4 54 6 4? p ro Schedule. Pass trains Stations ftoldsboro L France Kioson New Berne Morehea Oitv Going west No 60 Ar 11 28 10 46 10 00 8 27 a t Lve a 10 48 10 14 8 44 Y TO LOAN ON LIFE IN SURANCE, TONTINE, AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES. No delaysfGorrespondense mvitedl Inter-State Trust 5r Brokfirage Co. oc24 8m RALEIPH, N. O. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. By authority of a consent judgment of the superior uoun oi w axe county in an ncuou entitled W K Davis and N P Jones, Ex'n, and others vs Louisa L Cosby anu others, entered for the purpose of making assets to uav certain lseacies and charges set forth in a judgment in the aforesaid action. I will, as administrator ot Mary a. ftioreneae, ue ceased, and as commissioner aopointed by the court, on MONDA Y. 5th day of Decern ber, 1S92, et twelve o'clock n'., at the court house door of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder the following described real nntste belonging to the estate of said Mary ., Moreheac1, deceased, to-wit: First, The store house and lot on the west side of Fayette vi lie street, now occu pied by John fl Pescud as a'drus; s'ore.frout ing 28 feet on Fayetteville street, and run ning back west 9J0 feet to Salisbury street, iuclu iins wall privileges as now enjoyed. Second, The store louse and lot on the north side of East Hargett street, now occu pied by H H Crocker as a dry goods store, fronting about 22 feet on Hargett street, and running back north 60 feet with wall privi leges which belong to said lot Third, Tie stow house and lot on the south side of Hargett street, now occupied as a erccerv Btore by J F Redford. frontins about S6 feet on Hargett ct'eet and running hack south about 34 feet with all rights ap purtenant to said lot. . The lots above described will be sold for one-third cash, balance six months f'om sale day, with interest st 8 per ce t. Title reserved until purchase money is pai J. JOHN T PTJLLEV, o?31 tds Admr and Oom'r 8H1NGLES. ."SSS? At my mill, west end Harsrett street, on rail road; will be pleased toeu- se21 3m hix ADAMp. Eicimoad & D&nYlIle B B Co. . i wnvmuorEB ko mirsKX rosTia, EICXIVfEK. In effect No. iw. Southbound. Lt Richmond, .Barkerllie, Keysvllle, ir Danville ir GreenBooro Lt Goldsboro. r Ralelgr. I.e KnleiRi re I) or hair, ir Greensbon., Lt Balem, Hreensboro. Ar Salisbury, A) StatcsTille, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lt Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Lt Charlotte, ArColnmb' Augusta, Korthtoan Hot 19 45pm 3 Mpm 8 85pm 5 56pm 8 0 'pm 19 15pm 1 (5pm 4 4U(in 6 3ipo 7 40pm t6 40pu 8 10pm 9 50pn 9 16pm 11 lOrm 1 f6am 3C7am 9 OCam 1130am 6 00am 10 00am Daliy. Dally, fro 11 7 91am 9 20am t7 45pm 11 10pm 11 10pm . 7 15am 9 15sro 8 43am 9 80am 11 iviaw t13 03pm 4 2ipm i5 67 11 14am 19 40pn 8 86pm 4 42pm 11 00pm ITolO 6i0pm 10 50nm 6 00am 9 2i pm 6 40am 6 45am 8 17aa Lt Augusta, Columbia, .Ar Charlotte, jv Atlanta, A r Charlotte, Lt Charlotte, ' Salisbury, (t? Hot Hpring Asheville,, Btatesville, Ar Salisbury, jT Salisbury, ir Greensboro, Salem, Lt Greensboro Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lt Raleigh Ar Goldsboro, 'jy Greensboro, Ar Danville EeysviJle, Burkeville, Richmond, Dally except Sunday. BETWEEN VEST POINT AW RICHMOND. 7 50 am Lv West Point.Lv 8 50am 9 05 am Ar Richmond Ar 10 40 am 810 pm Lv Richmond Lt 4 45pm 6 00pm Ar West 1'olnt Ar 6 00pm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL. E1GH Tia KevsvilJe, 4 4pm Lv Raleigh Ar 6C0pm lj. BERKLEY, W. A. TURK, Superintendent, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Greensb'o.N C. Washington, D. O. J. S. B. THOMPSON, ttupt Rich.Va. . H. HARDWIOK, Ass't Gen. Pass. Atrent. Atlanta. Ga: Traffic Manager, Washington.D.C. Washington,DC. 8 27am 10 10am 11 80am 10 aOam 19 11pm 1 Oapn. 1 2 pm 8 01pm lt 20n. 12 01pm 9 45pm 8 25pm o SOpm 8 06am 7 00pm 7 45pm 9 IS ip 12 30pm 2 45pm 7 47pm 8 87pm 9 C2pm U SOpm 11 00am 11 85pm 3 35am 6 00am t8 45am 12 05pm 11 3 pn 1 15am 4C5un 4 flam 7 OCam V7 Ft flRKKN.- Gen'l Manager, hialir(f' Hua AOAUt A-AiKli ?o tike effect 9 am, Sunday, Aug. 26. w?. trains mov- Trains moT Ing South. ing North. No 41, No 88, Pass and Mail. eass and Mail. Daily ex Bun. Daily ex Son Leave. 4 20pm 441 " 4 54 44 5 31 44 0 00 44 6 24 44 6 64 44 7 50 4' S18 Northbound Trains, i'hro Frt and Pass 23, Dally exct - Sunday. JI JjV ArriTe. 11 17 am 10 67 am 10 45 am 1011 am 9 4? am 0 12 am 8 41 am 7 40 am 00 at. Southbound Trains-) Thro Frt and Pass 22, Stations- Dally exet jounoay. Rale.fc,ri, Cary, Apex, Moncure, Sanford, Cameron, Southern Pines, Hamlet, Gibson, Lt 7 21 7 43am 8 43am 9 27pm '0 10pm 11 ODpn. .2 45pm Ar P M Raleigh CaryJ 5 46 Apex 5 80 Monenre 4 20 Sanford tf 40 Cameron 2 45 Southern Pinea 1 65 Ar Hamlet Lt IS 80 Leave Plttsboro, 910am Arrive Moneure, 9 65 IieaTe Moncure 610pm ArriTe Pittsboro, 6 66 OARTHAak R B. lieave Carthage, 8 00 a m rriTe Cameron, 8 45 ! jeaTe Cameron. 9 45 Arrive Carthage, 10 80 !jeave Carthage, 4 OOp m Arrive Cameron, 4 45 p m T,eave Cameron, 5 60 .tmmm arrive Carthage, 8 85s WM SMITH. Snpt. OliJSOLK AND CAROLINA R.R OONDKN8KD SOHBDULK. Dated August 9th, 1891 South Bound Train. JTo. 101. A. M 9 50 10 15 10 27 1102 U20 1187 3152 2 31 2 53 120 JP. M. STATIONS. L've Pinner's Point Arrive No?Ui Bound Train. No. 100 P. M. L've L've L'e L've L've L've L've Ar Drivers, Suffolk Gates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro. . Rocky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've ; 525 2 01 4 47 414 5 54 336 3 21 2 39 217 160 A. M No 101 makes connection at Rocay Mount with W A W Train No 23 for all points U outh, and No 78 train for all points North. M SKRPRb, J R KBNIiY, Gen'l Manage 8upt Trains TM EMasoa, Gen'l Passenger Agt

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